Function Connect-HcxServer { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Connect to the HCX Enterprise Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet connects to the HCX Enterprise Manager .EXAMPLE Connect-HcxServer -Server $HCXServer -Username $Username -Password $Password #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Password ) $payload = @{ "username" = $Username "password" = $Password } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json $hcxLoginUrl = "https://$Server/hybridity/api/sessions" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLoginUrl -Body $body -Method POST -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLoginUrl -Body $body -Method POST -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { $hcxAuthToken = $results.Headers.'x-hm-authorization' $headers = @{ "x-hm-authorization"="$hcxAuthToken" "Content-Type"="application/json" "Accept"="application/json" } $global:hcxConnection = new-object PSObject -Property @{ 'Server' = "https://$server/hybridity/api"; 'headers' = $headers } $global:hcxConnection } else { Write-Error "Failed to connect to HCX Manager, please verify your vSphere SSO credentials" } } Function Get-HcxCloudConfig { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the Cloud HCX information that is registerd with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the Cloud HCX information that is registerd with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxCloudConfig #> If (-Not $global:hcxConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxServer " } Else { $cloudConfigUrl = $global:hcxConnection.Server + "/cloudConfigs" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $cloudvcRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cloudConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $cloudvcRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cloudConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $cloudvcData = ($cloudvcRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = $cloudvcData.cloudName; Version = $cloudvcData.version; Build = $cloudvcData.buildNumber; HCXUUID = $cloudvcData.endpointId; } $tmp } } Function Get-HcxEndpoint { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/24/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS List all HCX endpoints (onPrem and Cloud) .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet lists all HCX endpoints (onPrem and Cloud) .EXAMPLE Get-HcxEndpoint -cloudVCConnection $cloudVCConnection #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$cloudVCConnection ) If (-Not $global:hcxConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxManager " } Else { #Cloud HCX Manager $cloudHCXConnectionURL = $global:hcxConnection.Server + "/cloudConfigs" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $cloudRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cloudHCXConnectionURL -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $cloudRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cloudHCXConnectionURL -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $cloudData = ($cloudRequests.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items[0] $hcxInventoryUrl = $global:hcxConnection.Server + "/service/inventory/resourcecontainer/list" $payload = @{ "cloud" = @{ "local"="true"; "remote"="true"; } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxInventoryUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxInventoryUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $items = ($requests.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items $results = @() foreach ($item in $items) { $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ SourceResourceName = $item.resourceName; SourceResourceType = $item.resourceType; SourceResourceId = $item.resourceId; SourceEndpointName = $item.endpoint.name; SourceEndpointType = "VC" SourceEndpointId = $item.endpoint.endpointId; RemoteResourceName = $cloudVCConnection.name; RemoteResourceType = "VC" RemoteResourceId = $cloudVCConnection.InstanceUuid RemoteEndpointName = $cloudData.cloudName; RemoteEndpointType = $cloudData.cloudType; RemoteEndpointId = $cloudData.endpointId; } $results+=$tmp } return $results } else { Write-Error "Failed to list HCX Connection Resources" } } } Function New-HcxMigration { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/24/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Initiate a "Bulk" migrations supporting Cold, vMotion, VR or new Cloud Motion .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet initiates a "Bulk" migrations supporting Cold, vMotion, VR or new Cloud Motionn .EXAMPLE Validate Migration request only New-HcxMigration -onPremVCConnection $onPremVC -cloudVCConnection $cloudVC ` -MigrationType bulkVMotion ` -VMs @("SJC-CNA-34","SJC-CNA-35","SJC-CNA-36") ` -NetworkMappings @{"SJC-CORP-WORKLOADS"="sddc-cgw-network-1";"SJC-CORP-INTERNAL-1"="sddc-cgw-network-2";"SJC-CORP-INTERNAL-2"="sddc-cgw-network-3"} ` -StartTime "Sep 24 2018 1:30 PM" ` -EndTime "Sep 24 2018 2:30 PM" .EXAMPLE Start Migration request New-HcxMigration -onPremVCConnection $onPremVC -cloudVCConnection $cloudVC ` -MigrationType bulkVMotion ` -VMs @("SJC-CNA-34","SJC-CNA-35","SJC-CNA-36") ` -NetworkMappings @{"SJC-CORP-WORKLOADS"="sddc-cgw-network-1";"SJC-CORP-INTERNAL-1"="sddc-cgw-network-2";"SJC-CORP-INTERNAL-2"="sddc-cgw-network-3"} ` -StartTime "Sep 24 2018 1:30 PM" ` -EndTime "Sep 24 2018 2:30 PM" ` -MigrationType bulkVMotion #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String[]]$VMs, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Hashtable]$NetworkMappings, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$onPremVCConnection, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$cloudVCConnection, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$StartTime, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$EndTime, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("Cold","vMotion","VR","bulkVMotion")][String]$MigrationType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$ValidateOnly=$true ) If (-Not $global:hcxConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxManager " } Else { $hcxEndpointInfo = Get-HcxEndpoint -cloudVCConnection $cloudVCConnection $inputArray = @() foreach ($vm in $VMs) { $vmView = Get-View -Server $onPremVCConnection -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"name"=$vm} $cloudResourcePoolName = "Compute-ResourcePool" $cloudFolderName = "Workloads" $cloudDatastoreName = "WorkloadDatastore" $cloudDatacenterName = "SDDC-Datacenter" $cloudResourcePool = (Get-ResourcePool -Server $cloudVCConnection -Name $cloudResourcePoolName).ExtensionData $cloudFolder = (Get-Folder -Server $cloudVCConnection -Name $cloudFolderName).ExtensionData $cloudDatastore = (Get-Datastore -Server $cloudVCConnection -Name $cloudDatastoreName).ExtensionData $cloudDatacenter = (Get-Datacenter -Server $cloudVCConnection -Name $cloudDatacenterName).ExtensionData $placementArray = @() $placement = @{ "containerType"="folder"; "containerId"=$cloudFolder.MoRef.Value; "containerName"=$cloudFolderName; } $placementArray+=$placement $placement = @{ "containerType"="resourcePool"; "containerId"=$cloudResourcePool.MoRef.Value; "containerName"=$cloudResourcePoolName; } $placementArray+=$placement $placement = @{ "containerType"="dataCenter"; "containerId"=$cloudDatacenter.MoRef.Value; "containerName"=$cloudDatacenterName; } $placementArray+=$placement $networkArray = @() $vmNetworks = $vmView.Network foreach ($vmNetwork in $vmNetworks) { if($vmNetwork.Type -eq "Network") { $sourceNetworkType = "VirtualNetwork" } else { $sourceNetworkType = $vmNetwork.Type } $sourceNetworkRef = New-Object VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReference $sourceNetworkRef.Type = $vmNetwork.Type $sourceNetworkRef.Value = $vmNetwork.Value $sourceNetwork = Get-View -Server $onPremVCConnection $sourceNetworkRef $sourceNetworkName = $sourceNetwork.Name $destNetworkName = $NetworkMappings[$sourceNetworkName] $destNetwork = Get-VDPortGroup -Server $cloudVCConnection -Name $destNetworkName if($destNetwork.Id -match "DistributedVirtualPortgroup") { $destNetworkType = "DistributedVirtualPortgroup" $destNetworkId = ($destNetwork.Id).Replace("DistributedVirtualPortgroup-","") } else { $destNetworkType = "Network" $destNetworkId = ($destNetwork.Id).Replace("Network-","") } $tmp = @{ "srcNetworkType" = $sourceNetworkType; "srcNetworkValue" = $vmNetwork.Value; "srcNetworkHref" = $vmNetwork.Value; "srcNetworkName" = $sourceNetworkName; "destNetworkType" = $destNetworkType; "destNetworkValue" = $destNetworkId; "destNetworkHref" = $destNetworkId; "destNetworkName" = $destNetworkName; } $networkArray+=$tmp } $input = @{ "input" = @{ "migrationType"=$MigrationType; "entityDetails" = @{ "entityId"=$vmView.MoRef.Value; "entityName"=$vm; } "source" = @{ "endpointType"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceEndpointType; "endpointId"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceEndpointId; "endpointName"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceEndpointName; "resourceType"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceResourceType; "resourceId"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceResourceId; "resourceName"=$hcxEndpointInfo.SourceResourceName; } "destination" = @{ "endpointType"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteEndpointType; "endpointId"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteEndpointId; "endpointName"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteEndpointName; "resourceType"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteResourceType; "resourceId"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteResourceId; "resourceName"=$hcxEndpointInfo.RemoteResourceName; } "placement" = $placementArray "storage" = @{ "datastoreId"=$cloudDatastore.Moref.Value; "datastoreName"=$cloudDatastoreName; "diskProvisionType"="thin"; } "networks" = @{ "retainMac" = $true; "targetNetworks" = $networkArray; } "decisionRules" = @{ "removeSnapshots"=$true; "removeISOs"=$true; "forcePowerOffVm"=$false; "upgradeHardware"=$false; "upgradeVMTools"=$false; } "schedule" = @{} } } $inputArray+=$input } $spec = @{ "migrations"=$inputArray } $body = $spec | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 Write-Verbose -Message "Pre-Validation JSON Spec: $body" $hcxMigrationValiateUrl = $global:hcxConnection.Server+ "/migrations?action=validate" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxMigrationValiateUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxMigrationValiateUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $validationErrors = ($requests.Content|ConvertFrom-Json).migrations.validationInfo.validationResult.errors if($validationErrors -ne $null) { Write-Host -Foreground Red "`nThere were validation errors found for this HCX Migration Spec ..." foreach ($message in $validationErrors) { Write-Host -Foreground Yellow "`t" $message.message } } else { Write-Host -Foreground Green "`nHCX Pre-Migration Spec successfully validated" if($ValidateOnly -eq $false) { try { $startDateTime = $StartTime | Get-Date } catch { Write-Host -Foreground Red "Invalid input for -StartTime, please check for typos" exit } try { $endDateTime = $EndTime | Get-Date } catch { Write-Host -Foreground Red "Invalid input for -EndTime, please check for typos" exit } $offset = (Get-TimeZone).GetUtcOffset($startDateTime).TotalMinutes $offset = [int]($offSet.toString().replace("-","")) $schedule = @{ scheduledFailover = $true; startYear = $startDateTime.Year; startMonth = $startDateTime.Month; startDay = $startDateTime.Day; startHour = $startDateTime | Get-Date -UFormat %H; startMinute = $startDateTime | Get-Date -UFormat %M; endYear = $endDateTime.Year; endMonth = $endDateTime.Month; endDay = $endDateTime.Day; endHour = $endDateTime | Get-Date -UFormat %H; endMinute = $endDateTime | Get-Date -UFormat %M; timezoneOffset = $offset; } foreach ($migration in $spec.migrations) { $migration.input.schedule = $schedule } $body = $spec | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 8 Write-Verbose -Message "Validated JSON Spec: $body" $hcxMigrationStartUrl = $global:hcxConnection.Server+ "/migrations?action=start" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxMigrationStartUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxMigrationStartUrl -Body $body -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $migrationIds = ($requests.