using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace GeeLaw { namespace PSUseRawPipeline { #region Interfaces public interface ITeedProcess { IntPtr ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle(); bool HasExited { get; } void Terminate(); } public interface ITeedProcessStartInfo { bool CanInvoke { get; } ITeedProcess Invoke(); } #endregion Interfaces #region Win32 public static class Win32 { public enum Bool : int { False = 0, True = 1 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SecurityAttributes { public int StructSize; public IntPtr SecurityDescriptor; public Bool CanInheritHandle; public void Initialize() { StructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SecurityAttributes)); SecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero; CanInheritHandle = Bool.False; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ProcessInformation { public IntPtr HandleToProcess; public IntPtr HandleToThread; public int ProcessId; public int ThreadId; } [Flags] public enum StartProcessFlags : uint { None = 0, UseStdHandles = 256 } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public struct StartupInfo { public int StructSize; public string Reserved; public string Desktop; public string Title; public int X; public int Y; public int Width; public int Height; public int CharWidth; public int CharHeight; public int FillAttribute; public StartProcessFlags Flags; public short ShowWindow; public short Reserved2; public IntPtr ReservedPtr2; public IntPtr StandardInput; public IntPtr StandardOutput; public IntPtr StandardError; public void Initialize() { StructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StartupInfo)); Reserved = null; Desktop = null; Title = null; X = 0; Y = 0; Width = 0; Height = 0; CharWidth = 0; CharHeight = 0; FillAttribute = 0; Flags = StartProcessFlags.None; ShowWindow = 0; Reserved2 = 0; ReservedPtr2 = IntPtr.Zero; StandardInput = IntPtr.Zero; StandardOutput = IntPtr.Zero; StandardError = IntPtr.Zero; } } public enum StandardHandleId : int { StandardInput = -10, StandardOutput = -11, StandardError = -12 } public static IntPtr InvalidHandle { get { return new IntPtr(-1); } } [Flags] public enum FileAccess : uint { GenericRead = 0x80000000, GenericWrite = 0x40000000, AppendData = 0x4 } [Flags] public enum FileShare : uint { Read = 1, Write = 2 } [Flags] public enum FileAttributes : uint { Normal = 0x80000000 } public enum FileCreateDisposition : uint { CreateNew = 1, CreateAlways = 2, OpenExisting = 3, OpenAlways = 4, TruncateExisting = 5 } public enum MoveFileMethod : int { FromBegin = 0, FromCurrent = 1, FromEnd = 2 } [Flags] public enum DuplicateHandleOptions : uint { None = 0, CloseSource = 1, SameAccess = 2 } [Flags] public enum HandleFlags : uint { None = 0, Inherit = 1, ProtectFromClose = 2 } [Flags] public enum ProcessCreationFlags : uint { None = 0, CreateSuspended = 4 } [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)] public static extern IntPtr CreateFile( string fileName, FileAccess desiredAccess, FileShare shareMode, ref SecurityAttributes securityAttributes, FileCreateDisposition creationDisposition, FileAttributes flagsAndAttributes, IntPtr templateFile ); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern uint SetFilePointer(IntPtr fileHandle, long distanceToMove, IntPtr distanceToMoveHigh, MoveFileMethod moveMethod); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool CreatePipe( out IntPtr readHandle, out IntPtr writeHandle, ref SecurityAttributes pipeAttributes, uint bufferSize); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError =true)] public static extern Bool ReadFile(IntPtr handle, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)]byte[] buffer, uint capacity, out uint bytesRead, IntPtr overlapped); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern Bool CreateProcess( string applicationName, StringBuilder commandLine, IntPtr processAttributes, IntPtr threadAttributes, Bool canInheritHandles, ProcessCreationFlags creationFlags, IntPtr environmentHandle, string currentDirectory, ref StartupInfo startupInfo, out ProcessInformation processInformation); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern IntPtr GetStdHandle(StandardHandleId handleId); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool DuplicateHandle(IntPtr sourceProcess, IntPtr sourceHandle, IntPtr targetProcess, out IntPtr targetHandle, uint desiredAccess, Bool canInherit, DuplicateHandleOptions options); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool SetHandleInformation(IntPtr handle, HandleFlags change, HandleFlags value); public const int