.VERSION 1.0.0 .GUID 4b78ccc0-dfb5-44bb-b550-1cfb0b194585 .AUTHOR William Lam .COMPANYNAME VMware .COPYRIGHT Copyright 2020, William Lam .TAGS VMware ScanCode .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://github.com/lamw/vghetto-scripts/blob/master/powershell/VMKeystrokes.ps1 .ICONURI https://blogs.vmware.com/virtualblocks/files/2018/10/PowerCLI.png .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 1.0.0 - Initial Release .PRIVATEDATA .DESCRIPTION This function sends a series of character keystrokse to a particular vSphere VM #> Function Set-VMKeystrokes { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Organization: VMware Blog: www.virtuallyghetto.com Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .PARAMETER VMName The name of a VM to send keystrokes to .PARAMETER StringInput The string of characters to send to VM .PARAMETER DebugOn Enable debugging which will output input charcaters and their mappings .EXAMPLE Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $VM -StringInput "root" Push "root" to VM $VM .EXAMPLE Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $VM -StringInput "root" -ReturnCarriage $true Push "root" with return line to VM $VM .EXAMPLE Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $VM -StringInput "root" -DebugOn $true Push "root" to VM $VM with some debug =========================================================================== Modified by: David Rodriguez Organization: Sysadmintutorials Blog: www.sysadmintutorials.com Twitter: @systutorials =========================================================================== .MODS Made $StringInput Optional Added a $SpecialKeyInput - See PARAMETER SpecialKeyInput below Added description to write-hosts [SCRIPTINPUT] OR [SPECIALKEYINPUT] .PARAMETER StringInput The string of single characters to send to the VM .PARAMETER SpecialKeyInput All Function Keys i.e. F1 - F12 Keyboard TAB, ESC, BACKSPACE, ENTER Keyboard Up, Down, Left Right .EXAMPLE Set-VMKeystrokes -VMName $VM -SpecialKeyInput "F2" Push SpecialKeyInput F2 to VM $VM #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][String]$VMName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$StringInput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][String]$SpecialKeyInput, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Boolean]$ReturnCarriage, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Boolean]$DebugOn ) # Map subset of USB HID keyboard scancodes # https://gist.github.com/MightyPork/6da26e382a7ad91b5496ee55fdc73db2 $hidCharacterMap = @{ "a" = "0x04"; "b" = "0x05"; "c" = "0x06"; "d" = "0x07"; "e" = "0x08"; "f" = "0x09"; "g" = "0x0a"; "h" = "0x0b"; "i" = "0x0c"; "j" = "0x0d"; "k" = "0x0e"; "l" = "0x0f"; "m" = "0x10"; "n" = "0x11"; "o" = "0x12"; "p" = "0x13"; "q" = "0x14"; "r" = "0x15"; "s" = "0x16"; "t" = "0x17"; "u" = "0x18"; "v" = "0x19"; "w" = "0x1a"; "x" = "0x1b"; "y" = "0x1c"; "z" = "0x1d"; "1" = "0x1e"; "2" = "0x1f"; "3" = "0x20"; "4" = "0x21"; "5" = "0x22"; "6" = "0x23"; "7" = "0x24"; "8" = "0x25"; "9" = "0x26"; "0" = "0x27"; "!" = "0x1e"; "@" = "0x1f"; "#" = "0x20"; "$" = "0x21"; "%" = "0x22"; "^" = "0x23"; "&" = "0x24"; "*" = "0x25"; "(" = "0x26"; ")