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).migrations.migrationId Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Starting HCX Migration ..." foreach ($migrationId in $migrationIds) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`tMigrationID: $migrationId" } } else { Write-Error "Failed to start HCX Migration" } } } } else { Write-Error "Failed to validate HCX Migration spec" } } } Function Get-HcxMigration { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/24/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS List all HCX Migrations that are in-progress, have completed or failed .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet lists ist all HCX Migrations that are in-progress, have completed or failed .EXAMPLE List all HCX Migrations Get-HcxMigration .EXAMPLE List all running HCX Migrations Get-HcxMigration -RunningMigrations .EXAMPLE List all HCX Migrations Get-HcxMigration -MigrationId <MigrationID> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String[]]$MigrationId, [Switch]$RunningMigrations ) If (-Not $global:hcxConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxManager " } Else { If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MigrationId")){ $spec = @{ filter = @{ migrationId = $MigrationId } paging =@{ pageSize = $MigrationId.Count } } } Else { $spec = @{} } $body = $spec | ConvertTo-Json $hcxQueryUrl = $global:hcxConnection.Server + "/migrations?action=query" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxQueryUrl -Method POST -body $body -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxQueryUrl -Method POST -Headers $global:hcxConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MigrationId")){ $migrations = ($requests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).items } else { $migrations = ($requests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).rows } if($RunningMigrations){ $migrations = $migrations | where { $_.jobInfo.state -ne "MIGRATE_FAILED" -and $_.jobInfo.state -ne "MIGRATE_CANCELED"-and $_.jobInfo.state -ne "MIGRATED" } } $results = @() foreach ($migration in $migrations) { $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ ID = $migration.migrationId; VM = $migration.migrationInfo.entityDetails.entityName; State = $migration.jobInfo.state; Progress = ($migration.migrationInfo.progressDetails.progressPercentage).toString() + " %"; DataCopied = ([math]::round($migration.migrationInfo.progressDetails.diskCopyBytes/1Gb, 2)).toString() + " GB"; Message = $migration.migrationInfo.message; InitiatedBy = $migration.jobInfo.username; CreateDate = $migration.jobInfo.creationDate; LastUpdated = $migration.jobInfo.lastUpdated; } $results+=$tmp } $results } } Function Connect-HcxVAMI { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Connect to the HCX Enterprise Manager VAMI .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet connects to the HCX Enterprise Manager VAMI .EXAMPLE Connect-HcxVAMI -Server $HCXServer -Username $VAMIUsername -Password $VAMIPassword #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Password ) $pair = "${Username}:${Password}" $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64" $headers = @{ "authorization"="$basicAuthValue" "Content-Type"="application/json" "Accept"="application/json" } $global:hcxVAMIConnection = new-object PSObject -Property @{ 'Server' = "https://${server}:9443"; 'headers' = $headers } $global:hcxVAMIConnection } Function Get-HcxVCConfig { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the onPrem vCenter Server registered with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the onPrem vCenter Server registered with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxVCConfig #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $vcConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/vcenter" $pscConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/lookupservice" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $vcRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vcConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck $ssoRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pscConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $vcRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vcConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing $ssoRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pscConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $vcData = ($vcRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items $ssoData = ($ssoRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = $vcData.config.name; UserName = $vcData.Config.userName LookupServiceUrl = $ssoData.config.lookupServiceUrl Version = $vcData.config.version; Build = $vcData.config.buildNumber; UUID = $vcData.config.vcuuid; HCXUUID = $vcData.config.uuid; } $tmp } } Function Get-HcxLicense { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: Mark McGilly Date: 4/29/2019 Organization: Liberty Mutual Insurance =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the license key that is registered with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the license key registered with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxLicense #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $hcxConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/hcx" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $licenseRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $licenseRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $license = ($licenseRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items if($licenseRequests) { $license.config.activationKey } } } Function Set-HcxLicense { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Activate HCX Manager with HCX Cloud .