<# .Synopsis Adds an Asset Group to Qualys .DESCRIPTION Adds an Asset Group to Qualys .PARAMETER Title The Title of the Asset Group .PARAMETER IPs Comma separated IP ranges to add to new asset group. Ex "", "" .PARAMETER Comments Description or comments about the group; max 255 characters .PARAMETER Division The Division of the Asset Group .PARAMETER DefaultScanner The ID of the scanner to use as the default scanner for this asset group .PARAMETER Scanners Comma separated IDs of the scanners to assign to the asset group. Ex "1578772,1578773" .EXAMPLE Add-QualysAssetGroups -Title "My Asset Group" .EXAMPLE Add-QualysAssetGroups -Title "My Asset Group" -IPs "" #> function Add-QualysAssetGroups{ [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification = 'This is consistent with the vendors verbiage')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Title, [String[]]$IPs, [String]$Comments, [String]$Division, [String]$DefaultScanner, [String]$Scanners ) process{ $RestSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' RelativeURI = 'asset/group/' Body = @{ action = 'add' echo_request = '1' title = $Title } } If($IPs){ $RestSplat.Body['ips'] = Format-IPAddressGroup -IPs $IPs } If($Comments){ $RestSplat.Body['comments'] = $Comments } If($Division){ $RestSplat.Body['division'] = $Division } If($DefaultScanner){ $RestSplat.Body['appliance_ids'] = $DefaultScanner $RestSplat.Body['default_appliance_id'] = $DefaultScanner } If($Scanners){ If($DefaultScanner){ $RestSplat.Body['appliance_ids'] += ",$($Scanners)" } Else{ $RestSplat.Body['appliance_ids'] = $Scanners } } $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat if ($Response) { Write-Verbose -Message $Response.SIMPLE_RETURN.RESPONSE.TEXT } } } |