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Function Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations() {
    This function is used to get an AAD User Managed App Registrations from the Graph API REST interface
    The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets a users Managed App Registrations registered with AAD
    Returns all Managed App Registration for a User registered with Azure AD
    Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations -id $id
    Returns specific user by id registered with Azure AD
    NAME: Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations

        # Defining Variables
        $graphApiVersion = "beta"
        $User_resource = "users/$id/managedAppRegistrations"
        try {
            if (!$id) {
                Write-Host "No AAD User ID was passed to the function, specify a valid AAD User ID" -ForegroundColor Red
            else {
                $uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/$graphApiVersion/$User_resource"
                (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).Value
        catch {
            $ex = $_.Exception
            $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
            $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
            $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
            $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
            Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
            Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"