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet activates HCX Manager with HCX Cloud .EXAMPLE Set-HcxLicense -LicenseKey <KEY> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$LicenseKey ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $hcxConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/hcx" $method = "POST" $hcxConfig = @{ config = @{ url = "https://connect.hcx.vmware.com"; activationKey = $LicenseKey; } } $payload = @{ data = @{ items = @($hcxConfig) } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$vcConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully registered HCX Manager with HCX Cloud" if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items } } else { Write-Error "Failed to registered HCX Manager" } } } Function Set-HcxVCConfig { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Registers on-prem vCenter Server with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet registers on-prem vCenter Server with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Set-HcxVC -VIServer <hostname> -VIUsername <username> -VIPassword <password> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$VIServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$PSCServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$VIUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$VIPassword, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $vcConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/vcenter" $pscConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/lookupservice" $method = "POST" $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($VIPassword) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $vcConfig = @{ config = @{ url = "https://$VIServer"; userName = $VIUsername; password = $base64; } } $payload = @{ data = @{ items = @($vcConfig) } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$vcConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vcConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vcConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully registered vCenter Server with HCX Manager" if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items.config } $pscConfig = @{ config = @{ lookupServiceUrl = "https://$PSCServer" providerType = "PSC" } } $payload = @{ data = @{ items = @($pscConfig) } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$pscConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pscConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $pscConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully registered PSC with HCX Manager" if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items.config } } else { Write-Error "Failed to registered PSC Server" } } else { Write-Error "Failed to registered vCenter Server" } } } Function Get-HcxNSXConfig { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the onPrem NSX-V Server registered with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the onPrem NSX-V Server registered with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxNSXConfig #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $nsxConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/nsx" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $nsxRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $nsxRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $nsxData = ($nsxRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ Name = $nsxData.config.url; UserName = $nsxData.config.userName Version = $nsxData.config.version; HCXUUID = $nsxData.config.uuid; } $tmp } } Function Set-HcxNSXConfig { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Registers on-prem NSX-V Server with HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet registers on-prem NSX-V Server with HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Set-HcxNSXConfig -NSXServer <hostname> -NSXUsername <username> -NSXPassword <password> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$NSXServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$NSXUsername, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$NSXPassword, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $nsxConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/nsx" $method = "POST" $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($NSXPassword) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $nsxConfig = @{ config = @{ url = "https://$NSXServer"; userName = $NSXUsername; password = $base64; } } $payload = @{ data = @{ items = @($nsxConfig) } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$nsxConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nsxConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully registered NSX Server with HCX Manager" if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items.config } } else { Write-Error "Failed to registered NSX Server" } return $config } } Function Get-HcxCity { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the available HCX Location based on user City and Country input .