Function Get-NsxVcdEdge { <# .DESCRIPTION Returnes the Edge Gatways. .NOTES File Name : Get-NsxVcdEdge.ps1 Author : Markus Kraus Version : 1.3 State : Ready .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-NsxVcdEdge .EXAMPLE Get-NsxVcdEdge -Name YourEdgeName .EXAMPLE Get-NsxVcdEdge -OrgVdcName YourOrgName .EXAMPLE Get-NsxVcdEdge | select Name, datacenterName, Id | ft -AutoSize .PARAMETER Name Name of the Edge Gateway .PARAMETER OrgVdcName OrgVdc Name of the Edge Gateway #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Name of the Edge Gateway")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False, HelpMessage="Name of the OrgVdc")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String] $OrgVdcName ) Process { [XML]$Edges = Invoke-NsxVcdApiCall -Uri "/network/edges" -Method "Get" if ($Name) { $Edges.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary | Where-Object {$ -like "$Name"} } elseif ($OrgVdcName) { $Edges.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary | Where-Object {$_.datacenterName -like "$OrgVdcName"} } else { $Edges.pagedEdgeList.edgePage.edgeSummary } } } |