.VERSION 1.1 .GUID cabe1358-d9ac-43fc-9b8e-4917152718a1 .AUTHOR simeononsecurity.ch .COMPANYNAME SimeonOnSecurity .COPYRIGHT 2020 SimeonOnSecurity. All rights reserved. .TAGS AnonFiles Upload File Share FileShare .PROJECTURI https://github.com/simeononsecurity/Upload-Anon_PS .DESCRIPTION "Upload to AnonFiles.com easily Ex. 'Upload-Anon -File 'C:\temp\test.txt'" .RELEASENOTES Init #> function Upload-Anon { #Requires -Version 6.0 param( [string]$File ) If (!$File){ Write-Host "Please provide the a file. Ex: Upload-Anon -File 'C:\temp\test.txt'" }Else { Write-Host "Please wait wile the file is uploaded" (Invoke-WebRequest -Method "Post" -Uri "https://api.anonfiles.com/upload" -Form @{file=(Get-Item $File)}).content -Split {$_ -eq '"' -or $_ -eq "{" -or $_ -eq "}" -or $_ -eq ',' -or $_ -eq ' '} | Select-String -NoEmphasis -Pattern 'https' | Out-String | Set-Variable -Name links Write-Host "`n" Write-Host "Share your files with either of the following links:" Write-Host "$links" } } |