function New-UDHVVMWizard { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a wizard for creating new virtual machines. .DESCRIPTION Creates a wizard for creating new virtual machines. .PARAMETER ComputerName The Hyper-V host to connect to. .PARAMETER Credential The credential needed to connect to the Hyper-V host. .PARAMETER IsoPath The local path on the Hyper-V host that contains ISOs for installation media. .EXAMPLE New-UDHVVMWizard -IsoPath 'C:\isos' Creates a wizard using the local path C:\isos for installation media and use the local machine and credentials. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter()] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter()] [string]$IsoPath ) $ConnectionInfo = @{} if ($ComputerName) { $ConnectionInfo["ComputerName"] = $ComputerName } if ($Credential) { $ConnectionInfo["Credential"] = $Credential } New-UDStepper -Steps { New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDRow { New-UDTypography -Text "Choose a name and location for this virtual machine." } New-UDRow { New-UDTextbox -Id 'name' -Value $EventData.Context.name -Label 'Name' } New-UDRow { New-UDTypography "Stored at default path: $((Get-VMHost @ConnectionInfo).VirtualMachinePath)" } } -Label "Name and Location" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDTypography -Text "Choose the generation of this virtual machine." New-UDRadioGroup -Label "Generation" -Content { New-UDRadio -Label 'Generation 1' -Value '1' New-UDRadio -Label 'Generation 2' -Value '2' } -Value $EventData.Context.generation -Id 'generation' } -Label "Generation" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDRow { New-UDTypography -Text "Specify the amount of memory to allocate to this virtual machine." } New-UDRow { New-UDTextbox -Id 'memory' -Value $EventData.Context.memory -Label 'Memory (MB)' } $Dynamic = $false if ($EventData.Context.dynamicMemory) { [bool]$Dynamic = $EventData.Context.dynamicMemory } New-UDRow { New-UDCheckBox -Label 'Use Dynamic Memory' -Id 'dynamicMemory' -Checked $Dynamic } } -Label "Memory" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDRow { New-UDTypography -Text "Each new virtual machine includes a network adapter. You can configure the network adapter to use a virtual switch, or it can remain disconnected" } New-UDSelect -Option { Get-VMSwitch @ConnectionInfo | ForEach-Object { New-UDSelectOption -Value $_.Name -Name $_.Name } } -Id 'network' -DefaultValue $EventData.Context.network } -Label "Networking" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDRow { New-UDTypography -Text "Configure the virtual hard drisk size." } New-UDTextbox -Id 'hardDiskSize' -Value $EventData.Context.hardDiskSize -Label 'Size (GB)' } -Label "Virtual Hard Disk" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDRow { New-UDTypography -Text "Select the operating system to install." } New-UDSelect -Option { Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $IsoPath "*.iso") | ForEach-Object { New-UDSelectOption -Value $_.FullName -Name $_.Name } } -Id 'iso' -DefaultValue $EventData.Context.iso } -Label "Installation" } -OnFinish { try { $memoryBytes = ([int]$EventData.context.memory) * 1MB $vhdBytes = ([int]$EventData.context.hardDiskSize) * 1GB $VHDPath = Join-Path (Get-VMHost @ConnectionInfo).VirtualHardDiskPath "$($EventData.Context.name).vhdx" $VM = New-VM -Name $EventData.Context.name -Generation $EventData.Context.generation -SwitchName $EventData.Context.network -MemoryStartupBytes $memoryBytes -NewVHDSizeBytes $vhdBytes -NewVHDPath $VHDPath @ConnectionInfo [bool]$DynamicMemory = $EventData.Context.dynamicMemory Set-VM -VM $VM -DynamicMemory:$DynamicMemory @ConnectionInfo Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VM.Name -Path $EventData.Context.iso @ConnectionInfo Show-UDToast -Message "Successfully created VM $($EventData.Context.name)" -Duration 5000 } catch { Show-UDToast -Message "Failed to create VM. $_" -Duration 5000 } } -Orientation vertical } function New-UDHVVMCard { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a card with information about a VM. .DESCRIPTION Creates a card with information about a VM. Requires the UniversalDashboard.Style component to be loaded. .PARAMETER ComputerName The name of the Hyper-V host to connect to. .PARAMETER Credential The credential used to connect to the Hyper-V host. .PARAMETER VMName The name of the VM to display. .EXAMPLE New-UDHVVMCard -VMName 'active-directory' Creates a virtual machine card based on the VM named active-dirctory. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$ComputerName, [Parameter()] [PSCredential]$Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$VMName ) $ConnectionInfo = @{} if ($ComputerName) { $ConnectionInfo["ComputerName"] = $ComputerName } if ($Credential) { $ConnectionInfo["Credential"] = $Credential } New-UDDynamic -Id "$($VMName)_card" -Content { $VM = Get-VM -Name $VMName @ConnectionInfo $Header = New-UDCardHeader -Title $VM.Name $Footer = New-UDCardFooter -Content { if ($VM.State -eq 'Running') { New-UDButton -Variant text -Text 'Stop' -OnClick { Show-UDToast -Message 'Stopping VM...' -Duration 5000 Stop-VM -VMName $VM.name @ConnectionInfo Sync-UDElement -Id "$($VMName)_card" } } else { New-UDButton -Variant text -Text 'Start' -OnClick { Show-UDToast -Message 'Starting VM...' -Duration 5000 Start-VM -VMName $VM.name @ConnectionInfo Sync-UDElement -Id "$($VMName)_card" } } } $Body = New-UDCardBody -Content { New-UDTable -Data ($VM | Select-Object Name, State, CPUUsage, MemoryAssigned, Uptime) -Dense } $Expand = New-UDCardExpand -Content { New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { New-UDTable -Data ($VM.DvdDrives | Select-Object Name, DvdMediaType, Path) -Title 'DVD Drives' -Dense } $Drives = Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VM.Name @ConnectionInfo | Select-Object Name, Path New-UDTable -Data $Drives -Title 'Hard Disk Drives' -Dense New-UDTable -Data ($VM.NetworkAdapters | Select-Object 'SwitchName', 'MacAddress' ) -Dense -Title 'Network Adapters' } New-UDStyle -Style '.ud-mu-cardexpand { display: block !important }' -Content { New-UDCard -Body $Body -Header $Header -Footer $Footer -Expand $Expand } } -LoadingComponent { New-UDCard -Content { New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { New-UDProgress -Circular } -Attributes @{ style = @{ margin = 'auto' } } } -Title $VMName } } |