
This file is the root module to UnofficialIntuneManagement, and imports scripts from $PSScriptRoot\Public\ which contains PowerShell functions for management of Intune via the Graph API.
This is only a temporary collection of functions, and will not be maintained.

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.
See LICENSE in the project root for license information.

function Get-AuthToken {
    This function is used to authenticate with the Graph API REST interface
    The function authenticate with the Graph API Interface with the tenant name
    Authenticates you with the Graph API interface
    NAME: Get-AuthToken

    $userUpn = New-Object "System.Net.Mail.MailAddress" -ArgumentList $User
    $tenant = $userUpn.Host
    Write-Host "Checking for AzureAD module..."
            $AadModule = Get-Module -Name "AzureAD" -ListAvailable
            if ($AadModule -eq $null) {
                    Write-Host "AzureAD PowerShell module not found, looking for AzureADPreview"
                    $AadModule = Get-Module -Name "AzureADPreview" -ListAvailable
            if ($AadModule -eq $null) {
                    write-host "AzureAD Powershell module not installed..." -f Red
                    write-host "Install by running 'Install-Module AzureAD' or 'Install-Module AzureADPreview' from an elevated PowerShell prompt" -f Yellow
                    write-host "Script can't continue..." -f Red
    # Getting path to ActiveDirectory Assemblies
    # If the module count is greater than 1 find the latest version
            if($AadModule.count -gt 1){
                    $Latest_Version = ($AadModule | select version | Sort-Object)[-1]
                    $aadModule = $AadModule | ? { $_.version -eq $Latest_Version.version }
                            # Checking if there are multiple versions of the same module found
                            if($AadModule.count -gt 1){
                            $aadModule = $AadModule | select -Unique
                    $adal = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
                    $adalforms = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll"
            else {
                    $adal = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll"
                    $adalforms = Join-Path $AadModule.ModuleBase "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Platform.dll"
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adal) | Out-Null
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($adalforms) | Out-Null
    $clientId = "d1ddf0e4-d672-4dae-b554-9d5bdfd93547"
    $redirectUri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
    $resourceAppIdURI = ""
    $authority = "$Tenant"
            try {
            $authContext = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext" -ArgumentList $authority
            # Change the prompt behaviour to force credentials each time: Auto, Always, Never, RefreshSession
            $platformParameters = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.PlatformParameters" -ArgumentList "Always"
            if ($Password -eq $null) {
                    $userId = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserIdentifier" -ArgumentList ($User, "OptionalDisplayableId")
                    $authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $clientId, $redirectUri, $platformParameters).Result
            else {
                    $userCred = New-Object "Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.UserCredential" -ArgumentList $User, $Password
                    $authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $userCred).Result
                    # If the accesstoken is valid then create the authentication header
                    # Creating header for Authorization token
                    $authHeader = @{
                            'Authorization'="Bearer " + $authResult.AccessToken
                    return $authHeader
                    else {
                    Write-Host "Authorization Access Token is null, please re-run authentication..." -ForegroundColor Red
            catch {
            write-host $_.Exception.Message -f Red
            write-host $_.Exception.ItemName -f Red

Function Get-AADGroup(){

This function is used to get AAD Groups from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Groups registered with AAD
Returns all users registered with Azure AD
NAME: Get-AADGroup



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$Group_resource = "groups"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=id eq '$id'"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


        elseif($GroupName -eq "" -or $GroupName -eq $null){

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


        else {


            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=displayname eq '$GroupName'"
            (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)?`$filter=displayname eq '$GroupName'"
            $Group = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


                $GID = $


                $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Group_resource)/$GID/Members"
                (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value





    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-AADUser(){

This function is used to get AAD Users from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any users registered with AAD
Returns all users registered with Azure AD
Get-AADUser -userPrincipleName
Returns specific user by UserPrincipalName registered with Azure AD



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$User_resource = "users"

    try {

        if($userPrincipalName -eq "" -or $userPrincipalName -eq $null){

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($User_resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).Value


        else {

            if($Property -eq "" -or $Property -eq $null){

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($User_resource)/$userPrincipalName"
            Write-Verbose $uri
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get


            else {

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($User_resource)/$userPrincipalName/$Property"
            Write-Verbose $uri
            (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).Value




    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-AADUserDevices(){

This function is used to get an AAD User Devices from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets a users devices registered with Intune MDM
Get-AADUserDevices -UserID $UserID
Returns all user devices registered in Intune MDM
NAME: Get-AADUserDevices


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="UserID (guid) for the user you want to take action on must be specified:")]

# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "beta"
$Resource = "users/$UserID/managedDevices"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Write-Verbose $uri
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).Value


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-AADDevice(){

This function is used to get an AAD Device from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets an AAD Device registered with AAD
Get-AADDevice -DeviceID $DeviceID
Returns an AAD Device from Azure AD
NAME: Get-AADDevice



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$Resource = "devices"
    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)?`$filter=deviceId eq '$DeviceID'"

    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).value 


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-AADGroupMember(){

This function is used to add an member to an AAD Group from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a member to an AAD Group registered with AAD
Add-AADGroupMember -GroupId $GroupId -AADMemberID $AADMemberID
Returns all users registered with Azure AD
NAME: Add-AADGroupMember