" = "0x27"; "_" = "0x2d"; "+" = "0x2e"; "{" = "0x2f"; "}" = "0x30"; "|" = "0x31"; ":" = "0x33"; "`"" = "0x34"; "~" = "0x35"; "<" = "0x36"; ">" = "0x37"; "?" = "0x38"; "-" = "0x2d"; "=" = "0x2e"; "[" = "0x2f"; "]" = "0x30"; "\" = "0x31"; "`;" = "0x33"; "`'" = "0x34"; "," = "0x36"; "." = "0x37"; "/" = "0x38"; " " = "0x2c"; "F1" = "0x3a"; "F2" = "0x3b"; "F3" = "0x3c"; "F4" = "0x3d"; "F5" = "0x3e"; "F6" = "0x3f"; "F7" = "0x40"; "F8" = "0x41"; "F9" = "0x42"; "F10" = "0x43"; "F11" = "0x44"; "F12" = "0x45"; "TAB" = "0x2b"; "KeyUp" = "0x52"; "KeyDown" = "0x51"; "KeyLeft" = "0x50"; "KeyRight" = "0x4f"; "KeyESC" = "0x29"; "KeyBackSpace" = "0x2a"; "KeyEnter" = "0x28"; } $vm = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"Name" = "^$($VMName)$" } # Verify we have a VM or fail if (!$vm) { Write-host "Unable to find VM $VMName" return } #Code for -StringInput if ($StringInput) { $hidCodesEvents = @() foreach ($character in $StringInput.ToCharArray()) { # Check to see if we've mapped the character to HID code if ($hidCharacterMap.ContainsKey([string]$character)) { $hidCode = $hidCharacterMap[[string]$character] $tmp = New-Object VMware.Vim.UsbScanCodeSpecKeyEvent # Add leftShift modifer for capital letters and/or special characters if ( ($character -cmatch "[A-Z]") -or ($character -match "[!|@|#|$|%|^|&|(|)|_|+|{|}|||:|~|<|>|?|*]") ) { $modifer = New-Object Vmware.Vim.UsbScanCodeSpecModifierType $modifer.LeftShift = $true $tmp.Modifiers = $modifer } # Convert to expected HID code format $hidCodeHexToInt = [Convert]::ToInt64($hidCode, "16") $hidCodeValue = ($hidCodeHexToInt -shl 16) -bor 0007 $tmp.UsbHidCode = $hidCodeValue $hidCodesEvents += $tmp if ($DebugOn) { Write-Host "[StringInput] Character: $character -> HIDCode: $hidCode -> HIDCodeValue: $hidCodeValue" } } else { Write-Host "[StringInput] The following character `"$character`" has not been mapped, you will need to manually process this character" break } } } #Code for -SpecialKeyInput if ($SpecialKeyInput) { if ($hidCharacterMap.ContainsKey([string]$SpecialKeyInput)) { $hidCode = $hidCharacterMap[[string]$SpecialKeyInput] $tmp = New-Object VMware.Vim.UsbScanCodeSpecKeyEvent $hidCodeHexToInt = [Convert]::ToInt64($hidCode, "16") $hidCodeValue = ($hidCodeHexToInt -shl 16) -bor 0007 $tmp.UsbHidCode = $hidCodeValue $hidCodesEvents += $tmp if ($DebugOn) { Write-Host "[SpecialKeyInput] Character: $character -> HIDCode: $hidCode -> HIDCodeValue: $hidCodeValue" } } else { Write-Host "[SpecialKeyInput] The following character `"$character`" has not been mapped, you will need to manually process this character" break } } # Add return carriage to the end of the string input (useful for logins or executing commands) if ($ReturnCarriage) { # Convert return carriage to HID code format $hidCodeHexToInt = [Convert]::ToInt64("0x28", "16") $hidCodeValue = ($hidCodeHexToInt -shl 16) + 7 $tmp = New-Object VMware.Vim.UsbScanCodeSpecKeyEvent $tmp.UsbHidCode = $hidCodeValue $hidCodesEvents += $tmp } # Call API to send keystrokes to VM $spec = New-Object Vmware.Vim.UsbScanCodeSpec $spec.KeyEvents = $hidCodesEvents Write-Host "Sending keystrokes to $VMName ...`n" $results = $vm.PutUsbScanCodes($spec) } |