.VERSION 1.2 .GUID 07e4ef9f-8341-4dc4-bc73-fc277eb6b4e6 .AUTHOR Michael Niehaus .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT .TAGS Windows AutoPilot Update OS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Version 1.2: Updated to work on ARM64. Version 1.1: Cleaned up output. Version 1.0: Original published version. #> <# .SYNOPSIS Installs the latest Windows 10 quality updates. .DESCRIPTION This script uses the PSWindowsUpdate module to install the latest cumulative update for Windows 10. .EXAMPLE .\UpdateOS.ps1 #> # If we are running as a 32-bit process on an x64 system, re-launch as a 64-bit process if ("$env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" -ne "ARM64") { if (Test-Path "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe") { & "$($env:WINDIR)\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy bypass -NoProfile -File "$PSCommandPath" Exit $lastexitcode } } # Create a tag file just so Intune knows this was installed if (-not (Test-Path "$($env:ProgramData)\Microsoft\UpdateOS")) { Mkdir "$($env:ProgramData)\Microsoft\UpdateOS" } Set-Content -Path "$($env:ProgramData)\Microsoft\UpdateOS\UpdateOS.ps1.tag" -Value "Installed" # Start logging Start-Transcript "$($env:ProgramData)\Microsoft\UpdateOS\UpdateOS.log" # Main logic $needReboot = $false Write-Host "Installing updates during white glove technician phase." # Load module from PowerShell Gallery $null = Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force $null = Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate -Force Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate # Install all available updates Get-WindowsUpdate -Install -IgnoreUserInput -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot | Select Title, KB, Result | Format-Table $needReboot = (Get-WURebootStatus).RebootRequired # Stop logging Stop-Transcript # Specify return code if ($needReboot) { Write-Host "Reboot is needed." Exit 3010 # Exit 1641 } else { Exit 0 } |