ExitCodeStillActive = 259; [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool GetExitCodeProcess(IntPtr processHandle, out int exitCode); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern uint ResumeThread(IntPtr hThread); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern Bool TerminateProcess(IntPtr processHandle, uint exitCode); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess(); public const uint WaitForInfiniteTime = 0xFFFFFFFFu; [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern uint WaitForSingleObject(IntPtr handle, uint milliseconds); } #endregion Win32 #region Helper: Win32 helper methods and consumers public static class Helper { const string CouldNotOpenFileErrorFormat = "Could not open file \"{0}\". Win32 GetLastError() returns {1}."; const string CouldNotDuplicateHandleErrorFormat = "Could not duplicate handle \"{0}\". Win32 GetLastError() returns {1}."; const string CouldNotSetHandleInformationErrorFormat = "Could not set the inheritance of handle \"{0}\". Win32 GetLastError() returns {1}."; const string CouldNotRetrieveStandardOutputHandleErrorMessage = "Could not retrieve the standard output handle of the specified ITeedProcess. It might have been taken by others."; public static IntPtr OpenReadFile(string fileName) { if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); Win32.SecurityAttributes securityAttributes = new Win32.SecurityAttributes(); securityAttributes.Initialize(); IntPtr handle = Win32.CreateFile(fileName, Win32.FileAccess.GenericRead, Win32.FileShare.Read, ref securityAttributes, Win32.FileCreateDisposition.OpenExisting, Win32.FileAttributes.Normal, IntPtr.Zero); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotOpenFileErrorFormat, fileName, lastError)); } return handle; } public static IntPtr OpenTruncatedFile(string fileName) { if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); Win32.SecurityAttributes securityAttributes = new Win32.SecurityAttributes(); securityAttributes.Initialize(); IntPtr handle = Win32.CreateFile(fileName, Win32.FileAccess.GenericWrite, Win32.FileShare.Read, ref securityAttributes, Win32.FileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, Win32.FileAttributes.Normal, IntPtr.Zero); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotOpenFileErrorFormat, fileName, lastError)); } return handle; } public static IntPtr OpenAppendFile(string fileName) { if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); Win32.SecurityAttributes securityAttributes = new Win32.SecurityAttributes(); securityAttributes.Initialize(); IntPtr handle = Win32.CreateFile(fileName, Win32.FileAccess.AppendData, Win32.FileShare.Read, ref securityAttributes, Win32.FileCreateDisposition.OpenAlways, Win32.FileAttributes.Normal, IntPtr.Zero); if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotOpenFileErrorFormat, fileName, lastError)); } return handle; } public static IntPtr DuplicateHandleForInheritance(IntPtr handle) { IntPtr resultHandle; if (Win32.DuplicateHandle(Win32.GetCurrentProcess(), handle, Win32.GetCurrentProcess(), out resultHandle, 0, Win32.Bool.True, Win32.DuplicateHandleOptions.SameAccess) == Win32.Bool.False) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotDuplicateHandleErrorFormat, handle, lastError)); } return resultHandle; } public static void EnsureHandleInheritable(IntPtr handle) { if (Win32.SetHandleInformation(handle, Win32.HandleFlags.Inherit, Win32.HandleFlags.Inherit) == Win32.Bool.False) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotSetHandleInformationErrorFormat, handle, lastError)); } } public static IEnumerable<byte> EnumerateBytesInStandardOutput(ITeedProcess process) { IntPtr stdoutReadHandle = process.ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle(); if (stdoutReadHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Exception ex = new InvalidOperationException(CouldNotRetrieveStandardOutputHandleErrorMessage); ex.Data.Add("ITeedProcess", process); throw ex; } byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; try { while (true) { /* Be careful! * * Retrieve the status of process before * trying to read. If 0 bytes were read, * it could be the process flushing its * stdout without putting anything into * it, or it could be the process has * exited. * * However, if one checks the exit status * after reading 0 bytes, it could be the * case that: * 1. The process flushes stdout; * 2. The reading completes; * 3. The process outputs something and quits; * 4. The reader found the process has exited; * 5. The several bytes vomitted by the process * before it dies are never read. */ bool hasExited = process.HasExited; uint count; Win32.ReadFile(stdoutReadHandle, buffer, 4096, out count, IntPtr.Zero); if (count == 0 && hasExited) break; for (int i = 0; i != count; ++i) yield return buffer[i]; } } finally { Win32.CloseHandle(stdoutReadHandle); } } static char ProcessCharacters(StringBuilder sb, StreamReader sr, char[] charBuf, char lastSeen, List<string> collect) { int charRead = sr.Read(charBuf, 0, charBuf.Length); int lastBegin = 0; for (int i = 0; i != charRead; lastSeen = charBuf[i++]) if (charBuf[i] == '\n' || charBuf[i] == '\r') { /* Consecutive \r\n is one line. */ if (charBuf[i] != '\n' || lastSeen != '\r') { sb.Append(charBuf, lastBegin, i - lastBegin); collect.Add(sb.ToString()); sb.Length = 0; } lastBegin = i + 1; } sb.Append(charBuf, lastBegin, charRead - lastBegin); return lastSeen; } static void CleanStreamIfAppropriate(MemoryStream ms, int leastSize, byte[] gapBuf) { if (ms.Length < leastSize || ms.Length - ms.Position > gapBuf.Length) return; int gap = (int)(ms.Length - ms.Position); ms.Read(gapBuf, 0, gap); ms.SetLength(0); ms.Write(gapBuf, 0, gap); ms.Position = 0; } public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateLinesInStandardOutput(ITeedProcess process, Encoding encoding) { IntPtr stdoutReadHandle = process.ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle(); if (stdoutReadHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Exception ex = new InvalidOperationException(CouldNotRetrieveStandardOutputHandleErrorMessage); ex.Data.Add("ITeedProcess", process.ToString()); throw ex; } byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; char[] charBuf = new char[4096]; char lastSeen = '\0'; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<string> collect = new List<string>(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); try { StreamReader sr; if (encoding != null) sr = new StreamReader(ms, encoding); else sr = new StreamReader(ms, true); using (sr) { while (true) { bool hasExited = process.HasExited; uint count; Win32.ReadFile(stdoutReadHandle, buffer, 4096, out count, IntPtr.Zero); if (count == 0 && hasExited) break; /* Attention: Recover the Position after Write. */ { long oldPosition = ms.Position; ms.Position = ms.Length; ms.Write(buffer, 0, (int)count); ms.Position = oldPosition; } lastSeen = ProcessCharacters(sb, sr, charBuf, lastSeen, collect); foreach (string s in collect) yield return s; collect.Clear(); /* If the stream is at least 1 MB and the gap is * at most the size of buffer, remove the useless * part of the stream. */ CleanStreamIfAppropriate(ms, 1048576, buffer); } while (!sr.EndOfStream) { lastSeen = ProcessCharacters(sb, sr, charBuf, lastSeen, collect); foreach (string s in collect) yield return s; collect.Clear(); } if (sb.Length != 0) yield return sb.ToString(); } } finally { Win32.CloseHandle(stdoutReadHandle); ms.Dispose(); } } public static void CopyStandardOutput(ITeedProcess process, Stream target) { IntPtr stdoutReadHandle = process.ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle(); if (stdoutReadHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Exception ex = new InvalidOperationException(CouldNotRetrieveStandardOutputHandleErrorMessage); ex.Data.Add("ITeedProcess", process); throw ex; } try { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; while (true) { bool hasExited = process.HasExited; uint count; Win32.ReadFile(stdoutReadHandle, buffer, 4096, out count, IntPtr.Zero); if (count == 0 && hasExited) break; target.Write(buffer, 0, (int)count); target.Flush(); } } finally { Win32.CloseHandle(stdoutReadHandle); } } public static string StringFromStandardOutput(ITeedProcess process, Encoding encoding) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); string returnValue = null; try { CopyStandardOutput(process, ms); } finally { try { ms.Position = 0; StreamReader sr; if (encoding != null) sr = new StreamReader(ms, encoding); else sr = new StreamReader(ms, true); using (sr) returnValue = sr.ReadToEnd(); } catch { ms.Dispose(); } } return returnValue; } } #endregion Helper: Win32 helper methods and consumers #region Piped process implementation public sealed class PipedProcessStartInfo : ITeedProcessStartInfo { const string CannotInvokeMessage = "Could not invoke the object. The object might have been invoked."; public bool CanInvoke { get; private set; } List<string> arguments; public string FilePath { get; private set; } public string BaseDirectory { get; private set; } public string WorkingDirectory { get; private set; } public IEnumerable<string> Arguments { get { return arguments.AsReadOnly(); } } public ITeedProcessStartInfo RedirectedStandardInput { get; private set; } public string RedirectedStandardError { get; private set; } bool standardErrorAppend; public bool? StandardErrorAppend { get { return RedirectedStandardError != null ? (bool?)standardErrorAppend : null; } } /// <summary> /// Creates a new PipedProcessStartInfo object. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The path to the executable file. Must not be null.</param> /// <param name="baseDirectory">The current searching directory of the executable file.</param> /// <param name="workingDirectory">The initial working directory of the process.</param> /// <param name="arguments">The arguments to supply to the process. Can be null, equivalent to empty collection.</param> /// <param name="redirectedStandardInput">The source of standard input. Can be null (suppress redirection of standard input).</param> public PipedProcessStartInfo(string filePath, string baseDirectory, string workingDirectory, IEnumerable<string> arguments, ITeedProcessStartInfo redirectedStandardInput) : this(filePath, baseDirectory, workingDirectory, arguments, redirectedStandardInput, null, false) { } /// <summary> /// Creates a new PipedProcessStartInfo object. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The path to the executable file. Must not be null.</param> /// <param name="baseDirectory">The current searching directory of the executable file.</param> /// <param name="workingDirectory">The initial working directory of the process.</param> /// <param name="arguments">The arguments to supply to the process. Can be null, equivalent to empty collection.</param> /// <param name="redirectedStandardInput">The source of standard input. Can be null (suppress redirection of standard input).</param> /// <param name="redirectedStandardError">The file name of redirected standard error. Default to null (suppress redirection of standard error).</param> /// <param name="append">Indicates whether the standard error will be appended to the file (true) or overwrite the file (false, default).</param> public PipedProcessStartInfo(string filePath, string baseDirectory, string workingDirectory, IEnumerable<string> arguments, ITeedProcessStartInfo redirectedStandardInput, string redirectedStandardError, bool append) { CanInvoke = false; if (filePath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); FilePath = filePath; if (baseDirectory == null) baseDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); BaseDirectory = baseDirectory; if (workingDirectory == null) workingDirectory = baseDirectory; WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; this.arguments = new List<string>(); if (arguments != null) this.arguments.AddRange(arguments); RedirectedStandardInput = redirectedStandardInput; RedirectedStandardError = redirectedStandardError; standardErrorAppend = append; CanInvoke = true; } public ITeedProcess Invoke() { if (!CanInvoke) throw new InvalidOperationException(CannotInvokeMessage); CanInvoke = false; ITeedProcess stdin = null; if (RedirectedStandardInput != null) stdin = RedirectedStandardInput.Invoke(); try { return new PipedProcess(FilePath, BaseDirectory, WorkingDirectory, Arguments, stdin, RedirectedStandardError, standardErrorAppend); } catch { if (stdin != null) stdin.Terminate(); throw; } } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (RedirectedStandardInput != null) { sb.AppendLine(RedirectedStandardInput.ToString()) .AppendLine("WILL BE REDIRECTED TO"); } sb.AppendLine("{") .Append(" FilePath = ") .Append(FilePath == null ? "(null)" : FilePath) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" BaseDirectory = ") .Append(BaseDirectory == null ? "(null)" : BaseDirectory) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" WorkingDirectory = ") .Append(WorkingDirectory == null ? "(null)" : WorkingDirectory) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" RedirectedStandardError = ") .Append(RedirectedStandardError == null ? "(null)" : RedirectedStandardError) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" StandardErrorAppend = ") .Append(StandardErrorAppend == null ? "(null)" : StandardErrorAppend.ToString()) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" CanInvoke = ") .AppendLine(CanInvoke.ToString()) .AppendLine("}") .Append("Arguments:"); if (arguments.Count == 0) sb.AppendLine().Append(" (empty)"); else foreach (string s in arguments) sb.AppendLine().Append(" ").Append(s); return sb.ToString(); } } public sealed class PipedProcess : ITeedProcess { const string HandleReleasedMessage = "No process is associated with this object."; const string CouldNotGetExitCodeProcessErrorFormat = "Call