@{ RootModule = 'Utilities.psm1' ModuleVersion = '0.10.1' CompatiblePSEditions = @( 'Core' 'Desktop' ) GUID = '2e844dba-e020-41a4-87f1-26d1ffd9a622' Author = 'PSModule' CompanyName = 'PSModule' Copyright = '(c) 2025 PSModule. All rights reserved.' Description = 'A PowerShell module with a collection of functions that should have been in PowerShell to start with.' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' ProcessorArchitecture = 'None' RequiredModules = @( @{ RequiredVersion = '1.1.3' ModuleName = 'Admin' } @{ RequiredVersion = '0.4.0' ModuleName = 'Ast' } @{ ModuleName = 'Hashtable' ModuleVersion = '1.1.1' } ) TypesToProcess = @() FormatsToProcess = @() FunctionsToExport = @( 'ConvertTo-Boolean' 'Get-FileInfo' 'Remove-EmptyFolder' 'Show-FileContent' 'Clear-GitRepo' 'Invoke-GitSquash' 'Invoke-SquashBranch' 'Reset-GitRepo' 'Restore-GitRepo' 'Sync-GitRepo' 'Sync-Repo' 'Add-ModuleManifestData' 'Add-PSModulePath' 'Export-PowerShellDataFile' 'Format-ModuleManifest' 'Get-ModuleManifest' 'Invoke-PruneModule' 'Invoke-ReinstallModule' 'Set-ModuleManifest' 'Set-ScriptFileRequirement' 'Uninstall-Pester' 'Copy-Object' 'Test-IsNotNullOrEmpty' 'Test-IsNullOrEmpty' 'Set-WindowsSetting' ) CmdletsToExport = @() VariablesToExport = @() AliasesToExport = @( 'Squash-Main' 'Squash-Branch' 'Prune-Module' 'Reinstall-Module' 'IsNotNullOrEmpty' 'IsNullOrEmpty' ) ModuleList = @() FileList = 'Utilities.psm1' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @( 'powershell' 'tools' 'utility' 'powershell-module' 'Windows' 'Linux' 'MacOS' 'PSEdition_Desktop' 'PSEdition_Core' ) LicenseUri = 'https://github.com/PSModule/Utilities/blob/main/LICENSE' ProjectUri = 'https://github.com/PSModule/Utilities' IconUri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PSModule/Utilities/main/icon/icon.png' } } } |