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the available HCX Location based on user City and Country input .EXAMPLE Get-HcxCity -City <City> -Country <Country> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$City, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $citySearchUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/searchCities?searchString=$City" $method = "GET" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$citySearchUrl`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $citySearchUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $citySearchUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully returned results for City search: $City" $cityDetails = ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).items $cityDetails | select City,Country } else { Write-Error "Failed to search for city $City" } } } Function Get-HcxLocation { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the registered City/Country location for HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the registered City/Country location for HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxLocation #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $locationConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/location" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $locationRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $locationConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $locationRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $locationConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } ($locationRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json) } } Function Set-HcxLocation { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Register HCX Manager to a specific City/Country .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet register HCX Manager to a specific City/Country .EXAMPLE Set-HcxLocation -City <City> -Country <Country> #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$City, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$Country, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $citySearchUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/searchCities?searchString=$City" $method = "GET" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$citySearchUrl`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $citySearchUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $citySearchUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).items } $locationConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/location" $method = "PUT" $cityDetails = ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).items $cityDetails = $cityDetails | where { $_.city -eq $City -and $_.country -match $Country } if(-not $cityDetails) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid input for City and/or Country, please provide the exact input from Get-HcxCity cmdlet" break } $locationConfig = @{ city = $cityDetails.city; country = $cityDetails.country; province = $cityDetails.province; latitude = $cityDetails.latitude; longitude = $cityDetails.longitude; } $body = $locationConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$locationConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $locationConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $locationConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 204) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully registered datacenter location $City to HCX Manager" } else { Write-Error "Failed to registerd datacenter location in HCX Manager" } } else { Write-Error "Failed to search for city $City" } } } Function Get-HcxRoleMapping { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the System Admin and Enterprise User Group role mappings for HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the System Admin and Enterprise User Group role mappings for HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxRoleMapping #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $roleConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/roleMappings" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $roleRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $roleRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } ($roleRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json) } } Function Set-HcxRoleMapping { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 09/16/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Configures the System Admin and Enterprise User Group role mappings for HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet configures the System Admin and Enterprise User Group role mappings for HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Set-HcxRoleMapping -SystemAdminGroup @("DOMAIN\GROUP") -EnterpriseAdminGroup @("DOMAIN\GROUP") #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String[]]$SystemAdminGroup, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String[]]$EnterpriseAdminGroup, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $roleConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/roleMappings" $method = "PUT" $roleConfig = @() $systemAdminRole = @{ role = "System Administrator"; userGroups = $SystemAdminGroup } $enterpriseAdminRole = @{ role = "Enterprise Administrator" userGroups = $EnterpriseAdminGroup } $roleConfig+=$systemAdminRole $roleConfig+=$enterpriseAdminRole $body = $roleConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$locationConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully updated vSphere Group Mappings in HCX Manager" } else { Write-Error "Failed to update vSphere Group Mappings" } } } Function Get-HcxProxy { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 10/31/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the proxy settings for HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the proxy settings for HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Get-HcxProxy #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $proxyConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/proxy" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $proxyRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $proxyConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $proxyRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $proxyConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $proxySettings = ($proxyRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items