to GetExitCodeProcess failed with error code {0}."; const string CouldNotCreatePipeErrorFormat = "Could not create anonymous pipe for redirection. Win32 GetLastError() returned {0}."; const string CouldNotCreateProcessErrorFormat = "Call to CreateProcess failed with error code {0}."; static void WaitForProcessExitWorker(object parameter) { PipedProcess that = (PipedProcess)parameter; IntPtr targetHandle = IntPtr.Zero; lock (that) { targetHandle = that.processHandle; } if (targetHandle == IntPtr.Zero) return; Win32.WaitForSingleObject(targetHandle, Win32.WaitForInfiniteTime); lock (that) { that.processHandle = IntPtr.Zero; that.hasExited = true; that.ProcessId = null; } Win32.CloseHandle(targetHandle); } IntPtr processHandle; bool hasExited; IntPtr stdoutReadHandle; List<string> arguments; public string FilePath { get; private set; } public string BaseDirectory { get; private set; } public string InitialWorkingDirectory { get; private set; } public IEnumerable<string> Arguments { get { return arguments.AsReadOnly(); } } public ITeedProcess RedirectedStandardInput { get; private set; } public string RedirectedStandardError { get; private set; } bool standardErrorAppend; public bool? StandardErrorAppend { get { return RedirectedStandardError != null ? (bool?)standardErrorAppend : null; } } public PipedProcess(string filePath, string baseDirectory, string workingDirectory, IEnumerable<string> arguments, ITeedProcess redirectedStandardInput, string redirectedStandardError, bool append) { hasExited = true; if (filePath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); FilePath = filePath; if (baseDirectory == null) baseDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); BaseDirectory = baseDirectory; if (workingDirectory == null) workingDirectory = baseDirectory; InitialWorkingDirectory = workingDirectory; this.arguments = new List<string>(); if (arguments != null) this.arguments.AddRange(arguments); RedirectedStandardInput = redirectedStandardInput; RedirectedStandardError = redirectedStandardError; standardErrorAppend = append; string currentWorkingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); try { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(baseDirectory); StartProcess(); } finally { try { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(currentWorkingDirectory); } catch { } } } StringBuilder BuildCommandLine() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append('"').Append(FilePath).Append('"'); foreach (string arg in arguments) { sb.Append(' '); bool requiresEscaping = false; foreach (char ch in arg) if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) || ch == '"') { requiresEscaping = true; break; } if (!requiresEscaping) { sb.Append(arg); continue; } int numberOfBackslashes = 0; sb.Append('"'); foreach (char ch in arg) { if (ch == '\\') { ++numberOfBackslashes; } else if (ch == '"') { sb.Append('\\', numberOfBackslashes * 2 + 1).Append('"'); numberOfBackslashes = 0; } else { sb.Append('\\', numberOfBackslashes).Append(ch); numberOfBackslashes = 0; } } sb.Append('\\', numberOfBackslashes * 2).Append('"'); } return sb; } void StartProcess() { IntPtr stdin = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr stdoutRead = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr stdoutWrite = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr stderr = IntPtr.Zero; try { Win32.StartupInfo startupInfo = new Win32.StartupInfo(); startupInfo.Initialize(); startupInfo.Flags = Win32.StartProcessFlags.UseStdHandles; #region Set stdin { if (RedirectedStandardInput != null) { stdin = RedirectedStandardInput.ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle(); Helper.EnsureHandleInheritable(stdin); } else { /* Duplicate the handle so that * the cleaning logic is unified. */ stdin = Helper.DuplicateHandleForInheritance( Win32.GetStdHandle(Win32.StandardHandleId.StandardInput)); } startupInfo.StandardInput = stdin; } #endregion Set stdin #region Set stdout { Win32.SecurityAttributes pipeAttributes = new Win32.SecurityAttributes(); pipeAttributes.Initialize(); if (Win32.CreatePipe(out stdoutRead, out stdoutWrite, ref pipeAttributes, 4096) == Win32.Bool.False) { stdoutRead = IntPtr.Zero; stdoutWrite = IntPtr.Zero; int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotCreatePipeErrorFormat, lastError)); } Helper.EnsureHandleInheritable(stdoutWrite); startupInfo.StandardOutput = stdoutWrite; } #endregion Set stdout #region Set stderr { if (RedirectedStandardError != null) { stderr = standardErrorAppend ? Helper.OpenAppendFile(RedirectedStandardError) : Helper.OpenTruncatedFile(RedirectedStandardError); Helper.EnsureHandleInheritable(stderr); } else { stderr = Helper.DuplicateHandleForInheritance( Win32.GetStdHandle(Win32.StandardHandleId.StandardError)); } startupInfo.StandardError = stderr; } #endregion Set stderr Win32.ProcessInformation processInformation; /* Create the process suspended, * and resume it only after we * have started waiting for it. */ if (Win32.CreateProcess(null, BuildCommandLine(), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, Win32.Bool.True, Win32.ProcessCreationFlags.CreateSuspended, IntPtr.Zero, InitialWorkingDirectory, ref startupInfo, out processInformation) == Win32.Bool.False) { int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(lastError, string.Format(CouldNotCreateProcessErrorFormat, lastError)); } hasExited = false; processHandle = processInformation.HandleToProcess; ProcessId = processInformation.ProcessId; new Thread(WaitForProcessExitWorker).Start(this); Win32.ResumeThread(processInformation.HandleToThread); Win32.CloseHandle(processInformation.HandleToThread); stdoutReadHandle = stdoutRead; /* Prevent this very handle from being * closed. Other handles are useless now * and will be closed in "finally". */ stdoutRead = IntPtr.Zero; } finally { if (stdin != IntPtr.Zero) Win32.CloseHandle(stdin); if (stdoutRead != IntPtr.Zero) Win32.CloseHandle(stdoutRead); if (stdoutWrite != IntPtr.Zero) Win32.CloseHandle(stdoutWrite); if (stderr != IntPtr.Zero) Win32.CloseHandle(stderr); } } public bool HasExited { get { lock (this) { if (hasExited) return true; if (processHandle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException(HandleReleasedMessage); return false; } } } public int? ProcessId { get; private set; } public IntPtr ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle() { IntPtr result = stdoutReadHandle; stdoutReadHandle = IntPtr.Zero; return result; } public void Terminate() { lock (this) { if (processHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32.TerminateProcess(processHandle, 777); if (RedirectedStandardInput != null) RedirectedStandardInput.Terminate(); } } } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (RedirectedStandardInput != null) { sb.AppendLine(RedirectedStandardInput.ToString()) .AppendLine("REDIRECTED TO"); } sb.AppendLine("{") .Append(" FilePath = ") .Append(FilePath == null ? "(null)" : FilePath) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" BaseDirectory = ") .Append(BaseDirectory == null ? "(null)" : BaseDirectory) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" WorkingDirectory = ") .Append(InitialWorkingDirectory == null ? "(null)" : InitialWorkingDirectory) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" RedirectedStandardError = ") .Append(RedirectedStandardError == null ? "(null)" : RedirectedStandardError) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" StandardErrorAppend = ") .Append(StandardErrorAppend == null ? "(null)" : StandardErrorAppend.ToString()) .AppendLine(",") .Append(" ProcessId = ") .AppendLine(ProcessId == null ? "(null)" : ProcessId.ToString()) .AppendLine("}") .Append("Arguments:"); if (arguments.Count == 0) sb.AppendLine().Append(" (empty)"); else foreach (string s in arguments) sb.AppendLine().Append(" ").Append(s); return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion Piped process implementation #region Concatenate file implementation public sealed class ConcatenateFileStartInfo : ITeedProcessStartInfo { const string CannotInvokeMessage = "Could not invoke the object. The object might have been invoked."; public string FileName { get; private set; } public bool CanInvoke { get; private set; } public ConcatenateFileStartInfo(string fileName) { CanInvoke = false; if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); FileName = fileName; CanInvoke = true; } public ITeedProcess Invoke() { if (!CanInvoke) throw new InvalidOperationException(CannotInvokeMessage); CanInvoke = false; return new ConcatenateFile(FileName); } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{{ FileName = {0}, CanInvoke = {1} }}", FileName, CanInvoke); } } public sealed class ConcatenateFile : ITeedProcess { IntPtr fileHandle; public string FileName { get; private set; } public ConcatenateFile(string fileName) { fileHandle = Helper.OpenReadFile(fileName); FileName = fileName; } public bool HasExited { get { return true; } } public void Terminate() { } public IntPtr ReleaseStandardOutputReadHandle() { IntPtr result = fileHandle; fileHandle = IntPtr.Zero; return result; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{{ FileName = {0} }}", FileName); } } #endregion Concatenate file implementation } } |