function New-Vhdx { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new vdhx file. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new vdhx file. It comes preconfigured with a single volume and can have files and folders pre-assigned to it. .PARAMETER Path Path to the VHDX file to create. Folder must exist, file should not. .PARAMETER Type How should the disk be provisioned. - Dynamic: File grows with its content (less consumption) - Fixed: File size equals size limit (slightly better performance) Defaults to: Dynamic .PARAMETER Size How large should the disk be? Defaults to 5GB Note: With "dynamic" disk type, the file backing it grows as its content is added, so this size limit need not be the actual storage consumed. .PARAMETER Label What label to add to the volume created in this disk. Defaults to: "Data" .PARAMETER Content Any files or folders to add to the disk. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\install\sccm\ | New-Vhdx -Path 'C:\disks\sccm-content.vhdx' Creates a new vhdx file as 'C:\disks\sccm-content.vhdx', adding all files and folders from 'C:\install\sccm\' to it. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.FileOrParent', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.FSPath.FileOrParent')] [string] $Path, [ValidateSet('Dynamic', 'Fixed')] [string] $Type = 'Dynamic', [PSFSize] $Size = 5GB, [string] $Label = 'Data', [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('FullName')] [string[]] $Content ) begin { Assert-Elevation -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet $typeMapping = @{ Dynamic = 'expandable' Fixed = 'fixed' } $resolvedPath = Resolve-PSFPath -Path $Path -Provider FileSystem -SingleItem -NewChild # Normalize path to avoid legacy-shortening of folder names breaking later comparisons $parent = Split-Path -Path $resolvedPath $fileName = Split-Path -Path $resolvedPath -Leaf $resolvedPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Item -Path $parent).FullName -ChildPath $fileName $diskPartCommand = 'create vdisk file="{0}" maximum={1} type={2}' -f $resolvedPath, $Size.Megabyte, $typeMapping[$Type] $result = Invoke-Diskpart -ArgumentList $diskPartCommand if (-not $result.Success) { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'New-Vhdx.CreateDisk.Failed' -StringValues $resolvedPath, $result.Errors -EnableException $true } $result = Invoke-Diskpart -ArgumentList @( ('select vdisk file="{0}"' -f $resolvedPath) 'attach vdisk' 'create partition primary' ('format fs=NTFS label="{0}" quick' -f $Label) 'assign' ) if (-not $result.Success) { Stop-PSFFunction -String 'New-Vhdx.PrepareDisk.Failed' -StringValues $resolvedPath, $result.Errors -EnableException $true } $start = Get-Date do { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 $disk = Get-Disk | Where-Object Location -EQ $resolvedPath $volume = $disk | Get-Partition | Get-Volume if ($start.AddMinutes(1) -lt (Get-Date)) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'New-Vhdx.Volume.Timeout' break } } until ($volume.DriveLetter) $rootPath = '{0}:\' -f $volume.DriveLetter $null = Get-PSProvider | Write-Output } process { foreach ($inputItem in $Content) { Write-PSFMessage -String 'New-Vhdx.Copying' -StringValues $inputItem, $rootPath Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand -ActionString 'New-Vhdx.Copying' -ActionStringValues $inputItem, $rootPath -Target $volume.DriveLetter -ScriptBlock { Copy-Item -Path $inputItem -Destination $rootPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet -Continue } } end { Dismount-Vhdx -Path $resolvedPath -EnableException } } |