# # Module manifest for module 'UniversalDashboard' # # Generated by: adamr # # Generated on: 5/16/2020 # @{ # Script module or binary module file associated with this manifest. RootModule = '.\UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.psm1' # Version number of this module. ModuleVersion = '3.4.1' # Supported PSEditions # CompatiblePSEditions = @() # ID used to uniquely identify this module GUID = 'c7894dd1-357e-4474-b8e1-b416afd70c2d' # Author of this module Author = 'Ironman Software' # Company or vendor of this module CompanyName = 'Ironman Software' # Copyright statement for this module Copyright = '(c) 2020 Ironman Software. All rights reserved.' # Description of the functionality provided by this module Description = 'Universal Dashbord v3 framework for Powershell Universal' # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell engine required by this module # PowerShellVersion = '' # Name of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module # PowerShellHostName = '' # Minimum version of the Windows PowerShell host required by this module # PowerShellHostVersion = '' # Minimum version of Microsoft .NET Framework required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only. # DotNetFrameworkVersion = '' # Minimum version of the common language runtime (CLR) required by this module. This prerequisite is valid for the PowerShell Desktop edition only. # CLRVersion = '' # Processor architecture (None, X86, Amd64) required by this module # ProcessorArchitecture = '' # Modules that must be imported into the global environment prior to importing this module RequiredModules = @('Universal') # Assemblies that must be loaded prior to importing this module # RequiredAssemblies = @() # Script files (.ps1) that are run in the caller's environment prior to importing this module. # ScriptsToProcess = @() # Type files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module # TypesToProcess = @() # Format files (.ps1xml) to be loaded when importing this module # FormatsToProcess = @() # Modules to import as nested modules of the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess # NestedModules = @() AliasesToExport = @( 'New-UDFormValidationResult' ) FunctionsToExport = @( 'Add-UDElement' 'Clear-UDElement' 'ConvertTo-UDCSSValue' 'ConvertTo-UDThemeCss' 'Find-Object' 'Get-UDCacheData' 'Get-UDElement' 'Get-UDSessionData' 'Get-UDTheme' 'Hide-UDModal' 'Hide-UDToast' 'Invoke-UDEvent' 'Invoke-UDJavaScript' 'Invoke-UDRedirect' 'Join-HashTable' 'New-UDAlert' 'New-UDAppBar' 'New-UDAutocomplete' 'New-UDAvatar' 'New-UDBarChartDataset' 'New-UDBarChartOptions' 'New-UDButton' 'New-UDCard' 'New-UDCardBody' 'New-UDCardExpand' 'New-UDCardFooter' 'New-UDCardHeader' 'New-UDCardMedia' 'New-UDCardToolbar' 'New-UDCategoryChartAxis' 'New-UDChart' 'New-UDChartDataset' 'New-UDChartLayoutOptions' 'New-UDChartLegendOptions' 'New-UDChartOptions' 'New-UDChartTitleOptions' 'New-UDChartTooltipOptions' 'New-UDCheckbox' 'New-UDChip' 'New-UDCollapsible' 'New-UDCollapsibleItem' 'New-UDCollection' 'New-UDCollectionItem' 'New-UDColumn' 'New-UDContainer' 'New-UDCounter' 'New-UDDashboard' 'New-UDDatePicker' 'New-UDDoughnutChartDataset' 'New-UDDoughnutChartOptions' 'New-UDDrawer' 'New-UDDynamic' 'New-UDError' 'New-UDExpansionPanel' 'New-UDExpansionPanelGroup' 'New-UDFab' 'New-UDFabButton' 'New-UDFloatingActionButton' 'New-UDFooter' 'New-UDForm' 'New-UDValidationResult' 'New-UDGrid' 'New-UDGridLayout' 'New-UDHeading' 'New-UDIcon' 'New-UDIconButton' 'New-UDIFrame' 'New-UDImage' 'New-UDImageCarousel' 'New-UDImageCarouselItem' 'New-UDInput' 'New-UDInputAction' 'New-UDInputField' 'New-UDLayout' 'New-UDLinearChartAxis' 'New-UDLineChartDataset' 'New-UDLineChartOptions' 'New-UDLink' 'New-UDList' 'New-UDListItem' 'New-UDLogarithmicChartAxis' 'New-UDMonitor' 'New-UDPage' 'New-UDPaper' 'New-UDParagraph' 'New-UDPolarChartDataset' 'New-UDPolarChartOptions' 'New-UDPreloader' 'New-UDProgress' 'New-UDRadarChartDataset' 'New-UDRadio' 'New-UDRadioGroup' 'New-UDRow' 'New-UDSelect' 'New-UDSelectGroup' 'New-UDSelectOption' 'New-UDSideNav' 'New-UDSideNavItem' 'New-UDSlider' 'New-UDSpan' 'New-UDSplitPane' 'New-UDStep' 'New-UDStepper' 'New-UDSwitch' 'New-UDTab' 'New-UDTabContainer' 'New-UDTable' 'New-UDTableColumn' 'New-UDTableTextOption' 'New-UDTabs' 'New-UDTextbox' 'New-UDTheme' 'New-UDTimePicker' 'New-UDTooltip' 'New-UDTreeNode' 'New-UDTreeView' 'New-UDTypography' 'Out-UDChartData' 'Out-UDGridData' 'Out-UDMonitorData' 'Out-UDTableData' 'Remove-UDElement' 'Select-UDElement' 'Set-UDCacheData' 'Set-UDClipboard' 'Set-UDElement' 'Set-UDSessionData' 'Show-UDModal' 'Show-UDToast' 'Sync-UDElement' 'Update-UDDashboard' 'Write-UDLog' 'Test-UDForm' 'New-UDUpload' 'Start-UDDashboard', 'New-UDDateTime' 'New-UDErrorBoundary' 'Debug-PSUDashboard' 'New-UDTransition' 'New-UDHidden' ) CmdletsToExport = @( ) # Variables to export from this module VariablesToExport = '' # DSC resources to export from this module # DscResourcesToExport = @() # List of all modules packaged with this module # ModuleList = @() # List of all files packaged with this module # FileList = @() # Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess. This may also contain a PSData hashtable with additional module metadata used by PowerShell. PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries. Tags = @('universal-dashboard') # A URL to the license for this module. LicenseUri = 'https://ironmansoftware.com/powershell-universal-eula/' # A URL to the main website for this project. ProjectUri = 'https://www.ironmansoftware.com/powershell-universal' # A URL to an icon representing this module. IconUri = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ironmansoftware/universal-dashboard/master/images/logo.png' # ReleaseNotes of this module # ReleaseNotes = '' # Prerelease = "beta7" } # End of PSData hashtable } # End of PrivateData hashtable # HelpInfo URI of this module # HelpInfoURI = '' # Default prefix for commands exported from this module. Override the default prefix using Import-Module -Prefix. # DefaultCommandPrefix = '' } |