function Get-CIBrandingIcon(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads the currently defined branding icon for a vCloud Director instance. .DESCRIPTION Downloads the currently defined branding icon for a vCloud Director instance. .PARAMETER OutputFileName The file path to save the icon file. .EXAMPLE Get-CIBrandingIcon -OutputFileName "D:\icon.png" Returns the Branding Icon and saves it as D:\icon.png .NOTES These cmdlets were refactored based on the original work of Jon Waite. The original implementation is available from Per-tenant branding requires functionality first introduced in vCloud Director 9.7 (API Version 32.0) and will *NOT* work with any prior release. #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string] $OutputFileName ) # Always check if we are connected first Test-CIServerConnection | Out-Null # Set the location to the current folder $OutputFileName = "$($pwd.Path)\" + $OutputFileName # Define basic request properties for the API call [Hashtable] $RequestParameters = @{ URI = "$($global:DefaultCIServers.CloudAPIServiceURI)/branding/icon" Method = "Get" Headers = @{ "x-vcloud-authorization" = $global:DefaultCIServers.SessionId; "Accept" = 'image/png;version=33.0, image/x-icon;version=33.0' } OutFile = $OutputFileName SkipCertificateCheck = $true } # Make the API call and return the result try{ Invoke-WebRequest @RequestParameters } catch { Write-Error ("Error occurred retrieving icon, Status Code is $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__).") return } } |