
Function Get-UptoboxFileAsync {
      main function used to download a file from UpToBox online file hosting service using multi threading and asynchronous capabilities
      main function used to download a file from UpToBox online file hosting service using multi threading and asynchronous capabilities
      this function requires the Microsoft PowerShell Module 'threadjob'
      To use this function you must have an account and a valid API key
      .PARAMETER filecode
      -filecode string
      use an uptobox filecode to target a file to download
      .PARAMETER url
      -url string
      use an uptobox file url to download a file
      .PARAMETER outputfolder
      -outputfolder string
      path to a target folder where the file will be downloaded. if no target folder is set, a default value is used ($home\downloads)
      -APIKey string{APIKEY}
       Set APIKEY as global variable.
         TypeName: PSuptobox
      Get-UptoboxFileAsync -url
      start a multi thread / asynchronous download for filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 and download it in default folder
      Get-UptoboxFileAsync -filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 -outputfolder c:\MyFolder
      start a multi thread / asynchronous download for filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 and download it in c:\MyFolder

    Param ( 
        [ValidateScript({(test-path $_)})]
    process {
        if ($Host.Version.Major -lt 6) {
            throw "please use PowerShell in last version to use the multithreading feature"
        if (!(Get-Module -Name threadjob)) {
            try {
                import-module -Name threadjob -Force
            } catch {
                throw "please install PowerShell module threadjob first - 'Install-Module -Name threadjob'"
        if (!($global:uptoboxAPIKey)) {
            throw "please set an api key using 'Set-UptoboxAPIKey'"
        $inputobject = [pscustomobject]@{
            APIKey = $global:uptoboxAPIKey.clone()
            url = $PSBoundParameters["url"]
            filecode = $PSBoundParameters["filecode"]
            outputfolder = $PSBoundParameters["outputfolder"]
            proxyparams = if ($global:uptoboxProxyParams) {$global:uptoboxProxyParams.clone()}
        $actionblock = {
            $settings = $input | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
            Set-UptoboxAPIKey -APIKey $settings.APIKey
            if ($settings.proxyparams) {
                $global:uptoboxProxyParams = $settings.proxyparams
            if ($settings.url) {
                if ($settings.outputfolder) {
                    Get-UptoboxFile -url $settings.url -outputfolder $settings.outputfolder
                } else {
                    Get-UptoboxFile -url $settings.url
            } elseif ($settings.filecode) {
                if ($settings.outputfolder) {
                    Get-UptoboxFile -filecode $settings.filecode -outputfolder $settings.outputfolder
                } else {
                    Get-UptoboxFile -filecode $settings.filecode
        $intializationblock = {
            Import-Module Use-Uptobox
            import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management
            import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
        Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock $actionblock -InputObject $inputobject -StreamingHost $Host -InitializationScript $intializationblock -Name "UptoBox $(new-guid)"
Function Get-UptoboxFile {
      main function used to download a file from UpToBox online file hosting service.
      main function used to download a file from UpToBox online file hosting service. To use this function you must have an account and a valid API key
      .PARAMETER filecode
      -filecode string
      use an uptobox filecode to target a file to download
      .PARAMETER url
      -url string
      use an uptobox file url to download a file
      .PARAMETER outputfolder
      -outputfolder string
      path to a target folder where the file will be downloaded. if no target folder is set, a default value is used ($home\downloads)
      -APIKey string{APIKEY}
       Set APIKEY as global variable.
         TypeName: PSuptobox
      Get-UptoboxFile -url
      start a single thread / synchronous download for filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 and download it in default folder
      Get-UptoboxFile -filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 -outputfolder c:\MyFolder
      start a single thread / synchronous download for filecode xxxxx11yyyy2 and download it in c:\MyFolder