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "v1.0"
$Resource = "groups"
    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$GroupId/members/`$ref"

$JSON = @"
    "": "$AADMemberId"

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $Json -ContentType "application/json"


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-AndroidApplication(){

This function is used to add an Android application using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds an Android application from the itunes store
Add-AndroidApplication -JSON $JSON -IconURL pathtourl
Adds an Android application into Intune using an icon from a URL
NAME: Add-AndroidApplication



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$App_resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {


        write-host "No JSON was passed to the function, provide a JSON variable" -f Red



        write-verbose "Icon specified: $IconURL"

            if(!(test-path "$IconURL")){

            write-host "Icon Path '$IconURL' doesn't exist..." -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Please specify a valid path..." -ForegroundColor Red


        $iconResponse = Invoke-WebRequest "$iconUrl"
        $base64icon = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($iconResponse.Content)
        $iconExt = ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension("$iconURL")).replace(".","")
        $iconType = "image/$iconExt"

        Write-Verbose "Updating JSON to add Icon Data"

        $U_JSON = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON

        $U_JSON.largeIcon.type = "$iconType"
        $U_JSON.largeIcon.value = "$base64icon"

        $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $U_JSON

        Write-Verbose $JSON

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-itunesApplication(){

This function is used to get an iOS application from the itunes store using the Apple REST API interface
The function connects to the Apple REST API Interface and returns applications from the itunes store
Get-itunesApplication -SearchString "Microsoft Corporation"
Gets an iOS application from itunes store
Get-itunesApplication -SearchString "Microsoft Corporation" -Limit 10
Gets an iOS application from itunes store with a limit of 10 results
NAME: Get-itunesApplication




    Write-Verbose $SearchString

    # Testing if string contains a space and replacing it with a +
    $SearchString = $SearchString.replace(" ","+")

    Write-Verbose "SearchString variable converted if there is a space in the name $SearchString"


        $iTunesUrl = "$SearchString&attribute=softwareDeveloper&limit=$limit"


        else {

        $iTunesUrl = "$SearchString&attribute=softwareDeveloper"


    write-verbose $iTunesUrl
    $apps = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $iTunesUrl -Method Get

    # Putting sleep in so that no more than 20 API calls to itunes REST API
    sleep 3

    return $apps


    catch {

    write-host $_.Exception.Message -f Red
    write-host $_.Exception.ItemName -f Red
    write-verbose $_.Exception



Function Add-iOSApplication(){
    This function is used to add an iOS application using the Graph API REST interface
    The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds an iOS application from the itunes store
    Add-iOSApplication -AuthHeader $AuthHeader
    Adds an iOS application into Intune from itunes store
    NAME: Add-iOSApplication

    $graphApiVersion = "Beta"
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"
        try {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        $app = $itunesApp
        Write-Verbose $app
        Write-Host "Publishing $($app.trackName)" -f Yellow
        # Step 1 - Downloading the icon for the application
        $iconUrl = $app.artworkUrl60
            if ($iconUrl -eq $null){
            Write-Host "60x60 icon not found, using 100x100 icon"
            $iconUrl = $app.artworkUrl100
            if ($iconUrl -eq $null){
            Write-Host "60x60 icon not found, using 512x512 icon"
            $iconUrl = $app.artworkUrl512
        $iconResponse = Invoke-WebRequest $iconUrl
        $base64icon = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($iconResponse.Content)
        $iconType = $iconResponse.Headers["Content-Type"]
            if(($app.minimumOsVersion.Split(".")).Count -gt 2){
            $Split = $app.minimumOsVersion.Split(".")
            $MOV = $Split[0] + "." + $Split[1]
            $osVersion = [Convert]::ToDouble($MOV)
            else {
            $osVersion = [Convert]::ToDouble($app.minimumOsVersion)
        # Setting support Operating System Devices
        if($app.supportedDevices -match "iPadMini"){ $iPad = $true } else { $iPad = $false }
        if($app.supportedDevices -match "iPhone6"){ $iPhone = $true } else { $iPhone = $false }
        # Step 2 - Create the Hashtable Object of the application
        $description = $app.description -replace "[^\x00-\x7F]+",""
        $graphApp = @{
            largeIcon= @{
                v8_0=$osVersion -lt 9.0;
                v9_0=$osVersion -eq 9.0;
                v10_0=$osVersion -gt 9.0;
        $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $graphApp
        # Step 3 - Publish the application to Graph
        Write-Host "Creating application via Graph"
        $createResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $graphApp) -Headers $authToken
        Write-Host "Application created as $uri/$($"
        catch {
        $ex = $_.Exception
        Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
        $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
        $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
        $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
        Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
        Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"

Function Add-ApplicationCategory(){

This function is used to add an application category using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a application category
Add-ApplicationCategory -AppCategoryName $AppCategoryName
Adds an application category in Intune
NAME: Add-ApplicationCategory



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories"

    try {


        write-host "No Application Category Name specified, specify a valid Application Category Name" -f Red


$JSON = @"
  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppCategory",
  "displayName": "$AppCategoryName"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ApplicationCategory(){

This function is used to get application categories from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any application category
Returns any application categories configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ApplicationCategory



