<# .Synopsis Adds a new user to Qualys .DESCRIPTION Adds a new user to Qualys .PARAMETER Credential This API call only supports basic HTTP authentication. You must provide your credentials separately for this function. .PARAMETER ExternalID Set a custom External ID (required for SSO) .PARAMETER SendEmail Specifies whether the new user will receive an email notification with a secure link to their login credentials. .PARAMETER Role Specifies the user role. A valid value is: manager, unit_manager, scanner, reader, contact or administrator. .PARAMETER BusinessUnit Specifies the user’s business unit. .PARAMETER AssetGroups Specifies the asset groups assigned to the user, when theuser role is Scanner, Reader or Contact. .PARAMETER FirstName Specifies the user's first name. .PARAMETER LastName Specifies the user's last name .PARAMETER Title Specifies the user's job title. .PARAMETER Email Specifies the user's email address. .PARAMETER Phone Specifies the user’s phone number. .PARAMETER Address Specifies the user’s address. .PARAMETER City Specifies the user’s city. .PARAMETER Country Specifies the user’s country. .PARAMETER State Specifies the user’s state. .EXAMPLE $NewUserSplat = @{ Phone = '555-555-555' Address = 'University of Illinois' City = 'Urbana' Country = 'United States of America' State = 'Illinois' Role = 'scanner' FirstName = 'Jane' LastName = 'Doe' Title = 'Test User' Email = 'JaneDoe@test.null' Credential = $Credential } Add-QualysUser @NewUserSplat #> function Add-QualysUser{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [Switch]$SendEmail, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('user_role')] [String]$Role, [Alias('business_unit')] [String]$BusinessUnit = 'Unassigned', [String[]]$AssetGroups, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('first_name')] [String]$FirstName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('last_name')] [String]$LastName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Title, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Email, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Phone, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('address1')] [String]$Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$City, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Country, [String]$State, [Alias('external_id')] [String]$ExternalID ) process{ $RestSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' RelativeURI = 'msp/user.php' Credential = $Credential Body = @{ action = 'add' business_unit = $BusinessUnit send_email = [string][int]$SendEmail.IsPresent } } #Takes any parameter that's set, except excluded ones, and adds one of the same name (or alias name if present) to the API body [String[]]$Exclusions = ('Credential', 'AssetGroups', 'SendEmail', 'BusinessUnit', 'Verbose') $PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_ -notin $Exclusions) -and $_} | ForEach-Object -Process { if($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$_].Aliases[0]){ [String]$APIKeyNames = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$_].Aliases[0] $RestSplat.Body.$APIKeyNames = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } else { $RestSplat.Body.$_ = $PSBoundParameters[$_] } } If($AssetGroups){ $RestSplat.Body['asset_groups'] = (($AssetGroups).Trim() -join ",") } $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat if ($Response.USER_OUTPUT.RETURN.status -ne 'FAILED') { Write-Verbose -Message $Response.USER_OUTPUT.RETURN.MESSAGE.'#cdata-section' } else { Write-Error -Exception $Response.USER_OUTPUT.RETURN.MESSAGE.'#cdata-section' } } } |