    Param ( 
        [ValidateScript({(test-path $_)})]
    process {
        if ($APIKey) {Set-uptoboxAPIKey -APIKey $APIKey | out-null}
        if (!($outputfolder)) {
            if (!$home) {
                $global:home = $env:userprofile
            $outputfolder = join-path $home "Downloads"
            if (!(test-path $outputfolder)) {
                new-item -Path $outputfolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
        if ($url) {
            $filecode = $url.AbsolutePath.Substring(1,$url.AbsolutePath.Length-1)
        $fileinfo = Invoke-APIuptoboxLinkInfo -filecodes $filecode
        if ($fileinfo.list.'file_name') {
            $filename = $fileinfo.list.'file_name'
            write-verbose "Filename is : $($filename)"
            $fullfilename = join-path $outputfolder $filename
            write-verbose "Output file generated : $($fullfilename)"
            $downloadlink = Invoke-APIuptoboxLink -filecode $filecode
            write-verbose "Download link generated : $($downloadlink.dlLink)"
            try {
                $tmpfile = join-path $outputfolder "$((new-guid).guid).tmp"
                Invoke-WebRequest -uri $downloadlink.dlLink -OutFile $tmpfile -UseBasicParsing | Out-Null
            } catch {
                write-verbose -message "Error when downloading filecode $($filecode) - file $($filename)"
                write-verbose -message "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
                write-verbose -message "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
                write-verbose -message "HTTP error code:$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__)"
                write-verbose -message "HTTP error message:$($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)"
                write-error "Error when downloading filecode $($filecode) - file $($filename)"
            if (test-path $fullfilename) {
                write-error "Not able to save temporary file $($tmpfile) to $($filename). The file was alredy existing"
            } else {
                rename-item -Path $tmpfile -NewName $fileinfo.list.'file_name'
        } else {
            write-error "Filecode $($filecode) not existing or with file status in error"
Function Invoke-APIuptoboxLink {
      create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from link API
      create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from link API
      -APIKey string{APIKEY}
        Set APIKEY as global variable.
         TypeName: PSuptobox

    Param ( 
      Process {
        if ($APIKey) {Set-uptoboxAPIKey -APIKey $APIKey | out-null}
            $params = @{
                api = "link"
                apiparam = "file_code=$($filecode)"
            Write-Verbose -message "URL Info : $($params.api)"  
            Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 @params
Function Invoke-APIuptoboxLinkInfo {
     create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from link info API
     create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from link info API
     -APIKey string{APIKEY}
       Set APIKEY as global variable.
        TypeName: PSuptobox

   Param ( 
     Process {
       if ($APIKey) {Set-uptoboxAPIKey -APIKey $APIKey | out-null}
        if ($filecodes.count -gt 1) {
            $filecodes = $filecodes -join ","
           $params = @{
               api = "link/info"
               apiparam = "fileCodes=$($filecodes)"
           Write-Verbose -message "URL Info : $($params.api)"  
           Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 @params
Function Invoke-APIuptoboxUser {
      create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from user API
      create several input for Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 function and then call it to get the user account info from user API
      -APIKey string{APIKEY}
        Set APIKEY as global variable.
         TypeName: PSuptobox
      Invoke-APIuptoboxUser -APIKey "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      get user account info for api key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and set the api key
      get your user account info

    Param ( 
      Process {
        if ($APIKey) {Set-uptoboxAPIKey -APIKey $APIKey | out-null}
            $params = @{
                api = "user/me"
            Write-Verbose -message "URL Info : $($params.api)"  
            Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 @params
Function Set-UptoboxAPIKey {
          set and remove uptobox API key as global variable uptoboxAPIKey
          set and remove uptobox API key as global variable uptoboxAPIKey
          -APIKey string{APIKEY}
          Set APIKEY as global variable.
          .PARAMETER MasterPassword
          -MasterPassword SecureString{Password}
          Use a passphrase for encryption purpose.
          .PARAMETER EncryptKeyInLocalFile
          Store APIKey in encrypted value on local drive
          .PARAMETER Remove
          Remove your current APIKEY from global variable.
          Set-uptoboxAPIKey -apikey "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
          Set your API key as global variable so it will be used automatically by all use-uptobox functions
          Set-uptoboxAPIKey -remove
          Remove your API key set as global variable
          Set-uptoboxAPIKey -apikey "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -MasterPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "YourP@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force) -EncryptKeyInLocalFile
          Store your API key on hard drive