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-ApplicationAssignment(){

This function is used to add an application assignment using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a application assignment
Add-ApplicationAssignment -ApplicationId $ApplicationId -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId -InstallIntent $InstallIntent
Adds an application assignment in Intune
NAME: Add-ApplicationAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$ApplicationId/groupAssignments"
    try {


        write-host "No Application Id specified, specify a valid Application Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Install Intent specified, specify a valid Install Intent - available, notApplicable, required, uninstall, availableWithoutEnrollment" -f Red


$JSON = @"
  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppGroupAssignment",
  "targetGroupId": "$TargetGroupId",
  "installIntent": "$InstallIntent"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ApplicationAssignment(){

This function is used to get an application assignment from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets an application assignment
Returns an Application Assignment configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ApplicationAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$ApplicationId/groupAssignments"

    try {


        write-host "No Application Id specified, specify a valid Application Id" -f Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-ApplicationCategory(){

This function is used to remove an application category from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and removes an application category
Remove-ApplicationCategory -id $id
Removes an application category configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-ApplicationCategory



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No id specified for application category, can't remove application category..." -f Red
        write-host "Please specify id for application category..." -f Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$id"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-IntuneMAMApplication(){

This function is used to get MAM applications from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any MAM applications
Returns any MAM applications configured in Intune
NAME: Get-IntuneMAMApplication


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | ? { ($_.'@odata.type').Contains("managed") }


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-IntuneApplication(){

This function is used to get applications from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any applications added
Returns any applications configured in Intune
NAME: Get-IntuneApplication



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") -and (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains("managed")) -and (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains("#microsoft.graph.iosVppApp")) }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains("managed")) -and (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains("#microsoft.graph.iosVppApp")) }



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-IntuneApplication(){

This function is used to remove an application from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and removes and application
Remove-IntuneApplication -id $id
Removes an application configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-IntuneApplication



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No id specified for application, can't remove application..." -f Red
        write-host "Please specify id for application..." -f Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$id"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    Write-Host "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $([int]$ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)" -f Red
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-WebApplication(){

This function is used to add a Web application using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a Web application
Add-WebApplication -JSON $JSON -IconURL pathtourl
Adds a Web application into Intune using an icon from a URL
NAME: Add-WebApplication



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$App_resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {


        write-host "No JSON was passed to the function, provide a JSON variable" -f Red



        write-verbose "Icon specified: $IconURL"

            if(!(test-path "$IconURL")){

            write-host "Icon Path '$IconURL' doesn't exist..." -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Please specify a valid path..." -ForegroundColor Red


        $iconResponse = Invoke-WebRequest "$iconUrl"
        $base64icon = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($iconResponse.Content)
        $iconExt = ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension("$iconURL")).replace(".","")
        $iconType = "image/$iconExt"

        Write-Verbose "Updating JSON to add Icon Data"

        $U_JSON = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON

        $U_JSON.largeIcon.type = "$iconType"
        $U_JSON.largeIcon.value = "$base64icon"

        $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $U_JSON

        Write-Verbose $JSON

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-WebApplication(){

This function is used to add a Web application using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a Web application
Add-WebApplication -JSON $JSON -IconURL pathtourl
Adds a Web application into Intune using an icon from a URL
NAME: Add-WebApplication



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$App_resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps"

    try {


        write-host "No JSON was passed to the function, provide a JSON variable" -f Red



        write-verbose "Icon specified: $IconURL"

            if(!(test-path "$IconURL")){

            write-host "Icon Path '$IconURL' doesn't exist..." -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "Please specify a valid path..." -ForegroundColor Red


        $iconResponse = Invoke-WebRequest "$iconUrl"
        $base64icon = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($iconResponse.Content)
        $iconExt = ([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension("$iconURL")).replace(".","")
        $iconType = "image/$iconExt"

        Write-Verbose "Updating JSON to add Icon Data"

        $U_JSON = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON

        $U_JSON.largeIcon.type = "$iconType"
        $U_JSON.largeIcon.value = "$base64icon"

        $JSON = ConvertTo-Json $U_JSON

        Write-Verbose $JSON

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-ManagedAppPolicy(){

This function is used to add an Managed App policy using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a Managed App policy
Add-ManagedAppPolicy -JSON $JSON
Adds a Managed App policy in Intune
NAME: Add-ManagedAppPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies"

    try {

        if($JSON -eq "" -or $JSON -eq $null){

        write-host "No JSON specified, please specify valid JSON for a Managed App Policy..." -f Red


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Assign-ManagedAppPolicy(){

This function is used to assign an AAD group to a Managed App Policy using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and assigns a Managed App Policy with an AAD Group
Assign-ManagedAppPolicy -Id $Id -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId -OS Android
Assigns an AAD Group assignment to an Android App Protection Policy in Intune
Assign-ManagedAppPolicy -Id $Id -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId -OS iOS
Assigns an AAD Group assignment to an iOS App Protection Policy in Intune
NAME: Assign-ManagedAppPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
    try {


        write-host "No Policy Id specified, specify a valid Application Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red


$JSON = @"

        if($OS -eq "" -or $OS -eq $null){

        write-host "No OS parameter specified, please provide an OS. Supported value Android or iOS..." -f Red


        elseif($OS -eq "Android"){

        $uri = "'$ID')/updateTargetedSecurityGroups"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken


        elseif($OS -eq "iOS"){

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/deviceAppManagement/iosManagedAppProtections('$ID')/updateTargetedSecurityGroups"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ManagedAppPolicy(){