if($proxyRequests) { $proxySettings.config } } } Function Set-HcxProxy { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 10/31/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Configure proxy settings on HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet configure proxy settings on HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Set-HcxProxy -ProxyServer proxy.vmware.com -ProxyPort 3124 .EXAMPLE Set-HcxProxy -ProxyServer proxy.vmware.com -ProxyPort 3124 -ProxyUser foo -ProxyPassword bar #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$ProxyServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)]$ProxyPort, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$ProxyUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$ProxyPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)]$ProxyExclusions, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX VAMI Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $proxyConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/proxy" $method = "POST" if(-not $ProxyUser) { $ProxyUser = ""} if(-not $ProxyPassword) { $ProxyPassword = ""} $proxyConfig = @{ config = @{ proxyHost = "$ProxyServer"; proxyPort = "$ProxyPort"; nonProxyHosts = "$ProxyExclusions"; userName = "$ProxyUser"; password = "$ProxyPassword"; } } $payload = @{ data = @{ items = @($proxyConfig) } } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $method`n$proxyConfigUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $proxyConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $proxyConfigUrl -Body $body -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully updated proxy settings in HCX Manager" if($Troubleshoot) { ($results.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items.config } } else { Write-Error "Failed to update proxy settings" } } } Function Remove-HcxProxy { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 10/31/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the proxy settings for HCX Manager .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the proxy settings for HCX Manager .EXAMPLE Remove-HcxProxy #> If (-Not $global:hcxVAMIConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $roleConfigUrl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/proxy" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $proxyRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $proxyRequests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $roleConfigUrl -Method GET -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } $proxySettings = ($proxyRequests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).data.items if($proxyRequests) { $proxyUUID = $proxySettings.config.UUID $deleteProxyConfigURl = $global:hcxVAMIConnection.Server + "/api/admin/global/config/proxy/$proxyUUID" $method = "DELETE" try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $deleteProxyConfigURl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $deleteProxyConfigURl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxVAMIConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nRequest failed: ($_.Exception)`n" break } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully deleted proxy settings in HCX Manager" } else { Write-Error "Failed to delete proxy settings" } } else { Write-Warning "No proxy settings were configured" } } } Function Connect-HcxCloudServer { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Connect to the HCX Cloud Service .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet connects to the HCX Cloud Service .EXAMPLE Connect-HcxCloudServer -RefreshToken #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$RefreshToken, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/api-tokens/authorize" -Method POST -Headers @{accept='application/json'} -Body "refresh_token=$RefreshToken" if($results.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to retrieve Access Token, please ensure your VMC Refresh Token is valid and try again" break } $accessToken = ($results | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token $payload = @{ token = $accessToken; } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json $hcxCloudLoginUrl = "https://connect.hcx.vmware.com/provider/csp/api/sessions" if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxCloudLoginUrl -Body $body -Method POST -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxCloudLoginUrl -Body $body -Method POST -UseBasicParsing -ContentType "application/json" } if($results.StatusCode -eq 200) { $hcxAuthToken = $results.Headers.'x-hm-authorization' $headers = @{ "x-hm-authorization"="$hcxAuthToken" "Content-Type"="application/json" "Accept"="application/json" } $global:hcxCloudConnection = new-object PSObject -Property @{ 'Server' = "https://connect.hcx.vmware.com/provider/csp/consumer/api"; 'headers' = $headers } $global:hcxCloudConnection } else { Write-Error "Failed to connect to HCX Cloud Service, please verify your CSP Refresh Token is valid" } } Function Get-HCXCloudActivationKey { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the activation keys from HCX Cloud .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the activation keys from HCX Cloud .EXAMPLE Get-HCXCloudActivationKeys .EXAMPLE Get-HCXCloudActivationKeys -Type [AVAILABLE|CONSUMED|DEACTIVATED|DELETED] #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("AVAILABLE","CONSUMED","DEACTIVATED","DELETED")][String]$Type, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxCloudConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $method = "GET" $hcxLicenseUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/activationKeys" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$hcxLicenseUrl`n" } if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLicenseUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLicenseUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } if($Type) { ($results.content | ConvertFrom-Json).result.activationKeys | where { $_.status -eq $Type} } else { ($results.content | ConvertFrom-Json).result.activationKeys } } } Function Get-HCXCloudSubscription { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns the subscription information for HCX CLoud Service .