
Function New-MyOrg {
    Creates a new vCD Org with Default Parameters
    Creates a new vCD Org with Default Parameters.
    Default Parameters are:
    * Catalog Publishing
    * Catalog Subscription
    * VM Quota
    * Stored VM Quota
    * VM Lease Time
    * Stored VM Lease Time
    * Password Policy Settings
    File Name : New-MyOrg.ps1
    Author : Markus Kraus
    Version : 1.1
    State : Ready
    New-MyOrg -Name "TestOrg" -FullName "Test Org" -Description "PowerCLI Test Org"
    Name of the New Org as String
    Full Name of the New Org as String
.PARAMETER Description
    Description of the New Org as String
    Should the New Org be enabled after creation

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Name of the New Org as string")]
            [String] $Name,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Full Name of the New Org as string")]
            [String] $FullName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Description of the New Org as string")]
            [String] $Description,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Should the New Org be enabled after creation")]
    Process {
        $vcloud = $DefaultCIServers[0].ExtensionData

        ## Create Objects
        $AdminOrg = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.AdminOrg
        $orgGeneralSettings = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.OrgGeneralSettings
        $orgOrgLeaseSettings = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.OrgLeaseSettings
        $orgOrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.OrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings
        $orgOrgPasswordPolicySettings = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.OrgPasswordPolicySettings
        $orgSettings = New-Object VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud.Views.OrgSettings

        ## Admin Settings
        $adminOrg.Name = $name
        $adminOrg.FullName = $FullName
        $adminOrg.Description = $description
        $adminOrg.IsEnabled = $Enabled

        ## Org Setting
        ### General Org Settings
        $orgGeneralSettings.CanPublishCatalogs = $False
        $orgGeneralSettings.CanPublishExternally = $False
        $orgGeneralSettings.CanSubscribe = $True
        $orgGeneralSettings.DeployedVMQuota = 0
        $orgGeneralSettings.StoredVmQuota = 0
        $orgSettings.OrgGeneralSettings = $orgGeneralSettings
        ### vApp Org Setting
        $orgOrgLeaseSettings.DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration = $false
        $orgOrgLeaseSettings.DeploymentLeaseSeconds = 0
        $orgOrgLeaseSettings.StorageLeaseSeconds = 0
        $orgSettings.VAppLeaseSettings = $orgOrgLeaseSettings
        ### vApp Template Org Setting
        $orgOrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings.DeleteOnStorageLeaseExpiration = $false
        $orgOrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings.StorageLeaseSeconds = 0
        $orgSettings.VAppTemplateLeaseSettings = $orgOrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettings
        ### PasswordPolicySettings Org Setting
        $orgOrgPasswordPolicySettings.AccountLockoutEnabled = $True
        $orgOrgPasswordPolicySettings.InvalidLoginsBeforeLockout = 5
        $orgOrgPasswordPolicySettings.AccountLockoutIntervalMinutes = 30
        $orgSettings.OrgPasswordPolicySettings = $orgOrgPasswordPolicySettings

        $adminOrg.Settings = $orgSettings

        $CreateOrg = $vcloud.CreateOrg($adminOrg)

        Get-Org -Name $name | Format-Table -AutoSize