function Get-vCAVWorkloads(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an inventory of Cloud or On-Premises workloads available in the connected vCloud Availability installation. .DESCRIPTION Returns an inventory of Cloud or On-Premises workloads available in the connected vCloud Availability installation. Default for vCloud is to return the vApp worklods. This behaviour can be controlled by using the -VM/-vApp switches .PARAMETER vCloud Specifies that vCloud based workloads should be returned .PARAMETER vCenter Specifies that On-Premises based workloads should be returned .PARAMETER SiteName The On-Premises or Cloud Site Name .PARAMETER VM Switch to return VM workloads .PARAMETER vApp Switch to return vApp workloads .PARAMETER Id An optional Id of the Workload to filter on .EXAMPLE Get-vCAVWorkloads Returns the vCloud vApp based workloads in the local site. .EXAMPLE Get-vCAVWorkloads -vCloud -VM Returns the vCloud VM based workloads in the local site. .EXAMPLE Get-vCAVWorkloads -vCloud -SiteName "Site-B" Returns the vCloud vApp based workloads in the vCloud Availability site "Site-B". .EXAMPLE Get-vCAVWorkloads -vCenter -SiteName "PigeonNuggets_OnPrem" Returns the vCenter based workloads for all registered vCenters in the customer site "PigeonNuggets_OnPrem" .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2019-07-19 VERSION: 1.0 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="vCloud-vApp")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-vApp")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-VM")] [switch]$vCloud, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-VM")] [switch]$VM, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-vApp")] [switch]$vApp, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCenter")] [switch]$vCenter, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-vApp")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName="vCloud-VM")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName="vCenter")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $SiteName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Id ) # Set the API endpoint if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in ("vCloud-VM","vCloud-vApp")){ if(!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SiteName")){ $SiteName = ((Get-vCAVSites -SiteType "Local").site) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("VM")){ $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "inventory/vms" } else { $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "inventory/vapps" } #Create a Hashtable with the base filters [HashTable]$QueryFilters = @{ offset = 0 limit = 100 site = $SiteName } # Now make the API call for the objects # Now make the first call to the API and add the items to a collection $RequestResponse = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $URI -Method Get -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion -QueryParameters $QueryFilters).JSONData $colWorkloads = $RequestResponse.items [int] $OffsetPosition = 100 # Set the starting offset to 100 results while($OffsetPosition -lt ${ $QueryFilters.offset = $OffsetPosition $RequestResponse = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $URI -Method Get -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion -QueryParameters $QueryFilters).JSONData $colWorkloads += $RequestResponse.items $OffsetPosition += 100 } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Id")){ $colWorkloads | Where-Object {$ -eq $Id} } else { $colWorkloads } } elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "vCenter"){ # Check if the Site with the provided Name exists $vCenterSite = (Get-vCAVCustomerSites -SiteName $SiteName) $URI = $global:DefaultvCAVServer.ServiceURI + "vc-sites/$SiteName" # Make the API call for each vCenter foreach($vCenterServer in $vCenterSite.vCenters){ $vCenterURI = "$URI/$($vCenterServer.vcId)/vms" $RequestResponse = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $vCenterURI -Method Get -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion -QueryParameters $QueryFilters).JSONData $colVMs += $RequestResponse.items while($OffsetPosition -lt ${ $QueryFilters.offset = $OffsetPosition $RequestResponse = (Invoke-vCAVAPIRequest -URI $vCenterURI -Method Get -APIVersion $DefaultvCAVServer.DefaultAPIVersion -QueryParameters $QueryFilters).JSONData $colVMs += $RequestResponse.items $OffsetPosition += 100 } } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Id")){ $colVMs | Where-Object {$ -eq $Id} } else { $colVMs } } } |