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns the subscription information for HCX Cloud Service .EXAMPLE Get-HCXCloudSubscription #> Param ( [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxCloudConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $method = "GET" $hcxSubscriptionUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/subscriptions" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$hcxSubscriptionUrl`n" } if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxSubscriptionUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxSubscriptionUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } ($results.content | ConvertFrom-Json).subscriptions | select @{Name = "SID"; Expression = {$_.sid}},@{Name = "STATUS"; Expression = {$_.status}},@{Name = 'OfferName'; Expression = {$_.subscriptionComponents.offerName}} } } Function New-HCXCloudActivationKey { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Requests new HCX Activation License Key .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet requests new HCX Activation License Key .EXAMPLE Get-HCXCloudActivationKey -SID <SID> -SystemType [HCX-CLOUD|HCX-ENTERPRISE] #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("HCX-CLOUD","HCX-ENTERPRISE")][String]$SystemType, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxCloudConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $method = "POST" $hcxLicenseUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/activationKeys" $payload = @{ numberOfKeys = "1"; sid = $SID; systemType = ($SystemType).toLower(); } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$hcxSubscriptionUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLicenseUrl -Method $method -Body $body -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxLicenseUrl -Method $method -Body $body -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nThe HCX Cloud session is no longer valid, please re-run the Connect-HCXCloudServer cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in requesting new HCX license key" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { Write-Host "Successfully requestd new $SystemType License Key" ($requests.content | ConvertFrom-Json).activationKeys } } } Function Get-HCXCloud { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Returns HCX deployment information for all SDDCs .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet returns HCX deployment information for all SDDCs .EXAMPLE Get-HCXCloud #> Param ( [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxCloudConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $method = "GET" $hcxCloudSDDCUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/sddcs" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$hcxSubscriptionUrl`n" } if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxCloudSDDCUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxCloudSDDCUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } ($results.content | ConvertFrom-Json).sddcs | Sort-Object -Property Name | select @{Name = "SDDCName"; Expression = {$_.name}}, @{Name = "SDDCID"; Expression = {$_.id}}, @{Name = "HCXStatus"; Expression = {$_.activationStatus}}, @{Name = "Region"; Expression = {$_.region}} } } Function Set-HCXCloud { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 06/19/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .SYNOPSIS Activate or Deactivate HCX for given VMC SDDC .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet activates or deactivates HCX for given VMC SDDC .EXAMPLE Set-HCXCloud -Activate -SDDCID $SDDCID .EXAMPLE Set-HCXCloud -Deactivate -SDDCID $SDDCID #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SDDCID, [Switch]$Activate, [Switch]$Deactivate, [Switch]$Troubleshoot ) If (-Not $global:hcxCloudConnection) { Write-error "HCX Auth Token not found, please run Connect-HcxVAMI " } Else { $method = "POST" if($Activate) { $HcxSid = (Get-HCXCloudSubscription | where {$_.STATUS -eq "ACTIVE"}).SID # Check to see if there is an available HCX-Cloud Key $HcxKey = ((Get-HCXCloudActivationKey -Type AVAILABLE | where {$_.systemType -eq 'hcx-cloud'}) | select -First 1).activationKey if($HcxKey -eq $null) { $HcxKey = New-HCXCloudActivationKey -SID $HcxSid -SystemType HCX-CLOUD } if($HCXKey -eq $null -or $HcxSid -eq $null) { Write-Error "Failed to retrieve HCX Subscription ID or request HCX Cloud License Key" break } $hcxSDDCUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/sddcs/$($SDDCID)?action=activate" $payload = @{ activationKey = $HcxKey; } } else { $payload = "" $hcxSDDCUrl = $global:hcxCloudConnection.Server + "/sddcs/$($SDDCID)?action=deactivate" } $body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$hcxSDDCUrl`n" Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "[DEBUG]`n$body`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxSDDCUrl -Method $method -Body $body -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $hcxSDDCUrl -Method $method -Body $body -Headers $global:hcxCloudConnection.headers -UseBasicParsing } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nThe HCX Cloud session is no longer valid, please re-run the Connect-HCXCloudServer cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in attempting to activate or deactivate HCX" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($Activate) { Write-Host "Activating HCX for SDDC: $SDDCID, starting deployment. You can monitor the status using the HCX Cloud Console" } else { Write-Host "Deactivating HCX for SDDC: $SDDCID, starting un-deploymentt. You can monitor the status using the HCX Cloud Console" } ($requests.content | ConvertFrom-Json) } } } |