This function is used to get managed app policies from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any managed app policies
Returns any managed app policies configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ManagedAppPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ManagedAppPolicyMobileApps(){

This function is used to get managed app policy Mobile Apps from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any managed app policy mobile apps
Get-ManagedAppPolicyMobileApps -id $id
Returns any managed app policy mobile apps configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ManagedAppPolicyMobileApps




$graphApiVersion = "Beta"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No Managed App Policy id specified, please provide a policy id..." -f Red


        else {

            if($OS -eq "" -or $OS -eq $null){

            write-host "No OS parameter specified, please provide an OS. Supported value Android or iOS..." -f Red


            elseif($OS -eq "Android"){

            $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/androidManagedAppProtections('$id')/?`$Expand=mobileAppIdentifierDeployments"

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get | select mobileAppIdentifierDeployments


            elseif($OS -eq "iOS"){

            $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/iosManagedAppProtections('$id')/?`$Expand=mobileAppIdentifierDeployments"

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get | select mobileAppIdentifierDeployments




    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-ManagedAppPolicy(){

This function is used to remove Managed App policies from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and removes managed app policies
Remove-ManagedAppPolicy -id $id
Removes a managed app policy configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-ManagedAppPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceAppManagement/managedAppPolicies"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No id specified for managed app policy, can't remove managed app policy..." -f Red
        write-host "Please specify id for managed app policy..." -f Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$id"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations(){

This function is used to get an AAD User Managed App Registrations from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets a users Managed App Registrations registered with AAD
Returns all Managed App Registration for a User registered with Azure AD
Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations -id $id
Returns specific user by id registered with Azure AD
NAME: Get-AADUserManagedAppRegistrations



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "beta"
$User_resource = "users/$id/managedAppRegistrations"
    try {

        Write-Host "No AAD User ID was passed to the function, specify a valid AAD User ID" -ForegroundColor Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$User_resource"

        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-IntuneBrand(){

This function is used to get the Company Intune Branding resources from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets the Intune Branding Resource
Returns the Company Intune Branding configured in Intune
NAME: Get-IntuneBrand


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/intuneBrand"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Set-IntuneBrand(){

This function is used to set the Company Intune Brand resource using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets the Company Intune Brand Resource
Set-IntuneBrand -JSON $JSON
Sets the Company Intune Brand using Graph API
NAME: Set-IntuneBrand



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$App_resource = "deviceManagement"

    try {


        write-host "No JSON was passed to the function, provide a JSON variable" -f Red


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($App_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Patch -ContentType "application/json" -Body $JSON -Headers $authToken



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Assign-ProfileToDevices(){
This function is used to assign a profile to given devices using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and assigns a profile to given devices
Assigns a profile to given devices in Intune
NAME: Assign-ProfileToDevices



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$ResourceSegment = "deviceManagement/enrollmentProfiles('{0}')/updateDeviceProfileAssignment"

    try {


        $ProfileId = Read-Host -Prompt "Please specify profile Id to assign to devices"


        $id = [Guid]::NewGuid();
        if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProfileId) -or ![Guid]::TryParse($ProfileId, [ref]$id)){

            write-host "Invalid ProfileId specified, please specify valid ProfileId to assign to devices..." -f Red

        elseif ($Devices -eq $null -or $Devices.Count -eq 0){

            write-host "No devices specified, please specify a list of devices to assign..." -f Red
        else {

            $Resource = "deviceManagement/enrollmentProfiles('$ProfileId')/updateDeviceProfileAssignment"

            $DevicesArray = $Devices -split "," 

            $JSON = @{ "deviceIds" = $DevicesArray } | ConvertTo-Json

            Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

            Write-Host "Devices assigned!" -f Green


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-UnAssignedDevices(){

This function is used to get all un-assigned bulk devices using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets all un-assigned bulk devices
Gets all un-assigned bulk devices
NAME: Get-UnAssignedDevices



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$ResourceSegment = "deviceManagement/importedAppleDeviceIdentities?`$filter=discoverySource eq 'deviceEnrollmentProgram'"

    try {

        [System.String]$devicesNextLink = ''
        [System.String[]]$unAssignedDevices = @()
        [System.Uri]$uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($ResourceSegment)"

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get -ContentType "application/json"
            $devicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
            $uri = $devicesNextLink

            foreach($device in $response.value)
                write-host "SerialNumber: " $device.SerialNumber "RequestedEnrollmentProfileId: " $device.RequestedEnrollmentProfileId "`n"

                if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($device.RequestedEnrollmentProfileId)) 
                    $unAssignedDevices += $device.SerialNumber

                if ($unAssignedDevices.Count -ge 1000)
                   $devicesNextLink = ''

