function New-UDButton { param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] $Text, [Parameter()] [object]$OnClick, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Floating, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Flat, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons]$Icon, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('left', 'right')] [String]$IconAlignment = 'left', [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$BackgroundColor, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$FontColor, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [string] $Height, [Parameter()] [string] $Width ) if ($null -ne $OnClick) { if ($OnClick -is [scriptblock]) { $OnClick = New-UDEndpoint -Endpoint $OnClick -Id $Id } elseif ($OnClick -isnot [UniversalDashboard.Models.Endpoint]) { throw "OnClick must be a script block or UDEndpoint" } } if ((!($Style.BackgroundColor)) -and ($BackgroundColor)) { $Style += @{BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.HtmlColor} } if ((!($Style.Color)) -and ($FontColor)) { $Style += @{Color = $FontColor.HtmlColor} } if ((!($Style.Width)) -and ($Width)) { #check if the width is numerical, to append with "px" or if it is string, and not to be appended if ($Width -match "^[\d\.]+$") { $Style += @{Width = "$($Width)px"} } else { $Style += @{Width = $Width} } } if ((!($Style.Heigth)) -and ($Height)) { #check if the width is numerical, to append with "px" or if it is string, and not to be appended if ($Height -match "^[\d\.]+$") { $Style += @{Height = "$($Height)px"} } else { $Style += @{Height = $Height} } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Icon")) { $IconName = [UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIconsExtensions]::GetIconName($Icon) } @{ type = 'ud-button' isPlugin = $true id = $id onClick = $OnClick.Name icon = $IconName disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent flat = $Flat.IsPresent floating = $Floating.IsPresent iconAlignment = $IconAlignment text = $Text backgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.HtmlColor fontColor = $FontColor.HtmlColor style = $Style } } |