
    List vulnerability scans in the user’s account. By default the output lists unprocessed scans launched in the past 30 days
    List vulnerability scans in the user’s account. By default the output lists unprocessed scans launched in the past 30 days
    Show only a scan with a certain scan reference code. For a vulnerability scan, the format is: scan/987659876.19876
    For a compliance scan the format is: compliance/98765456.12345
    Show only one or more scan states. A valid value is: Running, Paused, Canceled, Finished, Error, Queued
.PARAMETER Processed
    Specify to show only scans that have been processed. Processed scans are not included by default
    Show only a certain scan type. A valid value is: On-Demand, Scheduled, or API
    Show only one or more target IP addresses. Multiple IP addresses and/or ranges may be entered. Multiple entries are comma separated.
    You may enter an IP address range using the hyphen (-) to separate the start and end IP address, as in:
    Show only scans launched by a particular user login
.PARAMETER LaunchedAfterDate
    Show only scans launched after a certain date and time.
    The date/time is specified in yyyy-MM-dd[THH:mm:ssZ] format (UTC/GMT), like “2007-07-01” or “2007-01-25T23:12:00Z”
.PARAMETER LaunchedBeforeDate
    Show only scans launched before a certain date and time.
    The date/time is specified in yyyy-MM-dd[THH:mm:ssZ] format (UTC/GMT), like “2007-07-01” or “2007-01-25T23:12:00Z”
    Get-QualysScans -LaunchedBeforeDate '2021-04-05T00:00:00Z' -LaunchedAfterDate '2021-04-03T00:00:00Z' -State 'Canceled, Finished, Error' -Processed


function Get-QualysScans{
    param (


        $RestSplat = @{
            Method = 'GET'
            RelativeURI = 'scan/'
            Body = @{
                action = 'list'
                echo_request = '1'
                processed = [string][int]$Processed.IsPresent

            $RestSplat.Body['state'] = $State

         #Takes any parameter that's set, except excluded ones, and adds one of the same name (or alias name if present) to the API body
         [String[]]$Exclusions = ('Processed', 'State')
         $PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_ -notin $Exclusions) -and $_} | ForEach-Object -Process {
                 [String]$APIKeyNames = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[$_].Aliases[0]
                 $RestSplat.Body.$APIKeyNames = $PSBoundParameters[$_]
             else {
                 $RestSplat.Body.$_ = $PSBoundParameters[$_]

        $Response = Invoke-QualysRestCall @RestSplat