        Write-Host $unAssignedDevices -f Yellow

        return $unAssignedDevices

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-UserDeviceStatus(){



Write-Host "Getting User Devices..." -ForegroundColor Yellow

$UserDevices = Get-AADUserDevices -UserID $UserID


        write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------"

        foreach($UserDevice in $UserDevices){

        $UserDeviceId = $
        $UserDeviceName = $UserDevice.deviceName
        $UserDeviceAADDeviceId = $UserDevice.azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
        $UserDeviceComplianceState = $UserDevice.complianceState

        write-host "Device Name:" $UserDevice.deviceName -f Cyan
        Write-Host "Device Id:" $
        write-host "Owner Type:" $UserDevice.ownerType
        write-host "Last Sync Date:" $UserDevice.lastSyncDateTime
        write-host "OS:" $UserDevice.operatingSystem
        write-host "OS Version:" $UserDevice.osVersion

            if($UserDevice.easActivated -eq $false){
            write-host "EAS Activated:" $UserDevice.easActivated -ForegroundColor Red

            else {
            write-host "EAS Activated:" $UserDevice.easActivated

        Write-Host "EAS DeviceId:" $UserDevice.easDeviceId

            if($UserDevice.aadRegistered -eq $false){
            write-host "AAD Registered:" $UserDevice.aadRegistered -ForegroundColor Red

            else {
            write-host "AAD Registered:" $UserDevice.aadRegistered
        write-host "Enrollment Type:" $UserDevice.enrollmentType
        write-host "Management State:" $UserDevice.managementState

            if($UserDevice.complianceState -eq "noncompliant"){
                write-host "Compliance State:" $UserDevice.complianceState -f Red

                $uri = "$UserDeviceId/deviceCompliancePolicyStates"
                $deviceCompliancePolicyStates = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value

                    foreach($DCPS in $deviceCompliancePolicyStates){

                        if($DCPS.State -ne "notApplicable"){

                        Write-Host "Non Compliant Policy for device $UserDeviceName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                        write-host "Display Name:" $DCPS.displayName

                        $SettingStatesId = $"_")[2]

                        $uri = "$UserDeviceId/deviceCompliancePolicyStates/$SettingStatesId/settingStates"

                        $SettingStates = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value

                            foreach($SS in $SettingStates){

                                if($SS.state -eq "nonCompliant"){

                                    Write-Host "Setting:" $SS.setting
                                    Write-Host "State:" $SS.state -ForegroundColor Red





                # Getting AAD Device using azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId property
                $uri = "`$filter=deviceId eq '$UserDeviceAADDeviceId'"
                $AADDevice = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value

                $AAD_Compliant = $AADDevice.isCompliant

                # Checking if AAD Device and Intune ManagedDevice state are the same value

                Write-Host "Compliance State - AAD and ManagedDevices" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host "AAD Compliance State:" $AAD_Compliant
                Write-Host "Intune Managed Device State:" $UserDeviceComplianceState
            else {

                write-host "Compliance State:" $UserDevice.complianceState -f Green

                # Getting AAD Device using azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId property
                $uri = "`$filter=deviceId eq '$UserDeviceAADDeviceId'"
                $AADDevice = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value

                $AAD_Compliant = $AADDevice.isCompliant

                # Checking if AAD Device and Intune ManagedDevice state are the same value

                Write-Host "Compliance State - AAD and ManagedDevices" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host "AAD Compliance State:" $AAD_Compliant
                Write-Host "Intune Managed Device State:" $UserDeviceComplianceState

        write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------"



    else {

    #write-host "User Devices:" -f Yellow
    write-host "User has no devices"



Function Add-DeviceCompliancePolicy(){

This function is used to add a device compliance policy using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a device compliance policy
Add-DeviceCompliancePolicy -JSON $JSON
Adds an Android device compliance policy in Intune
NAME: Add-DeviceCompliancePolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"

    try {

        if($JSON -eq "" -or $JSON -eq $null){

        write-host "No JSON specified, please specify valid JSON for the Android Policy..." -f Red


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment(){

This function is used to add a device compliance policy assignment using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a device compliance policy assignment
Add-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -CompliancePolicyId $CompliancePolicyId -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
Adds a device compliance policy assignment in Intune
NAME: Add-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/$CompliancePolicyId/assign"
    try {


        write-host "No Compliance Policy Id specified, specify a valid Compliance Policy Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red


        $ComPolAssign = "$CompliancePolicyId" + "_" + "$TargetGroupId"

$JSON = @"
  "deviceCompliancePolicyGroupAssignments": [
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceCompliancePolicyGroupAssignment",
      "id": "$ComPolAssign",
      "targetGroupId": "$TargetGroupId"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment(){

This function is used to get device compliance policy assignment from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets a device compliance policy assignment
Get-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment -id $id
Returns any device compliance policy assignment configured in Intune
NAME: Get-DeviceCompliancePolicyAssignment


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Enter id (guid) for the Device Compliance Policy you want to check assignment")]

$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$DCP_resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($DCP_resource)/$id/groupAssignments"
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"


Function Get-DeviceCompliancePolicy(){

This function is used to get device compliance policies from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any device compliance policies
Returns any device compliance policies configured in Intune
Get-DeviceCompliancePolicy -Android
Returns any device compliance policies for Android configured in Intune
Get-DeviceCompliancePolicy -iOS
Returns any device compliance policies for iOS configured in Intune
NAME: Get-DeviceCompliancePolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"

    try {

        $Count_Params = 0

        if($Android.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($iOS.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Win10.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Name.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }

        if($Count_Params -gt 1){

        write-host "Multiple parameters set, specify a single parameter -Android -iOS or -Win10 against the function" -f Red



