<# .Synopsis Makes a REST method call on the given relative URI for CDB. Utilizes credentials created with New-CDBConnection. It is reccomended to use Get-CDBItem unless you specifically have a use case not supported by that cmdlet. .DESCRIPTION Makes a REST method call on the given relative URI for CDB. Utilizes credentials created with New-CDBConnection. It is reccomended to use Get-CDBItem unless you specifically have a use case not supported by that cmdlet. .PARAMETER RelativeURI The relativeURI you wish to make a call to. Ex: /api/v2/supporthours/4/ .PARAMETER Filter An optional set of filters for results. Properties for a given SubClass can be found with Get-CDBSubclassSchema. .PARAMETER Limit Limit on results returned. The stock default is 20 and this is controled via the settings.json of the module. .EXAMPLE Invoke-CDBRestCall -RelativeURI /api/v2/supporthours/4/ This will return the object located at /api/v2/supporthours/4/ #> function Invoke-CDBRestCall { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$RelativeURI, [String[]]$Filter, [int]$Limit = $Script:Settings.DefaultReturnLimit, [int]$Offset = 0 ) begin { if($null -eq $Script:Authorization){ Write-Verbose -Message 'No CDB connection established. Please provide credentials.' New-CDBConnection } } process { $QueryString = "?format=json&limit=$($Limit)&offset=$($Offset)&" $QueryString += $Filter -join '&' $IVRSplat = @{ 'Headers' = @{ 'Authorization' = ('Basic {0}' -f ([Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $Script:Authorization.UserName,$Script:Authorization.GetNetworkCredential().Password))))) } 'Uri' = "$($Script:Settings.CDBURI)$($RelativeURI)$($QueryString)" } Invoke-RestMethod @IVRSplat } end { } } |