Function Get-CSPAccessToken { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 07/23/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: https://www.williamlam.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION Converts a Refresh Token from the VMware Console Services Portal to CSP Access Token to access CSP API .PARAMETER RefreshToken The Refresh Token from the VMware Console Services Portal .EXAMPLE Get-CSPAccessToken -RefreshToken $RefreshToken #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$RefreshToken ) $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/api-tokens/authorize" -Method POST -Headers @{accept='application/json'} -Body "refresh_token=$RefreshToken" if($results.StatusCode -ne 200) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed to retrieve Access Token, please ensure your VMC Refresh Token is valid and try again" break } $accessToken = ($results | ConvertFrom-Json).access_token Write-Host "CSP Auth Token has been successfully retrieved and saved to `$globalv:cspAuthToken" $global:cspAuthToken = $accessToken $headers = @{ "csp-auth-token"="$accessToken" "Content-Type"="application/json" "Accept"="application/json" } $global:cspConnection = new-object PSObject -Property @{ 'headers' = $headers } $global:cspConnection } Function Get-CSPServices { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 07/23/2018 Organization: VMware Blog: https://www.williamlam.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION Returns the list of CSP Services avialable for given user .EXAMPLE Get-CSPServices #> If (-Not $global:cspConnection) { Write-error "CSP Auth Token not found, please run Get-CSPAccessToken" } Else { $method = "GET" $cspServiceUrl = "https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/slc/api/definitions?expand=1" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$cspServiceUrl`n" } try { Write-Host "Retrievig CSP Services ..." if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cspServiceUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:nsxtProxyConnection.headers -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $cspServiceUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:nsxtProxyConnection.headers } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nCSP Auth Token is no longer valid, please re-run the Get-CSPAccessToken cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in retrieving CSP Services" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { ((($results.Content) | ConvertFrom-Json).results | where {$_.visible -eq $true}).displayName } } } Function Get-CSPRefreshTokenExpiry { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Date: 01/10/2019 Organization: VMware Blog: https://www.williamlam.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the expiry for a given CSP Refresh Token .PARAMETER RefreshToken Retrieve the expiry for a given CSP Refresh Token .EXAMPLE Get-CSPRefreshTokenExpiry -RefreshToken $RefreshToken #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$RefreshToken ) $body = @{"tokenValue"="$RefreshToken"} $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json $results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/api-tokens/details" -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -UseBasicParsing -Body $json $tokenDetails = (($results.Content) | ConvertFrom-Json) $createDate = (Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970").AddMilliseconds($tokenDetails.createdAt).ToLocalTime() $usedDate = (Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970").AddMilliseconds($tokenDetails.lastUsedAt).ToLocalTime() $expiryDate = (Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970").AddMilliseconds($tokenDetails.expiresAt).ToLocalTime() $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ LastUsedDate = $usedDate; CreatedDate = $createDate; ExpiryDate = $expiryDate; } $tmp | Format-List } Function Get-SddcAccountLink { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$OrgName ) If (-Not $global:DefaultVMCServers.IsConnected) { Write-error "No valid VMC Connection found, please use the Connect-VMC to connect"; break } Else { If (-Not $global:cspConnection) { Write-error "CSP Auth Token not found, please run Get-CSPAccessToken" } Else { $orgService = Get-VmcService "com.vmware.vmc.orgs" $orgId = ($orgService.list() | where {$_.display_name -eq $OrgName}).Id $method = "GET" $accountLinkUrl = "https://vmc.vmware.com/vmc/api/orgs/${orgId}/account-link" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$accountLinkUrl`n" } try { Write-Host "Retrievig VMC Account Link Information ..." if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $accountLinkUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $accountLinkUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nCSP Auth Token is no longer valid, please re-run the Get-CSPAccessToken cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in retrieving VMC Account Link Information" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $requests.Content|convertfrom-json|gm } } } } Function Get-VmcConnectedAccounts { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$OrgName ) If (-Not $global:DefaultVMCServers.IsConnected) { Write-error "No valid VMC Connection found, please use the Connect-VMC to connect"; break } Else { If (-Not $global:cspConnection) { Write-error "CSP Auth Token not found, please run Get-CSPAccessToken" } Else { $orgService = Get-VmcService "com.vmware.vmc.orgs" $orgId = ($orgService.list() | where {$_.display_name -eq $OrgName}).Id $method = "GET" $accountLinkUrl = "https://vmc.vmware.com/vmc/api/orgs/${orgId}/account-link/connected-accounts" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$accountLinkUrl`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $accountLinkUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $accountLinkUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nCSP Auth Token is no longer valid, please re-run the Get-CSPAccessToken cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in retrieving VMC Account Link Information" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $connectedAccounts = ($requests.Content|ConvertFrom-Json) $results = @() foreach ($connectedAccount in $connectedAccounts) { $tmp = [pscustomobject][ordered] @{ ID = $connectedAccount.id; AWSAccount = $connectedAccount.account_number; CloudFormationStack = $connectedAccount.cf_stack_name; State = $connectedAccount.state; } $results+=$tmp } $results } } } } Function Get-SddcAccountConnections { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$OrgName ) If (-Not $global:DefaultVMCServers.IsConnected) { Write-error "No valid VMC Connection found, please use the Connect-VMC to connect"; break } Else { If (-Not $global:cspConnection) { Write-error "CSP Auth Token not found, please run Get-CSPAccessToken" } Else { $orgService = Get-VmcService "com.vmware.vmc.orgs" $orgId = ($orgService.list() | where {$_.display_name -eq $OrgName}).Id $method = "GET" $sddcConnectionUrl = "https://vmc.vmware.com/vmc/api/orgs/${orgId}/account-link/sddc-connections" if($Troubleshoot) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor cyan "`n[DEBUG] - $METHOD`n$sddcConnectionUrl`n" } try { if($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sddcConnectionUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $requests = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sddcConnectionUrl -Method $method -Headers $global:cspConnection.headers } } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nCSP Auth Token is no longer valid, please re-run the Get-CSPAccessToken cmdlet to retrieve a new token`n" break } else { Write-Error "Error in retrieving VMC Account Link Information" Write-Error "`n($_.Exception.Message)`n" break } } $connectedAccounts = Get-SddcConnectedAccounts -OrgName $OrgName if($requests.StatusCode -eq 200) { $sddcConnections = ($requests.Content|ConvertFrom-Json) | where {$_.state -ne "DELETED"} $results = @() foreach ($sddcConnection in $sddcConnections) { $tmp = [pscustomobject][ordered] @{ ID = $sddcConnection.id; SDDC = (Get-VmcSddc | where {$_.id -eq $sddcConnection.sddc_id}).name; AWSAccount = ($connectedAccounts | where {$_.id -eq $sddcConnection.connected_account_id}).AWSAccount; } $results+=$tmp } $results } } } } |