    Param (
    process {
      if ($Remove.IsPresent) {
          $global:uptoboxAPIKey = $Null
        } Else {
          $global:uptoboxAPIKey = $APIKey
          If ($EncryptKeyInLocalFile.IsPresent) {
              If (!$MasterPassword -or !$APIKey) {
                  Write-warning "Please provide a valid Master Password to protect the API Key storage on disk and a valid API Key"
                  throw 'no api key or master password'
              } Else {
                  [Security.SecureString]$SecureKeyString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $APIKey -AsPlainText -Force
                  $SaltBytes = New-Object byte[] 32
                  $RNG = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
                  $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'user', $MasterPassword
                  $Rfc2898Deriver = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes -ArgumentList $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password, $SaltBytes
                  $KeyBytes  = $Rfc2898Deriver.GetBytes(32)
                  $EncryptedString = $SecureKeyString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -key $KeyBytes
                  $ObjConfiguptobox = @{
                      Salt = $SaltBytes
                      EncryptedAPIKey = $EncryptedString
                  $FolderName = 'Use-Uptobox'
                  $ConfigName = 'Use-Uptobox-Config.xml'
                  if (!$home) {
                      $global:home = $env:userprofile
                  if (!(Test-Path -Path "$($home)\$FolderName")) {
                      New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$($home)\$FolderName" | Out-Null
                  if (test-path "$($home)\$FolderName\$ConfigName") {
                      Remove-item -Path "$($home)\$FolderName\$ConfigName" -Force | out-null
                  $ObjConfiguptobox | Export-Clixml "$($home)\$FolderName\$ConfigName"
Function Set-uptoboxProxy {
      Set an internet proxy to use uptobox web api
      Set an internet proxy to use uptobox web api
      .PARAMETER DirectNoProxy
      Remove proxy and configure uptobox powershell functions to use a direct connection
      .PARAMETER Proxy
      Set the proxy URL
      .PARAMETER ProxyCredential
      Set the proxy credential to be authenticated with the internet proxy set
      .PARAMETER ProxyUseDefaultCredentials
      Use current security context to be authenticated with the internet proxy set
      .PARAMETER AnonymousProxy
      No authentication (open proxy) with the internet proxy set
      Set-uptoboxProxy -DirectNoProxy
      Remove Internet Proxy and set a direct connection
      Set-uptoboxProxy -Proxy "http://myproxy:8080" -ProxyCredential (get-credential)
      Set Internet Proxy and with manual authentication
      Set-uptoboxProxy -Proxy "http://myproxy:8080" -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials
      Set Internet Proxy and with automatic authentication based on current security context
      Set-uptoboxProxy -Proxy "http://myproxy:8080" -AnonymousProxy
      Set Internet Proxy and with no authentication

    Param (
    if ($DirectNoProxy.IsPresent){
        $global:uptoboxProxyParams = $null
    } ElseIf ($Proxy) {
        $global:uptoboxProxyParams = @{}
        $uptoboxProxyParams.Add('Proxy', $Proxy)
        if ($ProxyCredential){
            $uptoboxProxyParams.Add('ProxyCredential', $ProxyCredential)
            If ($uptoboxProxyParams.ProxyUseDefaultCredentials) {$uptoboxProxyParams.Remove('ProxyUseDefaultCredentials')}
        } Elseif ($ProxyUseDefaultCredentials.IsPresent){
            $uptoboxProxyParams.Add('ProxyUseDefaultCredentials', $ProxyUseDefaultCredentials)
            If ($uptoboxProxyParams.ProxyCredential) {$uptoboxProxyParams.Remove('ProxyCredential')}
        } ElseIf ($AnonymousProxy.IsPresent) {
            If ($uptoboxProxyParams.ProxyUseDefaultCredentials) {$uptoboxProxyParams.Remove('ProxyUseDefaultCredentials')}
            If ($uptoboxProxyParams.ProxyCredential) {$uptoboxProxyParams.Remove('ProxyCredential')}
Function Import-uptoboxEncryptedIKey {
          import uptobox API key as global variable from encrypted local config file
          import uptobox API key as global variable from encrypted local config file
          .PARAMETER MasterPassword
          -MasterPassword SecureString{Password}
          Use a passphrase for encryption purpose.
          Import-uptoboxEncryptedIKey -MasterPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "YourP@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force)
          set API Key as global variable using encrypted key hosted in local xml file previously generated with Set-uptoboxAPIKey

