New-ComponentPage -Title 'AppBar' ` -Description 'The App Bar displays information and actions relating to the current screen.' ` -SecondDescription "The top App Bar provides content and actions related to the current screen. It's used for branding, screen titles, navigation, and actions." -Content { New-Example -Title 'AppBar with Custom Drawer' -Example { $Drawer = New-UDDrawer -Children { New-UDList -Children { New-UDListItem -Label "Home" New-UDListItem -Label "Getting Started" -Children { New-UDListItem -Label "Installation" -OnClick {} New-UDListItem -Label "Usage" -OnClick {} New-UDListItem -Label "FAQs" -OnClick {} New-UDListItem -Label "System Requirements" -OnClick {} New-UDListItem -Label "Purchasing" -OnClick {} } } } New-UDAppBar -Position relative -Children { New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { "Title" } } -Drawer $Drawer } } -Cmdlet 'New-UDAppBar' |