Function New-PipelineObjectDetailsModal { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PipelineObject ) #TODO - Handlers for: System.Collections.ArrayList #TODO - Handlers for: Win32ShareProcess $PipeLineObjectValue = If(($PipeLineObject | Get-Member).Name -NotContains "ToString"){$PipeLineObject.Name}else{$PipeLineObject.ToString()} Show-UDModal -Width "75%" -Height "75%" -Content { New-UDPageHeader -Text ("Pipeline Object Details") If($PipelineObject.GetType().Name -eq "Hashtable") #TODO - should be able to roll this into one grid and do dynamic handling { New-UDGrid -Id ("PipelineHashTableDetailsGrid_" + $PipeLineObjectValue) -Title ("Hashtable Details") -Headers @("Name", "Value", "Actions") -Properties @("Name", "Value","Actions") -Endpoint { $PipelineObject.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $HashValue = $_.Value $CopyStringButton = New-UDButton -Icon copy -OnClick { Set-UDClipboard -Data $HashValue } $ActionControls = New-UDElement -Tag div -Content{ if($null -ne $HashValue -and $HashValue -ne "" -and $HashValue -ne " ") { New-UDTooltip -Content{$CopyStringButton} -TooltipContent {"Copy Hash String Value to Clipboard"} } else { " " } } [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name Value = $HashValue Actions = $ActionControls } } | Out-UDGridData } } else { New-UDGrid -Id ("PipelineDetailsGrid_" + $PipeLineObjectValue) -Title ("Pipeline Object: " + $PipeLineObjectValue) -Headers @("Name", "Value", "Actions") -Properties @("Name", "Value", "Actions") -Endpoint { $Members = $PipelineObject | Get-Member $Members | Sort-Object -Property Name | ForEach-Object { $Member = $_ if ($Member.MemberType -eq "Property" -or $Member.MemberType -eq "ScriptProperty") { $PipelineObjectMemberNameValue = $PipelineObject.($Member.Name) $PropertyValue = If($null -eq $PipelineObjectMemberNameValue -or $PipelineObjectMemberNameValue -eq ""){$null}else{$PipelineObjectMemberNameValue.ToString()} $CopyStringButton = New-UDButton -Icon copy -OnClick { Set-UDClipboard -Data $PropertyValue } $ActionControls = New-UDElement -Tag div -Content{ if($null -ne $PropertyValue) { New-UDTooltip -Content{$CopyStringButton} -TooltipContent {"Copy String Value to Clipboard"} } else { " " } } [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Member.Name Value = $PropertyValue Actions = $ActionControls } } } | Out-UDGridData } } } } |