.COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) Office Center Hønefoss AS. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See https://github.com/officecenter/OCH-Public/blob/master/LICENSE for license information. #> Function Get-GooglePlayApplication { [CmdLetBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String[]] $BundleId, [String] $Country = 'no' ) Begin {} Process { Foreach ($Id in $BundleId) { $appStoreUrl = 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id={0}&hl={1}' -F $Id, $Country Write-Verbose ('{0}: Scraping App info from URL: {1}' -F $Id, $appStoreUrl) $appStorePage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $appStoreUrl $IconUrl = 'https:' + ($appStorePage.images | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.alt -eq 'Cover art' }).src Write-Verbose ('{0}: Will try to download App ion from: {1}' -F $Id, $IconUrl) $DisplayName = ($appStorePage.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('h1') | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.classname -eq 'document-title' }).InnerText Write-Verbose ('{0}: Name: {1}' -F $Id, $DisplayName) $Description = $appStorePage.ParsedHtml.title Write-Verbose ('{0}: Description: {1}' -F $Id, $Description) $Publisher = ($appStorePage.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('a') | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.classname -eq 'document-subtitle primary' }).TextContent Write-Verbose ('{0}: Publisher: {1}' -F $Id, $Publisher) $operatingSystems = ($appStorePage.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.classname -eq 'content' -and $_.OuterHTML -like '*operatingSystems*' }).InnerText If ($operatingSystems -match '(\d+\.)+\d+\b') { $osVersion = 'v{0}'-F $Matches[0] -replace '\.', '_' } Write-Verbose ('{0}: Minimum Operating system scraped as: {1}, Parsed as: {2}' -F $Id, $Matches[0], $osVersion) Write-Verbose ('{0}: Calling function New-AndroidApplication with the scraped information' -F $Id) New-AndroidApplication -DisplayName $DisplayName -Description $Description -Publisher $Publisher -IconUrl $IconUrl -AppstoreUrl $appStoreUrl -IsFeatured -MinimumOsVersion $osVersion } } End {} } |