New-UDPage -Name "Dashboard" -Icon chart_bar -Endpoint { New-UDHelmet -Content { New-UDHtmlTag -Tag 'title' -Content { "Universal Automation / Dashboard" } } New-UDRow -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats = Get-UAStats New-UDColumn -SmallSize 12 -Content { New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Run Today" -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats.JobsRunToday } -Icon check_circle -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Failed" -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats.JobsFailedToday } -Icon times_circle -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Running" -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats.RunningJobs } -Icon play_circle -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Upcoming" -Endpoint { $CountUpcomingJobs = 0 Get-UASchedule | ForEach-Object { $NextExecution = $_.NextExecution if ($NextExecution -lt (Get-Date).AddHours(24) -and $NextExecution -gt (Get-Date)) { $CountUpcomingJobs++ } } $CountUpcomingJobs } -Icon chart_bar -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Pending" -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats.JobsWaitingOnFeedback } -Icon question_circle -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } New-UDColumn -SmallSize 2 -Content { New-UDCounter -Title "Time Saved" -Endpoint { $Cache:Stats.TimeSavedSeconds / 60 } -Icon play_circle -TextSize Medium -BackgroundColor "#3F51B5" -FontColor "#FFFFFF" } } } }-AutoRefresh -RefreshInterval 30 New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Endpoint { New-UDTabContainer -Tabs { New-UDTab -Text 'Running Jobs' -Content { New-JobRunningGrid } New-UDTab -Text 'Past Jobs' -Content { New-JobHistoricalGrid New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Endpoint { If($Cache:UAVersion -eq "Premium") { <# New-UDCard -Content { New-JobHistoryCalendar New-JobHistoryBarChart }#> } } } New-UDTab -Text "Scripts" -Content { New-ScriptGrid if($Session:UserRole -eq "Administrator" -or $Session:UserRole -eq "Operator") { New-UDButton -Text "New Script" -OnClick { New-UDScriptModal } } } New-UDTab -Text 'Schedules' -Content { New-JobUpcomingGrid } New-UDTab -Text "Variables" -Content { New-VariableGrid if($Session:UserRole -eq "Administrator" -or $Session:UserRole -eq "Operator") { New-UDButton -Text "New Variable" -OnClick { New-UDCreateVariableModal } } } New-UDTab -Text "Secrets" -Content { New-UDSecretManagerGrid if($Session:UserRole -eq "Administrator" -or $Session:UserRole -eq "Operator") { New-UDButton -Text "New Secret Manager" -OnClick { New-UDCreateSecretManagerModal } } } New-UDTab -Text "Tags" -Content { New-TagGrid if($Session:UserRole -eq "Administrator" -or $Session:UserRole -eq "Operator") { New-UDButton -Text "New Tag" -OnClick { New-UDCreateTagModal } } } if($Session:UserRole -eq "Administrator") { New-UDTab -Text "Config" -Content { New-UDTabContainer -Tabs { New-UDTab -Text 'Connect' -Content { New-UAConnectionHelp } New-UDTab -Text 'Git Details' -Content { New-UAConfigDetails } New-UDTab -Text 'Identities' -Content { New-UAIdentityGrid New-UDButton -Text "Add Identity" -OnClick { New-UACreateIdentityModal } } New-UDTab -Text 'PowerShell Versions' -Content { New-PowerShellVersionGrid New-UDButton -Text "New PowerShell Version" -OnClick { New-UDCreatePowerShellVersionModal } } New-UDTab -Text 'Roles' -Content { New-UARoleGrid } New-UDTab -Text 'Swagger' -Content { New-UDCard -Title "Swagger Documentation" -Content { New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { New-UDHtml -Markup ("Use the following link to open the Swagger interactive API documentation") } New-UDButton -Text "Open Swagger Document" -Icon file -OnClick { $SwaggerURL = "http://localhost:10000/swagger/index.html" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url $SwaggerURL -OpenInNewWindow } } } New-UDTab -Text 'Help' -Content { New-UDCard -Title "Help" -Content { New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { New-UDHtml -Markup ("Have questions or need help? Try the following resources...") } New-UDButton -Text "Documentation" -Icon file -OnClick { $DocsURL = "" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url $DocsURL -OpenInNewWindow } " " New-UDButton -Text "Community Forum" -Icon users -OnClick { $ForumURL = "" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url $ForumURL -OpenInNewWindow } " " New-UDButton -Text "Ironman Software Slack" -Icon Slack -OnClick { $ForumURL = "" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url $ForumURL -OpenInNewWindow } " " New-UDButton -Text "Universal Automation Homepage" -Icon home -OnClick { $ForumURL = "" Invoke-UDRedirect -Url $ForumURL -OpenInNewWindow } } } } } } } } } |