        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'@odata.type').contains("android") }



        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'@odata.type').contains("ios") }



        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'@odata.type').contains("windows10CompliancePolicy") }



        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-DeviceCompliancePolicy(){

This function is used to delete a device configuration policy from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and deletes a device compliance policy
Remove-DeviceConfigurationPolicy -id $id
Returns any device configuration policies configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-DeviceConfigurationPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No id specified for device compliance, can't remove compliance policy..." -f Red
        write-host "Please specify id for device compliance policy..." -f Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)/$id"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicy(){

This function is used to add an device configuration policy using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a device configuration policy
Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicy -JSON $JSON
Adds a device configuration policy in Intune
NAME: Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicy



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$DCP_resource = "deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations"
Write-Verbose "Resource: $DCP_resource"

    try {

        if($JSON -eq "" -or $JSON -eq $null){

        write-host "No JSON specified, please specify valid JSON for the Android Policy..." -f Red


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($DCP_resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment(){

This function is used to add a device configuration policy assignment using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds a device configuration policy assignment
Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment -ConfigurationPolicyId $ConfigurationPolicyId -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
Adds a device configuration policy assignment in Intune
NAME: Add-DeviceConfigurationPolicyAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations/$ConfigurationPolicyId/assign"
    try {


        write-host "No Configuration Policy Id specified, specify a valid Configuration Policy Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red


        $ConfPolAssign = "$ConfigurationPolicyId" + "_" + "$TargetGroupId"

$JSON = @"
  "deviceConfigurationGroupAssignments": [
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment",
      "id": "$ConfPolAssign",
      "targetGroupId": "$TargetGroupId"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicy(){

This function is used to get device configuration policies from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any device configuration policies
Returns any device configuration policies configured in Intune
NAME: Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicy


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$DCP_resource = "deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations"
    try {
    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($DCP_resource)"
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value
    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Set-DeviceEnrollmentRestrictions(){

This function is used to set Device Enrollment Restrictions resource from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets Device Enrollment Restrictions Resource
Set-DeviceEnrollmentRestrictions -id $id -JSON $JSON
Sets device enrollment restrictions configured in Intune
NAME: Set-DeviceEnrollmentRestrictions



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "organization('$id')"

    try {

        write-host "Organization Id hasn't been specified, please specify Id..." -f Red

        write-host "No JSON has been passed to the function, please specify JSON metadata..." -f Red

        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Patch -Body $Json -ContentType "application/json"


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Invoke-DeviceAction(){

This function is used to set a generic intune resources from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets a generic Intune Resource
Invoke-DeviceAction -DeviceID $DeviceID -remoteLock
Resets a managed device passcode
NAME: Invoke-DeviceAction


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="DeviceId (guid) for the Device you want to take action on must be specified:")]

$graphApiVersion = "Beta"

    try {

        $Count_Params = 0

        if($RemoteLock.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($ResetPasscode.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Wipe.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Retire.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Delete.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Sync.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }

        if($Count_Params -eq 0){

        write-host "No parameter set, specify -RemoteLock -ResetPasscode -Wipe -Delete or -Sync against the function" -f Red


        elseif($Count_Params -gt 1){

        write-host "Multiple parameters set, specify a single parameter -RemoteLock -ResetPasscode -Wipe -Delete or -Sync against the function" -f Red



        $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/remoteLock"
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
        write-verbose $uri
        Write-Verbose "Sending remoteLock command to $DeviceID"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post



            write-host "Are you sure you want to reset the Passcode this device? Y or N?"
            $Confirm = read-host

            if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){

            $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/resetPasscode"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
            write-verbose $uri
            Write-Verbose "Sending remotePasscode command to $DeviceID"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post


            else {

            Write-Host "Reset of the Passcode for the device $DeviceID was cancelled..."




        write-host "Are you sure you want to wipe this device? Y or N?"
        $Confirm = read-host

            if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){

            $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/wipe"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
            write-verbose $uri
            Write-Verbose "Sending wipe command to $DeviceID"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post


            else {

            Write-Host "Wipe of the device $DeviceID was cancelled..."




        write-host "Are you sure you want to retire this device? Y or N?"
        $Confirm = read-host

            if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){

            $Resource = "managedDevices/$DeviceID/retire"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
            write-verbose $uri
            Write-Verbose "Sending retire command to $DeviceID"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post


            else {

            Write-Host "Retire of the device $DeviceID was cancelled..."




        Write-Warning "A deletion of a device will only work if the device has already had a retire or wipe request sent to the device..."
        write-host "Are you sure you want to delete this device? Y or N?"
        $Confirm = read-host

            if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){

            $Resource = "managedDevices('$DeviceID')"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
            write-verbose $uri
            Write-Verbose "Sending delete command to $DeviceID"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Delete


            else {

            Write-Host "Deletion of the device $DeviceID was cancelled..."



        write-host "Are you sure you want to sync this device? Y or N?"
        $Confirm = read-host

            if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){

            $Resource = "managedDevices('$DeviceID')/syncDevice"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
            write-verbose $uri
            Write-Verbose "Sending sync command to $DeviceID"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post


            else {

            Write-Host "Sync of the device $DeviceID was cancelled..."