      process {
          $FolderName = 'Use-uptobox'
          $ConfigName = 'Use-uptobox-Config.xml'
          if (!$home) {
              $global:home = $env:userprofile
          if (!(Test-Path "$($home)\$($FolderName)\$($ConfigName)")){
              throw 'Configuration file has not been set, Set-uptoboxAPIKey to configure the API Keys.'
          $ObjConfiguptobox = Import-Clixml "$($home)\$($FolderName)\$($ConfigName)"
          $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'user', $MasterPassword
          try {
              $Rfc2898Deriver = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes -ArgumentList $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password, $ObjConfiguptobox.Salt
              $KeyBytes  = $Rfc2898Deriver.GetBytes(32)
              $SecString = ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $KeyBytes $ObjConfiguptobox.EncryptedAPIKey
              $SecureStringToBSTR = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecString)
              $APIKey = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($SecureStringToBSTR)
              $global:uptoboxAPIKey = $APIKey
          } catch {
              throw "Not able to set correctly your API Key, your passphrase my be incorrect"
              write-error -message "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
              write-error -message "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Function Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2 {
    Param (
              [string]$Method = "GET",
    Process {
    $script:uptoboxurl = ""
    write-verbose -message "using production uptobox service -"
      if ((!$global:uptoboxAPIKey)) {
          write-verbose -message "please set an api key using 'Set-UptoboxAPIKey'"
          throw "please set an api key using 'Set-UptoboxAPIKey'"
      try {
          $fulluptoboxurl = "$($uptoboxurl)$($api)?token=$($global:uptoboxAPIKey)"
          if ($apiparam) {
            $fulluptoboxurl = "$($fulluptoboxurl)&$($apiparam)"
          if ($global:uptoboxProxyParams) {
              $params = $global:uptoboxProxyParams.clone()
              If (!$params.UseBasicParsing){
                  $params.add('UseBasicParsing', $true)
              If (!$params.URI) {
                  $params.add('URI', "$($fulluptoboxurl)")
              } Else {
                  $params['URI'] = "$($fulluptoboxurl)"
          } Else {
              $params = @{}
              $params.add('UseBasicParsing', $true)
              $params.add('URI', "$($fulluptoboxurl)")
          if (($Method -eq "PATCH") -and !$params.Method) {
          $uptoboxresult = invoke-webrequest @params
      } catch {
              write-verbose -message "Not able to use uptobox online service - KO"
              write-verbose -message "Error Type: $($_.Exception.GetType().FullName)"
              write-verbose -message "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
              write-verbose -message "HTTP error code:$($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__)"
              write-verbose -message "HTTP error message:$($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription)"
              throw "error with uptobox online service"
        write-verbose -message "Response Headers : $($uptoboxresult.Headers | out-string)"  
        write-verbose -message "Web Content : $($uptoboxresult.Content)"
        $temp = $uptoboxresult.Content
        if ($temp) {
            if ($stream) {
            } else {
                $tempobj = $temp | Convertfrom-Json
                if ($ {
                } else {

New-Alias -name Get-UptoboxUserInfo -Value Invoke-APIuptoboxUser

Export-ModuleMember -Function  Invoke-uptoboxAPIV2, Import-uptoboxEncryptedIKey, Set-uptoboxProxy, Set-UptoboxAPIKey, Invoke-APIuptoboxUser, Invoke-APIuptoboxLink, Invoke-APIuptoboxLinkInfo, 
                                Get-UptoboxFile, Get-UptoboxFileAsync
Export-ModuleMember -Alias Get-UptoboxUserInfo