

Script with basic sets of maintenance task for VDI Golden Image running on Omnissa (VMware) Horizon.
Typical tasks include updating OS, Office and other software as well as finalizing and cleaning up the image before final snapshot and deployment to virtual desktops.
Other tasks are installing/updating agents for running VDI (Horizon, Dynamic Environment manager, App
Script with basic sets of maintenance task for VDI Golden Image running on Omnissa (VMware) Horizon.
Typical tasks include updating OS, Office and other software as well as finalizing and cleaning up the image before final snapshot and deployment to virtual desktops.
Other tasks are installing/updating agents for running VDI (Horizon, Dynamic Environment manager, App Volumes, FSlogix, MS Teams for VDI, OneDrive and Google Drive).
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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name VDI-GoldenImage

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



2024 DPDC CZ. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • FaraJan


VDI Horizon Golden Image MasterPC Tools VMware Omnissa DynamicEnvironmentManager AppVolumes Microsoft Teams FSLogix OneDrive GoogleDrive OSOT automation maintenance finalize


EmptyLines MsgFce MenuSimple GeMenuAction SetRegistry SetService SetSchtaskState OsotCmd Get-MsiInformation SccmClearConfig


This script has no dependencies.

Release Notes

[v2412.0 - 20241216] Removed task to install Microsoft Teams Classic (only New Microsoft Teams)
Default startup type of 'optimize drives' (defragsvc) services set to 'manual' (because of FSlogix 'Disk Compaction' fce)
Modification according to the current situation of VMware and Omnissa
Bug Fixes and revision
[v2404.0 - 20240430] New option to import configuration from a standalone file 'VDI-GoldenImage.ps1.config' or specify file by 'ConfigFile' parameter
Added task to install/update New Microsoft Teams with downloading of latest version from web or offline MSIX
Added task to install/update Google Drive with downloading of latest version from web
[v2312.0 - 20231220] Added optional param DisableSpoolerRestart to App Volumes
[v2311.1 - 20231130] Bug Fixes and revision
[v2311.0 - 20231107] Added task to install/update Microsoft FSLogix & OneDrive with downloading of latest version from web
[v2310.0 - 20231027] Added task to install/update Horizon Agent, Dynamic Environment Manager and App Volumes
[v2309.1 - 20230926] Added task to install/update Microsoft Teams for VDI with downloading of latest version from web
[v2309.0 - 20230906] First version with management of OS/Office updates, OSOT finalize action and VM Tools install/update task


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2412.0 (current version) 29 12/16/2024