    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ManagedDeviceOverview(){

This function is used to get Managed Device Overview from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets the Managed Device Overview
Returns Managed Device Overview configured in Intune
NAME: Get-ManagedDeviceOverview


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "managedDeviceOverview"

    try {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ManagedDevices(){

This function is used to get Intune Managed Devices from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Intune Managed Device
Returns all managed devices but excludes EAS devices registered within the Intune Service
Get-ManagedDevices -IncludeEAS
Returns all managed devices including EAS devices registered within the Intune Service
NAME: Get-ManagedDevices



# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "beta"
$Resource = "managedDevices"

try {

    $Count_Params = 0

    if($IncludeEAS.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
    if($ExcludeMDM.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if($Count_Params -gt 1){

        write-warning "Multiple parameters set, specify a single parameter -IncludeEAS, -ExcludeMDM or no parameter against the function"


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"



        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=managementAgent eq 'eas'"

        else {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=managementAgent eq 'mdm' and managementAgent eq 'easmdm'"
        Write-Warning "EAS Devices are excluded by default, please use -IncludeEAS if you want to include those devices"


        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).Value

    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Set-ManagedDevice(){

This function is used to set Managed Device property from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets a Managed Device property
Set-ManagedDevice -id $id -ownerType company
Returns Managed Devices configured in Intune
NAME: Set-ManagedDevice



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "managedDevices"

    try {

        if($id -eq "" -or $id -eq $null){

        write-host "No Device id specified, please provide a device id..." -f Red

        if($ownerType -eq "" -or $ownerType -eq $null){

            write-host "No ownerType parameter specified, please provide an ownerType. Supported value personal or company..." -f Red


        elseif($ownerType -eq "company"){

$JSON = @"

                write-host "Are you sure you want to change the device ownership to 'company' on this device? Y or N?"
                $Confirm = read-host

                if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){
                # Send Patch command to Graph to change the ownertype
                $uri = "'$ID')"
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Patch -Body $Json -ContentType "application/json"


                else {

                Write-Host "Change of Device Ownership for the device $ID was cancelled..." -ForegroundColor Yellow


        elseif($ownerType -eq "personal"){

$JSON = @"

                write-host "Are you sure you want to change the device ownership to 'personal' on this device? Y or N?"
                $Confirm = read-host

                if($Confirm -eq "y" -or $Confirm -eq "Y"){
                # Send Patch command to Graph to change the ownertype
                $uri = "'$ID')"
                Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Patch -Body $Json -ContentType "application/json"


                else {

                Write-Host "Change of Device Ownership for the device $ID was cancelled..." -ForegroundColor Yellow




    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-ManagedDeviceUser(){

This function is used to get a Managed Device username from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets a managed device users registered with Intune MDM
Get-ManagedDeviceUser -DeviceID $DeviceID
Returns a managed device user registered in Intune
NAME: Get-ManagedDeviceUser


    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="DeviceID (guid) for the device on must be specified:")]

# Defining Variables
$graphApiVersion = "beta"
$Resource = "manageddevices('$DeviceID')?`$select=userId"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    Write-Verbose $uri
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get).userId


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-Organization(){

This function is used to get the Organization intune resource from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets the Organization Intune Resource
Returns the Organization resource configured in Intune
NAME: Get-Organization


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$resource = "organization"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-RBACRole(){

This function is used to add an RBAC Role Definitions from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds an RBAC Role Definitions



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleDefinitions"

    try {


        write-host "No JSON was passed to the function, provide a JSON variable" -f Red


        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $Json -ContentType "application/json"


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Assign-RBACRole(){

This function is used to set an assignment for an RBAC Role using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and sets and assignment for an RBAC Role
Assign-RBACRole -Id $IntuneRoleID -DisplayName "Assignment" -MemberGroupId $MemberGroupId -TargetGroupId $TargetGroupId
Creates and Assigns and Intune Role assignment to an Intune Role in Intune
NAME: Assign-RBACRole



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleAssignments"
    try {


        write-host "No Policy Id specified, specify a valid Application Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Display Name specified, specify a Display Name" -f Red



        write-host "No Member Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red


$JSON = @"

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"
    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-RBACRole(){

This function is used to get RBAC Role Definitions from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any RBAC Role Definitions
Returns any RBAC Role Definitions configured in Intune



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleDefinitions"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") -and $_.isBuiltInRoleDefinition -eq $false }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-RBACRole(){

This function is used to delete an RBAC Role Definition from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and deletes an RBAC Role Definition
Remove-RBACRole -roleDefinitionId $roleDefinitionId
Returns any RBAC Role Definitions configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-RBACRole



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleDefinitions/$roleDefinitionId"

    try {

        if($roleDefinitionId -eq "" -or $roleDefinitionId -eq $null){

        Write-Host "roleDefinitionId hasn't been passed as a paramater to the function..." -ForegroundColor Red
        write-host "Please specify a valid roleDefinitionId..." -ForegroundColor Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-RBACRoleDefinition(){

This function is used to get an RBAC Role Definition from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any RBAC Role Definition
Get-RBACRoleDefinition -id $id
Returns an RBAC Role Definitions configured in Intune
NAME: Get-RBACRoleDefinition



