<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 0.0.1 .GUID 710e9531-fb3f-4b43-92f8-a7b73238b31e .AUTHOR Fabrice Sanga .COMPANYNAME sangafabrice .COPYRIGHT © 2022 SangaFabrice. All rights reserved. .TAGS umbrello uml update .LICENSEURI https://github.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/blob/main/LICENSE.md .PROJECTURI https://github.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/tree/umbrello .ICONURI https://rawcdn.githack.com/sangafabrice/reg-cli/0bad722edb5d980798d9a665e8614d634e8c1acc/icon.png .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES DownloadInfo,RegCli .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Initialize umbrello updater script based on SWI Prolog script. .PRIVATEDATA #> #Requires -Module @{ModuleName = 'DownloadInfo'; ModuleVersion = '5.0.4'} #Requires -Module @{ModuleName = 'RegCli'; ModuleVersion = '6.3.2'} [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-InstallLocation $_ $PSScriptRoot })] [string] $InstallLocation = "${Env:ProgramData}\Umbrello", [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-InstallerLocation $_ })] [string] $SaveTo = $PSScriptRoot ) & { $IsVerbose = $VerbosePreference -ine 'SilentlyContinue' $NameLocation = "$InstallLocation\bin\umbrello.exe" $SoftwareName = "Umbrello" Write-Verbose 'Retrieve install or update information...' $UpdateInfo = Try { Get-DownloadInfo -PropertyList @{ OSArch = Get-ExecutableType $NameLocation } -From Umbrello } Catch { } $InstallerVersion = ($UpdateInfo ?? $( (Get-ChildItem $SaveTo).Name.Where({ $_ }) | ForEach-Object { If ($_ -match '^umbrello_(?<Version>(\d+\.){2}\d+-\d+)\.exe$') { [pscustomobject] @{ RawVersion = [version] ($Matches.Version -replace '-','.') Version = $Matches.Version } } } | Sort-Object RawVersion -Descending -Top 1 )).Version Try { $UpdateModule = @{ Path = $NameLocation SaveTo = $SaveTo Version = $InstallerVersion Description = $SoftwareName SoftwareName = $SoftwareName } | ForEach-Object { New-RegCliUpdate @_ } & $UpdateModule { Function Script:Get-ExecutableVersion { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([version])] Param () Return ([version] ((Test-Path $Script:InstallPath) ? (Invoke-Expression "((. $Script:InstallPath --version | Where-Object { `$_ -like 'Umbrello*'}) -replace ' ' -split ':')[-1]"):$Null)) } Remove-Variable -Name 'VERSION_PREINSTALL' -Force -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name 'VERSION_PREINSTALL' -Value (Get-ExecutableVersion) -Option ReadOnly -Scope Script } $UpdateModule | Import-Module -Verbose:$False -Force $UpdateInfo.Where({ $_ }) | Start-InstallerDownload -Verbose:$IsVerbose Remove-InstallerOutdated -UsePrefix -Verbose:$IsVerbose New-Item $InstallLocation -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null If ((Get-ExecutableVersion) -lt (Get-InstallerVersion)) { Compress-Archive $InstallLocation -DestinationPath "${Env:TEMP}\Umbrello_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyMMddHHmm').zip" 2>&1 | Out-Null Get-ChildItem $InstallLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item -Recurse Expand-Installer (Get-InstallerPath) $InstallLocation } Set-ChromiumShortcut $NameLocation $SoftwareName If (!(Test-InstallOutdated -CompareInstalls)) { Write-Verbose "$SoftwareName $(Get-ExecutableVersion) installation complete." } } Catch { } Finally { $UpdateModule.Where({ $_ }) | Remove-Module -Verbose:$False } } <# .SYNOPSIS Updates Umbrello UML Modeller. .DESCRIPTION The script installs or updates Umbrello UML Modeller on Windows. .NOTES Required: at least Powershell Core 7. .PARAMETER InstallLocation Path to the console app. It is restricted to file system paths. It does not necessary exists. It defaults to %ProgramData%\Umbrello. .PARAMETER SaveTo Path to the directory of the downloaded installer. It is an existing file system path. It defaults to the script directory. .EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem C:\ProgramData\Umbrello -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PS > .\UpdateUmbrello.ps1 -InstallLocation C:\ProgramData\Umbrello\ -SaveTo . PS > Get-ChildItem C:\ProgramData\Umbrello\bin\ | Where-Object Name -Like 'umbrello*' | Select-Object Name Name ---- umbrello.exe PS > Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-Object Name Name ---- umbrello_2.32.0.exe UpdateUmbrello.ps1 Install Umbrello to 'C:\ProgramData\Umbrello' and save its setup installer to the current directory. #> |