Function Invoke-IntuneDeviceAction { <# .SYNOPSIS This function is used to invoke actions against Intune devices from the Graph API REST interface .DESCRIPTION The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets a generic Intune Resource Based on code from Jan Egil Ring (Crayon), originally created based on examples from https://github.com/microsoftgraph/powershell-intune-samples .EXAMPLE Invoke-IntuneDeviceAction -DeviceID $DeviceID -remoteLock Resets a managed device passcode .NOTES NAME: Invoke-IntuneDeviceAction #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "DeviceId (guid) for the Device you want to take action on must be specified:", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Action for the device you want to take action on must be specified:")] [ValidateSet("RemoteLock", "ResetPassword", "RemoveCompanyData","FactoryReset","RebootNow")] $Action ) try { # Setting correct $Resource based in $Action input () if($Action -eq "RemoveCompanyData") { $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/retire" } elseif ($Action -eq "FactoryReset") { $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/wipe" } elseif ($Action -eq "ResetPassword") { $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/resetPasscode" } else{ $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/$Action" } # Invoking device action to Intune with GraphAPI Invoke-GraphAPI -Method Post -ErrorAction Stop $verbosemessage = "Sending $Action command to device $DeviceID" Write-Verbose = $verbosemessage } catch { throw $_.Exception.Message } } |