$TAType = [psobject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators') $TAtype::Add('DashboardColor', 'UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor') $TAtype::Add('Endpoint', 'UniversalDashboard.Models.Endpoint') $TAtype::Add('FontAwesomeIcons', 'UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIcons') $TAtype::Add('Category', 'System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute') $TAtype::Add('Description', 'System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute') $TAtype::Add('DisplayName', 'System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute') function New-UDRow { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'static')] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "static", Position = 0)] [ScriptBlock]$Columns ) End { New-UDGrid -Container -Content { & $Columns } } } function New-UDColumn { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'content')] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Alias('Size')] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$SmallSize = 12, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$LargeSize = 12, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$MediumSize = 12, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$ExtraLargeSize, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$ExtraSmallSize, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) $Parameters = @{} if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("ExtraLargeSize")) { $Parameters.Add("ExtraLargeSize", $ExtraLargeSize) } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("ExtraSmallSize")) { $Parameters.Add("ExtraSmallSize", $ExtraSmallSize) } $GridContent = $Content New-UDGrid -Item -SmallSize $SmallSize -MediumSize $MediumSize -LargeSize $LargeSize -Content { & $GridContent } @Parameters } function New-UDNivoTheme { param( [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$TickLineColor, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$TickTextColor, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$GridLineStrokeColor, [Parameter()] [int]$GridStrokeWidth ) @{ axis = @{ ticks = @{ line = @{ stoke = $TickLineColor.HtmlColor } text = @{ fill = $TickTextColor.HtmlColor } } } grid = @{ line = @{ stroke = $GridLineStrokeColor.HtmlColor strokeWidth = $GridStrokeWidth } } } }function New-UDAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS An alert displays a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task. .DESCRIPTION An alert displays a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Severity The severity of this alert. Valid values are: "success", "error", "warning", "info" .PARAMETER Children Content of the alert. .PARAMETER Text Text for the body of the alert. .PARAMETER Title A title for this alert. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the alert. .PARAMETER Style An hashtable of styles to apply to this component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'error' -Title "Error" -Id 'alert1' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'warning' -Title "Warning" -Id 'alert2' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'info' -Title "Info" -Id 'alert3' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'success' -Title "Success" -Id 'alert4' PS > } -Direction 'column' Basic alert|The alert offers four severity levels that set a distinctive icon and color. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'error' -Title 'Error' -Text 'This is an error alert' -Id 'alert5' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'warning' -Title 'Warning' -Text 'This is an warning alert' -Id 'alert6' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'info' -Title 'Info' -Text 'This is an error info' -Id 'alert7' PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'success' -Title 'Success' -Text 'This is an success alert' -Id 'alert8' PS > } -Direction 'column' Text and Title|You can use the -Title parameter to display a formatted title above the content. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'error' -Title "Error" -Id 'alert9' -Dense PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'warning' -Title "Warning" -Id 'alert10' -Dense PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'info' -Title "Info" -Id 'alert11' -Dense PS > New-UDAlert -Severity 'success' -Title "Success" -Id 'alert12' -Dense PS > } -Direction 'column' Dense|You can use the -Dense parameter to reduce the vertical padding of the alert. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("An alert displays a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.")] [DisplayName("Alert")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Text')] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("success", "error", "warning", "info")] [string]$Severity = "success", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Content")] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")] [string]$Text, [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Dense ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Text') { $Children = { $Text } } @{ type = "mu-alert" id = $id isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId severity = $Severity.ToLower() children = & $Children title = $Title className = $ClassName style = $Style dense = $Dense.IsPresent } } function New-UDAppBar { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an AppBar. .DESCRIPTION Creates an AppBar. This can be used to replace the built-in AppBar. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Drawer A drawer that can be opened from this AppBar. Use New-UDDrawer to create a drawer to pass to this parameter. .PARAMETER Children Children of this AppBar. The children of an AppBar are commonly text and buttons. .PARAMETER Position The position of this AppBar. A fixed position will override the default AppBar. .PARAMETER Footer Positions the app bar at the bottom of the page to create a footer .PARAMETER DisableThemeToggle Removes the theme toggle switch from the app bar. .PARAMETER Color The theme color to use for the app bar. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the app bar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAppBar -Children { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello' } -Position relative Basic App Bar|Creates a new AppBar that is relative to other components. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAppBar -Children { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello' } -Position relative -Drawer (New-UDDrawer -Content { New-UDTypography -Text 'Drawer' }) App Bar with Drawer|Creates a new AppBar with a drawer. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAppBar -Children { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello' } -Position relative -DisableThemeToggle App Bar with no theme toggle|Creates a new AppBar with no theme toggle switch. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAppBar -Children { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello' } -Position relative -Color secondary App Bar with secondary color|Creates a new AppBar with a secondary color. #> #[Component("AppBar", "Creates an AppBar.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Drawer, [Parameter()] [Alias('Content')] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('absolute', 'fixed', 'relative', 'static', 'sticky')] [string]$Position = 'sticky', [Parameter()] [switch]$Footer, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableThemeToggle, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'transparent')] [string]$Color = 'default' ) @{ id = $Id type = 'mu-appbar' assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true children = & $Children drawer = $Drawer position = $Position footer = $Footer.IsPresent disableThemeToggle = $DisableThemeToggle.IsPresent className = $ClassName color = $Color.ToLower() } } function New-UDAutocomplete { <# .SYNOPSIS The autocomplete is a normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options. .DESCRIPTION Autocomplete text boxes can be used to allow the user to select from a large list of static or dynamic items. Typing in the textbox will filter the list. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label to show for the textbox. .PARAMETER Value The value of the textbox. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is invoked when the selection changes. .PARAMETER OnLoadOptions A script block that is called when the user starts typing in the text box. The $Body variable will contain the typed text. You should return a JSON array of values that are a result of what the user has typed. .PARAMETER Options Static options to display in the selection drop down. When the user types, these options will be filtered. .PARAMETER FullWidth Whether the component should take up the full width of its parent. .PARAMETER AutoSelect Whether the component should automatically be selected if there was only one total option with the options array. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of the text box. Valid values are: "filled", "outlined", "standard" .PARAMETER Multiple Whether multiple items can be selected. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the component. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to display before the text box. Use New-UDIcon to create the value for this parameter. .PARAMETER OnEnter A script block to call when the user presses enter within the autocomplete textbox. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this autocomplete is disabled. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @('Test', 'Test2', 'Test3', 'Test4') -Id 'autocomplete1' -FullWidth Basic autocomplete|The value must be chosen from a predefined set of allowed values. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -Multiple -Id 'autocomplete2' -FullWidth Multi-Select|Allow the user to select multiple values. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -Variant 'filled' -Id 'autocomplete3' -FullWidth PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -Variant 'outlined' -Id 'autocomplete4' -FullWidth PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -Variant 'standard' -Id 'autocomplete5' -FullWidth PS > } -Direction 'column' -FullWidth Variants|Change the the style of the autocomplete textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast $EventData PS > } -Id 'autocomplete6' -FullWidth Handling changes|Execute PowerShell when the autocomplete changes. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAutocomplete -Options @("Test", "No", "Yes") -OnEnter { PS > Show-UDToast $EventData PS > } -Id 'autocomplete7' -FullWidth OnEnter|Execute PowerShell when the user presses enter. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAutocomplete -OnLoadOptions { PS > @('Test', 'Test2', 'Test3', 'Test4') | Where-Object { $_ -match $Body } | ConvertTo-Json PS > } -Id 'autocomplete8' -FullWidth Asynchronous options|Creates an autocomplete with a dynamically filtered set of options #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("The autocomplete is a normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options.")] [DisplayName("Autocomplete")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Static")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [string]$Value, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Dynamic")] [Endpoint]$OnLoadOptions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Static")] $Options = @(), [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [Switch]$AutoSelect, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("filled", "outlined", "standard")] [string]$Variant = "standard", [Parameter()] [Switch]$Multiple, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnEnter, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled ) if (-not $Options) { $Options = @() } elseif ($Options -is [scriptblock]) { $Options = & $Options } elseif ($Options.Count -eq 1 -and $Value.Length -eq 0 -and $AutoSelect -eq $true) { $Value = $Options | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.ContentType = 'text/plain'; $OnChange.Register($Id + "onChange", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnEnter) { $OnEnter.Register($Id + "onEnter", $PSCmdlet) } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Dynamic') { if ($OnLoadOptions) { $OnLoadOptions.ContentType = 'text/plain'; $OnLoadOptions.Register($Id + "onLoadOptions", $PSCmdlet) } } @{ id = $id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-autocomplete" label = $Label value = $value onChange = $onChange onLoadOptions = $OnLoadOptions options = $Options fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent variant = $Variant.ToLower() multiple = $Multiple.IsPresent className = $ClassName icon = $icon onEnter = $OnEnter disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent } } function New-UDAutocompleteOption { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new autocomplete option. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new autocomplete option. This cmdlet is to be used with New-UDAutocomplete. Pass the result of this cmdlet to the -Options parameter to create a new option. .PARAMETER Name The name of the autocomplete option. This will be shown in the autocomplete. .PARAMETER Value The value of the autocomplete option. This will be passed back to New-UDForm -OnSubmit or the $EventData for -OnChange on New-UDAutocomplete. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Value ) @{ type = 'mu-autocomplete-option' name = $Name value = $Value } } function New-UDAvatar { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Avatar. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Avatar. An avatar is typically an image of a user. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Image The URL of an image to show in the avatar. .PARAMETER Alt The alt text to assign to the avatar. .PARAMETER ClassName Classes to assign to the avatar component. .PARAMETER Variant The variant type of the avatar. Valid values are: "square", "rounded" .PARAMETER Sx The sx property allows you to define custom CSS styles that will be applied to the component. .PARAMETER Children The content to display within the avatar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAvatar -Alt "Remy Sharp" -Image "/admin/logo.png" Basic avatar|Displays a basic avatar with an image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAvatar -Alt "Remy Sharp" -Content { "B" } -Variant square Square avatar|Displays a square avatar with an image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAvatar -Alt "Remy Sharp" -Content { PS > "A" PS > } -Sx @{ PS > borderRadius = '50%' PS > } Avatar with text|Displays an avatar with text and custom CSS styles. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDAvatarGroup -Content { PS > 1..10 | ForEach-Object { PS > New-UDAvatar -Alt "Remy Sharp" -Content { PS > "A" PS > } -Sx @{ PS > borderRadius = '50%' PS > backgroundColor = 'error.dark' PS > } PS > } PS > } -Sx @{ PS > width = "20%" PS > } Avatar group|Displays a group of avatars. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("An avatar is typically an image of a user. ")] [DisplayName("Avatar")] param( [Parameter ()][string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()][string]$Image, [Parameter ()][string]$Alt, [Parameter ()][string]$ClassName, [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet("square", 'rounded')] [string]$Variant, [Parameter()] $Sx, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children = { "A" } ) End { $Avatar = @{ type = 'mu-avatar' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id image = $Image alt = $Alt variant = $Variant.ToLower() className = $ClassName sx = $Sx children = if ($Children) { & $Children } } $Avatar.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.Avatar") | Out-Null $Avatar } } function New-UDAvatarGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS A group of avatars. .DESCRIPTION A group of avatars. .PARAMETER Id The ID for this component. .PARAMETER Total If you need to control the total number of avatars not shown, you can use the total prop. .PARAMETER Maximum AvatarGroup renders its children as a stack. Use the max prop to limit the number of avatars. .PARAMETER Children Avatars for the group. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [int]$Total, [Parameter()] [int]$Maximum, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] $Sx ) $Avatar = @{ type = 'mu-avatar-group' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id sx = $Sx children = & $Children } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Total")) { $Avatar['total'] = $Total } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Maximum")) { $Avatar['max'] = $Maximum } $Avatar } function New-UDBackdrop { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an overlay over the current page. .DESCRIPTION Creates an overlay over the current page. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component .PARAMETER Color The color of the backdrop. .PARAMETER Children Child components to include in the backdrop. .PARAMETER Open Whether the backdrop is open. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to invoke when the backdrop is clicked. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the backdrop. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBackdrop -Color '#fff' -Children { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } -Open -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Backdrop clicked' PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'backdrop1' -Properties @{ PS > open = $false PS > } PS > } -Id 'backdrop1' Basic Backdrop|Creates a basic backdrop. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBackdrop -Children { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'backdrop2' -Properties @{ PS > open = $false PS > } PS > } -Id 'backdrop2' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Open Backdrop' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'backdrop2' -Properties @{ PS > open = $true PS > } PS > } Dynamically Open Backdrop|Creates a backdrop that can be opened with a button. #> #[Component("Backdrop", "BoothCurtain", "Creates a new backdrop.")] param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$Color = '#fff', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Open, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = 'mu-backdrop' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id color = $Color.HtmlColor children = & $Children open = $Open.IsPresent onClick = $OnClick className = $ClassName } } function New-UDBadge { <# .SYNOPSIS Badge generates a small badge to the top-right of its child(ren). .DESCRIPTION Badge generates a small badge to the top-right of its child(ren). .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Color The color of the badge. Valid values are: "default", "primary", "secondary", "error", "info", "success", "warning" .PARAMETER Children The content that the badge is attached to. .PARAMETER BadgeContent The content to display within the badge. .PARAMETER Invisible Whether the badge is invisible. .PARAMETER Max The maximum number to display. If the number is greater than this, it will display as "99+". Default is 99. .PARAMETER Overlap The overlap of the badge. Valid values are: "circular", "rectangular" .PARAMETER ShowZero Whether to show the badge when the badgeContent is 0. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of the badge. Valid values are: "standard", "dot" .PARAMETER Location The location of the badge. Valid values are: "topright", "topleft", "bottomright", "bottomleft" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -Color primary -BadgeContent { 4 } -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Primary" PS > } -Id 'badge1' Primary badge|Displays a badge with the text "4" on a primary button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -Color secondary -BadgeContent { 4 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge2' PS > New-UDBadge -Color error -BadgeContent { 4 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge3' Color|Changes the color of the badge. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -ShowZero -BadgeContent { 0 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge4' ShowZero|Shows the badge when the badgeContent is 0. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -Max 10 -BadgeContent { 11 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge5' Max|The maximum number to display. If the number is greater than this, it will display as "99+". Default is 99. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -Overlap circular -BadgeContent { 4 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge6' Overlap|The overlap of the badge. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBadge -Variant dot -BadgeContent { 4 } -Children { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon Envelope -Size 2x PS > } -Id 'badge7' Dot|Display a dot badge. .NOTES General notes #> #[Component("Badge", "Badge", "Creates a new badge.")] param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("default", 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'info', 'success', 'warning')] [string]$Color = 'primary', [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children = {}, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$BadgeContent = {}, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Invisible, [Parameter()] [int]$Max = 99, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('circular', 'rectangular')] [string]$Overlap = 'rectangular', [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowZero, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('standard', 'dot')] [string]$Variant = 'standard', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('topright', 'topleft', 'bottomright', 'bottomleft')] [string]$Location = 'topright' ) @{ type = 'mu-badge' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id color = $Color.ToLower() children = & $Children badgeContent = & $BadgeContent invisible = $Invisible.IsPresent max = $Max overlap = $Overlap.ToLower() showZero = $ShowZero.IsPresent variant = $Variant.ToLower() location = $Location.ToLower() } } function New-UDBreadcrumbs { <# .SYNOPSIS Breadcrumbs consist of a list of links that help a user visualize a page's location within the hierarchical structure of a website, and allow navigation up to any of its "ancestors". .DESCRIPTION Breadcrumbs consist of a list of links that help a user visualize a page's location within the hierarchical structure of a website, and allow navigation up to any of its "ancestors". .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children The components to link. .PARAMETER Seperator The seperator between each breadcrumb. .PARAMETER MaxItems The maximum number of items to display. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDBreadcrumbs -Content { PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" PS > } Breadcumbs|A basic breadcrumb component. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [string]$Seperator = "/", [Parameter()] [int]$MaxItems ) @{ type = 'mu-breadcrumbs' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id seperator = $Seperator maxItems = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("MaxItems")) { $MaxItems } else { $null } children = & $Children } } function New-UDButtonGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new button group. .DESCRIPTION Creates a button group. Use New-UDButtonGroupItem to add new items to the group. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children The items in the group. .EXAMPLE Creates a new button group with two items. New-UDButtonGroup -Content { New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Delete' New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Copy' } #> param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) End { try { $c = & $Children } catch { $c = New-UDError -Message $_ } @{ type = 'mu-button-group' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id children = $c } } } function New-UDButtonGroupItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new button group item. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new button group item. button group items are used with New-UDButtonGroup. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to execute when the list item is clicked. .PARAMETER Href A URL that the user should be redirected to when clicking the button. .EXAMPLE Creates a new button group with two items. New-UDButtonGroup -Content { New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Delete' New-UDButtonGroupItem -Text 'Copy' } #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter ()] [string]$Text, [Parameter ()] [string]$Href ) begin {} Process {} End { if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($Color -eq 'default') { $Color = 'primary' } @{ type = 'mu-button-group-item' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id text = $Text onClick = $OnClick href = $Href color = if ($Color) { $Color.ToLower() } else { $null } } } } function New-UDButton { <# .SYNOPSIS Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new button. Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap. .PARAMETER Text The text to show within the button. .PARAMETER Icon An icon to show within the button. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon for this parameter. .PARAMETER Variant The variant type for this button. Valid values are: "text", "outlined", "contained" .PARAMETER IconAlignment How to align the icon within the button. Valid values are: "left", "right" .PARAMETER FullWidth Whether the button takes the full width of the it's container. .PARAMETER OnClick The action to take when the button is clicked. .PARAMETER Size The size of the button. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large" .PARAMETER Style Styles to apply to the button. .PARAMETER Href A URL that the user should be redirected to when clicking the button. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Color The color of the component. Valid values are: 'default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary' .PARAMETER Disabled Whether the button is disabled. .PARAMETER ClassName The CSS Class to apply to the button. .PARAMETER ShowLoading Displays a loading spinner while the OnClick event handler is running. .PARAMETER LoadingIndicator A custom element to display instead of the built in spinner for -ShowLoading .PARAMETER LoadingPosition The position of the loading indicator. Valid values are: 'start', 'end', 'center' .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'text' -Text 'Text' -Id 'button1' PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'contained' -Text 'Contained' -Id 'button2' PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'outlined' -Text 'Outlined' -Id 'button3' Basic buttons|UDButton comes with three variants: text, contained, and outlined. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click me' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, world!' PS > } -Id 'button4' Handling clicks|PowerShell that is executed when the button is clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Secondary' -Color secondary -Id 'button5' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Success' -Color success -Id 'button6' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Error' -Color error -Id 'button7' Color|Adjust the button color with -Color .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'text' -Text 'small' -Id 'button8' -Size small PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'text' -Text 'medium' -Id 'button9' -Size medium PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'text' -Text 'large' -Id 'button10' -Size large PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'contained' -Text 'small' -Id 'button11' -Size small PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'contained' -Text 'medium' -Id 'button12' -Size medium PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'contained' -Text 'large' -Id 'button13' -Size large PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'outlined' -Text 'small' -Id 'button14' -Size small PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'outlined' -Text 'medium' -Id 'button15' -Size medium PS > New-UDButton -Variant 'outlined' -Text 'large' -Id 'button16' -Size large Sizes|For larger or smaller buttons, use the -Size parameter. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'User') -Text 'View User' -Id 'button17' Icon|Display an icon within the button .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -OnClick { Start-Sleep 3 } -ShowLoading -Text 'Load Data' -Id 'button18' Loading|Show a loading indicator while the OnClick event handler is running. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.")] [DisplayName("Button")] param ( [Parameter (Position = 0)] [string]$Text = "", [Parameter (Position = 1)] $Icon, [Parameter (Position = 2)] [ValidateSet("text", "outlined", "contained")] [string]$Variant = "contained", [Parameter (Position = 3)] [ValidateSet("left", "right")] [string]$IconAlignment = "left", [Parameter (Position = 6)] [switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter (Position = 7)] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter (Position = 8)] [ValidateSet("small", "medium", "large")] [string]$Size, [Parameter (Position = 9)] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter (Position = 10)] [string]$Href, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'error', 'info', 'warning')] [string]$Color = 'primary', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowLoading, [Parameter()] [object]$LoadingIndicator, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('center', 'start', 'end')] [string]$LoadingPosition = "center" ) End { if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($Color -eq 'default') { $Color = 'primary' } if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } @{ # Mandatory properties to load as plugin. type = 'mu-button' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId # Command properties. id = $Id text = $Text variant = $Variant.ToLower() onClick = $OnClick iconAlignment = $IconAlignment disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent icon = $Icon fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent size = $Size href = $Href style = $Style color = if ($Color) { $Color.ToLower() } else { $null } className = $ClassName showLoading = $ShowLoading.IsPresent loadingIndicator = $LoadingIndicator loadingPosition = $LoadingPosition.ToLower() } } } function New-UDCard { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new card. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new card. Cards are used to display related content. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to assign to this card. .PARAMETER ShowToolBar Whether to show the toolbar for this card. .PARAMETER ToolBar The toolbar for this card. Use New-UDCardToolbar to create a toolbar. .PARAMETER Header The header for this card. The header typically contains a title for the card. Use New-UDCardHeader to create a header. .PARAMETER Body The body for this card. This is the main content for the card. Use New-UDCardHeader to create a body. .PARAMETER Expand Th expand content for this card. Expand content is show when the user clicks the expansion button. Use New-UDCardExpand to create an expand. .PARAMETER Footer The footer for this card. Footer contents typically contain actions that are relavent to the card. Use New-UDCardFooter to create a footer. .PARAMETER Style Styles to apply to the card. .PARAMETER Elevation The amount of elevation to provide the card. The more elevation, the more it will appear the card is floating off the page. .PARAMETER Title A title for the card. .PARAMETER TitleAlignment The alignment for the title. .PARAMETER Content The content of the card. .PARAMETER Image An image to show in the card. .PARAMETER Sx Theme-based style to apply to the card. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCard -Title 'My Card' -Text 'This is my card' -Id 'card1' Basic card|A basic card with a title and text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCard -Title 'My Card' -Text 'This is my card' -Id 'card2' -Image 'https://picsum.photos/200/300' Card with image|A card with an image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCard -Title 'My Card' -Text 'This is my card' -Id 'card3' -Elevation 10 Card with elevation|A card with a higher elevation. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCard -Title 'My Card' -Text 'This is my card' -Id 'card4' -TitleAlignment center Title Alignment|A card with a centered title. .EXAMPLE PS > $Header = New-UDCardHeader -Avatar (New-UDAvatar -Content { "R" } -Sx @{ backgroundColor = "#f44336" }) -Action (New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'EllipsisVertical')) -Title 'Shrimp and Chorizo Paella' -SubHeader 'September 14, 2016'; PS > $Media = New-UDCardMedia -Image 'https://mui.com/static/images/cards/paella.jpg' PS > $Body = New-UDCardBody -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text ' This impressive paella is a perfect party dish and a fun meal to cook together with your guests. Add 1 cup of frozen peas along with the mussels, if you like.' -Sx @{ PS > color = 'text.secondary' PS > } -Variant body2 PS > } PS > $Footer = New-UDCardFooter -Content { PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Heart') PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'ShareAlt') PS > } PS > $Expand = New-UDCardExpand -Content { PS > $Description = "Heat oil in a (14- to 16-inch) paella pan or a large, deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken, shrimp and chorizo, and cook, stirring occasionally until lightly browned, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer shrimp to a large plate and set aside, leaving chicken and chorizo in the pan. Add pimentón, bay leaves, garlic, tomatoes, onion, salt and pepper, and cook, stirring often until thickened and fragrant, about 10 minutes. Add saffron broth and remaining 4 1/2 cups chicken broth; bring to a boil." PS > New-UDTypography -Text $Description PS > } PS > New-UDCard -Header $Header -Media $Media -Body $Body -Footer $Footer -Expand $Expand -Sx @{ PS > maxWidth = 345 PS > border = '2px solid #f0f2f5' PS > } -Id 'card5' Complex Card|A card with all the features. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Cards are used to display related content.")] [DisplayName("Card")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Text")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Advanced")] [PSTypeName('UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardHeader')]$Header, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Advanced")] [PSTypeName('UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardBody')]$Body, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Advanced")] [PSTypeName('UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardExpand')]$Expand, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Advanced")] [PSTypeName('UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardFooter')]$Footer, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Advanced")] [PSTypeName('UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardMedia')]$Media, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24")] [int]$Elevation, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")] [String]$Title, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")] [ValidateSet('left', 'center', 'right')] [String]$TitleAlignment = 'left', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [string]$Image, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")] [string]$Text, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Raised, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] $Avatar, [Parameter()] $Sx, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("elevation", 'outlined')] [string]$Variant = 'elevation' ) End { if ($PSCMdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Advanced') { # Card Media checks if ($null -ne $Media) { if ($Media.psobject.typenames -notcontains "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardMedia") { throw "Media must be a UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardMedia object, please use New-UDCardMedia command." } } # Card header checks if ($null -ne $Header) { if ($Header.psobject.typenames -notcontains "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardHeader") { throw "Header must be a UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardHeader object, please use New-UDCardHeader command." } } # Card Content checks if ($null -ne $Content) { if ($Content.psobject.typenames -notcontains "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardBody") { throw "Body must be a UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardBody object, please use New-UDCardBody command." } } # Card Expand checks if ($null -ne $Expand) { if ($Expand.psobject.typenames -notcontains "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardExpand") { throw "Expand must be a UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardExpand object, please use New-UDCardExpand command." } } # Card footer checks if ($null -ne $Footer) { if ($Footer.psobject.typenames -notcontains "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardFooter") { throw "Footer must be a UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardFooter object, please use New-UDCardFooter command." } } $Parts = @{ header = $Header body = $Body expand = $Expand footer = $Footer } $Content = { $Parts } } else { $Header = New-UDCardHeader -Title $Title -TitleAlignment $TitleAlignment -Avatar $Avatar if ($Image) { $Media = New-UDCardMedia -Height 120 -Image $Image } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Text') { $Element = New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { $Text -split "`r`n" | ForEach-Object { $_ New-UDElement -Tag "br" } } $Content = { $Element } } $Body = New-UDCardBody -Content $Content $Parts = @{ header = $Header body = $Body expand = $Expand footer = $Footer } $Content = { $Parts } } $Card = @{ type = "mu-card" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id className = $ClassName showToolBar = $ShowToolBar.IsPresent media = $Media toolbar = $ToolBar header = $Header body = $Body expand = $Expand footer = $Footer style = $Style elevation = $Elevation raised = $Raised.IsPresent sx = $sx variant = $variant.ToLower() } $Card.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.Card") | Out-Null $Card } } function New-UDCardHeader { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [Parameter()] [string]$SubHeader, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('inherit', 'left', 'justify', 'right', 'center')] [string]$TitleAlignment = 'inherit', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('inherit', 'left', 'justify', 'right', 'center')] [string]$SubHeaderAlignment = 'inherit', [Parameter()] $Avatar, [Parameter()] $Action ) End { $Header = @{ type = "mu-card-header" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id title = $Title subheader = $SubHeader subHeaderAlignment = $SubHeaderAlignment titleAlignment = $TitleAlignment.ToLower() avatar = $Avatar action = $Action } $Header.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardHeader") | Out-Null $Header } } function New-UDCardBody { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style ) End { $cContent = @{ type = "mu-card-body" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id className = $ClassName content = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Content style = $Style # PSTypeName = "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardContent" } $cContent.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardBody") | Out-Null $cContent } } function New-UDCardExpand { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style ) End { $Expand = @{ type = "mu-card-expand" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id className = $ClassName content = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Content style = $Style isEndpoint = $isEndPoint.IsPresent refreshInterval = $RefreshInterval autoRefresh = $AutoRefresh.IsPresent # PSTypeName = "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardExpand" } $Expand.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardExpand") | Out-Null $Expand } } function New-UDCardFooter { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style ) End { $Footer = @{ type = "mu-card-footer" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id className = $ClassName content = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Content style = $Style isEndpoint = $isEndPoint.IsPresent refreshInterval = $RefreshInterval autoRefresh = $AutoRefresh.IsPresent # PSTypeName = "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardFooter" } $Footer.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardFooter") | Out-Null $Footer } } function New-UDCardMedia { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("img", "video", "audio")] [string]$Component = "img", [Parameter()] [string]$Alt, [Parameter()] [string]$Height, [Parameter (ParameterSetName = 'image')] [string]$Image, [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'media')] [string]$Source ) End { $CardMedia = @{ type = "mu-card-media" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id component = $Component alt = $Alt height = $Height image = $Image title = $Title source = $Source # PSTypeName = "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardMedia" } $CardMedia.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, "UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.CardMedia") | Out-Null $CardMedia } } function New-UDCheckBox { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a checkbox. .DESCRIPTION Creates a checkbox. Checkboxes can be used in forms or by themselves. .PARAMETER Label The label to show next to the checkbox. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show instead of the default icon. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER CheckedIcon The icon to show instead of the default checked icon. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER OnChange Called when the value of the checkbox changes. The $EventData variable will have the current value of the checkbox. .PARAMETER Style A hashtable of styles to apply to the checkbox. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether the checkbox is disabled. .PARAMETER Checked Whether the checkbox is checked. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to assign to the checkbox. .PARAMETER LabelPlacement Where to place the label. Valid values are: "top","start","bottom","end" .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Color The theme color to apply to this component .PARAMETER Size The size of the checkbox. Valid values are: "small", "medium" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -Id 'checkbox1' Basic checkbox|A basic checkbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -Disabled -Id 'checkbox2' Disabled checkbox|A disabled checkbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -Checked $true -Id 'checkbox3' Checked checkbox|A checked checkbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -CheckedIcon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'check') -Id 'checkbox4' Checkbox with custom icons|A checkbox with custom icons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Title 'Checkbox' -Message $Body PS > } -Id 'checkbox5' Checkbox with OnChange|A checkbox with an OnChange event. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -LabelPlacement 'top' -Id 'checkbox6' Checkbox with label on top|A checkbox with the label on top. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCheckbox -Label 'Demo' -Color 'secondary' -Id 'checkbox7' Checkbox with secondary color|A checkbox with the secondary color. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Toggles true or false states. Checkboxes can be used in forms or by themselves. ")] [DisplayName("Checkbox")] param ( [Parameter (Position = 0)] [string]$Label, [Parameter (Position = 1)] $Icon, [Parameter (Position = 2)] $CheckedIcon, [Parameter (Position = 3)] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter (Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter (Position = 5)] [switch]$Disabled, [Parameter (Position = 6)] [bool]$Checked, [Parameter (Position = 7)] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter (Position = 7)] [ValidateSet("top", "start", "bottom", "end")] [string]$LabelPlacement, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter (Position = 9)] [ValidateSet("small", "medium")] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet('default', 'primary', 'secondary')] [string]$Color = 'default' ) End { if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($CheckedIcon -is [string]) { $CheckedIcon = New-UDIcon -Icon $CheckedIcon } if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id + "onChange", $PSCmdlet) } @{ # Mandatory properties to load as plugin. type = 'mu-checkbox' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId # Command properties. id = $Id className = $ClassName checked = $Checked onChange = $OnChange icon = $Icon checkedIcon = $CheckedIcon disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent style = $Style label = $Label labelPlacement = $LabelPlacement color = $Color.ToLower() size = $Size.ToLower() } } } function New-UDChip { <# .SYNOPSIS Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action. .DESCRIPTION Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label for the chip. .PARAMETER OnDelete A script block to call when the chip is deleted. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to call when the chip is clicked. .PARAMETER Icon An icon to show within the chip. .PARAMETER Style CSS styles to apply to the chip. .PARAMETER Variant The theme variant to apply to the chip. .PARAMETER Avatar An avatar to show within the chip. .PARAMETER AvatarType The type of avatar to show in the chip. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the chip. .PARAMETER Color The color of the chip. Defaults to 'default'. Valid values: "default", "primary", "secondary" .PARAMETER Size The size of the chip. Valid values are: "small", "medium" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Label 'Basic' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Id 'chip1' Basic chip|A basic chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Variant outlined -Label 'Outlined' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Id 'chip2' Outlined chip|An outlined chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Label 'Clickable' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello!' PS > } -Id 'chip3' Clickable chip|A clickable chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Label 'Deletable' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -OnDelete { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Deleted!' PS > } -Id 'chip4' Deletable chip|A deletable chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Label 'Clickable and deletable' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello!' PS > } -OnDelete { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Deleted!' PS > } -Id 'chip5' Clickable and deletable chip|A clickable and deletable chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Avatar "A" -AvatarType letter -Label 'Avatar' -Id 'chip6' Avatar chip|A chip with an avatar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Avatar "https://picsum.photos/200/300" -AvatarType image -Label 'Avatar' -Id 'chip7' Image chip|A chip with an avatar image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Label 'Small' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Size small -Id 'chip8' Small chip|A small chip with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDChip -Style @{background = 'red'; color = 'white'} -Label 'Styled' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Id 'chip9' #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Icon')] [Category("app/component")] [Description("Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.")] [DisplayName("Chip")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string]$Label, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [Endpoint]$OnDelete, [Parameter(Position = 7)] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter (Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "Icon")] $Icon, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [ValidateSet("outlined", "default")] [string]$Variant = "default", [Parameter(Position = 4, ParameterSetName = "Avatar")] [string]$Avatar, [Parameter(Position = 5, ParameterSetName = "Avatar" )] [ValidateSet("letter", "image")] [string]$AvatarType, [Parameter (Position = 9)] [ValidateSet("small", "medium")] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("default", "primary", "secondary", "error", "info", "success", "warning")] [string]$Color = 'default' ) End { if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id + "OnClick", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnDelete) { $OnDelete.Register($Id + "OnDelete", $PSCmdlet) } if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } @{ #This needs to match what is in the register function call of chips.jsx type = "mu-chip" #Eventually everything will be a plugin so we wont need this. isPlugin = $true #This was set in the UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.psm1 file assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id label = $Label icon = $Icon style = $Style variant = $Variant onClick = $OnClick onDelete = $OnDelete avatar = $Avatar avatarType = $AvatarType className = $ClassName color = $Color.ToLower() size = $Size.ToLower() } } } function New-UDCodeEditor { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new Monaco code editor control. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new Monaco code editor control. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this editor .PARAMETER Language The language to use for syntax highlighting. .PARAMETER Height The height of the editor. .PARAMETER Width The width of the editor. .PARAMETER HideCodeLens Hides code lens within the editor. .PARAMETER DisableCodeFolding Disables code folding. .PARAMETER FormatOnPaste Formats on paste. .PARAMETER GlyphMargin Seconds the size of the glyph margin .PARAMETER DisableLineNumbers Disables line numbers .PARAMETER DisableLinks Disables automatically highlighting links. .PARAMETER DisableBracketMatching Disables bracket matching. .PARAMETER MouseWheelScrollSensitivity Sets the mouse wheel scroll sensitivity. .PARAMETER MouseWheelZoom Enables Ctrl+Scroll zooming. .PARAMETER ReadOnly Sets the editor to readonly. .PARAMETER RenderControlCharacters Enables rendering of control characters. .PARAMETER ShowFoldingControls Controls how to show the folding controls. .PARAMETER SmoothScrolling Enables smooth scrolling. .PARAMETER Theme Selects the theme. The default is the 'vs' theme. .PARAMETER Code The code to show in the editor. .PARAMETER LightTheme The light theme for the editor. .PARAMETER DarkTheme The dark theme for the editor. .PARAMETER Original The original code to compare against. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCodeEditor -Code 'Get-Process' -Theme 'vs-dark' -Language 'powershell' -Id 'codeEditor1' Basic code editor|Creates a PowerShell code editor .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCodeEditor -Code 'Get-Process' -Theme 'vs-dark' -Language 'powershell' -Height '200' -Width '100%' -ReadOnly -Id 'codeEditor2' Read only code editor|Creates a read only PowerShell code editor .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDCodeEditor -Code "Get-Process notepad" -Original "Get-Process code" -Theme 'vs-dark' -Language 'powershell' -Height '200' -Width '100%' -ReadOnly -Id 'codeEditor3' Diff code editor|Creates a read only PowerShell code editor with diff enabled #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Standard")] [Category("app/component")] [Description("The Monaco code editor control is used to display and edit code in a variety of languages.")] [DisplayName("Code Editor")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('apex', 'azcli', 'bat', 'clojure', 'coffee', 'cpp', 'csharp', 'csp', 'css', 'dockerfile', 'fsharp', 'go', 'handlebars', 'html', 'ini', 'java', 'javascript', 'json', 'less', 'lua', 'markdown', 'msdax', 'mysql', 'objective', 'perl', 'pgsql', 'php', 'postiats', 'powerquery', 'powershell', 'pug', 'python', 'r', 'razor', 'redis', 'redshift', 'ruby', 'rust', 'sb', 'scheme', 'scss', 'shell', 'solidity', 'sql', 'st', 'swift', 'typescript', 'vb', 'xml', 'yaml')] [string]$Language, [Parameter()] [string]$Height = '100ch', [Parameter()] [string]$Width = '100%', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$HideCodeLens, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$DisableCodeFolding, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$FormatOnPaste, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$GlyphMargin, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$DisableLineNumbers, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$DisableLinks, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$DisableBracketMatching, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [int]$MouseWheelScrollSensitivity = 1, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$MouseWheelZoom, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$ReadOnly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$RenderControlCharacters, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [ValidateSet("always", "mouseover")] [string]$ShowFoldingControls = "mouseover", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Switch]$SmoothScrolling, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [ValidateSet("vs", "vs-dark", "hc-black")] [Alias("Theme")] [string]$LightTheme = 'vs', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [ValidateSet("vs", "vs-dark", "hc-black")] [string]$DarkTheme = 'vs-dark', [Parameter()] [string]$Code, [Parameter()] [string]$Original, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Options')] [Hashtable]$Options = @{}, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CanSave, [Parameter()] [String]$Extension = 'txt' ) End { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Options') { $Options["assetId"] = $AssetId $Options["isPlugin"] = $true $Options["type"] = "ud-monaco" $Options["id"] = $Id $Options["height"] = $Height $Options["width"] = $Width $Options["language"] = $Language $Options["code"] = $code $Options["original"] = $original return $Options } @{ assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true type = "ud-monaco" id = $Id height = $Height width = $Width language = $Language codeLens = -not $HideCodeLens.IsPresent folding = -not $DisableCodeFolding.IsPresent formatOnPaste = $FormatOnPaste.IsPresent glyphMargin = $GlyphMargin.IsPresent lineNumbers = if ($DisableLineNumbers.IsPresent) { "off" } else { "on" } links = -not $DisableLinks.IsPresent matchBrackets = -not $DisableBracketMatching.IsPresent mouseWheelScrollSensitivity = $MouseWheelScrollSensitivity mouseWheelZoom = $MouseWheelZoom.IsPresent readOnly = $ReadOnly.IsPresent renderControlCharacters = $RenderControlCharacters.IsPresent showFoldingControls = $ShowFoldingControls smoothScrolling = $SmoothScrolling.IsPresent lightTheme = $LightTheme darkTheme = $DarkTheme code = $Code original = $Original canSave = $CanSave.IsPresent extension = $Extension } } } function New-UDContainer { <# .SYNOPSIS Containers pad the left and right side of the contained content to center it on larger resolution screens. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Material UI container. Containers pad the left and right side of the contained content to center it on larger resolution screens. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Children The child items to include within the container. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the container. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDContainer -Content { PS > New-UDPaper -Content { } -Elevation 3 PS > } Basic Container|Creates a basic container with a typography component inside of it. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Alias("Content")] [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) Process { try { $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children } catch { $c = New-UDError -Message $_ } @{ isPlugin = $true id = $id assetId = $MUAssetId type = "mu-container" children = $c className = $ClassName } } } New-Alias -Name 'New-UDDashboard' -Value 'New-UDApp' function New-UDApp { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new dashboard. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new dashboard. This component is the root element for all dashboards. You can define content, pages, themes and more. .PARAMETER Title The title of the dashboard. .PARAMETER Content The content for this dashboard. When using content, it creates a dashboard with a single page. .PARAMETER Pages Pages for this dashboard. Use New-UDPage to define a page and pass an array of pages to this parameter. .PARAMETER Theme The theme for this dashboard. You can define a theme with New-UDTheme. .PARAMETER Scripts JavaScript files to run when this dashboard is loaded. These JavaScript files can be absolute and hosted in a third-party CDN or you can host them yourself with New-PSUPublishedFolder. .PARAMETER Stylesheets CSS files to run when this dashboard is loaded. These CSS files can be absolute and hosted in a third-party CDN or you can host them yourself with New-PSUPublishedFolder. .PARAMETER Logo A logo to display in the navigation bar. You can use New-PSUPublishedFolder to host this logo file. .PARAMETER DefaultTheme The default theme to show when the page is loaded. The default is to use the light theme. .PARAMETER DisableThemeToggle Disables the toggle for the theme. .PARAMETER HeaderPosition Position of the header within the dashboard. .PARAMETER HeaderBackgroundColor The background color of the header. This will override the theme colors. .PARAMETER HeaderColor The color of the header. This will override the theme colors. .PARAMETER HideNavigation Obsolete. This parameter was intended for testing purposes. .PARAMETER HideUserName Obsolete. This parameter was intended for testing purposes. .EXAMPLE Creates a new dashboard with a single page. New-UDDashboard -Title 'My Dashboard' -Content { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello, world!' } .EXAMPLE Creates a new dashboard with multiple pages. $Pages = @( New-UDPage -Name 'HomePage' -Content { New-UDTypography -Text 'Home Page' } New-UDPage -Name 'Page2' -Content { New-UDTypography -Text 'Page2' } ) New-UDDashboard -Title 'My Dashboard' -Pages $Pages #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Title = "PowerShell Universal", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Content", Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$Content, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pages", Mandatory)] [PowerShellUniversal.DashboardPage[]]$Pages = @(), [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Theme = (Get-UDTheme -Name $UDDefaultTheme), [Parameter()] [string[]]$Scripts = @(), [Parameter()] [string[]]$Stylesheets = @(), [Parameter()] [string]$Logo, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Light", "Dark")] [string]$DefaultTheme = "Light", [Parameter()] [switch]$DisableThemeToggle, [ValidateSet('absolute', 'fixed', 'relative', 'static', 'sticky')] [Parameter()] [string]$HeaderPosition = 'static', [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$HeaderColor, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$HeaderBackgroundColor, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Temporary", "Permanent")] [string]$NavigationLayout = 'Temporary', [Parameter()] [Hashtable[]]$Navigation, [Parameter()] [Switch]$HideUserName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$HideNavigation, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$LoadNavigation, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$HeaderContent, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$PageNotFound, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$NotAuthorized, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$SessionTimeoutModal, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$Menu ) if ($HeaderContent) { $HeaderContent.Register("DashboardHeaderContent", $PSCmdlet); } if ($LoadNavigation) { $LoadNavigation.Register("DashboardLoadNavigation", $PSCmdlet); } if ($PageNotFound) { $PageNotFound.Register('PageNotFound', $Role, $PSCmdlet) } if ($NotAuthorized) { $NotAuthorized.Register('NotAuthorized', $Role, $PSCmdlet) } if ($Menu) { $Menu.Register('DashboardMenu', $Role, $PSCmdlet) } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Content') { $Parameters = @{ Name = $Title Url = "Home" Content = $Content Logo = $Logo HeaderPosition = $HeaderPosition HeaderColor = $HeaderColor HeaderBackgroundColor = $HeaderBackgroundColor NavigationLayout = $NavigationLayout.ToLower() HideUserName = $HideUserName.IsPresent HideNavigation = $HideNavigation } if ($HeaderContent) { $Parameters['HeaderContent'] = $HeaderContent } if ($Navigation) { $Parameters['Navigation'] = $Navigation } $Pages += New-UDPage @Parameters } else { if ($HideNavigation) { $Pages.ForEach({ $_.hideNavigation = $true }) } if ($Navigation) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.Navigation }).ForEach({ $_.navigation = $Navigation }) } if ($NavigationLayout) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.navLayout }).ForEach({ $_.navLayout = $NavigationLayout.ToLower() }) } if ($HeaderContent) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.HeaderContent }).ForEach({ $_.headerContent = $HeaderContent }) } if ($HeaderPosition) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.HeaderPosition }).ForEach({ $_.headerPosition = $HeaderPosition }) } if ($HeaderBackgroundColor) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.HeaderBackgroundColor }).ForEach({ $_.headerBackgroundColor = $HeaderBackgroundColor }) } if ($HeaderColor) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.HeaderColor }).ForEach({ $_.headerColor = $HeaderColor }) } if ($Logo) { $Pages.Where({ -not $_.Logo }).ForEach({ $_.logo = $Logo }) } } $ParentPSScriptRoot = Get-Variable -Name PSScriptRoot -Scope 1 $ThemeFile = Join-Path $ParentPSScriptRoot "theme.ps1" if (Test-Path $ThemeFile) { $Theme = & $ThemeFile } $Cache:Pages = $Pages @{ title = $Title pages = $Pages theme = $Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 scripts = $Scripts stylesheets = $Stylesheets defaultTheme = $DefaultTheme.ToLower() disableThemeToggle = $DisableThemeToggle.IsPresent navigation = $Navigation navigationLayout = $NavigationLayout headerContent = $HeaderContent loadNavigation = $LoadNavigation pageNotFound = $PageNotFound notAuthorized = $NotAuthorized translations = $Translations hideUserName = $HideUserName.IsPresent sessionTimeout = if ($SessionTimeoutModal) { & $SessionTimeoutModal } else { $null } menu = $Menu } } function New-UDDataGrid { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays data in a table-style grid. .DESCRIPTION Displays data in a table-style grid. Provides support for sorting, paging, and filtering of large data sets. