
# DSC resource to manage WSUS Approval Rule.

# Classifications ID reference...
# Applications = 5C9376AB-8CE6-464A-B136-22113DD69801
# Connectors = 434DE588-ED14-48F5-8EED-A15E09A991F6
# Critical Updates = E6CF1350-C01B-414D-A61F-263D14D133B4
# Definition Updates = E0789628-CE08-4437-BE74-2495B842F43B
# Developer Kits = E140075D-8433-45C3-AD87-E72345B36078
# Feature Packs = B54E7D24-7ADD-428F-8B75-90A396FA584F
# Guidance = 9511D615-35B2-47BB-927F-F73D8E9260BB
# Security Updates = 0FA1201D-4330-4FA8-8AE9-B877473B6441
# Service Packs = 68C5B0A3-D1A6-4553-AE49-01D3A7827828
# Tools = B4832BD8-E735-4761-8DAF-37F882276DAB
# Update Rollups = 28BC880E-0592-4CBF-8F95-C79B17911D5F
# Updates = CD5FFD1E-E932-4E3A-BF74-18BF0B1BBD83

$currentPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Write-Debug -Message "CurrentPath: $currentPath"

# Load Common Code
Import-Module -Name $currentPath\..\..\UpdateServicesHelper.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop

    Returns the current Approval Rules
    If provided, returns details of a specific rule

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $WsusServer      = Get-WsusServer
        $Ensure          = "Absent"
        $Classifications = $null
        $Products        = $null
        $ComputerGroups  = $null
        $Enabled         = $null

        if ($null -ne $WsusServer) {
            $ApprovalRule = $WsusServer.GetInstallApprovalRules() | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name}
            if($null -ne $ApprovalRule)
                $Ensure = "Present"
                if(!($Classifications = @($ApprovalRule.GetUpdateClassifications().ID.Guid)))
                    $Classifications = @("All Classifications")

                if(!($Products = @($ApprovalRule.GetCategories().Title)))
                    $Products = @("All Products")

                if(!($ComputerGroups = @($ApprovalRule.GetComputerTargetGroups().Name)))
                    $ComputerGroups = @("All Computers")

                $Enabled = $ApprovalRule.Enabled
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType WSUSConfigurationFailed

    $returnValue = @{
        Ensure          = $Ensure
        Name            = $Name
        Classifications = $Classifications
        Products        = $Products
        ComputerGroups  = $ComputerGroups
        Enabled         = $Enabled


    Sets approval rules
    .PARAMETER Ensure
    Determines if the rule should be created or removed.
    Accepts 'Present'(default) or 'Absent'.
    Name of the rule to create
    .PARAMETER Classifications
    Classification for the rule or All Classifications
    .PARAMETER Products
    The name of the product for the rule or All Products
    .PARAMETER ComputerGroups
    The name of the computer group to apply the rule to or All Computers
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Boolean to set rule enabled or disabled
    .PARAMETER Synchronize
    Boolean, when enabled the rule will synchronize with Windows Update
    This applies because the rule will approve updates as they are sync'd
    .PARAMETER RunRuleNow
    Boolean that has the same effect as clicking "Run Rule Now" when Set occurs
    The impact is updates already sync'd will also be approved
    Otherwise, the rule is not applied to existing content

function Set-TargetResource
        $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Classifications = @("All Classifications"),

        $Products = @("All Products"),

        $ComputerGroups = @("All Computers"),




        if($WsusServer = Get-WsusServer)
                    if($ApprovalRule = $WsusServer.GetInstallApprovalRules() | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name})
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Using existing approval rule"
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Creating new approval rule"
                        $ApprovalRule = $WsusServer.CreateInstallApprovalRule($Name)
                        $ApprovalRule.Enabled = $Enabled

                        $ClassificationCollection = New-Object `
                            -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateClassificationCollection
                        foreach($Classification in $Classifications)
                            if($WsusClassification = Get-WsusClassification | `
                                Where-Object {$_.Classification.ID.Guid -eq $Classification})
                                Write-Verbose -Message "Classification $Classification not found"

                        $ProductCollection = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateCategoryCollection
                        foreach($Product in $Products)
                            if($WsusProduct = Get-WsusProduct | Where-Object {$_.Product.Title -eq $Product})

                        $ComputerGroupCollection = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetGroupCollection
                        foreach($ComputerGroup in $ComputerGroups)
                            if($WsusComputerGroup = $WsusServer.GetComputerTargetGroups() | `
                                Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ComputerGroup})
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Running Approval Rule"
                                Write-Verbose -Message "Failed to run Approval Rule"
                        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType ApprovalRuleFailed -FormatArgs @($Name)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Get-WsusServer failed"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Failed during creation of approval rule $Name"

    if(!(Test-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters))
        throw New-TerminatingError -ErrorType TestFailedAfterSet -ErrorCategory InvalidResult
            Write-Verbose -Message "Synchronizing WSUS"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Failed to start WSUS synchronization"

    Tests approval rules
    .PARAMETER Ensure
    Determines if the rule should be created or removed.
    Accepts 'Present'(default) or 'Absent'.
    Name of the rule to create
    .PARAMETER Classifications
    Classification for the rule or All Classifications
    .PARAMETER Products
    THe name of the product for the rule or All Products
    .PARAMETER ComputerGroups
    The name of the computer group to apply the rule to or All Computers
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Boolean to set rule enabled or disabled
    .PARAMETER Synchronize
    Boolean, when enabled the rule will synchronize with Windows Update
    This applies because the rule will approve updates as they are sync'd
    .PARAMETER RunRuleNow
    Boolean that has the same effect as clicking "Run Rule Now" when Set occurs
    The impact is updates already sync'd will also be approved
    Otherwise, the rule is not applied to existing content

function Test-TargetResource
        $Ensure = "Present",

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Classifications = @("All Classifications"),

        $Products = @("All Products"),

        $ComputerGroups = @("All Computers"),




    $result = $true
    $ApprovalRule = Get-TargetResource -Name $Name    

    if($ApprovalRule.Ensure -ne $Ensure)
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ensure test failed"
        $result = $false
    if($result -and ($ApprovalRule.Ensure -eq "Present"))
        if($null -ne (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($ApprovalRule.Classifications | Sort-Object -Unique) `
            -DifferenceObject ($Classifications | Sort-Object -Unique) -SyncWindow 0))
            Write-Verbose -Message "Classifications test failed"
            $result = $false
        if($null -ne (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($ApprovalRule.Products | Sort-Object -Unique) `
            -DifferenceObject ($Products | Sort-Object -Unique) -SyncWindow 0))
            Write-Verbose -Message "Products test failed"
            $result = $false
        if($null -ne (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject ($ApprovalRule.ComputerGroups | Sort-Object -Unique) `
            -DifferenceObject ($ComputerGroups | Sort-Object -Unique) -SyncWindow 0))
            Write-Verbose -Message "ComputerGroups test failed"
            $result = $false
        if($ApprovalRule.Enabled -ne $Enabled)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Enabled test failed"
            $result = $false

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource