<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID 9606f2a1-49f8-4a67-91d6-23fc6ebf5b3b .AUTHOR zachal .COMPANYNAME Microsoft .COPYRIGHT .TAGS UpdateManagement, Automation .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES ThreadJob .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to be run as a part of Update Management Pre/Post scripts. It requires a RunAs account. This script will ensure all Azure VMs in the Update Deployment are running so they recieve updates. This script works with the Turn Off VMs script. It will store the names of machines that were started in an Automation variable so only those machines are turned back off when the deployment is finished. #> #requires -Modules ThreadJob <# .SYNOPSIS Stop VMs that were started as part of an Update Management deployment .DESCRIPTION This script is intended to be run as a part of Update Management Pre/Post scripts. It requires a RunAs account. This script will turn off all Azure VMs that were started as part of TurnOnVMs.ps1. It retrieves the list of VMs that were started from an Automation Account variable. .PARAMETER SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext This is a system variable which is automatically passed in by Update Management during a deployment. .PARAMETER ResourceGroup The resource group of the Automation account. This is used to store progress. .PARAMETER AutomationAccount The name of the Automation account. This is used to store progress. #> param( [string]$SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ResourceGroup, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$AutomationAccount ) #region BoilerplateAuthentication #This requires a RunAs account $ServicePrincipalConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name 'AzureRunAsConnection' Add-AzureRmAccount ` -ServicePrincipal ` -TenantId $ServicePrincipalConnection.TenantId ` -ApplicationId $ServicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId ` -CertificateThumbprint $ServicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint $AzureContext = Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $ServicePrincipalConnection.SubscriptionID #endregion BoilerplateAuthentication #If you wish to use the run context, it must be converted from JSON $context = ConvertFrom-Json $SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunContext $runId = "PrescriptContext" + $context.SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunId #Retrieve the automation variable, which we named using the runID from our run context. #See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/automation-variables#activities $variable = Get-AutomationVariable -Name $runId if (!$variable) { Write-Output "No machines to turn off" return } $vmIds = $variable -split "," $stoppableStates = "starting", "running" $jobIDs= New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] #This script can run across subscriptions, so we need unique identifiers for each VMs #Azure VMs are expressed by: # subscription/$subscriptionID/resourcegroups/$resourceGroup/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/$name $vmIds | ForEach-Object { $vmId = $_ $split = $vmId -split "/"; $subscriptionId = $split[2]; $rg = $split[4]; $name = $split[8]; Write-Output ("Subscription Id: " + $subscriptionId) $mute = Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscription $subscriptionId $vm = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name $name -Status $state = ($vm.Statuses[1].DisplayStatus -split " ")[1] if($state -in $stoppableStates) { Write-Output "Stopping '$($name)' ..." $newJob = Start-ThreadJob -ScriptBlock { param($resource, $vmname) Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resource -Name $vmname -Force} -ArgumentList $rg,$name $jobIDs.Add($newJob.Id) }else { Write-Output ($name + ": already stopped. State: " + $state) } } #Wait for all machines to finish stopping so we can include the results as part of the Update Deployment $jobsList = $jobIDs.ToArray() if ($jobsList) { Write-Output "Waiting for machines to finish stopping..." Wait-Job -Id $jobsList } foreach($id in $jobsList) { $job = Get-Job -Id $id if ($job.Error) { Write-Output $job.Error } } #Clean up our variables: Remove-AzureRmAutomationVariable -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -name $runID |