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleDefinitions('$id')?`$expand=roleassignments"
    try {


        write-host "No Role ID was passed to the function, provide an ID variable" -f Red

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).roleAssignments
    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-RBACRoleAssignment(){

This function is used to get an RBAC Role Assignment from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any RBAC Role Assignment
Get-RBACRoleAssignment -id $id
Returns an RBAC Role Assignment configured in Intune
NAME: Get-RBACRoleAssignment



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/roleAssignments('$id')"
    try {


        write-host "No Role Assignment ID was passed to the function, provide an ID variable" -f Red

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get)
    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-RemoteActionAudit(){

This function is used to get Remote Action Audits from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Remote Action Audits
Returns any device compliance policies configured in Intune
NAME: Get-RemoteActionAudit


$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/remoteActionAudits"

    try {

    $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
    (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value


    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Add-TermsAndConditions(){

This function is used to add Terms and Conditions using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and adds Terms and Conditions Statement
Add-TermsAndConditions -JSON $JSON
Adds Terms and Conditions into Intune
NAME: Add-TermsAndConditions



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/termsAndConditions"

    try {

        if($JSON -eq "" -or $JSON -eq $null){

        write-host "No JSON specified, please specify valid JSON for the Android Policy..." -f Red


        else {

        Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Assign-TermsAndConditions(){

This function is used to assign Terms and Conditions from Intune to a Group using the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and assigns terms and conditions to a group
Assign-TermsAndConditions -id $id -TargetGroupId
NAME: Assign-TermsAndConditions



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/termsAndConditions/$id/groupAssignments"

    try {


        Write-Host "No Terms and Conditions ID was passed to the function, specify a valid terms and conditions ID" -ForegroundColor Red



        write-host "No Target Group Id specified, specify a valid Target Group Id" -f Red


        else {

$JSON = @"

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json" 



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Get-TermsAndConditions(){

This function is used to get the Get Terms And Conditions intune resource from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets the Terms and Conditions Intune Resource
Returns the Organization resource configured in Intune
NAME: Get-TermsAndConditions



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$resource = "deviceManagement/termsAndConditions"

    try {


        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value | Where-Object { ($_.'displayName').contains("$Name") }


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
        (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Get).Value



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Remove-TermsAndCondition(){

This function is used to delete a Terms and Condition Definition from the Graph API REST interface
The function connects to the Graph API Interface and deletes a Terms and Condition Definition
Remove-TermsAndCondition -termsAndConditionsId $termsAndConditionsId
Removes a Terms and Condition Definition configured in Intune
NAME: Remove-TermsAndCondition



$graphApiVersion = "Beta"
$Resource = "deviceManagement/termsAndConditions/$termsAndConditionId"

    try {

        if($termsAndConditionId -eq "" -or $termsAndConditionId -eq $null){

        Write-Host "termsAndConditionId hasn't been passed as a paramater to the function..." -ForegroundColor Red
        write-host "Please specify a valid termsAndConditionsId..." -ForegroundColor Red


        else {

        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri Headers $authToken Method Delete



    catch {

    $ex = $_.Exception
    $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
    $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
    $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
    $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
    Write-Host "Response content:`n$responseBody" -f Red
    Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"



Function Test-JSON(){

This function is used to test if the JSON passed to a REST Post request is valid
The function tests if the JSON passed to the REST Post is valid
Test if the JSON is valid before calling the Graph REST interface

param (



    try {

    $TestJSON = ConvertFrom-Json $JSON -ErrorAction Stop
    $validJson = $true


    catch {

    $validJson = $false


    if (!$validJson){

    Write-Host "Provided JSON isn't in valid JSON format" -f Red



Function Export-JSONData(){

This function is used to export JSON data returned from Graph
This function is used to export JSON data returned from Graph
Export the JSON inputted on the function
NAME: Export-JSONData

param (



    try {

        if($JSON -eq "" -or $JSON -eq $null){

        write-host "No JSON specified, please specify valid JSON..." -f Red



        write-host "No export path parameter set, please provide a path to export the file" -f Red


        elseif(!(Test-Path $ExportPath)){

        write-host "$ExportPath doesn't exist, can't export JSON Data" -f Red


        else {

        $JSON1 = ConvertTo-Json $JSON

        $JSON_Convert = $JSON1 | ConvertFrom-Json

        $displayName = $JSON_Convert.displayName

        $Properties = ($JSON_Convert | Get-Member | ? { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" }).Name

            $displayName = $JSON_Convert.displayName

            $FileName_CSV = "$DisplayName" + "_" + $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-H-mm-ss) + ".csv"
            $FileName_JSON = "$DisplayName" + "_" + $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-H-mm-ss) + ".json"

            $Object = New-Object System.Object

                foreach($Property in $Properties){

                $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $JSON_Convert.$Property


            write-host "Export Path:" "$ExportPath"

            $Object | Export-Csv "$ExportPath\$FileName_CSV" -Delimiter "," -NoTypeInformation -Append
            $JSON1 | Out-File "$ExportPath\$FileName_JSON"
            write-host "CSV created in $ExportPath\$FileName_CSV..." -f cyan
            write-host "JSON created in $ExportPath\$FileName_JSON..." -f cyan


    catch {


