function Get-CIRightsCategory(){ <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Cloud Director Rights Categories visible to the logged in user. .DESCRIPTION Get a list of Cloud Director Rights Categories visible to the logged in user. .PARAMETER Name Optionally the Name to filter the Rights Categories .PARAMETER Id Optionally the Id to filter the Rights Categories .PARAMETER TopLevelCatagoriesOnly If provided only the Parent Catagories (Top-Level) objects are returned .PARAMETER ExcludeTopLevelCatagories If provided the Parent Catagories (Top-Level) objects are excluded from the results .EXAMPLE Get-CIRightsCategory Returns a collection of all Rights Categories in the connected installation .EXAMPLE Get-CIRightsCategory -Id "urn:vcloud:rightsCategory:ee165a95-b115-325b-a2f3-1e6d1c5c1e7a" Returns the Right Category with the Id "urn:vcloud:rightsCategory:ee165a95-b115-325b-a2f3-1e6d1c5c1e7a" if it exists .EXAMPLE Get-CIRightsCategory -Name "Additional Services" Returns the Right Category with the name "Additional Services" if it exists .EXAMPLE Get-CIRightsCategory -ExcludeTopLevelCatagories Returns all of the Rights Categories but excludes the Top Level Rights Categories (which are assign no rights) from the results .EXAMPLE Get-CIRightsCategory -TopLevelCatagoriesOnly Returns a collection of the Top Level Rights Categories only .NOTES AUTHOR: Adrian Begg LASTEDIT: 2020-01-08 VERSION: 1.0 #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ByName")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = "ById")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch] $TopLevelCatagoriesOnly, [switch] $ExcludeTopLevelCatagories ) # Always check if we are connected first Test-CIServerConnection | Out-Null # First define the request "Body" with any filters or mandatory parameters [Hashtable] $APIParameters = @{ page = 1 pageSize = 128 } # Next define basic request properties for the API call [Hashtable] $RequestParameters = @{ URI = "$($global:DefaultCIServers.CloudAPIServiceURI)/1.0.0/rightsCategories" Method = "Get" APIVersion = 33 Data = $APIParameters } # Make the API call to retrieve all of the Rights $Response = (Invoke-CICloudAPIRequest @RequestParameters).JSONData # Store the intermediate results $colRightsCategory = $Response.values # Check there are more results then are in the current page continue to query until all items have been returned if($Response.pageCount -ne 0){ while ($Response.pageCount -gt ${ # Increment to the next page and add the results ($ | Out-Null $RequestParameters.Data = $APIParameters $Response = (Invoke-CICloudAPIRequest @RequestParameters).JSONData $colRightsCategory += $Response.values } } # Next we need to determine if we need to filter the results at all - to prevent multiple API calls process subset if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Name')){ $colRightsCategoryResults = $colRightsCategory | Where-Object {$ -eq $Name} } elseif($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Id')){ $colRightsCategoryResults = $colRightsCategory | Where-Object {$ -eq $Id} } else { $colRightsCategoryResults = $colRightsCategory } # Next check filters for Top Level Catagories only or to exclude if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TopLevelCatagoriesOnly')){ $colRightsCategoryResults = $colRightsCategoryResults | Where-Object {$_.subCategories.Count -ne 0} } elseif($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ExcludeTopLevelCatagories')){ $colRightsCategoryResults = $colRightsCategoryResults | Where-Object {$_.parent.Count -ne 0} } # Now for each Right Category that is a child add the parent name to make the results more senseful for processing foreach($objRightCategory in ($colRightsCategoryResults | Where-Object {$_.parent.Count -ne 0})){ $objRightCategory | Add-Member Note* parentCategoryName (($colRightsCategory | Where-Object {$ -eq $objRightCategory.parent}).name) } return $colRightsCategoryResults } |