function Remove-vCAVReplication(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a configured VM or vApp-level Replications from the currently connected vCloud Availability service. .DESCRIPTION Removes a configured VM or vApp-level Replications from the currently connected vCloud Availability service. Returns the vCloud Availability Task object for the operation. .PARAMETER VM Switch to use to remove a VM Replication .PARAMETER vApp Switch to use to remove a vApp Replication .PARAMETER ReplicationId The Id of the Replication object in the vCloud Availability installation .PARAMETER Async Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task object. .EXAMPLE Remove-vCAVReplication -vApp -ReplicationId "C4VAPP-26b6d9eb-61f9-4808-a3b0-32c9089c361b" Removes the Replication Protection for the vApp with the Id C4VAPP-26b6d9eb-61f9-4808-a3b0-32c9089c361b .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2019-07-19 VERSION: 2.0 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="vApp")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="VM")] [switch]$VM, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vApp")] [switch]$vApp, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $ReplicationId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch]$Async ) if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "vApp"){ $Replication = Get-vCAVReplications -vApp -ReplicationId $ReplicationId if($Replication.Count -eq 0){ throw "A vApp Replication with the Replication Id $ReplicationId can not be found in the installation." } else { $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "vapp-replications/$ReplicationId" } } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "VM"){ $Replication = Get-vCAVReplications -VM -ReplicationId $ReplicationId if($Replication.Count -eq 0){ throw "A VM Replication with the Replication Id $ReplicationId can not be found in the installation." } else { $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "vm-replications/$ReplicationId" } } try{ # Make the API call to execute the vCAV Operation $ReplicationRemoveTask = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $URI -Method Delete -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion).JSONData if(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Async")){ Watch-TaskCompleted -Task $ReplicationRemoveTask -Timeout ((Get-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope Session).WebOperationTimeoutSeconds) > $null } Get-vCAVTasks -Id $ } catch { throw "An unexpected error occured during the Remove-vCAVReplication operation." } } |