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Function Get-GraphAADGroup 
      This function is used to get AAD Groups from the Graph API REST interface
      The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Groups registered with AAD
      Get-GraphAADGroup -All
      Returns all groups registered with Azure AD
      Get-GraphAADGroup -GroupName NameOfGroup
      Searches for and retrieves any Azure AD group by name of NameOfGroup
      Get-GraphAADGroup NameOfGroup
      Searches for and retrieves any Azure AD group by name of NameOfGroup
      Get-GraphAADGroup -Id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      Searches for and retrieves Azure AD group with this object id
      Get-GraphAADGroup -Id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -Members
      Returns the members of a group
      Get-GraphAADGroup -GroupName NameOfGroup -Members
      Returns the members of a group
      NAME: Get-AADGroup

      DefaultParameterSetName = 'By_Name'
        Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = 'Enter a groupname to search for.',
        ParameterSetName = 'By_Name',
        Position = 0

        Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = 'Enter object id of a group to retrieve.',
        ParameterSetName = 'By_Id'

        ParameterSetName = 'By_Name'
        ParameterSetName = 'By_Id'

        ParameterSetName = 'All'
  # Defining Variables
  $graphApiVersion = 'v1.0'
  $Entity = 'groups'

  If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'By_Name')
    $Resource = "{0}?`$filter=displayname eq '{1}'" -F $Entity, $GroupName
    $local:Group = Invoke-GraphAPI -graphApiVersion $graphApiVersion -Resource $Resource
    If (-not ($local:Group))
      Throw [Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] "No Azure AD group by name '$GroupName' has been found."
    [Guid]$Id = $local:Group.Id
  ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'By_Id')
    $Resource = "{0}?`$filter=id eq '{1}'" -F $Entity, $Id.Guid
  ElseIf ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All')
    $Resource = $Entity

  If ($Members)
    $Resource = "{0}/{1}/members" -F $Entity, $Id.Guid
  ElseIf ($Local:Group)
    Return $Local:Group

  Invoke-GraphAPI -graphApiVersion $graphApiVersion -Resource $Resource