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this data grid. .PARAMETER Columns An array of column to display in this table. .PARAMETER LoadRows The script block that loads the data for this grid. .PARAMETER Height The static height for this data grid. .PARAMETER AutoHeight Whether to calculate the height of this data grid. .PARAMETER AutoPageSize Automatically determines the page size. .PARAMETER CheckboxSelection Checkbox selection for rows. .PARAMETER CheckboxSelectionVisibleOnly Parameter description .PARAMETER ColumnBuffer Parameter description .PARAMETER ColumnThreshold .PARAMETER Density The visible density of the table. .PARAMETER PageSize The default page size. .PARAMETER RowsPerPageOptions An array of page sizes. .PARAMETER ShowPagination Whether to show Pagination. .PARAMETER Language The language to use for text in the data grid. .PARAMETER LoadDetailContent A script block that is called when rows are expanded. $EventData will contain the row's data. .PARAMETER DetailHeight The static height of the detail pane. .PARAMETER OnEdit A script block that is called when the row is edited. $EventData will include the edited data. Return an object to update the data grid row. .PARAMETER OnExport A script block that is called when data is exported. .PARAMETER ShowQuickFilter Shows a quick filter (search) box. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows { PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random} PS > @{ Name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random} PS > @{ Name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random} PS > ) PS > @{ PS > rows = $Data PS > rowCount = $Data.Length PS > } PS > } -Columns @( PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Name' PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Number' PS > ) -Id 'dataGrid1' Basic data grid|Creates a basic data grid with columns. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows { PS > $Data = 1..1000 | ForEach-Object { PS > @{ Name = "User$($_)"; Number = Get-Random } PS > } PS > Out-UDDataGridData -Data $Data -Total $Data.Length -Context $EventData PS > } -Columns @( PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Name' PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Number' PS > ) -Pagination -Id 'dataGrid2' Out-UDDataGridData|Adds support for filtering, sorting, and paging. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows { PS > $Rows = 1..100 | % { PS > @{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random} PS > } PS > @{ PS > rows = $Rows PS > rowCount = $Rows.Length PS > } PS > PS > } -Columns @( PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Name' -Render { PS > New-UDAlert -Text $EventData.Name PS > } PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Number' PS > ) -Pagination -Id 'dataGrid3' Render|Adds support for custom rendering of columns. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows { PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random } PS > @{ Name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random } PS > @{ Name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random } PS > ) PS > @{ PS > rows = $Data PS > rowCount = $Data.Length PS > } PS > } -Columns @( PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Name' PS > New-UDDataGridColumn -Field 'Number' PS > ) -LoadDetailContent { PS > New-UDAlert -Text $EventData.row.Name PS > } -Id 'dataGrid4' Detailed Content|Adds support for detailed content. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows { PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Name = 'Adam'; number = Get-Random } PS > @{ Name = 'Tom'; number = Get-Random } PS > @{ Name = 'Sarah'; number = Get-Random } PS > ) PS > @{ PS > rows = $Data PS > rowCount = $Data.Length PS > } PS > } -Columns @( PS > @{ field = "Name"; editable = $true } PS > @{ field = "number" ; editable = $true } PS > ) -OnEdit { PS > Show-UDToast "Editing $Body" PS > } -Id 'dataGrid5' Editing|Adds support for editing rows. #> #[Component("Data Grid", "Table", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [Hashtable[]]$Columns, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$LoadRows, [Parameter()] [string]$Height, [Parameter()] [bool]$AutoHeight = $true, [Parameter()] [Switch]$AutoPageSize, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CheckboxSelection, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CheckboxSelectionVisibleOnly, [Parameter()] [int]$ColumnBuffer = 3, [Parameter()] [int]$ColumnThreshold = 3, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("compact", "standard", "comfortable")] [string]$Density = "standard", [Parameter()] [int]$PageSize = 5, [Parameter()] [int[]]$RowsPerPageOptions = @(5, 10, 25), [Parameter()] [Alias("Pagination")] [Switch]$ShowPagination, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnSelectionChange, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("ar-SD", "bg-BG", "cs-CZ", "da-DK", "nl-NL", "en-US", "fi-FI", "fr-FR", "de-DE", "el-GR", "he-IL", "hu-HU", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "nb-NO", "fa-IR", "pl-PL", "pt-BR", "ro-RO", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "es-ES", "sv-SE", "tr-TR", "uk-UA", "zh-CN")] [string]$Language = "en-US", [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$LoadDetailContent, [Parameter()] [string]$DetailHeight = "auto", [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnEdit, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnExport, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowQuickFilter, [Parameter()] [string]$DefaultSortColumn, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("asc", "desc")] [string]$DefaultSortDirection = "asc" ) if ($LoadRows) { $RenderedColumns = $Columns.Where( { $null -ne $_.Render }) $LoadRows.PostProcess = { $Data = $Args[0] # $Endpoint.Variables.Keys | ForEach-Object { # Set-Variable -Name $_ -Value $Endpoint.Variables[$_] # } if ($Data.Rows.Count -ge 1) { foreach ($Item in $Data.Rows) { Set-Variable -Name 'EventData' -Value $Item Set-Variable -Name 'Row' -Value $Row foreach ($Column in $RenderedColumns) { $Render = $Column.Render.GetNewClosure() $RenderedData = $Render.Invoke() if (-not $RenderedData) { $RenderedData = "" } if ($Item -isnot [hashtable]) { Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "rendered$($Column.field)" -Value $RenderedData -Force } else { $Item["rendered$($Column.field)"] = $RenderedData } } } } $Data } $RenderedColumns | ForEach-Object { $LoadRows.PostProcessVariables.AddRange(([Endpoint]::GetVariablesInAst($_.Render.Ast))) } $LoadRows.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet, @{ RenderedColumns = $RenderedColumns }) } if ($Columns) { $Columns = $Columns | ForEach-Object { $_.Field = [char]::ToLower($_.Field[0]) + $_.Field.Substring(1) $_ } } if ($OnEdit) { $OnEdit.Register($Id + "Edit", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnExport) { $OnExport.Register($Id + "Export", $PSCmdlet) } if ($LoadDetailContent) { $LoadDetailContent.Register($Id + "MasterDetail", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnSelectionChange) { $OnSelectionChange.Register($Id + "Selection", $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = "mu-datagrid" id = $Id columns = $Columns loadRows = $LoadRows autoHeight = $AutoHeight autoPageSize = $AutoPageSize.IsPresent checkboxSelection = $CheckboxSelection.IsPresent checkboxSelectionVisibleOnly = $CheckboxSelectionVisibleOnly.IsPresent columnBuffer = $ColumnBuffer columnThreshold = $ColumnThreshold density = $Density.ToLower() pageSize = $PageSize pageSizeOptions = $RowsPerPageOptions pagination = $ShowPagination.IsPresent language = $Language.ToLower() loadDetailContent = $LoadDetailContent detailHeight = $DetailHeight onEdit = $OnEdit onExport = $OnExport showQuickFilter = $ShowQuickFilter.IsPresent onSelectionChange = $OnSelectionChange defaultSortColumn = $DefaultSortColumn defaultSortDirection = $DefaultSortDirection height = $Height } } function New-UDDataGridColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new data grid column. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new data grid column. .PARAMETER Align The alignment of the cell data. Possible values are 'left', 'center' and 'right'. .PARAMETER CellClassName CSS class name to be applied on cell element. .PARAMETER ColumnSpan The number of columns that the column should span. .PARAMETER Description The description of the column that appears when hovering the header cell. .PARAMETER DisableColumnMenu If true, the column menu is disabled. .PARAMETER DisableExport If true, the column is not exported. .PARAMETER DisableReorder If true, the column cannot be reordered. .PARAMETER Editable If true, the column is editable. .PARAMETER Field The field of the row data that the column represents. .PARAMETER Filterable If true, the column is filterable. .PARAMETER Flex The flex value used to set the column width. .PARAMETER Groupable If true, the column is groupable. .PARAMETER HeaderAlign The alignment of the column header cell. Possible values are 'left', 'center' and 'right'. .PARAMETER HeaderName The name of the column header. .PARAMETER Hideable If true, the column is hideable. .PARAMETER HideSortIcons If true, the sort icons are hidden. .PARAMETER MaxWidth The maximum width of the column. .PARAMETER MinWidth The minimum width of the column. .PARAMETER Pinnable If true, the column is pinnable. .PARAMETER Resizable If true, the column is resizable. .PARAMETER Sortable If true, the column is sortable. .PARAMETER SortingOrder The sorting order of the column. Possible values are 'asc', 'desc' and null. .PARAMETER Type The type of the column. Possible values are 'string' | 'number' | 'date' | 'dateTime' | 'boolean' | 'singleSelect'; .PARAMETER Width The width of the column. .PARAMETER Render A script block that is used to render the column. The script block is passed the row data as $EventData. #> param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("left", "center", "right")] [string]$Align = 'left', [Parameter()] [string]$CellClassName, [Parameter()] [int]$ColumnSpan = 1, [Parameter()] [string]$Description, [Parameter()] [switch]$DisableColumnMenu, [Parameter()] [switch]$DisableExport, [Parameter()] [switch]$DisableReorder, [Parameter()] [switch]$Editable, [Parameter()] [string]$Field, [Parameter()] [string]$Filterable, [Parameter()] [float]$Flex = 1.0, [Parameter()] [switch]$Groupable, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("left", "center", "right")] [string]$HeaderAlign = 'left', [Parameter()] [string]$HeaderName, [Parameter()] [string]$Hideable, [Parameter()] [string]$HideSortIcons, [Parameter()] [int]$MaxWidth, [Parameter()] [int]$MinWidth, [Parameter()] [switch]$Pinnable, [Parameter()] [switch]$Resizable, [Parameter()] [switch]$Sortable, [Parameter()] [string[]]$SortingOrder, [Parameter()] [string]$Type, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Render ) @{ align = $Align.ToLower() cellClassName = $CellClassName colSpan = if ($ColumnSpan -ne 0) { $ColumnSpan } else { $null } description = $Description disableColumnMenu = $DisableColumnMenu.IsPresent disableExport = $DisableExport.IsPresent disableReorder = $DisableReorder.IsPresent editable = $Editable.IsPresent field = $Field.ToLower() filterable = $Filterable flex = if ($Flex -ne 0.0) { $Flex } else { $null } groupable = $Groupable.IsPresent headerAlign = $HeaderAlign.ToLower() headerName = if ($HeaderName) { $HeaderName } else { $Field } hideable = $Hideable hideSortIcons = $HideSortIcons maxWidth = if ($MaxWidth -ne 0) { $MaxWidth } else { $null } minWidth = if ($MinWidth -ne 0) { $MinWidth } else { $null } pinnable = $Pinnable.IsPresent resizable = $Resizable.IsPresent sortable = $Sortable.IsPresent sortingOrder = $SortingOrder type = $Type width = if ($Width -ne 0) { $Width } else { $null } render = $Render } } function Out-UDDataGridData { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs data for a data grid. .DESCRIPTION Outputs data for a data grid. .PARAMETER Context The context of the data grid. .PARAMETER Data The data to output. .PARAMETER TotalRows The total number of rows in the data set. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Context, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [object]$Data, [Parameter()] [int]$TotalRows = -1 ) Begin { $Items = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() } Process { $Items.Add($Data) | Out-Null } End { $simpleFilter = @() if ($null -ne $Context.Filter.Items -and $Context.Filter.Items.Count -gt 0) { $linkOperator = $Context.Filter.linkOperator $count = 1 $filterTextArray = @() foreach ($filter in $Context.Filter.Items) { $property = $Filter.columnField $val = $filter.Value switch ($filter.operatorValue) { "contains" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -like ""*$val*""" } "equals" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -eq ""*$val*""" } "startsWith" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -like ""$val*""" } "endsWith" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -like ""*$val""" } "isAnyOf" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -in ""$val""" } "notequals" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -ne ""$val""" } "notcontains" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -notlike ""*$val*""" } "isEmpty" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -eq null" } "isNotEmpty" { $filterTextArray += "obj.$property -ne null" } } } if ($linkOperator -eq 'and') { [string]$filterTextLine = $filterTextArray -join " -and " } else { [string]$filterTextLine = $filterTextArray -join " -or " } $filterTextLine = $filterTextLine.Replace('obj', '$_') $filterTextLine = $filterTextLine.Replace('null', '$null') $filterScriptBlock = [Scriptblock]::Create($filterTextLine) $Items = $Items | Where-Object -FilterScript $filterScriptBlock } if ($eventData.filter.quickfiltervalues) { $items = $items | where-object { (((($_ | convertto-csv | out-string -width 50000 ) -split "`n")[1]) ) -match $eventData.filter.quickfiltervalues[0] } } if ($null -ne $Items) { $TotalRows = $Items.Count } else { $TotalRows = 0 } $Sort = $Context.Sort[0] $Items = $Items | Sort-Object -Property $Sort.field -Descending:$($Sort.Sort -eq 'desc') $Items = $Items | Select-Object -Skip ($Context.Page * $Context.pageSize) -First $Context.PageSize @{ rows = [Array]$Items rowCount = $TotalRows } } } function Out-UDDataGridExport { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports data from the data grid. .DESCRIPTION Exports data from the data grid. .PARAMETER Data The data to export. .PARAMETER MimeType The mime type to export. .PARAMETER FileName The file name to export. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Data, [Parameter()] [string]$MimeType = 'text/plain', [Parameter()] [string]$FileName = 'export.txt' ) @{ data = $Data mimeType = $MimeType fileName = $FileName } } function New-UDDatePicker { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new date picker. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new date picker. Date pickers can be used stand alone or within New-UDForm. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label to show next to the date picker. .PARAMETER Variant The theme variant to apply to the date picker. .PARAMETER DisableToolbar Disables the date picker toolbar. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block to call with the selected date. The $EventData variable will be the date selected. .PARAMETER Format The format of the date when it is selected. .PARAMETER Value The current value of the date picker. .PARAMETER Locale Change the language of the date picker. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the date picker. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker1' -Value '1-2-2020' Basic date picker|Creates a new date picker with the default date value. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker2' -Value '1-2-2020' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Date selected: $EventData" PS > } Date picker with OnChange|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker3' -Value '1-2-2020' -Variant static Static date picker|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and the static variant. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker4' -Value '1-2-2020' -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy' Date picker with custom format|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a custom format. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker5' -Value '1-2-2020' -Locale 'de' Date picker with German locale|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a German locale. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker6' -Value '1-2-2020' -DisableToolbar Date picker with disabled toolbar|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a disabled toolbar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker7' -Value '1-2-2020' -MinimumDate '1-1-2020' Date picker with minimum date|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a minimum date. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker8' -Value '1-2-2020' -MaximumDate '1-1-2021' Date picker with maximum date|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a maximum date. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker9' -Value '1-2-2020' -TimeZone 'Eastern Standard Time' Date picker with time zone|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and a time zone. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDatePicker -Id 'datepicker10' -Value '1-2-2020' -Disabled Disabled date picker|Creates a new date picker with the default date value and disabled. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Allow the user to select a date.")] [DisplayName("Date Picker")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('inline', 'dialog', 'static')] [string]$Variant = 'inline', [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableToolbar, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [string]$Format = 'MM/DD/YYYY', [Parameter()] [DateTime]$Value = ([DateTime]::Now), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("en", "de", 'ru', 'fr', 'nl', 'it')] [string]$Locale = "en", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [DateTime]$MinimumDate, [Parameter()] [DateTime]$MaximumDate, [Parameter()] [System.TimeZoneInfo]$TimeZone, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled ) if ($Variant -eq 'dialog') { Write-Warning "Variant dialog is deprecated. Inline will be used." } if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } $TZ = $null if ($TimeZone) { $TZ = $TimeZone.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).ToString() $TZ = $TZ.Substring(0, $TZ.Length - 3) if (-not $TZ.StartsWith("-")) { $TZ = "+" + $TZ } } $Arguments = @{ id = $Id type = 'mu-datepicker' asset = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true onChange = $OnChange variant = $Variant format = $Format value = $Value label = $Label locale = $Locale.ToLower() className = $ClassName timeZone = $TZ disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MinimumDate')) { $Arguments['minDate'] = $MinimumDate } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaximumDate')) { $Arguments['maxDate'] = $MaximumDate } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value')) { $Arguments['value'] = $Value } $Arguments } function New-UDDateTime { <# .SYNOPSIS This date and time component is used for formatting dates and times using the user's browser settings. .DESCRIPTION This date and time component is used for formatting dates and times using the user's browser settings. Since Universal Dashboard PowerShell scripts run within the server, the date and time settings of the user's system are not taken into account. This component formats date and time within the client's browser to take into account their locale and time zone. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER InputObject The date and time object to format. .PARAMETER Format The format of the date and time. This component uses Day.JS. You can learn more about formatting options on their documentation: https://day.js.org/docs/en/display/format .PARAMETER LocalizedFormat The localized format for the date and time. Use this format if you would like to take the user's browser locale and time zone settings into account. .PARAMETER Locale The locale to use when formatting the date time. Defaults to not set. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDateTime -InputObject (Get-Date) -Format 'DD/MM/YYYY' -Id 'dateTime1' Formats a date and time using the format 'DD/MM/YYYY' .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDateTime -InputObject (Get-Date) -LocalizedFormat 'LLL' -Id 'dateTime2' Localized Format|Formats a date and time using the localized format 'LLL' .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDateTime -InputObject (Get-Date) -Locale 'es' -Id 'dateTime3' Locale|Formats a date and time using the locale 'es' #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "LocalizedFormat")] [Category("app/component")] [Description("Format a date and time.")] [DisplayName("Date and Time")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(Position = 0)] [DateTime]$InputObject = (Get-Date), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Format")] [string]$Format = "DD/MM/YYYY", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "LocalizedFormat")] [ValidateSet("LT", "LTS", "L", "LL", "LLL", "LLLL", "l", "ll", "lll", "llll")] [string]$LocalizedFormat = "LLL", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('af', 'am', 'ar-dz', 'ar-iq', 'ar-kw', 'ar-ly', 'ar-ma', 'ar-sa', 'ar-tn', 'ar', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'bi', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de-at', 'de-ch', 'de', 'dv', 'el', 'en-au', 'en-ca', 'en-gb', 'en-ie', 'en-il', 'en-in', 'en-nz', 'en-sg', 'en-tt', 'en', 'eo', 'es-do', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fo', 'fr-ca', 'fr-ch', 'fr', 'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gom-latn', 'gu', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy-am', 'id', 'is', 'it-ch', 'it', 'ja', 'jv', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku', 'ky', 'lb', 'lo', 'lt', 'lv', 'me', 'mi', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'ms-my', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'nb', 'ne', 'nl-be', 'nl', 'nn', 'oc-lnc', 'pa-in', 'pl', 'pt-br', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'rw', 'sd', 'se', 'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr-cyrl', 'sr', 'ss', 'sv-fi', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tet', 'tg', 'th', 'tk', 'tl-ph', 'tlh', 'tr', 'tzl', 'tzm-latn', 'tzm', 'ug-cn', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz-latn', 'uz', 'vi', 'x-pseudo', 'yo', 'zh-cn', 'zh-hk', 'zh-tw', 'zh', 'es-pr', 'es-mx', 'es-us')] [string]$Locale ) $f = $Format if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LocalizedFormat') { $f = $LocalizedFormat } @{ type = 'mu-datetime' id = $Id isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId inputObject = $InputObject.ToString("O") format = $f locale = $Locale.ToLower() } } function Debug-PSUDashboard { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides a utility function for debugging scripts running PowerShell Universal Dashboard. .DESCRIPTION Provides a utility function for debugging scripts running PowerShell Universal Dashboard. This cmdlet integrates with the VS Code PowerShell Universal extension to automatically connect the debugger to endpoints running in UD. .EXAMPLE Creates an element that invokes the Debug-PSUDashboard cmdlet. New-UDElement -Tag div -Endpoint { Debug-PSUDashboard } #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $DebugPreference = 'continue' $Runspace = ([runspace]::DefaultRunspace).id Show-UDModal -Header { New-UDTypography -Text 'Debug Dashboard' -Variant h4 } -Content { Write-Debug "IN DEBUG MODE: Enter-PSHostProcess -Id $PID then Debug-Runspace -Id $Runspace" New-UDTypography -Text "You can run the following PowerShell commands in any PowerShell host to debug this dashboard." New-UDElement -Tag 'pre' -Content { "Enter-PSHostProcess -Id $PID`r`nDebug-Runspace -Id $Runspace" } } -Footer { New-UDLink -Children { New-UDButton -Text 'Debug with VS Code' } -Url "vscode://ironmansoftware.powershell-universal/debug?PID=$PID&RS=$Runspace" New-UDLink -Children { New-UDButton -Text 'Debug with VS Code Insiders' } -Url "vscode-insiders://ironmansoftware.powershell-universal/debug?PID=$PID&RS=$Runspace" New-UDButton -Text 'Close' -OnClick { Hide-UDModal } } Wait-Debugger } function New-UDDivider { <# .SYNOPSIS A divider is a thin line that groups content in lists and layouts. .DESCRIPTION A divider is a thin line that groups content in lists and layouts. .PARAMETER Id ID of this component. .PARAMETER Absolute Absolutely position the element. .PARAMETER Children The content of the component. .PARAMETER FlexItem If true, a vertical divider will have the correct height when used in flex container. (By default, a vertical divider will have a calculated height of 0px if it is the child of a flex container.) .PARAMETER Light If true, the divider will have a lighter color. .PARAMETER Orientation The component orientation. .PARAMETER Sx Custom styling .PARAMETER TextAlign The text alignment. .PARAMETER Variant The variant to use. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider1' Basic Divider|Creates a basic divider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider2' -Variant 'inset' PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider3' -Variant 'middle' Variants|Creates a divider with the inset and middle variants. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider4' -Orientation 'vertical' Vertical Divider|Creates a vertical divider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider5' -Light Light Divider|Creates a light divider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider6' -Children { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Examples' PS > } Divider with Text|Creates a divider with text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDivider -Id 'divider6' -Children { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Examples' PS > } -TextAlign left Algin Text|Creates a divider with text aligned to the left. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("A divider is a thin line that groups content in lists and layouts.")] [DisplayName("Divider")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [Switch]$Absolute, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children = {}, [Parameter()] [switch]$FlexItem, [Parameter()] [switch]$Light, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("horizontal", "vertical")] [string]$Orientation = "horizontal", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("left", "center", "right")] [string]$TextAlign = "center", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("fullWidth", "inset", "middle")] [string]$Variant = "fullWidth" ) @{ id = $Id type = 'mu-divider' assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true absolute = $Absolute.IsPresent children = & $Children flexItem = $FlexItem.IsPresent light = $Light.IsPresent orientation = $Orientation.ToLower() sx = $Sx textAlign = $TextAlign.ToLower() variant = $Variant.ToLower() } } function New-UDDrawer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new drawer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new drawer. A drawer is a navigational component that is typically used for navigating between pages. It can be used with New-UDAppBar to provide a custom nav bar. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children Navgiation controls to show within the drawer. Use New-UDList and New-UDListItem to generate links within the drawer. .PARAMETER Variant The type of drawer. Valid values include "persistent", "permanent", "temporary" .PARAMETER Anchor Where to anchor the drawer. Valid values incldue "left", "right", "top", "bottom" .PARAMETER ShowCollapse Show the collapse button .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the drawer. .EXAMPLE Creates a custom navbar using New-UDDrawer $Drawer = New-UDDrawer -Id 'drawer' -Children { New-UDList -Content { New-UDListItem -Id 'lstHome' -Label 'Home' -OnClick { Set-TestData 'Home' } -Content { New-UDListItem -Id 'lstNested' -Label 'Nested' -OnClick { Set-TestData 'Nested' } } } } New-UDElement -Tag 'main' -Content { New-UDAppBar -Children { New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello' -Paragraph } -Position relative -Drawer $Drawer } #> #[Component("Drawer", "WindowMaximize", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [ValidateSet("persistent", "permanent", "temporary")] [string]$Variant = "temporary", [ValidateSet("left", "right", "top", "bottom")] [string]$Anchor = "left", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowCollapse ) try { $c = & $Children } catch { $c = New-UDError -Message $_ } @{ type = 'mu-drawer' id = $Id isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId children = $c variant = $Variant.ToLower() anchor = $Anchor.ToLower() className = $ClassName ShowCollapse = $ShowCollapse.IsPresent } } function New-UDDynamic { <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a new dynamic region in a dashboard. .DESCRIPTION Defines a new dynamic region in a dashboard. Dynamic regions are used for loading data when the page is loaded or for loading data dynamically through user interaction or auto-reloading. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER ArgumentList Arguments to pass to this dynamic endpoint. .PARAMETER Content The content of this dynamic region. .PARAMETER AutoRefresh Whether this dynamic region should refresh on an interval. .PARAMETER AutoRefreshInterval The amount of seconds between refreshes for this dynamic region. .PARAMETER LoadingComponent A component to display while this dynamic region is loading. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text (Get-Date) -Id 'text1' PS > } -Id 'dynamic1' Basic dynamic region|A simple dynamic region that executes when the user loads the page. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text (Get-Date) -Id 'text2' PS > } -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 3 -Id 'dynamic2' Auto refresh|A dynamic region that refreshes every 3 seconds .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text (Get-Date) -Id 'text3' PS > } -Id 'dynamic3' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Refresh' -OnClick { PS > Sync-UDElement -Id 'dynamic3' PS > } Sync-UDElement|A dynamic region that is updated when a button is clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Content { PS > Start-Sleep 5 PS > New-UDTypography -Text (Get-Date) -Id 'text5' PS > } -Id 'dynamic4' -LoadingComponent { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Loading...' -Id 'text4' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Refresh' -OnClick { PS > Sync-UDElement -Id 'dynamic4' PS > } Loading component|A dynamic region that displays a loading component while the dynamic region is loading. #> #[Component("Dynamic Region", "BoltLightning", "Creates a dynamic region.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [object[]]$ArgumentList, [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$Content, [Parameter()] [Switch]$AutoRefresh, [Parameter()] [int]$AutoRefreshInterval = 10, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$LoadingComponent ) $Content.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList $Content.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) @{ id = $Id autoRefresh = $AutoRefresh.IsPresent autoRefreshInterval = $AutoRefreshInterval type = "dynamic" isPlugin = $true loadingComponent = if ($LoadingComponent) { & $LoadingComponent } else { $null } } } function New-UDEditor { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an Editor.JS editor. .DESCRIPTION Creates an Editor.JS editor. .PARAMETER Id The id of the editor. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Data The data to use for the editor. .PARAMETER OnChange The endpoint to call when the editor changes. .PARAMETER Format The format of the data. This can be json or html. .PARAMETER PublishedFolder A published folder to upload files to. This is required for the image upload plugin. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDEditor -Id 'editor1' Basic Editor|A basic editor. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDEditor -Id 'editor2' -Format 'html' HTML Editor|An editor that uses HTML. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDEditor -Id 'editor3' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast ($EventData | ConvertTo-Json) PS > } OnChange|An editor with an OnChange script block. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("A WYSIWYG editor.")] [DisplayName("Editor")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Data, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("json", "html")] [string]$Format = "json", [Parameter()] [string]$PublishedFolder ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet); } @{ assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true type = "ud-editor" id = $Id onChange = $OnChange data = $Data format = $Format.ToLower() publishedFolder = $PublishedFolder } } function New-UDError { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new error card. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new error card. .PARAMETER Message The message to display. .PARAMETER Title A title for the card. .EXAMPLE Displays the error 'Invalid data' on the page. New-UDError -Message 'Invalid data' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, [Parameter()] [string]$Title ) @{ type = "error" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId errorRecords = @(@{message= $Message}) title = $Title } } function New-UDErrorBoundary { <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a new error boundary around a section of code. .DESCRIPTION Defines a new error boundary around a section of code. Error boundaries are used to trap errors and display them on the page. .PARAMETER Content The content to trap in an error boundary. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDErrorBoundary -Content { PS > throw 'This is an error' PS > } Error Boundary|Defines an error boundary that traps the exception that is thrown and displays it on the page. #> #[Component("Error Boundary", "Bug", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) try { & $Content } catch { New-UDError -Message $_ } } function Invoke-UDEvent { param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] [String]$Id, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "onClick" )] [ValidateSet("onClick")] [string]$event ) Begin { } Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "onClick") { Invoke-UDJavaScript -javaScript " document.getElementById('$Id').click(); " } } End { } } function New-UDExpansionPanelGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS The expansion panel component allows the user to show and hide sections of related content on a page. .DESCRIPTION Creates a group of expansion panels. Use New-UDExpansionPanel to create children for a group. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children Expansion panels to include in this group. .PARAMETER Popout Creates a popout style expansion panel group. .PARAMETER Type The type of expansion panel group. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDExpansionPanelGroup -Id 'expandsionPanelGroup1' -Children { PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content {} -Active -Id 'expansionPanel1' PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { "Hello" } PS > } -Id 'expansionPanel2' PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -id 'expEndpointDiv' -Content { "Hello" } PS > } -Id 'expansionPanel3' PS > } Expansion Panel|Creates an expansion panel group. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDExpansionPanelGroup -Id 'expandsionPanelGroup3' -Children { PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content {} -Id 'expansionPanel6' PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content {} -Id 'expansionPanel7' PS > } -Type 'Accordion' Accordion|Creates an accordion style expansion panel group. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDExpansionPanelGroup -Id 'expandsionPanelGroup4' -Children { PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content {} -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Users') -Id 'expansionPanel8' PS > New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Content {} -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'User') -Id 'expansionPanel9' PS > } Icons|Creates an expansion panel group with icons. #> #[Component("Expansion Panel", "Expand", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(Position = 0)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children = {}, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("Expandable", "Accordion")] [String]$Type = 'Expandable', [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children @{ type = 'mu-expansion-panel-group' isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $id children = $c accordion = $Type -eq 'Accordion' className = $ClassName } } function New-UDExpansionPanel { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an expansion panel. .DESCRIPTION Creates an expansion panel. An expansion panel can hide content that isn't necessary to view when a page is loaded. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Title The title show within the header of the expansion panel. .PARAMETER Icon An icon to show within the header of the expansion panel. .PARAMETER Children Children components to put within the expansion panel. .PARAMETER Active Whether the expansion panel is currently active (open). .EXAMPLE Creates an expansion panel with some content. New-UDExpansionPanel -Title "Hello" -Id 'expContent' -Content { New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -id 'expContentDiv' -Content { "Hello" } } #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [String]$Title, [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Active, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) $iconName = $Icon if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Icon")) { if ($Icon -is [string]) { $iconName = [UniversalDashboard.Models.FontAwesomeIconsExtensions]::GetIconName($Icon) } } @{ id = $Id title = $Title children = & $Children active = $Active.IsPresent icon = $iconName className = $ClassName } } function New-UDFloatingActionButton { <# .SYNOPSIS A Floating Action Button (FAB) performs the primary, or most common, action on a screen. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new floating action button. Floating action buttons are good for actions that make sense for an entire page. They can be pinned to the bottom of a page. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to put within the floating action button. .PARAMETER Size The size of the button. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large" .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to execute when the floating action button is clicked. .PARAMETER Color The theme color to apply to the button. Valid values are: "Default", "Primary", "Secondary" .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the floating action button. .PARAMETER Position The position of the floating action button. Valid values are: "Relative", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDFloatingActionButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello' PS > } -Id 'fab1' -Position Relative Basic floating action button|Creates a floating action button with a user icon and shows a toast when clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDFloatingActionButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Size Small -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello' PS > } -Id 'fab2' -Position Relative Small floating action button|Creates a small floating action button with a user icon and shows a toast when clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDFloatingActionButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'user') -Position BottomRight -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello' PS > } -Id 'fab3' Position|Creates a floating action button with a user icon and shows a toast when clicked. The button is positioned in the bottom right of the page. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Floating action buttons are good for actions that make sense for an entire page. They can be pinned to the bottom of a page.")] [DisplayName("Floating Action Button")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("small", "medium", "large")] [string]$Size = "large", [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('default', 'primary', 'secondary')] [string]$Color, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Relative', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight')] [string]$Position = 'BottomRight' ) if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } @{ type = "mu-fab" assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true id = $id size = $Size.tolower() backgroundColor = $ButtonColor.HtmlColor color = $IconColor.HtmlColor icon = $icon onClick = $OnClick className = $ClassName themeColor = $Color.ToLower() position = $Position.ToLower() } } function New-UDForm { <# .SYNOPSIS Forms can contain any set of input controls. Each of the controls will report its value back up to the form when the submit button is clicked. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new form. Forms can contain any set of input controls. Each of the controls will report its value back up to the form when the submit button is clicked. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children Controls that make up this form. This can be any combination of controls. Input controls will report their state to the form. .PARAMETER OnSubmit A script block that is execute when the form is submitted. You can return controls from this script block and the form will be replaced by the script block. The $EventData variable will contain a hashtable of all the input fields and their values. .PARAMETER OnValidate A script block that validates the form. Return the result of a call to New-UDFormValidationResult. .PARAMETER OnProcessing A script block that is called when the form begins processing. The return value of this script block should be a component that displays a loading dialog. The script block will receive the current form data. .PARAMETER OnCancel A script block that is called when a form is cancelled. Useful for closing forms in modals. .PARAMETER SubmitText Text to show within the submit button. Defaults to 'Submit'. .PARAMETER CancelText Text to show within the cancel button. Defaults to 'Cancel'. .PARAMETER ButtonVariant Type of button to display. Defaults to text. Valid values are contained, outlined, text. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the form. .PARAMETER Schema Defines a form based on a hashtable of schema. This version of forms is based on react-jsonschema-form. .PARAMETER UISchema Used to modify the ordering of the fields (see documentation) .PARAMETER DisableSubmitOnEnter Disables the functionality where pressing enter in a textbox submits the form it is a part of. .PARAMETER Script Used to automatically generate forms based on scripts in your PowerShell Universal environment. Script forms will generate input components based on the param block. Script forms automatically support progress and feedback. .PARAMETER OutputType The type of output to return from the script. Valid values are: "Text", "Table" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form1' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form1Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form1Textbox) PS > } Basic|Creates a basic form. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form2' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form2Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form2Textbox) PS > } -OnValidate { PS > if ($EventData.form2Textbox -eq 'Bob') { PS > New-UDValidationResult -ValidationError 'Bob is not allowed' PS > } PS > else { PS > New-UDValidationResult -Valid PS > } PS > } Validation|Creates a form with validation. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form3' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form3Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form3Textbox) PS > } -OnProcessing { PS > New-UDCard -Title 'Processing' -Content { PS > New-UDProgress PS > } PS > } Processing|Creates a form with a processing dialog. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form4' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form4Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form4Textbox) PS > } -OnCancel { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Form was cancelled' PS > } Cancel|Creates a form with a cancel button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form5' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form5Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form5Textbox) PS > } -SubmitText 'Save' -CancelText 'Close' -OnCancel { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Form was cancelled' PS > } Submit and Cancel Text|Creates a form with custom submit and cancel text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form6' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form6Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form6Textbox) PS > } -ButtonVariant 'contained' Button Variant|Creates a form with a contained button variant. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form7' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form7Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form7Textbox) PS > } -ClassName 'my-form' Class Name|Creates a form with a custom CSS class name. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form8' -Schema @{ PS > title = "Test Form" PS > type = "object" PS > properties = @{ PS > name = @{ PS > type = "string" PS > } PS > age = @{ PS > type = "number" PS > } PS > } PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.formData.name) PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.formData.age) PS > } Schema|Creates a form with a schema. You can find out more about JSON Schema here: https://rjsf-team.github.io/react-jsonschema-form/docs/ .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form9' -Schema @{ PS > title = "Test Form" PS > type = "object" PS > properties = @{ PS > name = @{ PS > type = "string" PS > } PS > age = @{ PS > type = "number" PS > } PS > } PS > } -uiSchema @{ PS > "ui:order" = @('age','name') PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.formData.name) PS > } UI Schema|Creates a form with a schema and a UI schema. You can find out more about JSON Schema here: https://rjsf-team.github.io/react-jsonschema-form/docs/ .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form10' -Script "Script1.ps1" -OutputType "Table" Script|Creates a form from a script. Parameters of the script will define the form. Output from the script will be displayed in a table. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form11' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form11Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form11Textbox) PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text "A submit button outside the form" -OnClick { PS > Invoke-UDForm -Id "form11" PS > } Invoke-UDForm|Creates a form with a submit button outside the form. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDForm -Id 'form12' -Content { PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'form12Textbox' -Label 'Name' PS > } -OnSubmit { PS > Show-UDToast -Message ($EventData.form12Textbox) PS > } -OnValidate { PS > if ($EventData.form12Textbox -eq 'Hello') { PS > New-UDValidationResult -Valid PS > } PS > else { PS > New-UDValidationResult -ValidationError "Name must be 'Hello'" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text "Validate form" -OnClick { PS > Test-UDForm -Id "form12" PS > } Test-UDForm|Creates a form with a validate button outside the form. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("A form that allows the end user to enter data and submit it to the server.")] [DisplayName("Form")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'script')] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'form')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'form')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'schema')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Endpoint]$OnSubmit, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'form')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [Endpoint]$OnValidate, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'form')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [ScriptBlock]$OnProcessing, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'form')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Endpoint]$OnCancel, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'form')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [string]$SubmitText = 'Submit', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'form')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [string]$CancelText = 'Cancel', [ValidateSet('text', 'contained', 'outlined')] [Parameter()] [string]$ButtonVariant = 'text', [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'schema')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Hashtable]$Schema, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'schema')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Hashtable]$UiSchema = @{}, [Parameter()] [switch]$DisableSubmitOnEnter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [string]$Script = "None", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [ValidateSet("Text", "Table")] [string]$OutputType = "Text", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'script')] [Switch]$ShowBackButton ) if ($null -ne $OnValidate) { $OnValidate.Register($id + "validate", $PSCmdlet) } $LoadingComponent = $null if ($null -ne $OnProcessing) { $LoadingComponent = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $OnProcessing } if ($OnCancel) { $OnCancel.Register($id + 'cancel', $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnSubmit) { $OnSubmit.Register($id, $PSCmdlet) } try { $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children } catch { $c = New-UDError -Message $_ } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'schema') { @{ id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-schema-form" onSubmit = $OnSubmit schema = $Schema uiSchema = $UiSchema } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'script') { if ($Script -eq 'None' -or $Script -eq $null) { New-UDAlert -Text 'Select a script to create this form.' return } New-UDDynamic -Id $Id -Content { $ScriptObj = Get-PSUScript -Name $Script -Integrated if (-not $ScriptObj) { New-UDAlert -Text 'Script Not Found!' -Severity 'error' return } $Parameters = Get-PSUScriptParameter -Script $ScriptObj -Integrated $validate = $OnValidate if (-not $OnValidate) { $validate = { foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) { $Value = $EventData.($Parameter.Name) if ($Parameter.Required -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { New-UDValidationResult -ValidationError "$($Parameter.Name) is required." return } } New-UDValidationResult -Valid } } New-UDForm -Id $Id -Content { New-UDStack -Spacing 1 -Direction 'column' -Content { $Parameters | ForEach-Object { $Parameter = $_ $Label = if ($Parameter.DisplayName) { $Parameter.DisplayName } else { $Parameter.Name } switch ($_.DisplayType) { "String" { New-UDTextbox -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label -HelperText $Parameter.HelpText } "Integer" { New-UDTextbox -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label -HelperText $Parameter.HelpText } "Boolean" { New-UDSwitch -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label } "DateTime" { New-UDDatePicker -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label } "Select" { New-UDSelect -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label -Option { $Parameter.ValidValues | ForEach-Object { New-UDSelectOption -Name $_ -Value $_ } } } default { New-UDTextbox -Id $Parameter.Name -Label $Label -HelperText $Parameter.HelpText } } } } } -OnSubmit { $Values = @{} $Parameters | ForEach-Object { $Values[$_.Name] = $EventData.($_.Name) } try { $Result = Invoke-PSUScript -Script $ScriptObj -Integrated -Wait @Values -ErrorAction Stop if ($OutputType -eq 'Table' -and $Result) { New-UDTable -Data $Result -ShowPagination } elseif ($OutputType -eq 'Text' -and $Result) { New-UDSyntaxHighlighter -Code ($Result | Out-String) -Language batch } else { New-UDAlert -Text 'Form submitted successfully!' } } catch { New-UDAlert -Text "Failed to submit form! $_" -Severity error } if ($ShowBackButton) { New-UDButton -Text 'Back' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'BackwardStep') -OnClick { Sync-UDElement -Id $Id } } } -OnValidate $validate } } else { @{ id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-form" onSubmit = $OnSubmit onValidate = $OnValidate loadingComponent = $LoadingComponent children = $c onCancel = $OnCancel cancelText = $CancelText submitText = $SubmitText buttonVariant = $ButtonVariant className = $ClassName disableSubmitOnEnter = $DisableSubmitOnEnter.IsPresent } } } New-Alias -Name 'New-UDFormValidationResult' -Value 'New-UDValidationResult' function New-UDValidationResult { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new validation result. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new validation result. This cmdlet should return its value from the OnValidate script block parameter on New-UDForm or New-UDStepper. .PARAMETER Valid Whether the status is considered valid. .PARAMETER ValidationError An error to display if the is not valid. .PARAMETER Context Update the context based on validation. This is only used for New-UDStepper. .PARAMETER DisablePrevious Disables the previous button. This is only used for New-UDStepper. .PARAMETER ActiveStep Sets the active step. This is only used for New-UDStepper. #> param( [Parameter()] [Switch]$Valid, [Parameter()] [string]$ValidationError = "Form is invalid.", [Parameter()] [HashTable]$Context, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisablePrevious, [Parameter()] [int]$ActiveStep = -1 ) @{ valid = $Valid.IsPresent validationError = $ValidationError context = $Context disablePrevious = $DisablePrevious.IsPresent activeStep = $ActiveStep } } function Test-UDForm { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes validation for a form. .DESCRIPTION Invokes validation for a form. .PARAMETER Id Id of the form to invoke validation for. .EXAMPLE New-UDButton -Text 'Validate' -OnClick { Test-UDForm -Id 'myForm' } #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id ) $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "testForm", $Id) } function Invoke-UDForm { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a form. .DESCRIPTION Invokes a form and optionally validates it. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the form to invoke. .PARAMETER Validate Whether to run form validation. .EXAMPLE Invoke-UDForm -Id "MyForm" -Validate #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Validate ) $Data = @{ method = "invokeForm" id = $Id validate = $Validate.IsPresent } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "invokeMethod", $Data) } function New-UDGridLayout { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new grid layout. Grid layout allows you to drag and drop components into a grid. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new grid layout. Grid layout allows you to drag and drop components into a grid. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. The default value is a random GUID. .PARAMETER RowHeight The height of each row in pixels. The default value is 30. .PARAMETER Content The content of the grid layout. This is a scriptblock that returns a list of components. Components are required to have static IDs. .PARAMETER Layout The layout of the grid. This should be a JSON string. .PARAMETER LargeColumns The number of columns in the large breakpoint. The default value is 12. .PARAMETER MediumColumns The number of columns in the medium breakpoint. The default value is 10. .PARAMETER SmallColumns The number of columns in the small breakpoint. The default value is 6. .PARAMETER ExtraSmallColumns The number of columns in the extra small breakpoint. The default value is 4. .PARAMETER ExtraExtraSmallColumns The number of columns in the extra extra small breakpoint. The default value is 2. .PARAMETER LargeBreakpoint The width of the large breakpoint in pixels. The default value is 1200. .PARAMETER MediumBreakpoint The width of the medium breakpoint in pixels. The default value is 996. .PARAMETER SmallBreakpoint The width of the small breakpoint in pixels. The default value is 768. .PARAMETER ExtraSmallBreakpoint The width of the extra small breakpoint in pixels. The default value is 480. .PARAMETER ExtraExtraSmallBreakpoint The width of the extra extra small breakpoint in pixels. The default value is 0. .PARAMETER Draggable Whether or not the components can be dragged. .PARAMETER Resizable Whether or not the components can be resized. .PARAMETER Persist Whether or not the layout should be persisted in the current browser session. .PARAMETER Design Whether or not the grid layout is in design mode. Design mode allows for copying of the current JSON layout. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDGridLayout -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" -Id "card1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" -Id "card2" PS > } -Id 'gridLayout1' -Draggable -Resizable -Layout '{"lg":[{"w":2,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card1","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":2,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card2","moved":false,"static":false}]}' Basic Grid Layout|Create a basic grid layout with two cards. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDGridLayout -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" -Id "card3" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 4" -Id "card4" PS > } -Id 'gridLayout2' -Design -Draggable -Resizable -Layout '{"lg":[{"w":2,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card3","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":2,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card4","moved":false,"static":false}]}' Draggable and Resizable|Create a grid layout with two cards that can be dragged and resized. This layout is also in design mode which allows you to copy the current layout as JSON. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDGridLayout -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 5" -Id "card5" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 6" -Id "card6" PS > } -Id 'gridLayout3' -Design -Draggable -Resizable -Persist -Layout '{"lg":[{"w":2,"h":3,"x":0,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card5","moved":false,"static":false},{"w":2,"h":3,"x":2,"y":0,"i":"grid-element-card6","moved":false,"static":false}]}' Persisted Layout|This layout is also persisted in the current browser session. Refresh the page to see the persisted layout. #> #[Component("Grid Layout", "TableLayout", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [int]$RowHeight = 30, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [scriptblock]$Content, [Parameter()] [string]$Layout, [Parameter()] [int]$LargeColumns = 12, [Parameter()] [int]$MediumColumns = 10, [Parameter()] [int]$SmallColumns = 6, [Parameter()] [int]$ExtraSmallColumns = 4, [Parameter()] [int]$ExtraExtraSmallColumns = 2, [Parameter()] [int]$LargeBreakpoint = 1200, [Parameter()] [int]$MediumBreakpoint = 996, [Parameter()] [int]$SmallBreakpoint = 768, [Parameter()] [int]$ExtraSmallBreakpoint = 480, [Parameter()] [int]$ExtraExtraSmallBreakpoint = 0, [Parameter()] [switch]$Draggable, [Parameter()] [switch]$Resizable, [Parameter()] [switch]$Persist, [Parameter()] [switch]$Design ) End { $Breakpoints = @{ lg = $LargeBreakpoint md = $MediumBreakpoint sm = $SmallBreakpoint xs = $ExtraSmallBreakpoint xxs = $ExtraExtraSmallBreakpoint } $Columns = @{ lg = $LargeColumns md = $MediumColumns sm = $SmallColumns xs = $ExtraSmallColumns xxs = $ExtraExtraSmallColumns } @{ type = "ud-grid-layout" isPlugin = $true id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId className = "layout" rowHeight = $RowHeight children = & $Content layout = $Layout cols = $Columns breakpoints = $Breakpoints isDraggable = $Draggable.IsPresent isResizable = $Resizable.IsPresent persist = $Persist.IsPresent design = $Design.IsPresent } } } function New-UDPageLayout { param( [Parameter()] [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout[]]$Large, [Parameter()] [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout[]]$Medium, [Parameter()] [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout[]]$Small, [Parameter()] [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout[]]$ExtraSmall, [Parameter()] [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout[]]$ExtraExtraSmall ) $Layout = [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerPageLayout]::new() $Layout.Large = $Large $Layout.Medium = $Medium $Layout.Small = $Small $Layout.ExtraSmall = $ExtraSmall $Layout.ExtraExtraSmall = $ExtraExtraSmall $Layout } function New-UDItemLayout { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$Row, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$Column, [Parameter()] [int]$ColumnSpan = 1, [Parameter()] [int]$RowSpan = 1 ) $Layout = [PowerShellUniversal.DesignerItemLayout]::new() $Layout.Id = $Id $Layout.Row = $Row $Layout.Column = $Column $Layout.ColumnSpan = $ColumnSpan $Layout.RowSpan = $RowSpan $Layout } function New-UDGrid { <# .SYNOPSIS The grid is a 12-point grid system that can adapt based on the size of the screen that is showing the controls. .DESCRIPTION Creates a grid to layout components. The grid is a 12-point grid system that can adapt based on the size of the screen that is showing the controls. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER ExtraSmallSize The size (1-12) for extra small devices. .PARAMETER SmallSize The size (1-12) for small devices. .PARAMETER MediumSize The size (1-12) for medium devices. .PARAMETER LargeSize The size (1-12) for large devices. .PARAMETER ExtraLargeSize The size (1-12) for extra large devices. .PARAMETER Container Whether this is a container. A container can be best described as a row. .PARAMETER Spacing Spacing between the items. .PARAMETER Item Whether this is an item in a container. .PARAMETER Children Components included in this grid item. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the grid. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDGrid -Container -Children { PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 1" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 2" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 3" PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id "grid1" Basic grid|A basic grid with 3 cards in a row. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDGrid -Container -Children { PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 1" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 2" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 3" PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id "grid2" Responsive Grid|A responsive grid with 3 cards in a row. The cards will stack on small device screens. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Id 'grid4' -Content { PS > $Spacing = (Get-UDElement -Id 'gridSpacingSelect').value PS > New-UDGrid -Container -Children { PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 1" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 2" PS > } PS > } PS > New-UDGrid -Item -ExtraSmallSize 12 -LargeSize 4 -Children { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Button 3" PS > } PS > } PS > } -Spacing $Spacing PS > } PS > New-UDSelect -Id 'gridSpacingSelect' -Label Spacing -Option { PS > for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name $i -Value $i PS > } PS >} -OnChange { Sync-UDElement -Id 'grid4' } -DefaultValue 3 Grid Spacing|A responsive grid with 3 cards in a row. The spacing between the cards can be changed with the select box. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRow -Columns { PS > New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 1" -Content {} PS > } PS > New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 2" -Content {} PS > } PS > New-UDColumn -Size 4 -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Title "Card 3" -Content {} PS > } PS > } -Id 'grid5' Row and Columns|The row and column aliases can be used to create a grid. #> #[Component("Grid", "Grid", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Alias("Size")] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [int]$ExtraSmallSize, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$SmallSize, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$MediumSize, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$LargeSize, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$ExtraLargeSize, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Container")] [Switch]$Container, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Container")] [ValidateRange(0, 10)] [int]$Spacing, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Item")] [Switch]$Item, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) End { $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children @{ id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = "mu-grid" assetId = $MUAssetId xs = $ExtraSmallSize sm = $SmallSize md = $MediumSize lg = $LargeSize xl = $ExtraLargeSize spacing = $Spacing container = $Container.IsPresent item = $Item.IsPresent children = $c className = $ClassName } } } function New-UDHeading { <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a new heading .DESCRIPTION Defines a new heading. This generates a new H tag. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Content The content of the heading. .PARAMETER Text The text of the heading. .PARAMETER Size This size of this heading. This can be 1,2,3,4,5 or 6. .PARAMETER Color The text color. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the heading. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHeading -Text 'Hello World' -Size 1 -Color 'red' Basic Heading|Creates a basic heading. #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")] [string]$Text, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6")] [string]$Size, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$Color = 'black', [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Text") { $Content = { $Text } } New-UDElement -Id $Id -Tag "h$size" -Content $Content -Attributes @{ className = $className style = @{ color = $Color.HtmlColor } } } function New-UDHelmet { <# .SYNOPSIS Add elements to the head section of the page. This is useful for adding custom CSS or JavaScript. .DESCRIPTION Add elements to the head section of the page. This is useful for adding custom CSS or JavaScript. .PARAMETER Tag The HTML tag to add. .PARAMETER Attributes A hashtable of attributes to add to the tag. .PARAMETER Children A script block that returns a hashtable of children to add to the tag. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHelmet -Tag 'style' -Attributes @{ type = 'text/css' } -Children { "body { background-color: 'red'}" } Style Tag|Adds a style tag to the head section of the page. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Tag, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Attributes = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$Content ) @{ type = 'mu-helmet' tag = $Tag attributes = $Attributes content = $Content } } function New-UDHidden { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new hidden element. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new hidden element. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. Defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Down Content will be hidden at or below the specified breakpoint. .PARAMETER Up Content will be hidden at or above the specified breakpoint. .PARAMETER Only Content will be hidden at the specified breakpoint. .PARAMETER Children The content to be hidden. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHidden -Up md -Content { PS > New-UDTypography 'md' PS > } Up|Content is hidden above the md breakpoint. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHidden -Down md -Content { PS > New-UDTypography 'md' PS > } Down|Content is hidden below the md breakpoint. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHidden -Only md -Content { PS > New-UDTypography 'md' PS > } Only|Content is hidden at the md breakpoint. #> #[Component("Hidden", "Ghost", "Creates a new hidden element.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Down')] [ValidateSet('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl')] [string]$Down, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Up')] [ValidateSet('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl')] [string]$Up, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Only')] [ValidateSet('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl')] [string[]]$Only, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children ) $Component = @{ type = 'mu-hidden' id = $Id isPlugin = $true children = & $Children } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Only') { $Component['only'] = $Only } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Down') { $Component["$($Down.ToLower())Down"] = $true } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Up') { $Component["$($Up.ToLower())Up"] = $true } $Component } function New-UDHtml { <# .SYNOPSIS Display HTML on an app. .DESCRIPTION Display HTML on an app. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. The default value is a random GUID. .PARAMETER Markup The HTML markup to display. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHtml -Markup '<h1>Hello World</h1>' HTML|Display HTML on an app. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Display HTML on an app.")] [DisplayName("HTML")] param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter (Position = 1, Mandatory)] [string]$Markup ) @{ type = 'rawHtml' id = $Id markup = $Markup } } function New-UDIconButton { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a button with an icon. .DESCRIPTION Creates a button with an icon. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to display within the button. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to execute when the button is clicked. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether the button is disabled. .PARAMETER Href A link to navigate to when the button is clicked. .PARAMETER Style The CSS sytle to apply to the icon. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the icon. .PARAMETER Size The size of the icon button. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon user -Size sm) -Id 'iconButton1' Basic Icon Button|Creates a basic icon button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon user -Size sm) -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Icon Button Clicked' PS > } -Id 'iconButton2' Icon Button with OnClick|Creates an icon button with an OnClick script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon user -Size sm) -Href 'https://www.google.com' -Id 'iconButton3' Icon Button with Href|Creates an icon button that navigates to a URL. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon user -Size sm) -Disabled -Id 'iconButton4' Disabled Icon Button|Creates a disabled icon button. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Creates a button with an icon")] [DisplayName("Icon Button")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()] $Icon = "User", [Parameter ()] [Endpoint] $OnClick, [Parameter ()] [Switch] $Disabled, [Parameter ()] [string] $Href, [Parameter ()] [Hashtable] $Style, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('small', 'medium', 'large')] [string]$Size = 'medium' ) End { if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = 'mu-icon-button' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent style = $Style onClick = $OnClick icon = $Icon href = $Href className = $ClassName size = $size.ToLower() } } } [PowerShellUniversal.IconService]::LoadIcons() function Find-UDIcon { <# .SYNOPSIS Find an icon. .DESCRIPTION Find an icon. .PARAMETER Name The name of the icon to find. Wild cards are supported. .EXAMPLE Find-UDIcon -Name 'User' #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Name ) $Name = $Name.Replace("-", "").Replace("*", ".*") [PowerShellUniversal.IconService]::Icons.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -match $Name } } function New-UDIcon { <# .SYNOPSIS FontAwesome 6 icons. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new icon. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Icon The Icon to display. This is a FontAwesome 6 icon name. .PARAMETER FixedWidth Whether to use a fixed with. .PARAMETER Inverse Whether to invert the colors of the icon. .PARAMETER Rotation The amount of degrees to rotate the icon. .PARAMETER ClassName Custom CSS class names to apply to the icon. .PARAMETER Transform A CSS transform to apply to the icon. .PARAMETER Flip Whether to flip the icon. .PARAMETER Pull Whether to flip the icon. .PARAMETER ListItem .PARAMETER Spin Whether the icon should spin. .PARAMETER Border Defines the border for this icon. .PARAMETER Pulse Whether this icon should publse. .PARAMETER Size The size of the icon. Valid values are: "xs", "sm", "lg", "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x", "6x", "7x", "8x", "9x", "10x" .PARAMETER Style A CSS style to apply to the icon. .PARAMETER Title .PARAMETER Solid Uses the solid icon style. .PARAMETER Color The color of this icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon User -Id 'icon1' Basic Icon|Displays a user icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Direction 'row' -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size 'sm' -Id 'icon2' PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size 'lg' -Id 'icon3' PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size '5x' -Id 'icon4' PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size '10x' -Id 'icon5' PS > } Icon Size|Displays icons in different sizes. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size '5x' -Rotation 90 -Id 'icon6' Rotated Icon|Rotates an icon 90 degrees. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size '5x' -Border -Id 'icon7' Border Icon|Adds a border to an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Size '5x' -Color 'red' -Id 'icon8' Color|Adds a color to an icon .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'AddressBook' -Flip 'horizontal' -Size '5x' -Id 'icon9' Flip|Flips an icon horizontally. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'Spinner' -Spin -Size '5x' -Id 'icon10' Spin|Spins an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'Spinner' -Pulse -Size '5x' -Id 'icon11' Pulse|Pulses an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDHelmet -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{ PS > href = 'https://css.gg/css' PS > rel = 'stylesheet' PS > } PS > PS > New-UDIcon -Children { PS > New-UDHtml '<i class="gg-adidas"></i>' PS > } Custom Icon Set|Uses the css.gg icon set. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("FontAwesome 6 icons you can display within your app.")] [DisplayName("Icon")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [string]$Icon = "User", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Content")] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [Switch]$FixedWidth, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Inverse, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [int]$Rotation, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [string]$Transform, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [ValidateSet("horizontal", 'vertical', 'both')] [string]$Flip, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [ValidateSet('right', 'left')] [string]$Pull, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$ListItem, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Spin, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Border, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [Alias('Pulse')] [switch]$Beat, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Fade, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Bounce, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$BeatFade, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [switch]$Shake, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [ValidateSet("xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x", "6x", "7x", "8x", "9x", "10x")] [string]$Size = "sm", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style = @{}, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [string]$Title, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor] $Color, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FontAwesome")] [Switch]$Solid ) End { if ($Children) { @{ type = "icon" id = $id content = & $Children style = $Style className = $ClassName } return } $iconName = $Icon.ToLower().Replace("_", "") if ([PowerShellUniversal.IconService]::Icons.ContainsKey($iconName)) { $IconObj = [PowerShellUniversal.IconService]::Icons[$iconName] $IconName = "" if ($IconObj.Styles[0] -eq 'brands') { $IconName += "fa-brands" } else { if ($Solid -or $IconObj.Styles -notcontains 'regular') { $IconName += "fa-solid" } else { $IconName += "fa-regular" } } $IconName += " fa-" + $IconObj.Name } else { $IconName = "fa-solid fa-circle-question"; } $MUIcon = @{ type = "icon" id = $id size = $Size fixedWidth = $FixedWidth.IsPresent color = $Color.HtmlColor listItem = $ListItem.IsPresent inverse = $Inverse.IsPresent rotation = $Rotation flip = $Flip spin = $Spin.IsPresent beat = $Beat.IsPresent shake = $Shake.IsPresent fade = $Fade.IsPresent bounce = $Bounce.IsPresent beatFade = $BeatFade.IsPresent border = $Border.IsPresent pull = $Pull className = $ClassName transform = $Transform style = $Style title = $Title icon = $IconName } $MUIcon } } $scriptBlock = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) if ($fakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Solid')) { $Script:FontAwesomeSolid | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } } else { $Script:FontAwesomeRegular | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } $Script:FontAwesomeBrands | Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-UDIcon -ParameterName Icon -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock function New-UDIFrame { <# .SYNOPSIS An HTML IFrame component. .DESCRIPTION An HTML IFrame component. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Uri The URI for the iframe. .EXAMPLE Defines an IFrame for Google. New-UDIFrame -Uri https://www.google.com #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("An HTML IFrame component.")] [DisplayName("iFrame")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [String]$Uri = "https://ironmansoftware.com" ) New-UDElement -Id $Id -Tag "iframe" -Attributes @{ src = $Uri } } function New-UDImage { <# .SYNOPSIS An image component. .DESCRIPTION An image component. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Url The URL to the image. .PARAMETER Path The path to a local image. .PARAMETER Height The height in pixels. .PARAMETER Width The width in pixels. .PARAMETER Attributes Additional attributes to apply to the img tag. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDImage -Url "https://ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png" Basic image|Displays an image. .EXAMPLE PS > $Image = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot\*.png" | Select-Object -First 1 PS > New-UDImage -Path ($Image.FullName) Local image|Displays a local image. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDImage -Url "https://ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png" -Height 100 -Width 100 Image with height and width|Displays an image with a height and width. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDImage -Url "https://ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png" -Attributes @{ PS > style = @{ PS > borderRadius = '50%' PS > } PS > } Image with style|Displays an image with a style attribute. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'url')] [Category("app/component")] [Description("An image component.")] [DisplayName("Image")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'url')] [String]$Url = "https://ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'path')] [String]$Path, [Parameter()] [int]$Height, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Attributes = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'path' { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { throw "$Path does not exist." } $mimeType = 'data:image/png;base64, ' if ($Path.EndsWith('jpg') -or $Path.EndsWith('jpeg')) { $mimeType = 'data:image/jpg;base64, ' } $base64String = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($Path)) $Attributes.'src' = "$mimeType $base64String" } } 'url' { $Attributes.'src' = $Url } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ClassName')) { $Attributes.'className' = $ClassName } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Height')) { $Attributes.'height' = $Height } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Width')) { $Attributes.'width' = $Width } $Attributes["id"] = $Id New-UDElement -Tag 'img' -Attributes $Attributes } function New-UDLayout { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a layout based on the number of components within the layout. .DESCRIPTION Create a layout based on the number of components within the layout. The component wraps New-UDRow and New-UDColumn to automatically layout components in the content. .PARAMETER Columns The number of columns in this layout. .PARAMETER Content The content for this layout. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDContainer -Content { PS > New-UDLayout -Columns 2 -Content { PS > New-UDTypography "Row 1, Col 1" PS > New-UDTypography "Row 1, Col 2" PS > New-UDTypography "Row 2, Col 1" PS > New-UDTypography "Row 2, Col 2" PS > } PS > } Layout|Creates a layout with 2 columns. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(1, 12)] [int]$Columns, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) $Components = $Content.Invoke() if ($Columns -eq 1) { $LargeColumnSize = 12 $MediumColumnSize = 12 $SmallColumnSize = 12 } else { $LargeColumnSize = 12 / $Columns $MediumColumnSize = 12 / ($Columns / 2) $SmallColumnSize = 12 } $Offset = 0 $ComponentCount = ($Components | Measure-Object).Count while ($Offset -lt $ComponentCount) { $ColumnObjects = $Components | Select-Object -Skip $Offset -First $Columns | ForEach-Object { New-UDColumn -SmallSize $SmallColumnSize -MediumSize $MediumColumnSize -LargeSize $LargeColumnSize -Content { $_ } } New-UDRow -Columns { $ColumnObjects } $Offset += $Columns } } function New-UDLink { <# .SYNOPSIS The Link component allows you to easily customize anchor elements with your theme colors and typography styles. .DESCRIPTION The Link component allows you to easily customize anchor elements with your theme colors and typography styles. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Url The URL of the link. .PARAMETER Underline Whether to underline the link. .PARAMETER Style A custom style to apply to the link. .PARAMETER Variant The theme variant to apply to the link. .PARAMETER ClassName The CSS class to apply to the link. .PARAMETER OpenInNewWindow Opens the link in a new window. .PARAMETER Children The components to link. .PARAMETER Text Text to include in the link. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to invoke when clicked. .PARAMETER Download Adds the download attribute to this link. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" -Id 'link1' Basic link|A basic link to Google. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" -OpenInNewWindow -Id 'link2' Link in new window|A link to Google that opens in a new window. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png" -Text "Download" -OpenInNewWindow -Download -Id 'link3' Download link|A link that downloads a file. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" -Style @{ 'color' = 'red' } -Id 'link4' Style|A link with a custom style. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" -Variant "h1" -Id 'link5' Variant|A link with a variant header of 1. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Text "Google" -Underline "hover" -Id 'link6' Underline|A link with an underline on hover. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Url "https://www.google.com" -Content { New-UDImage -Url "https://www.ironmansoftware.com/img/ps-logo.png" -Height 20 -Width 20 } -Id 'link7' Content|A link with an image as content. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDLink -Text "Click" -OnClick { Show-UDToast -Message "Clicked!" } -Id 'link8' OnClick|A link with an onclick event. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("The Link component allows you to easily customize anchor elements with your theme colors and typography styles")] [DisplayName("Link")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "text")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$Url = "https://www.ironmansoftware.com", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('none', 'hover', 'always')] [string]$Underline = "none", [Parameter()] [hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'subtitle1', 'subtitle2', 'body1', 'body2', 'caption', 'button', 'overline', 'srOnly', 'inherit')] [string]$Variant, [Parameter ()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [switch]$OpenInNewWindow, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'content')] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'text')] [string]$Text = "Ironman Software", [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter()] [switch]$Download ) End { if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($null -ne $Children) { $Object = & $Children } else { $Object = $null } if ($Children) { $Text = $null } @{ type = 'mu-link' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id url = $url underline = $underline style = $style variant = $variant className = $ClassName openInNewWindow = $openInNewWindow.IsPresent content = $Object text = $text onClick = $OnClick download = $Download.IsPresent } } } function New-UDList { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists are continuous, vertical indexes of text or images. .DESCRIPTION Creates a list. Use New-UDListItem to add new items to the list. Lists are good for links in UDDrawers. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children The items in the list. .PARAMETER SubHeader Text to show within the sub header. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'New Stuff' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Trash' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon trash -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'Stuff I deleted' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Spam' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon bug -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I didn't want" PS > } -Id 'list1' Basic list|A basic list of items with icons and a subtitle. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Trash' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Spam' PS > } -Id 'list2' -Dense Dense list|A dense list. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Inbox Clicked' PS > } PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Drafts Clicked' PS > } PS > } -Id 'list3' OnClick|Respond to clicks on list items. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -SecondaryAction { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Secondary Action' PS > } PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -SecondaryAction { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Secondary Action' PS > } PS > } -Id 'list4' Secondary Action|Respond to secondary actions on list items. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -Children { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox Item 1' -Nested PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox Item 2' -Nested PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox Item 3' -Nested PS > } PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -Children { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts Item 1' -Nested PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts Item 2' -Nested PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts Item 3' -Nested PS > } PS > } -Id 'list5' Nested List Items|Create nested list items. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -Switch (New-UDSwitch) -SwitchAlignment 'right' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -Switch (New-UDSwitch) -SwitchAlignment 'right' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Trash' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon trash -Size 3x) -SubTitle 'Stuff I deleted' -Switch (New-UDSwitch) -SwitchAlignment 'right' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Spam' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon bug -Size 3x) -SubTitle "Stuff I didn't want" -Switch (New-UDSwitch) -SwitchAlignment 'right' PS > } -Id 'list6' Switch|Create a list item with a switch. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -CheckBox (New-UDCheckbox) -CheckBoxAlignment 'left' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -CheckBox (New-UDCheckbox) -CheckBoxAlignment 'left' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Trash' -SubTitle 'Stuff I deleted' -CheckBox (New-UDCheckbox) -CheckBoxAlignment 'left' PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Spam' -SubTitle "Stuff I didn't want" -CheckBox (New-UDCheckbox) -CheckBoxAlignment 'left' PS > } -Id 'list7' CheckBox|Create a list item with a checkbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDList -Content { PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Inbox' -SubTitle 'New Stuff' -Href 'https://ironmansoftware.com' -OpenInNewWindow PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Drafts' -SubTitle "Stuff I'm working on " -Href 'https://powershellgallery.com' -OpenInNewWindow PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Trash' -SubTitle 'Stuff I deleted' -Href 'https://github.com/powershell/powershell' -OpenInNewWindow PS > New-UDListItem -Label 'Spam' -SubTitle "Stuff I didn't want" PS > } -Id 'list7' Links|Create a list item with links #> param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter ()] [string]$SubHeader, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Dense, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx ) End { try { $c = & $Children } catch { $c = New-UDError -Message $_ } @{ type = 'mu-list' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id children = $c subHeader = $SubHeader style = $Style className = $ClassName dense = $Dense.IsPresent sx = $sx } } } function New-UDListItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new list item. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new list item. List items are used with New-UDList. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER AvatarType The type of avatar to show within the list item. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to execute when the list item is clicked. .PARAMETER Label The label to show within the list item. .PARAMETER Children Nested list items to show underneath this list item. .PARAMETER SubTitle The subtitle to show within the list item. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show within the list item. .PARAMETER Switch The switch to show within the list item. .PARAMETER SwitchAlignment How to align the sqitch within the listitem. Valid values are: "left", "right" .PARAMETER CheckBox The checkbox to show within the list item. .PARAMETER CheckBoxAlignment How to align the checkbox within the listitem. Valid values are: "left", "right" .PARAMETER URL The URL for the avatar image. .PARAMETER SecondaryAction The secondary action to issue with this list item. .PARAMETER Href A URL to navigate to when clicked. .PARAMETER OpenInNewWindow Open the HREF in a new window. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter ()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet("Icon", "Avatar")][string]$AvatarType = 'Icon', [Parameter ()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter ()] [object]$Label, [Parameter ()] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter ()] [string]$SubTitle, [Parameter ()] $Icon, [Parameter ()] [Alias("Source")] [string]$Url, [Parameter ()] [Switch]$OpenInNewWindow, [Parameter ()] [scriptblock]$SecondaryAction, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Open, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Nested, [Parameter()] [string]$Href, [Parameter ()] $Switch, [ValidateSet("left", "right")] [string]$SwitchAlignment = "right", [Parameter ()] $CheckBox, [ValidateSet("left", "right")] [string]$CheckBoxAlignment = "right" ) begin {} Process {} End { if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($null -ne $Children) { try { $CardContent = & $Children } catch { $CardContent = New-UDError -Message $_ } } else { $CardContent = $null } if ($null -ne $SecondaryAction) { $Action = $SecondaryAction.Invoke() } else { $Action = $null } @{ type = 'mu-list-item' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id subTitle = $SubTitle label = if ($Label -is [ScriptBlock]) { & $Label } else { [string]$Label } onClick = $OnClick children = $CardContent secondaryAction = $Action icon = $Icon source = $Source avatarType = $AvatarType labelStyle = $LabelStyle style = $Style className = $ClassName open = $Open.IsPresent nested = $Nested.IsPresent href = $Href switch = $Switch checkBox = $CheckBox switchAlignment = $SwitchAlignment.ToLower() checkBoxAlignment = $CheckBoxAlignment.ToLower() openInNewWindow = $OpenInNewWindow.IsPresent } } } function New-UDMarkdown { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts markdown to HTML. .DESCRIPTION Converts markdown to HTML. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Markdown The markdown to convert to HTML. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMarkdown -Markdown '# Heading' Basic Markdown|Creates a heading based on markdown. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Converts markdown to HTML.")] [DisplayName("Markdown")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Alias("Markdown")] [String]$Children = "# Header" ) @{ type = 'mu-markdown' id = $Id children = $Children } } function New-UDMenu { <# .SYNOPSIS Menus display a list of choices on temporary surfaces. .DESCRIPTION Creates a pop up menu. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Text The text to display in the button that opens this menu. .PARAMETER OnChange An event handler to call when the user selects an item from the menu. $EventData will include the selected item. .PARAMETER Children The items to display in the menu. .PARAMETER ClassName The class name of the menu. .PARAMETER Variant The button variant for the menu. .PARAMETER Size The size of the menu button. Valid values are: "small", "medium" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -Children { PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' PS > } -Id 'menu1' Basic menu|Creates a simple menu. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message $EventData PS > } -Children { PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' PS > } -Id 'menu2' Menu with event handler|Creates a menu with an event handler. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -Children { PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' PS > } -Variant text -Id 'menu3' Text variant|Creates a menu with a text variant. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -Children { PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' PS > } -Size small -Id 'menu4' Small menu|Creates a small menu. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -Children { PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' -Value 1 PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' -Value 3 PS > } -Id 'menu5' Menu with values|Creates a menu with values. #> # [Component("Menu", "Bars", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Text, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('Items')] [Alias('Content')] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter] [string]$ClassName, [ValidateSet("text", "outlined", "contained")] [string]$Variant = "contained", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [ValidateSet("small", "medium", "large")] [string]$Size = 'medium' ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-menu' text = $Text onChange = $OnChange children = & $Children className = $ClassName icon = $Icon variant = $Variant.ToLower() size = $Size.ToLower() } } function New-UDMenuItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a menu item. .DESCRIPTION Creates a menu item. .PARAMETER Text The text to display in the menu item. .PARAMETER Value The value of the menu item. If not specified, the text will be used. .EXAMPLE New-UDMenu -Text 'Click Me' -OnChange { Show-UDToast $EventData } -Children { New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test' New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test2' New-UDMenuItem -Text 'Test3' } Creates a simple menu. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Text, [Parameter()] [string]$Value, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick ) if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-menu-item' text = $Text value = if ($Value) { $Value } else { $Text } icon = $Icon onClick = $OnClick } } function New-UDPaper { <# .SYNOPSIS Paper is used to highlight content within a page. .DESCRIPTION Creates a paper. Paper is used to highlight content within a page. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children The content of this paper element. .PARAMETER Width The width of this paper. .PARAMETER Height The height of this paper. .PARAMETER Square Whether this paper is square. .PARAMETER Style The CSS style to apply to this paper. .PARAMETER Elevation The elevation of this paper. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the paper. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDPaper -Id 'paper1' -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' PS > } Basic paper|Creates a new paper with a button inside of it. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDPaper -Id 'paper2' -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' PS > } -Elevation 5 Paper with elevation|Creates a new paper with a button inside of it and an elevation of 5. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDPaper -Id 'paper3' -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' PS > } -Width 1000 -Height 1000 -Elevation 5 Width and height|Creates a new paper with a button inside of it and a width and height of 1000. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDPaper -Id 'paper4' -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' PS > } -Square -Elevation 5 Square paper|Creates a new paper with a button inside of it and a square shape. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDPaper -Id 'paper5' -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' PS > } -Style @{ backgroundColor = 'red' } Style|Creates a new paper with a button inside of it and a red background color. #> # [Component("Paper", "File", "Creates a paper component.")] param( [Parameter()][string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()][Alias("Content")][ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()][string]$Width = '500', [Parameter()][string]$Height = '500', [Parameter()][Switch]$Square, [Parameter()][Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()][int]$Elevation, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) End { $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children @{ type = 'mu-paper' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id width = $Width children = $c height = $Height square = $Square.IsPresent style = $Style elevation = $Elevation className = $ClassName } } } function New-UDParagraph { <# .SYNOPSIS A paragraph. .DESCRIPTION A paragraph. Used to define a P HTML tag. .PARAMETER Content The content of the paragraph. .PARAMETER Text The text of the paragraph. .PARAMETER Color The font color of the paragraph. .EXAMPLE A simple paragraph. New-UDParagraph -Text 'Hello, world!' #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "text")] [Category("app/component")] [Description("A paragraph.")] [DisplayName("Paragraph")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'content')] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'text')] [string]$Text = "Hello", [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$Color = 'black' ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'content') { New-UDElement -Tag 'p' -Content $Content -Attributes @{ style = @{ color = $Color.HtmlColor } } } else { New-UDElement -Tag 'p' -Content { $Text } -Attributes @{ style = @{ color = $Color.HtmlColor } } } } function New-UDProgress { <# .SYNOPSIS Progress dialogs can show both determinate and indeterminate progress. They can also be circular or linear. .DESCRIPTION Creates a progress dialog. Progress dialogs can show both determinate and indeterminate progress. They can also be circular or linear. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER PercentComplete The percent complete for the progress. .PARAMETER BackgroundColor The background color. .PARAMETER ProgressColor The progress bar color. .PARAMETER Circular Whether the progress is circular. .PARAMETER Size The size of the progress. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large" .PARAMETER Label Adds a label to a circle progress. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDProgress -PercentComplete 75 -Id 'progress1' Determinate|A determinate progress bar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDProgress -Circular -Size large -Id 'progress2' Circular|A circular progress bar. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDProgress -BackgroundColor 'red' -ProgressColor 'blue' -Id 'progress3' Color|Define the background and progress colors. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDProgress -Circular -Size large -Id 'progress4' -PercentComplete 75 -Label '75%' Circular with Label|Create a circle progress with a label .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDProgress -Circular -Size large -Id 'progress4' #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Display a progress indicator")] [DisplayName("Progress")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "indeterminate")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 100)] [int32]$PercentComplete, [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$BackgroundColor, [Parameter()] [Alias("Color")] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$ProgressColor, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Circular, [ValidateSet('small', 'medium', 'large')] [Parameter()] [string]$Size, [Parameter()] [string]$Label ) End { @{ id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-progress" variant = if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("PercentComplete")) { "determinate" } else { "indeterminate" } percentComplete = if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("PercentComplete")) { $PercentComplete } else { $null } backgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.HtmlColor progressColor = $ProgressColor.HtmlColor circular = $Circular.IsPresent color = $Color size = $Size label = $Label } } } function Protect-UDSection { <# .SYNOPSIS Hides a section of a dashboard if the user is not part of the specified role. .DESCRIPTION Hides a section of a dashboard if the user is not part of the specified role. .PARAMETER Children The content to hide. .PARAMETER Role The role the user must be a part of. .EXAMPLE PS > Protect-UDSection -Content { PS > New-UDTypography 'Admins Only' PS > } -Role @("Administrator") Protect Section|Hides the section of the dashboard if the user is not an administrator. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('Content')] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]]$Role ) $MatchingRoles = $Roles | Where-Object { $_ -in $Role } if ($MatchingRoles.Length -gt 0) { & $Children } } function New-UDRadioGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a group of radio buttons. .DESCRIPTION Creates a group of radio buttons. Within a group, only a single radio will be able to be selected. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label to show for this radio group. .PARAMETER Children The radio buttons to include within this group. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block to call when the radio group selection changes. The $EventData variable will include the value of the radio that is selected. .PARAMETER Value The selected value for this radio group. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRadioGroup -Label 'group' -Id 'radio1' -Children { PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Adam' -Label 'Adam' -Id 'adam' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Sarah' -Label 'Sarah' -Id 'sarah' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Austin' -Label 'Austin' -Id 'austin' PS > } Basic radio group|Creates a basic radio group with three radio buttons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRadioGroup -Label 'group' -Id 'radio2' -Children { PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Adam' -Label 'Adam' -Id 'adam' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Sarah' -Label 'Sarah' -Id 'sarah' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Austin' -Label 'Austin' -Id 'austin' PS > } -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Radio selected: $EventData" PS > } OnChange|Creates a basic radio group with three radio buttons and an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRadioGroup -Label 'group' -Id 'radio3' -Children { PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Adam' -Label 'Adam' -Id 'adam' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Sarah' -Label 'Sarah' -Id 'sarah' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Austin' -Label 'Austin' -Id 'austin' PS > } -Disabled Disabled|Creates a basic radio group with three radio buttons and disables the group. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRadioGroup -Label 'group' -Id 'radio4' -Children { PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Adam' -Label 'Adam' -Id 'adam' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Sarah' -Label 'Sarah' -Id 'sarah' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Austin' -Label 'Austin' -Id 'austin' PS > } -DefaultValue 'Sarah' Default Value|Creates a basic radio group with three radio buttons and sets the default value to 'Sarah'. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRadioGroup -Label 'group' -Id 'radio4' -Children { PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Adam' -Label 'Adam' -Id 'adam' -LabelPlacement 'start' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Sarah' -Label 'Sarah' -Id 'sarah' -LabelPlacement 'start' PS > New-UDRadio -Value 'Austin' -Label 'Austin' -Id 'austin' -LabelPlacement 'start' PS > } -DefaultValue 'Sarah' Label Placement|Creates a basic radio group with three radio buttons and sets the label placement to 'start'. #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [String]$Label, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children = { New-UDRadio -Label "Option 1" -Value 1 New-UDRadio -Label "Option 2" -Value 2 }, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [string]$Value, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [string]$DefaultValue, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-radiogroup' onChange = $OnChange value = $Value label = $Label children = & $Children className = $ClassName defaultValue = $DefaultValue disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent } } function New-UDRadio { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a radio. .DESCRIPTION Creates a radio. Radios should be included within a New-UDRadioGroup. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label to show next to the radio. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether the radio is disabled. .PARAMETER Value The value of the radio. .PARAMETER LabelPlacement The position to place the label in relation to the radio. .PARAMETER Color The theme color to apply to this radio #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [String]$Label, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [string]$Value, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('start', 'end')] [string]$LabelPlacement = 'end', [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet('default', 'primary', 'secondary')] [string]$Color = 'default' ) @{ assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-radio' label = $Label disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent value = $value labelPlacement = $LabelPlacement color = $Color.ToLower() } } function New-UDRating { <# .SYNOPSIS Ratings provide insight regarding others' opinions and experiences, and can allow the user to submit a rating of their own. .DESCRIPTION Ratings provide insight regarding others' opinions and experiences, and can allow the user to submit a rating of their own. .PARAMETER Id An ID for this component. If not specified, a random GUID will be used. .PARAMETER DefaultValue The default value for this rating. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this rating is disabled. .PARAMETER EmptyLabelText The text to show when the rating is empty. .PARAMETER HighlightSelectedOnly Whether to highlight the selected rating only. .PARAMETER Max The maximum value for this rating. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block to call when the rating is changed. The $EventData variable will be the new value. .PARAMETER Precision The precision of the rating. Defaults to 1. .PARAMETER Size The size of the rating. Can be small, medium, or large. .PARAMETER Value The current value of the rating. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRating -Value 3 -Id 'rating1' Basic Rating|Creates a basic rating component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRating -Value 3 -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Rating changed to $EventData" PS > } -Id 'rating2' OnChange|Creates a rating component with an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRating -Value 3 -Size large -Id 'rating3' Size|Creates a large rating component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRating -Value 3 -Disabled -Id 'rating4' Disabled|Creates a disabled rating component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDRating -Value 3 -HighlightSelectedOnly -Id 'rating5' Highlight Selected Only|Creates a rating component that only highlights the selected rating. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Allow the user to select a rating.")] [DisplayName("Rating")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [double]$DefaultValue, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [string]$EmptyLabelText = "Empty", [Parameter()] [Switch]$HighlightSelectedOnly, [Parameter()] [double]$Max = 5, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [double]$Precision = 1, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("small", "medium", "large")] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter()] [double]$Value ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ id = $Id isPlugin = $true type = "mu-rating" defaultValue = $DefaultValue disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent emptyLabelText = $EmptyLabelText highlightSelectedOnly = $HighlightSelectedOnly.IsPresent max = $Max onChange = $OnChange precision = $Precision size = $Size.ToLower() value = $Value } } function New-UDSelect { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new select. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new select. Selects can have multiple options and option groups. Selects can also be multi-select. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Option Options to include in this select. This can be either New-UDSelectOption or New-UDSelectGroup. .PARAMETER Label The label to show with the select. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is executed when the script changes. $EventData will be an array of the selected values. .PARAMETER DefaultValue The default selected value. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this select is disabled. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show next to the textbox. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER Multiple Whether you can select multiple values. .PARAMETER FullWidth Stretch the select to the full width of the parent component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select1' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -FullWidth Basic Select|A basic select with three options .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select2' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -DefaultValue 2 -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message $EventData PS > } -FullWidth OnChange|A select with an OnChange script block that shows a toast when the value changes. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select3' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -Disabled -FullWidth Disabled|A disabled select. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select4' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -Multiple -FullWidth Multiple|A select that allows multiple selections. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select5' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -Variant outlined -FullWidth Outlined|A select with an outlined variant. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select6' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > } -FullWidth -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Home) Icon|A select with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSelect -Label 'Select' -Id 'select7' -Option { PS > New-UDSelectGroup -Name "Category 1" -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "One" -Value 1 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Two" -Value 2 PS > } PS > New-UDSelectGroup -Name "Category 2" -Option { PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Three" -Value 3 PS > New-UDSelectOption -Name "Four" -Value 4 PS > } PS > } -FullWidth Grouped|A select with option groups. #> # [Component("Select", "ListDropdown", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Option = { New-UDSelectOption -Name 'Option 1' -Value 1 New-UDSelectOption -Name 'Option 2' -Value 2 }, [Parameter()] [String]$Label, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] $DefaultValue, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Multiple, [Parameter()] [string]$MaxWidth, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('filled', 'outlined', 'standard')] [string]$Variant = 'standard', [Parameter()] $Icon ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id + "onChange", $PSCmdlet) } if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Multiple") -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultValue") -and $DefaultValue -isnot [array]) { $DefaultValue = @($DefaultValue) } @{ type = 'mu-select' assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true id = $id options = $Option.Invoke() label = $Label onChange = $OnChange defaultValue = $DefaultValue disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent icon = $icon multiple = $Multiple.IsPresent maxWidth = $MaxWidth className = $ClassName fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent variant = $Variant.ToLower() value = $DefaultValue } } function New-UDSelectGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new select group. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new select group. This cmdlet is to be used with New-UDSelect. Pass the result of this cmdlet to the -Option parameter to create a new select group. .PARAMETER Option Options to include in this group. .PARAMETER Name The name of the group. This will be displayed in the select. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock]$Option, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name ) @{ type = 'mu-select-group' name = $Name options = $Option.Invoke() } } function New-UDSelectOption { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new select option. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new select option. This cmdlet is to be used with New-UDSelect. Pass the result of this cmdlet to the -Option parameter to create a new select group. .PARAMETER Name The name of the select option. This will be shown in the select. .PARAMETER Value Thevalue of the select option. This will be passed back to New-UDForm -OnSubmit or the $EventData for -OnChange on New-UDSelect. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show next to the textbox. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Value, [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled ) if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } @{ type = 'mu-select-option' name = $Name value = $Value icon = $icon disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent } } function New-UDSkeleton { <# .SYNOPSIS Display a placeholder preview of your content before the data gets loaded to reduce load-time frustration. .DESCRIPTION Creates a loading skeleton .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Variant The type of skeleton to display. Valid values are "text", "rect", "circle" .PARAMETER Height The static height of the skeleton. .PARAMETER Width The static width of the skeleton. .PARAMETER Animation The type of animation to use for the skeleton. Valid values are: "wave", "disabled", "pulsate" .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the skeleton. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSkeleton -Id 'skeleton1' -Variant text -Animation wave -Width 210 Text skeleton|Creates a new text skeleton with a wave animation. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSkeleton -Id 'skeleton2' -Variant rect -Width 210 -Height 118 Rect skeleton|Creates a new rect skeleton with a width of 210 and a height of 118. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSkeleton -Id 'skeleton3' -Variant circle -Width 40 -Height 40 Circle skeleton|Creates a new circle skeleton with a width of 40 and a height of 40. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSkeleton -Id 'skeleton4' -Animation disabled -Width 210 -Height 118 Disabled animation|Creates a new skeleton with a disabled animation. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Creates a loading skeleton")] [DisplayName("Skeleton")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("text", "rect", "circle")] [string]$Variant = 'text', [Parameter()] [int]$Height, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("wave", "disabled", "pulsate")] [string]$Animation = "pulsate", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) @{ type = "mu-skeleton" id = $Id isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId variant = $Variant.ToLower() height = $Height width = $Width animation = $Animation.ToLower() className = $ClassName } } function New-UDSlider { <# .SYNOPSIS A slider component. .DESCRIPTION A slider component. Sliders can be used to define values within a range or selecting a range of values. You can use this component with New-UDForm. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Value The value of the slider. .PARAMETER Minimum The minimum value of the slider. .PARAMETER Maximum The maximum value of the slider. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether the slider is disabled. .PARAMETER Marks Whether to display marks on the slider. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is invoked when the slider value changes. You can access the slider value within the script block by referencing the $EventData variable. .PARAMETER Orientation The orientation of the slider. .PARAMETER Step Step size of the slider. .PARAMETER ValueLabelDisplay Whether to display value labels. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the slider. .PARAMETER Color The color of the slider. Defaults to 'primary'. Valid values: "primary", "secondary" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSlider -Value 50 -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Slider value changed to $($EventData.value)" PS > } -Id 'slider1' Basic Slider|Creates a basic slider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSlider -Value 50 -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 -Marks -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Slider value changed to $($EventData.value)" PS > } -Id 'slider2' Slider with Marks|Creates a slider with marks. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Content { PS > New-UDSlider -Orientation vertical -Id 'slider3' PS > } -Attributes @{ PS > style = @{ PS > height = '200px' PS > } PS > } Vertical Slider|Creates a vertical slider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSlider -Value 50 -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 -Disabled -Id 'slider4' Disabled Slider|Creates a disabled slider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSlider -Value 50 -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 -ValueLabelDisplay on -Id 'slider5' Slider with Value Labels|Creates a slider with value labels. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSlider -Value 50 -Minimum 0 -Maximum 100 -Step 10 -Id 'slider6' Slider with Step|Creates a slider with a step size of 10. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Allow the user to select a value within a range.")] [DisplayName("Slider")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [int[]]$Value = 0, [Parameter()] [int]$Minimum = 0, [Parameter()] [int]$Maximum = 100, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Marks, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('horizontal', 'vertical')] [string]$Orientation = 'horizontal', [Parameter()] [int]$Step = 1, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('on', 'auto', 'off')] [string]$ValueLabelDisplay = 'auto', [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("primary", 'secondary')] [string]$Color = 'primary' ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if (-not $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Value")) { $Value = $Minimum } if ($Value -lt $Minimum) { throw "Value cannot be less than minimum" } if ($Value -gt $Maximum) { throw "Value cannot be more than maximum" } $Val = $Value if ($Value.Length -eq 1) { $Val = $Value | Select-Object -First 1 } @{ type = 'mu-slider' isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id value = $val min = $Minimum max = $Maximum disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent marks = $Marks.IsPresent onChange = $OnChange orientation = $Orientation step = $Step valueLabelDisplay = $ValueLabelDisplay className = $ClassName color = $Color.ToLower() } } function New-UDSpan { <# .SYNOPSIS A span component. .DESCRIPTION A span component. Defines a span HTML tag. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Content The content of the span. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSpan -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Text' PS > } Basic Span|A basic span. #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) New-UDElement -Id $Id -Tag "span" -Content { $Content } } function New-UDSparkline { <# .SYNOPSIS Small charts for displaying data. .DESCRIPTION Small charts for displaying data. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. The default value is a random GUID. .PARAMETER Data The data to display in the sparkline. Usually, a list of numbers. .PARAMETER Limit The number of data points to display. .PARAMETER Width The width of the sparkline. .PARAMETER Height The height of the sparkline. .PARAMETER Margin The margin of the sparkline. .PARAMETER Color The color of the sparkline. .PARAMETER Type The type of sparkline to display. Valid values are bars, lines, and both. .PARAMETER Min The minimum value. .PARAMETER Max The maximum value. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = 1..10 | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Max 1000 } PS > New-UDSparkline -Data $Data -Max 1000 -Height 100 -Width 500 Basic sparkline|A basic sparkline. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = 1..10 | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Max 1000 } PS > New-UDSparkline -Data $Data -Type 'bars' -Max 1000 -Height 100 -Width 500 Lines|A sparkline with lines. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = 1..10 | ForEach-Object { Get-Random -Max 1000 } PS > New-UDSparkline -Data $Data -Type 'both' -Max 1000 -Height 100 -Width 500 Both|A sparkline with both lines and bars. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int[]]$Data, [Parameter()] [int]$Limit, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [int]$Height, [Parameter()] [int]$Margin, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$Color, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("bars", "lines", "both")] $Type = 'bars', [Parameter()] [int]$Min, [Parameter()] [int]$Max ) @{ type = 'sparklines' isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $Id data = $data limit = $Limit width = $Width height = $Height marin = $Margin color = $Color.HtmlColor sparkType = $Type min = $Min max = $Max } } function New-UDSpeedDial { <# .SYNOPSIS When pressed, a floating action button can display three to six related actions in the form of a Speed Dial. .DESCRIPTION When pressed, a floating action button can display three to six related actions in the form of a Speed Dial. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children Actions for this speed dial. Use New-UDSpeedDialAction to create actions. .PARAMETER Direction The direction the speed dial opens. Valid values are up, down, left, and right. .PARAMETER Icon The icon for the speed dial. Use New-UDIcon to create an Icon. .PARAMETER OnClose A scriptblock to call when the speed dial closes. .PARAMETER OnOpen A scriptblock to call when the speed dial opens. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSpeedDial -Content { PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'User') -TooltipTitle 'My Account' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Users') -TooltipTitle 'Groups' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Save') -TooltipTitle 'Save' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'File') -TooltipTitle 'Open' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Plus') -Id 'speedDial1' Basic Speed Dial|Creates a basic speed dial. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSpeedDial -Content { PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'User') -TooltipTitle 'My Account' -Id 'myAccount' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Users') -TooltipTitle 'Groups' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Save') -TooltipTitle 'Save' PS > New-UDSpeedDialAction -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'File') -TooltipTitle 'Open' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Plus') -Id 'speedDial2' -OnActionClick { PS > Show-UDToast "Ouch! You clicked $EventData" PS > } OnClick|Creates a speed dial with an OnClick action. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()), [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("up", "down", "left", "right")] [string]$Direction = "up", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClose, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnOpen, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnActionClick ) if ($OnClose) { $OnClose.Register($Id + "onClose", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnOpen) { $OnOpen.Register($Id + "onOpen", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnActionClick) { $OnActionClick.Register($Id + "onActionClick", $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = "mu-speeddial" id = $Id children = & $Children direction = $Direction.ToLower() icon = $Icon onClose = $OnClose onOpen = $OnOpen onActionClick = $OnActionClick } } function New-UDSpeedDialAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an action for a speed dial. .DESCRIPTION Creates an action for a speed dial. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Icon The icon for the action. Use New-UDIcon to create an Icon. .PARAMETER TooltipTitle The title to show when the user hovers over the action. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()), [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter()] [string]$TooltipTitle, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick ) if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id + "onClick", $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = "mu-speeddial-action" id = $Id icon = $Icon tooltipTitle = $TooltipTitle onClick = $OnClick } } function New-UDSplitPane { param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("vertical", "horizontal")] [string]$Direction = "vertical", [Parameter()] [int]$MinimumSize, [Parameter()] [int]$DefaultSize ) try { $Children = & $Content } catch { $Children = New-UDError -Message $_ } if ($Children.Length -ne 2) { Write-Error "Split pane requires exactly two components in Content" return } $Options = @{ content = $Children id = $Id split = $Direction.ToLower() type = "ud-splitpane" } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("MinimumSize")) { $Options["minSize"] = $MinimumSize } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("DefaultSize")) { $Options["defaultSize"] = $DefaultSize } $Options } function New-UDStack { <# .SYNOPSIS The Stack component manages layout of immediate children along the vertical or horizontal axis with optional spacing and/or dividers between each child. .DESCRIPTION Stack is concerned with one-dimensional layouts, while Grid handles two-dimensional layouts. The default direction is column which stacks children vertically. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Children The children to stack. .PARAMETER Divider An optional divider component. .PARAMETER Spacing The spacing between the items. .PARAMETER Direction The stack direction. The default direction is column which stacks children vertically. Valid values are row, column, row-reverse, and column-reverse. .PARAMETER FullWidth If set, the stack will take up the full width of its container. .PARAMETER AlignItems Defines the align-items style property. It's applied for all screen sizes. Valid values are flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, and baseline. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack1' Basic Stack|A basic stack. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack2' -Direction 'column' Direction|A stack in a column direction. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack3' -Direction 'row-reverse' Row Reverse|A row reverse stack. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack4' -AlignItems 'center' Alignment|A center stack. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack5' -Divider { PS > New-UDDivider PS > } Divider|A stack with a divider. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStack -Content { PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 1" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 2" PS > New-UDCard -Text "Card 3" PS > } -Spacing 2 -Id 'stack6' -AlignItems 'center' -JustifyContent 'space-between' Justify Content|A stack with justify content. #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter()] [scriptblock]$Divider = {}, [Parameter()] [int]$Spacing, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('row', 'column', "row-reverse", "column-reverse")] [string]$Direction = 'row', [Parameter()] [switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('flex-start', 'flex-end', 'center', 'stretch', 'baseline')] [string]$AlignItems, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('flex-start', 'flex-end', 'center', 'space-between', 'space-around', 'space-evenly')] [string]$JustifyContent ) @{ id = $id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-stack" children = & $Children divider = & $Divider spacing = $Spacing alignItems = if ($AlignItems) { $AlignItems.ToLower() } else { $null } direction = $Direction.ToLower() fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent justifyContent = if ($JustifyContent) { $JustifyContent.ToLower() } else { $null } } } function New-UDStepper { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new stepper component. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new stepper component. Steppers can be used as multi-step forms or to display information in a stepped manner. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER ActiveStep Sets the active step. This should be the index of the step. .PARAMETER Children The steps for this stepper. Use New-UDStep to create new steps. .PARAMETER NonLinear Allows the user to progress to steps out of order. .PARAMETER AlternativeLabel Places the step label under the step number. .PARAMETER OnFinish A script block that is executed when the stepper is finished. .PARAMETER Orientation Sets the orientation of the stepper. .PARAMETER NextButtonText The text to display in the next button. .PARAMETER BackButtonText The text to display in the back button. .PARAMETER FinsihButtonText The text to display in the finish button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper1' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep1' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep2' PS > } -Label "Step 2" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep3' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } Basic stepper|Creates a new stepper with three steps. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper2' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep23' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep24' PS > } -Label "Step 2" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep25' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } -NonLinear -AlternativeLabel NonLinear and AlternativeLabel|Creates a new stepper with three steps and non-linear and alternative label options. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper3' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep5' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep6' PS > } -Label "Step 2" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep7' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } -Orientation 'vertical' Vertical orientation|Creates a new stepper with three steps and vertical orientation. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper4' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep8' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep9' PS > } -Label "Step 2" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep10' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } -NextButtonText 'Forward' -BackButtonText 'Reverse' Custom button text|Creates a new stepper with three steps and custom button text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper5' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep11' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep12' PS > } -Label "Step 2" -Optional PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep13' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } Optional step|Creates a new stepper with three steps and an optional step. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper6' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep14' PS > } -Label "Step 1" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Check') PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep15' PS > } -Label "Step 2" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Check') PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep16' PS > } -Label "Step 3" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Check') PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } Custom icons|Creates a new stepper with three steps and custom icons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper7' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep17' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep18' PS > } -Label "Step 2" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep19' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } -OnValidateStep { PS > if ($EventData.Step -eq 1 -and $EventData.txtStep17 -eq '') { PS > New-UDValidationResult -ValidationError 'Step 1 is required' PS > } PS > else { PS > New-UDValidationResult -Valid PS > } PS > } Validation|Creates a new stepper with three steps and custom icons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper8' -Steps { PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep20' PS > } -Label "Step 1" PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep21' PS > } -Label "Step 2" -DisablePrevious PS > New-UDStep -OnLoad { PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } PS > New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep22' PS > } -Label "Step 3" PS > } -OnFinish { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} PS > } Disable previous|Creates a new stepper with three steps and custom icons. #> # [Component("Stepper", "WandMagicSparkles", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [int]$ActiveStep = 0, [Alias("Steps")] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [Switch]$NonLinear, [Parameter()] [Switch]$AlternativeLabel, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$OnFinish, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnCancel, # [Parameter()] # [Endpoint]$OnCompleteStep, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnValidateStep, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("vertical", "horizontal")] [string]$Orientation = "horizontal", [Parameter()] [string]$NextButtonText = "Next", [Parameter()] [string]$BackButtonText = "Back", [Parameter()] [string]$FinishButtonText = "Finish", [Parameter()] [string]$CancelButtonText = "Cancel", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) $OnFinish.Register($Id + "onFinish", $PSCmdlet) if ($OnCancel) { $OnCancel.Register($Id + "OnCancel", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnCompleteStep) { $OnCompleteStep.Register($Id + "onComplete", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnValidateStep) { $OnValidateStep.Register($Id + "onValidate", $PSCmdlet) } $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Children @{ id = $id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-stepper' assetId = $MUAssetId children = $c nonLinear = $NonLinear.IsPresent alternativeLabel = $AlternativeLabel.IsPresent onFinish = $OnFinish activeStep = $ActiveStep onValidateStep = $OnValidateStep onCompleteStep = $OnCompleteStep orientation = $Orientation.ToLower() nextButtonText = $NextButtonText finishButtonText = $FinishButtonText backButtonText = $BackButtonText className = $ClassName onCancel = $OnCancel cancelButtonText = $CancelButtonText } } function New-UDStep { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new step for a stepper. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new step for a stepper. Add to the Children (alias Steps) parameter for New-UDStepper. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER OnLoad The script block that is executed when the step is loaded. The script block will receive the $Body parameter which contains JSON for the current state of the stepper. If you are using form controls, their data will be availalble in the $Body.Context property. .PARAMETER Label A label for this step. .PARAMETER Optional Whether this step is optional. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to put with the step .PARAMETER RemoveIconStyle Removes circle style around icon .PARAMETER DisablePrevious Disables the back button on the step .EXAMPLE Creates a stepper that reports the stepper context with each step. New-UDStepper -Id 'stepper' -Steps { New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 1" } New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep1' } -Label "Step 1" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 2" } New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep2' } -Label "Step 2" New-UDStep -OnLoad { New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Step 3" } New-UDElement -tag 'div' -Content { "Previous data: $Body" } New-UDTextbox -Id 'txtStep3' } -Label "Step 3" } -OnFinish { New-UDTypography -Text 'Nice! You did it!' -Variant h3 New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'result' -Content {$Body} } #> param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Alias("Content")] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$OnLoad, [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Optional, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisablePrevious, [Parameter ()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [Switch]$RemoveIconStyle ) $OnLoad.Register($Id + "onLoad", $PSCmdlet) if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } @{ id = $id isPlugin = $true type = 'mu-stepper-step' assetId = $MUAssetId onLoad = $OnLoad label = $Label optional = $Optional.IsPresent icon = $Icon disablePrevious = $DisablePrevious.IsPresent removeIconStyle = $RemoveIconStyle.IsPresent } } function New-UDStyle { <# .SYNOPSIS Style a component with CSS styles. .DESCRIPTION Style a component with CSS styles. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Style The CSS style to apply .PARAMETER Tag The outer HTML tag to use. .PARAMETER Content The content of this style. .PARAMETER Sx A hashtable of theme-aware CSS properties. .PARAMETER Component The root component to apply the Sx component to. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDStyle -Style 'color: red; background-color: black' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "This is red" PS > } Style|Apply a CSS style to a component. #> # [Component("Style", "Css3", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Style')] [string]$Style, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Sx')] [Hashtable]$Sx, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Sx')] [string]$Component, [Parameter()] [string]$Tag = 'div', [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) End { $Children = $null if ($null -ne $Content) { $Children = & $Content } @{ assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true type = "ud-style" id = $Id style = $Style tag = $Tag content = $Children sx = $Sx component = $Component } } } function New-UDSwitch { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new switch. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new switch. A switch behaves like a checkbox but looks a little different. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this switch is disabled. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is called when this switch changes. The $EventData variable will contain the checked value ($true\$false). .PARAMETER Checked Whether this switch is checked. .PARAMETER Color The theme color to apply to this switch. .PARAMETER Label The label to display next to the switch .PARAMETER CheckedLabel The label to display for when the switch is checked .PARAMETER UncheckedLabel The label to display for when the switch is unchecked .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the switch. .PARAMETER Size The size of the switch. Valid values are: "small", "medium" .PARAMETER CheckStyle Style switch with check and unchecked icons for the colorblind. .PARAMETER LabelPlacement The placement of the label. Valid values are: "top", "start", "right", "bottom" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch1' -Checked $true Basic switch|Creates a basic switch. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch2' -Checked $true -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Switch changed to $($EventData)" PS > } OnChange|Creates a switch with an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch3' -Disabled Disabled|Creates a disabled switch. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch4' -Checked $true -Label 'On' -UncheckedLabel 'Off' Label|Creates a switch with a label. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch5' -Checked $true -Label 'On' -UncheckedLabel 'Off' -LabelPlacement 'bottom' Label Placement|Creates a switch with a label and a label placement. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSwitch -Id 'switch6' -Checked $true -Label 'On' -UncheckedLabel 'Off' -LabelPlacement 'bottom' -CheckStyle Check Style|Creates a switch with a label, a label placement, and a check style. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Creates a new switch.")] [DisplayName("Switch")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [bool]$Checked, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet('default', 'primary', 'secondary')] [string]$Color = 'default', [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [string]$CheckedLabel, [Parameter()] [string]$UncheckedLabel, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("small", "medium")] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("top", "start", "right", "bottom")] [string]$LabelPlacement, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CheckStyle ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = 'mu-switch' id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent checked = $Checked onChange = $onChange className = $ClassName color = $Color.ToLower() label = $Label checkedLabel = $CheckedLabel uncheckedLabel = $UncheckedLabel size = $Size.ToLower() labelPlacement = if ($LabelPlacement) { $LabelPlacement.ToLower() } else { $null } checkStyle = $CheckStyle.IsPresent } } function New-UDSyntaxHighlighter { <# .SYNOPSIS Syntax highlighting for text. .DESCRIPTION Syntax highlighting for text. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Code The code to syntax highlight. .PARAMETER Language The language to highlight the code in. .PARAMETER Style The style to apply to the code. .PARAMETER ShowLineNumbers Whether to show line numbers. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSyntaxHighlighter -Code 'Write-Host "Hello World"' -Language powershell Basic Syntax Highlighter|A basic syntax highlighter. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSyntaxHighlighter -Code 'Write-Host "Hello World"' -Language powershell -Style 'vs' Style|A syntax highlighter with a style. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDSyntaxHighlighter -Code 'Write-Host "Hello World"' -Language powershell -ShowLineNumbers Line Numbers|A syntax highlighter with line numbers. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Syntax highlighting for text")] [DisplayName("Syntax Highlighter")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [string]$Code, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('abap', 'abnf', 'actionscript', 'ada', 'agda', 'al', 'antlr4', 'apacheconf', 'apex', 'apl', 'applescript', 'aql', 'arduino', 'arff', 'asciidoc', 'asm6502', 'asmatmel', 'aspnet', 'autohotkey', 'autoit', 'avisynth', 'avroIdl', 'bash', 'basic', 'batch', 'bbcode', 'bicep', 'birb', 'bison', 'bnf', 'brainfuck', 'brightscript', 'bro', 'bsl', 'c', 'cfscript', 'chaiscript', 'cil', 'clike', 'clojure', 'cmake', 'cobol', 'coffeescript', 'concurnas', 'coq', 'cpp', 'crystal', 'csharp', 'cshtml', 'csp', 'cssExtras', 'css', 'csv', 'cypher', 'd', 'dart', 'dataweave', 'dax', 'dhall', 'diff', 'django', 'dnsZoneFile', 'docker', 'dot', 'ebnf', 'editorconfig', 'eiffel', 'ejs', 'elixir', 'elm', 'erb', 'erlang', 'etlua', 'excelFormula', 'factor', 'falselang', 'firestoreSecurityRules', 'flow', 'fortran', 'fsharp', 'ftl', 'gap', 'gcode', 'gdscript', 'gedcom', 'gherkin', 'git', 'glsl', 'gml', 'gn', 'goModule', 'go', 'graphql', 'groovy', 'haml', 'handlebars', 'haskell', 'haxe', 'hcl', 'hlsl', 'hoon', 'hpkp', 'hsts', 'http', 'ichigojam', 'icon', 'icuMessageFormat', 'idris', 'iecst', 'ignore', 'inform7', 'ini', 'io', 'j', 'java', 'javadoc', 'javadoclike', 'javascript', 'javastacktrace', 'jexl', 'jolie', 'jq', 'jsExtras', 'jsTemplates', 'jsdoc', 'json', 'json5', 'jsonp', 'jsstacktrace', 'jsx', 'julia', 'keepalived', 'keyman', 'kotlin', 'kumir', 'kusto', 'latex', 'latte', 'less', 'lilypond', 'liquid', 'lisp', 'livescript', 'llvm', 'log', 'lolcode', 'lua', 'magma', 'makefile', 'markdown', 'markupTemplating', 'markup', 'matlab', 'maxscript', 'mel', 'mermaid', 'mizar', 'mongodb', 'monkey', 'moonscript', 'n1ql', 'n4js', 'nand2tetrisHdl', 'naniscript', 'nasm', 'neon', 'nevod', 'nginx', 'nim', 'nix', 'nsis', 'objectivec', 'ocaml', 'opencl', 'openqasm', 'oz', 'parigp', 'parser', 'pascal', 'pascaligo', 'pcaxis', 'peoplecode', 'perl', 'phpExtras', 'php', 'phpdoc', 'plsql', 'powerquery', 'powershell', 'processing', 'prolog', 'promql', 'properties', 'protobuf', 'psl', 'pug', 'puppet', 'pure', 'purebasic', 'purescript', 'python', 'q', 'qml', 'qore', 'qsharp', 'r', 'racket', 'reason', 'regex', 'rego', 'renpy', 'rest', 'rip', 'roboconf', 'robotframework', 'ruby', 'rust', 'sas', 'sass', 'scala', 'scheme', 'scss', 'shellSession', 'smali', 'smalltalk', 'smarty', 'sml', 'solidity', 'solutionFile', 'soy', 'sparql', 'splunkSpl', 'sqf', 'sql', 'squirrel', 'stan', 'stylus', 'swift', 'systemd', 't4Cs', 't4Templating', 't4Vb', 'tap', 'tcl', 'textile', 'toml', 'tremor', 'tsx', 'tt2', 'turtle', 'twig', 'typescript', 'typoscript', 'unrealscript', 'uorazor', 'uri', 'v', 'vala', 'vbnet', 'velocity', 'verilog', 'vhdl', 'vim', 'visualBasic', 'warpscript', 'wasm', 'webIdl', 'wiki', 'wolfram', 'wren', 'xeora', 'xmlDoc', 'xojo', 'xquery', 'yaml', 'yang', 'zig')] [string]$Language = "powershell", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('coy', 'dark', 'funky', 'okaidia', 'solarizedlight', 'tomorrow', 'twilight', 'prism', 'a11yDark', 'atomDark', 'base16AteliersulphurpoolLight', 'cb', 'coldarkCold', 'coldarkDark', 'coyWithoutShadows', 'darcula', 'dracula', 'duotoneDark', 'duotoneEarth', 'duotoneForest', 'duotoneLight', 'duotoneSea', 'duotoneSpace', 'ghcolors', 'gruvboxDark', 'gruvboxLight', 'holiTheme', 'hopscotch', 'lucario', 'materialDark', 'materialLight', 'materialOceanic', 'nightOwl', 'nord', 'oneDark', 'oneLight', 'pojoaque', 'shadesOfPurple', 'solarizedDarkAtom', 'synthwave84', 'vs', 'vscDarkPlus', 'xonokai', 'zTouch')] [string]$Style = "oneDark", [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowLineNumbers ) $Styles = @('coy', 'dark', 'funky', 'okaidia', 'solarizedlight', 'tomorrow', 'twilight', 'prism', 'a11yDark', 'atomDark', 'base16AteliersulphurpoolLight', 'cb', 'coldarkCold', 'coldarkDark', 'coyWithoutShadows', 'darcula', 'dracula', 'duotoneDark', 'duotoneEarth', 'duotoneForest', 'duotoneLight', 'duotoneSea', 'duotoneSpace', 'ghcolors', 'gruvboxDark', 'gruvboxLight', 'holiTheme', 'hopscotch', 'lucario', 'materialDark', 'materialLight', 'materialOceanic', 'nightOwl', 'nord', 'oneDark', 'oneLight', 'pojoaque', 'shadesOfPurple', 'solarizedDarkAtom', 'synthwave84', 'vs', 'vscDarkPlus', 'xonokai', 'zTouch') $Languages = @('abap', 'abnf', 'actionscript', 'ada', 'agda', 'al', 'antlr4', 'apacheconf', 'apex', 'apl', 'applescript', 'aql', 'arduino', 'arff', 'asciidoc', 'asm6502', 'asmatmel', 'aspnet', 'autohotkey', 'autoit', 'avisynth', 'avroIdl', 'bash', 'basic', 'batch', 'bbcode', 'bicep', 'birb', 'bison', 'bnf', 'brainfuck', 'brightscript', 'bro', 'bsl', 'c', 'cfscript', 'chaiscript', 'cil', 'clike', 'clojure', 'cmake', 'cobol', 'coffeescript', 'concurnas', 'coq', 'cpp', 'crystal', 'csharp', 'cshtml', 'csp', 'cssExtras', 'css', 'csv', 'cypher', 'd', 'dart', 'dataweave', 'dax', 'dhall', 'diff', 'django', 'dnsZoneFile', 'docker', 'dot', 'ebnf', 'editorconfig', 'eiffel', 'ejs', 'elixir', 'elm', 'erb', 'erlang', 'etlua', 'excelFormula', 'factor', 'falselang', 'firestoreSecurityRules', 'flow', 'fortran', 'fsharp', 'ftl', 'gap', 'gcode', 'gdscript', 'gedcom', 'gherkin', 'git', 'glsl', 'gml', 'gn', 'goModule', 'go', 'graphql', 'groovy', 'haml', 'handlebars', 'haskell', 'haxe', 'hcl', 'hlsl', 'hoon', 'hpkp', 'hsts', 'http', 'ichigojam', 'icon', 'icuMessageFormat', 'idris', 'iecst', 'ignore', 'inform7', 'ini', 'io', 'j', 'java', 'javadoc', 'javadoclike', 'javascript', 'javastacktrace', 'jexl', 'jolie', 'jq', 'jsExtras', 'jsTemplates', 'jsdoc', 'json', 'json5', 'jsonp', 'jsstacktrace', 'jsx', 'julia', 'keepalived', 'keyman', 'kotlin', 'kumir', 'kusto', 'latex', 'latte', 'less', 'lilypond', 'liquid', 'lisp', 'livescript', 'llvm', 'log', 'lolcode', 'lua', 'magma', 'makefile', 'markdown', 'markupTemplating', 'markup', 'matlab', 'maxscript', 'mel', 'mermaid', 'mizar', 'mongodb', 'monkey', 'moonscript', 'n1ql', 'n4js', 'nand2tetrisHdl', 'naniscript', 'nasm', 'neon', 'nevod', 'nginx', 'nim', 'nix', 'nsis', 'objectivec', 'ocaml', 'opencl', 'openqasm', 'oz', 'parigp', 'parser', 'pascal', 'pascaligo', 'pcaxis', 'peoplecode', 'perl', 'phpExtras', 'php', 'phpdoc', 'plsql', 'powerquery', 'powershell', 'processing', 'prolog', 'promql', 'properties', 'protobuf', 'psl', 'pug', 'puppet', 'pure', 'purebasic', 'purescript', 'python', 'q', 'qml', 'qore', 'qsharp', 'r', 'racket', 'reason', 'regex', 'rego', 'renpy', 'rest', 'rip', 'roboconf', 'robotframework', 'ruby', 'rust', 'sas', 'sass', 'scala', 'scheme', 'scss', 'shellSession', 'smali', 'smalltalk', 'smarty', 'sml', 'solidity', 'solutionFile', 'soy', 'sparql', 'splunkSpl', 'sqf', 'sql', 'squirrel', 'stan', 'stylus', 'swift', 'systemd', 't4Cs', 't4Templating', 't4Vb', 'tap', 'tcl', 'textile', 'toml', 'tremor', 'tsx', 'tt2', 'turtle', 'twig', 'typescript', 'typoscript', 'unrealscript', 'uorazor', 'uri', 'v', 'vala', 'vbnet', 'velocity', 'verilog', 'vhdl', 'vim', 'visualBasic', 'warpscript', 'wasm', 'webIdl', 'wiki', 'wolfram', 'wren', 'xeora', 'xmlDoc', 'xojo', 'xquery', 'yaml', 'yang', 'zig') $Style = $styles | Where-Object { $_ -eq $Style } $Language = $Languages | Where-Object { $_ -eq $Language } @{ isPlugin = $true type = "mu-syntax-highlighter" id = $Id code = $code language = $Language style = $style showLineNumbers = $ShowLineNumbers.IsPresent } } function ConvertTo-FlatObject { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject ) Process { $OutputObject = @{ } if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return } if ($InputObject -is [Hashtable]) { foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) { if ($key -and ($key.StartsWith('rendered') -or $key -eq 'rowexpanded')) { $OutputObject[$key] = $InputObject[$key] } else { $Value = $InputObject[$key] if ($Value -is [DateTime]) { $OutputObject[$key] = $Value } else { $OutputObject[$key] = if ($null -ne $Value) { $Value.ToString() } else { "" } } } } [PSCustomObject]$OutputObject } else { $InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name -and ($_.Name.StartsWith('rendered') -or $_.Name -eq 'rowexpanded')) { $OutputObject[$_.Name] = $InputObject."$($_.Name)" } else { $Value = $InputObject."$($_.Name)" if ($Value -is [DateTime]) { $OutputObject[$_.Name] = $Value } else { $OutputObject[$_.Name] = if ($null -ne $Value) { $Value.ToString() } else { "" } } } } [PSCustomObject]$OutputObject } } } function New-UDTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a table. .DESCRIPTION Creates a table. Tables are used to show both static and dynamic data. You can define columns and data to show within the table. The columns can be used to render custom components based on row data. You can also enable paging, filtering, sorting and even server-side processing. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Title The title to show at the top of the table's card. .PARAMETER Data The data to put into the table. .PARAMETER LoadRows When using dynamic tables, this script block is called. The $Body parameter will contain a hashtable the following options: filters: @() orderBy: string orderDirection: string page: int pageSize: int properties: @() search: string totalCount: int You can use these values to perform server-side processing, like SQL queries, to improve the performance of large grids. After processing the data with these values, output the data via Out-UDTableData. .PARAMETER Columns Defines the columns to show within the table. Use New-UDTableColumn to define these columns. If this parameter isn't specified, the properties of the data that you pass in will become the columns. .PARAMETER Sort Whether sorting is enabled in the table. .PARAMETER Filter Whether filtering is enabled in the table. .PARAMETER Search Whether search is enabled in the table. .PARAMETER Export Whether exporting is enabled within the table. .PARAMETER Icon Sets an icon next to the title. Use New-UDIcon to create the icon. .PARAMETER OnRowSelection A script block to call when a row is selected. $EventData will contain the selected rows. .PARAMETER ShowSort Whether to show sort controls on columns .PARAMETER ShowFilter Whether to show filter controls on columns .PARAMETER ShowSearch Whether to show full table search .PARAMETER Dense Reduces the white-space used within the table. .PARAMETER StickyHeader Makes the header sticky. .PARAMETER PageSize The default page size. .PARAMETER PageSizeOptions An array of available page size options. .PARAMETER ShowSelection Whether to allow selection within the table. .PARAMETER ShowPagination Whether to show pagination controls. .PARAMETER Size The size of the table. Defaults to medium. Valid values are medium and small. .PARAMETER TextOption Customizations to standard text within the table. Use New-UDTextOption to create the text options. .PARAMETER ExportOption An array of export options. .PARAMETER OnExport A script block used to customize how the export is performed. .PARAMETER DisablePageSizeAll Removes the All option from page size options. .PARAMETER DefaultSortDirection The default sort direction. .PARAMETER HideToggleAllRowsSelected Hides the toggle all rows selected button. .PARAMETER DisableMultiSelect Disables multi-select. .PARAMETER DisableSortRemove Removes the sort option for unsorted columns. Columns will always be ascending or descending. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the table. .PARAMETER PaginationLocation Where to show the pagination controls. Valid values are top, bottom, or both. Defaults to bottom. .PARAMETER AutoRefresh Reloads the table on an interval when -LoadRows is being used. .PARAMETER AutoRefreshInterval The interval to reload data when AutoRefresh is specified. .PARAMETER Language The language. Primarily used for Date and Time filters. .PARAMETER ShowRefresh Whether to show the refresh button. .PARAMETER ShowExport Whether to show the export button. .PARAMETER ToolbarContent Custom content to show in the toolbar. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -Id 'table1' Basic Table|Creates a static table whether the columns of the table are the properties of the data specified. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title "A Dessert" PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein PS > ) PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Id 'table2' Columns|Creates a table where there are custom columns defined for that table. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title Dessert -Render { PS > New-UDButton -Id "btn$($EventData.Dessert)" -Text "Click for Dessert!" -OnClick { Show-UDToast -Message $EventData.Dessert } PS > } PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein PS > ) PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Id 'table3' Render|Creates a table where the columns are rendered with custom content. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title Dessert -Render { PS > New-UDButton -Id "btn$($EventData.Dessert)" -Text "Click for Dessert!" -OnClick { Show-UDToast -Message $EventData.Dessert } PS > } PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories -Width 5 -Truncate PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Id 'table4' Column Width|Set custom column width .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title "A Dessert" -Filter -FilterType AutoComplete PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories -Filter -FilterType Range PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat -Filter -FilterType Range PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs -Filter -FilterType Range PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein -Filter -FilterType Range PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Id 'table5' -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -ShowFilter Column Filter|Columns filters for a table .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title "A Dessert" -IncludeInSearch PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Id 'table6' -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -ShowSearch Column Search|Columns can be included in the search .EXAMPLE PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Name -Title "Name" -ShowFilter PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Value -Title "Value" -ShowFilter PS > ) PS > PS > $Data = 1..1000 | ForEach-Object { PS > [PSCustomObject]@{ PS > Name = "Record-$_" PS > Value = $_ PS > } PS > } PS > PS > New-UDTable -Columns $Columns -LoadData { PS > foreach($Filter in $EventData.Filters) PS > { PS > $Data = $Data | Where-Object -Property $Filter.Id -Match -Value $Filter.Value PS > } PS > PS > $TotalCount = $Data.Count PS > PS > if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($EventData.OrderBy.Field)) PS > { PS > $Descending = $EventData.OrderDirection -ne 'asc' PS > $Data = $Data | Sort-Object -Property ($EventData.orderBy.Field) -Descending:$Descending PS > } PS > PS > $Data = $Data | Select-Object -First $EventData.PageSize -Skip ($EventData.Page * $EventData.PageSize) PS > PS > $Data | Out-UDTableData -Page $EventData.Page -TotalCount $TotalCount -Properties $EventData.Properties PS > } -ShowFilter -ShowSort -ShowPagination -Id 'table7' Server-Side Processing|Server-side processing is useful for large data sets that should not be loaded into the browser. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -Paging -PageSize 2 -Id 'table8' Paging|Paging can be enabled by setting the -Paging parameter to $true. The default page size is 10. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -OnRowExpand { PS > New-UDAlert -Text $EventData.Calories PS > } -Columns @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Dessert' -Property 'Dessert' PS > ) -Id 'table9' Row Expansion|Row expansion can be enabled by setting the -OnRowExpand parameter to a scriptblock. The scriptblock will be passed the row data as a hashtable in the $EventData variable. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > $Columns = @( PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Dessert -Title "A Dessert" -IncludeInExport PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Calories -Title Calories -IncludeInExport PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Fat -Title Fat -IncludeInExport PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Carbs -Title Carbs -IncludeInExport PS > New-UDTableColumn -Property Protein -Title Protein -IncludeInExport -Hidden PS > ) PS > PS > New-UDTable -Id 'table10' -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -Export Export|Export table data with the -Export parameter. You can configure which columns are included in the export by setting the -IncludeInExport parameter on the column. Use -Hidden to hide a column from the table but include it in the export. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{Dessert = 'Frozen yoghurt'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Ice cream sandwich'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Eclair'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Cupcake'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > @{Dessert = 'Gingerbread'; Calories = 159; Fat = 6.0; Carbs = 24; Protein = 4.0} PS > ) PS > PS > $Option = New-UDTableTextOption -Search "Search all these records" PS > PS > New-UDTable -Data $Data -TextOption $Option -ShowSearch -Id 'table11' Text Options|Text options can be used to customize the text in the table. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Static")] [Category("app/component")] [Description("A table component for displaying data.")] [DisplayName("Table")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$Title = "", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Static")] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [AllowNull()] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [object[]]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Dynamic")] [Alias("LoadData")] [Endpoint]$LoadRows, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Static")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Dynamic")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Hashtable[]]$Columns, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnRowSelection, [Parameter()] [Alias("Sort")] [Switch]$ShowSort, [Parameter()] [Alias("Filter")] [Switch]$ShowFilter, [Parameter()] [Alias("Search")] [Switch]$ShowSearch, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Dense, [Parameter()] [Alias("Export")] [Switch]$ShowExport, [Parameter()] [Switch]$StickyHeader, [Parameter()] [int]$PageSize = 5, [Parameter()] [int[]]$PageSizeOptions = @(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("top", "bottom", "both")] [string]$PaginationLocation = "bottom", [Parameter()] [Alias("Select")] [Switch]$ShowSelection, [Parameter()] [Alias("Paging")] [Switch]$ShowPagination, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("default", "checkbox", "none")] [string]$Padding = "default", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("small", "medium")] [string]$Size = "medium", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$TextOption = (New-UDTableTextOption), [Parameter()] [string[]]$ExportOption = @("XLSX", "PDF", "JSON", "CSV"), [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnExport, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisablePageSizeAll, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('ascending', 'descending')] [string]$DefaultSortDirection = 'ascending', [Parameter()] [Switch]$HideToggleAllRowsSelected, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableMultiSelect, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableSortRemove, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowRefresh, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$ToolbarContent, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$OnRowExpand, [int]$MaxHeight, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Dynamic")] [Switch]$AutoRefresh, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Dynamic")] [int]$AutoRefreshInterval = 10, [Parameter()] [Alias("Locale")] [ValidateSet("en", "de", 'ru', 'fr', 'nl')] [string]$Language = "en", [Parameter()] [Switch]$RemoveCard ) Begin { function getDefaultSortColumn { param( [Parameter()] [object[]]$Columns ) $DefaultSortColumn = $Columns.Where( { $_.DefaultSortColumn }) $DefaultSortColumn.field } } Process { if ($OnExport) { $OnExport.Register($Id + 'Export', $PSCmdlet) } if (($null -eq $Columns) -and ($null -ne $Data)) { $item = $Data | Select-Object -First 1 | ConvertTo-FlatObject if ($item -is [Hashtable]) { $Columns = foreach ($member in $item.Keys) { if ($ShowSearch) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member -IncludeInSearch } elseif ($ShowExport) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member -IncludeInExport } elseif ($ShowSearch -and $ShowExport) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member -IncludeInExport -IncludeInSearch } else { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member } } } else { $Columns = foreach ($member in $item.PSObject.Properties) { if ($ShowSearch) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member.Name -IncludeInSearch } elseif ($ShowExport) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member.Name -IncludeInExport } elseif ($ShowSearch -and $ShowExport) { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member.Name -IncludeInExport -IncludeInSearch } else { New-UDTableColumn -Property $member.Name } } } } if ($LoadRows) { $LoadRows.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet, @{ "TableColumns" = $Columns; "OnRowExpand" = $OnRowExpand }) } if ($Columns -eq $null) { $Rows = $LoadRows $LoadRows = $null } if ($OnRowSelection) { $OnRowSelection.Register($Id + 'OnRowSelection', $PSCmdlet) } if ($Columns) { $RenderedColumns = $Columns.Where( { $null -ne $_.Render }) if ($Data.Count -ge 1) { foreach ($Item in $Data) { $vars = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSVariable]]::new() $null = $vars.Add((New-Variable -Name EventData -Value $Item -Force -PassThru)) foreach ($Column in $RenderedColumns) { $RenderedData = $Column.Render.InvokeWithContext(@{}, $vars) if (-not $RenderedData) { $RenderedData = "" } if ($Item -isnot [hashtable]) { Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "rendered$($Column.field)" -Value $RenderedData -Force } else { $Item["rendered$($Column.field)"] = $RenderedData } } } } } if ($OnRowExpand -and $Data.Count -ge 1) { foreach ($Item in $Data) { $vars = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSVariable]]::new() $null = $vars.Add((New-Variable -Name EventData -Value $Item -Force -PassThru)) $RenderedData = $OnRowExpand.InvokeWithContext(@{}, $vars) if (-not $RenderedData) { $RenderedData = "" } if ($Item -isnot [hashtable]) { Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "rowexpanded" -Value $RenderedData -Force } else { $Item["rowexpanded"] = $RenderedData } } } } End { $defaultSortColumn = getDefaultSortColumn($Columns) if ($defaultSortColumn -and -not $DefaultSortDirection) { $DefaultSortDirection = 'ascending' } if ($Data) { $Data = [Array]($Data | ConvertTo-FlatObject) if ($Data -isnot [Array]) { $Data = @($Data) } } else { $Data = @() } @{ id = $Id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-table" title = $Title columns = $Columns defaultSortColumn = $defaultSortColumn data = $Data showSort = $ShowSort.IsPresent showFilter = $ShowFilter.IsPresent showSearch = $ShowSearch.IsPresent showExport = $ShowExport.IsPresent showSelection = $ShowSelection.IsPresent showPagination = $ShowPagination.IsPresent stickyHeader = $StickyHeader.IsPresent isDense = $Dense.IsPresent loadData = $LoadRows onRowSelection = $OnRowSelection userPageSize = $PageSize userPageSizeOptions = if ($PageSizeOptions.Count -gt 0) { $PageSizeOptions }else { @(5, 10, 20, 50) } padding = $Padding.ToLower() size = $Size textOption = $TextOption exportOption = $ExportOption | ForEach-Object { $_.ToUpper() } onExport = $OnExport disablePageSizeAll = $DisablePageSizeAll.IsPresent defaultSortDirection = $DefaultSortDirection.ToLower() hideToggleAllRowsSelected = $HideToggleAllRowsSelected.IsPresent disableMultiSelect = $DisableMultiSelect.IsPresent disableSortRemove = $DisableSortRemove.IsPresent icon = $Icon className = $ClassName paginationLocation = $PaginationLocation.ToLower() showRefresh = $ShowRefresh.IsPresent toolbarContent = if ($ToolbarContent) { & $ToolbarContent } else { $null } maxHeight = if ($MaxHeight -eq 0) { $null } else { $MaxHeight } autoRefresh = $AutoRefresh.IsPresent autoRefreshInterval = $AutoRefreshInterval locale = $Language.ToLower() removeCard = $RemoveCard.IsPresent noData = $null -eq $LoadRows -and ($null -eq $Data -or $Data.Count -eq 0) rows = $Rows } } } function New-UDTableTextOption { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a hashtable to set the text options of a table. .DESCRIPTION Creates a hashtable to set the text options of a table. .PARAMETER ExportAllCsv Overrides the Export All to CSV text. .PARAMETER ExportCurrentViewCsv Overrides the Export Current View as CSV text. .PARAMETER ExportAllXLSX Overrides the Export All to XLSX text. .PARAMETER ExportCurrentViewXLSX Overrides the Export Current View as XLSX text. .PARAMETER ExportAllPDF Overrides the Export All to PDF text. .PARAMETER ExportCurrentViewPDF Overrides the Export Current View as PDF text. .PARAMETER ExportAllJson Overrides the Export All to JSON text. .PARAMETER ExportCurrentViewJson Overrides the Export Current View as JSON text. .PARAMETER Search Overrides the Search text. You can use {0} to use as a place holder for the number of rows. .PARAMETER FilterSearch Overrides the column filter text. You can use {0} to use as a place holder for the number of rows. .PARAMETER NoData Overrides the No Data text. .EXAMPLE $Options = New-UDTableTextOption -Search "Filter all the rows" New-UDTable -Data $Data -TextOption $Ootions .NOTES General notes #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$ExportAllCsv = "Export all as CSV", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportCurrentViewCsv = "Export Current View as CSV", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportAllXLSX = "Export all as XLSX", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportCurrentViewXLSX = "Export Current View as XLSX", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportAllPDF = "Export all as PDF", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportCurrentViewPDF = "Export Current View as PDF", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportAllJson = "Export all as JSON", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportCurrentViewJson = "Export Current View as JSON", [Parameter()] [string]$ExportFileName = "File Name", [Parameter()] [string]$Search = "Search {0} records...", [Parameter()] [string]$FilterSearch = "Search {0} records...", [Parameter()] [string]$Export = "", [Parameter()] [string]$FilterDate = "Filter Date", [Parameter()] [string]$NoData = "No Data", [Parameter()] [string]$Loading = "Loading..." ) @{ exportAllCsv = $ExportAllCsv exportCurrentViewCsv = $ExportCurrentViewCsv exportAllXlsx = $ExportAllXLSX exportCurrentViewXlsx = $ExportCurrentViewXLSX exportAllPdf = $ExportAllPDF exportCurrentViewPdf = $ExportCurrentViewPDF exportAllJson = $ExportAllJson exportCurrentViewJson = $ExportCurrentViewJson exportFileName = $ExportFileName search = $Search filterSearch = $FilterSearch export = $Export filterDate = $FilterDate noData = $NoData loading = $Loading } } function New-UDTableColumn { <# .SYNOPSIS Defines a table column. .DESCRIPTION Defines a table column. Use this cmdlet in conjunction with New-UDTable's -Column property. Table columns can be used to control many aspects of the columns within a table. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Property The property to select from the data. .PARAMETER Title The title of the column to show at the top of the table. .PARAMETER Render How to render this table. Use this parameter instead of property to render custom content within a column. The $Body variable will contain the current row being rendered. .PARAMETER ShowSort Whether this column supports sorting. .PARAMETER ShowFilter Whether this column supports filtering. .PARAMETER Search Whether this column supports searching. .PARAMETER Hidden Includes a column in the table but does not show it. This is useful for columns that are used for filtering and exporting but are not meant to be displayed in the table. .PARAMETER FilterType The type of filter to use with this column. Valid values are "text", "select", "fuzzy", "slider", "range", "date", "number", 'autocomplete' .PARAMETER Style A hashtable of style attributes to apply to the column. .PARAMETER Width The width of this column in pixels. .PARAMETER IncludeInSearch Whether to include this column in the search. .PARAMETER IncludeInExport Whether to include this column in the export. .PARAMETER DefaultSortColumn Sets this column as the default sort column. .PARAMETER Align The alignment of the column. Supported values are 'center', 'inherit', 'justify', 'left', 'right'. .PARAMETER Truncate Whether to truncate the text in this column. A -Width is required to use truncate. .PARAMETER SortType Whether to sort this column as a string or datetime. .PARAMETER Options The options to use for a select filter. .EXAMPLE See New-UDTable for examples. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Property, [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Render, [Parameter()] [Alias("Sort")] [switch]$ShowSort, [Parameter()] [Alias("Filter")] [switch]$ShowFilter, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("text", "select", "fuzzy", "slider", "range", "date", "number", 'autocomplete')] [string]$FilterType = "text", [Parameter()] [hashtable]$Style = @{ }, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [int]$MinWidth, [Parameter()] [Alias("Search")] [switch]$IncludeInSearch, [Parameter()] [Alias("Export")] [switch]$IncludeInExport, [Parameter()] [switch]$DefaultSortColumn, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('center', 'inherit', 'justify', 'left', 'right')] [string]$Align = 'inherit', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Truncate, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('basic', 'datetime', 'alphanumeric')] [string]$SortType = 'alphanumeric', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Hidden, [Parameter()] [string[]]$Options ) if ($null -eq $Title -or $Title -eq '') { $Title = $Property } if ($Width -gt 0) { $style["maxWidth"] = $width $style["width"] = $width } if ($MinWidth -gt 0) { $style["minWidth"] = $width } if ($Truncate) { $style["whiteSpace"] = "nowrap" $style["overflow"] = "hidden" $style["textOverflow"] = "ellipsis" } @{ id = $Id field = $Property.ToLower() title = $Title showSort = $ShowSort.IsPresent showFilter = $ShowFilter.IsPresent filterType = $FilterType.ToLower() includeInSearch = $IncludeInSearch.IsPresent includeInExport = $IncludeInExport.IsPresent isDefaultSortColumn = $DefaultSortColumn.IsPresent render = $Render width = $Width align = $Align style = $Style sortType = $SortType hidden = $Hidden.IsPresent options = $Options } } function Out-UDTableData { <# .SYNOPSIS Formats data to be output from New-UDTable's -LoadRows script block. .DESCRIPTION Formats data to be output from New-UDTable's -LoadRows script block. .PARAMETER Data The data to return from LoadRows. .PARAMETER Page The current page we are on within the table. .PARAMETER TotalCount The total count of items within the data set. .PARAMETER Properties The properties that are currently passed from the table. You can return the array from the $EventData.Properties array. .EXAMPLE See New-UDTable for examples. #> param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory)] [object]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$Page, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [int]$TotalCount, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Property")] [string[]]$Properties ) Begin { $DataPage = @{ data = @() page = $Page totalCount = $TotalCount } } Process { $item = @{ } foreach ($property in $Properties) { $RenderedColumn = $TableColumns.Where( { $_.field -eq $property -and $_.Render }) if ($RenderedColumn) { Set-Variable -Name 'EventData' -Value $Data $Render = $RenderedColumn.Render.GetNewClosure() $item["rendered" + $property] = $Render.Invoke() } $item[$property] = $Data.$property } if ($OnRowExpand) { Set-Variable -Name 'EventData' -Value $Item $Render = $OnRowExpand.GetNewClosure() $RenderedData = $Render.Invoke() if (-not $RenderedData) { $RenderedData = "" } if ($Item -isnot [hashtable]) { Add-Member -InputObject $Item -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "rowexpanded" -Value $RenderedData -Force } else { $Item["rowexpanded"] = $RenderedData } } $DataPage.data += $item } End { if ($DataPage.data) { $DataPage.data = [Array]($DataPage.data | ConvertTo-FlatObject) $DataPage } } } function New-UDTabs { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new set of tabs. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new set of tabs. Tabs can be used to show lots of content on a single page. .PARAMETER Tabs The tabs to put within this container. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER RenderOnActive Deprecated .PARAMETER Orientation The orientation of the tabs. Valid values are horizontal and vertical. .PARAMETER Variant The variantion of tabs. Valid values are standard, fullWidth and scrollable. .PARAMETER ScrollButtons The behavior of the scrollbuttons. Valid values are on, off, auto and desktop. On will enable scroll buttons no matter what. off will disable all scroll buttons. Auto will show scrollbuttons when necessary. Desktop will show scrollbuttons on medium and large screens. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Id 'Tab1' -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'tab1Content' -Content { "Tab1Content"} PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Id 'Tab2' -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'tab2Content' -Content { "Tab2Content"} PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Id 'Tab3' -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'tab3Content' -Content { "Tab3Content"} PS > } PS > } -Id 'tabs1' Basic Tabs|A basic set of tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs2' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Id 'DynamicTab1' -Dynamic -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'DynamicTab1Content' -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Id 'DynamicTab2' -Dynamic -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'DynamicTab2Content' -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Id 'DynamicTab3' -Dynamic -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Id 'DynamicTab3Content' -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Dynamic Tabs|A set of dynamic tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs3' -Orientation 'vertical' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Vertical Tabs|A set of vertical tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs4' -Variant 'fullWidth' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Full Width Tabs|A set of full width tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs5' -Variant 'scrollable' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Scrollable Tabs|A set of scrollable tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs6' -ScrollButtons 'on' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Scroll Buttons On|A set of tabs with scroll buttons always on. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs7' -Centered -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Centered Tabs|A set of centered tabs. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs8' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Eye) -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Home) -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon User) -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Tabs with Icons|A set of tabs with icons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTabs -Id 'tabs7' -Tabs { PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab1" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab2" -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > New-UDTab -Text "Tab3" -Disabled -Content { PS > New-UDElement -Tag div -Content { Get-Date } PS > } PS > } Disabled Tab|A set of tabs with a disabled tab. #> [CmdletBinding()] # [Component("Tabs", "TableColumns", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Tabs, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [Switch]$RenderOnActive, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('horizontal', 'vertical')] [string]$Orientation = "horizontal", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('fullWidth', 'scrollable', 'standard')] [string]$Variant = 'standard', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('on', 'off', 'auto')] [string]$ScrollButtons = 'auto', [Parameter()] [switch]$Centered, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName ) End { $ScrollButtonsValue = "auto" if ($ScrollButtons -eq 'on') { $ScrollButtonsValue = $true $Variant = 'scrollable' } else { $ScrollButtonsValue = $false } if ($RenderOnActive) { Write-Warning "RenderOnActive is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0" } $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Tabs if ($Variant -eq 'fullWidth') { $Variant = 'fullWidth' } else { $Variant = $Variant.ToLower() } @{ isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId type = "mu-tabs" tabs = $c id = $id orientation = $Orientation variant = $Variant scrollButtons = $ScrollButtonsValue allowScrollButtonsMobile = $true centered = $Centered.IsPresent className = $ClassName } } } function New-UDTab { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new tab. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new tab. Use New-UDTabs as a container for tabs. .PARAMETER Text The text to display for this tab. .PARAMETER Content The content to display when the tab is selected. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Dynamic Whether this tab is dynamic. Dynamic tabs won't render until they are displayed. .PARAMETER Icon The Icon to display within the tab header. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this tab is disabled. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Text, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$Content, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [switch]$Dynamic, [Parameter()] [object]$Icon, [Parameter()] [switch]$Disabled ) End { if ($null -ne $Content -and $Dynamic) { $Content.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } else { $c = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Content.ScriptBlock } @{ isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId type = "mu-tab" label = $Text icon = $Icon content = $c id = $Id dynamic = $Dynamic.IsPresent disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent render = if ($Dynamic.IsPresent) { $Content } else { $null } } } } function New-UDTextbox { <# .SYNOPSIS Textboxes let users enter and edit text. .DESCRIPTION Creates a textbox. Textboxes can be used by themselves or within a New-UDForm. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label A label to show above this textbox. .PARAMETER Placeholder A placeholder to place within the text box. .PARAMETER Value The current value of the textbox. .PARAMETER Type The type of textbox. This can be values such as text, password or email. .PARAMETER Disabled Whether this textbox is disabled. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show next to the textbox. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER Autofocus Whether to autofocus this textbox. .PARAMETER Multiline Creates a multiline textbox .PARAMETER Shrink Whether to shrink label by default. .PARAMETER Rows The number of rows in a multiline textbox. .PARAMETER RowsMax The maximum number of rows in a multiline textbox. .PARAMETER FullWidth Whether to make this textbox take up the full width of the parent control. .PARAMETER Mask The mask to apply over a textbox. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of textbox. Valid values are "filled", "outlined", "standard" .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the textbox. .PARAMETER OnEnter A script block that is called when the user presses the enter key. The $EventData variable will contain the current value of the textbox. .PARAMETER OnBlur A script block that is called when the user leaves the textbox. The $EventData variable will contain the current value of the textbox. .PARAMETER OnValidate A script block that is called when the user leaves the textbox. The $EventData variable will contain the current value of the textbox. If the script block returns an validation result that is invalid, it will be displayed below the textbox. .PARAMETER HelperText A helper text to show below the textbox. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is called when the user changes the value of the textbox. The $EventData variable will contain the current value of the textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox1' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' Basic textbox|Creates a basic textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox2' -Label 'Password' -Placeholder 'Enter your password' -Type 'password' Password textbox|Creates a password textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox3' -Label 'Email' -Placeholder 'Enter your email' -Type 'email' Email textbox|Creates an email textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox4' -Disabled -Label 'Disabled' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' Disabled textbox|Creates a disabled textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox5' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'User') Textbox with icon|Creates a textbox with an icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox6' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' -Autofocus Autofocus textbox|Creates a textbox that will autofocus when the page loads. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox7' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' -Multiline Multiline textbox|Creates a multiline textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox8' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' -Multiline -Rows 5 -RowsMax 10 Multiline textbox with 5 rows|Creates a multiline textbox with 5 rows. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox9' -Variant 'filled' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' Variant|Creates a filled textbox. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox10' -OnEnter { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "You pressed enter!" PS > } -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' OnEnter|Creates a textbox with an OnEnter event. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox11' -OnBlur { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "You left the textbox!" PS > } -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' OnBlur|Creates a textbox with an OnBlur event. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox12' -OnValidate { PS > if ($EventData -eq 'John Doe') { PS > return New-UDValidationResult -Valid PS > } PS > else { PS > return New-UDValidationResult -ValidationError "You must enter John Doe" PS > } PS > } -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' OnValidate|Creates a textbox with an OnValidate event. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox13' -HelperText 'This is a helper text' -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' Helper Text|Creates a textbox with helper text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox14' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message $EventData PS > } -Label 'Name' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' -Value 'John Doe' OnChange|Creates a textbox with an OnChange event. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'textbox15' -Type 'number' -Minimum 1 -Maximum 100 Minimum and Maximum|Creates a number textbox with a minimum and maximum value. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Creates a textbox")] [DisplayName("Textbox")] param( [Parameter()] [String]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [string]$Placeholder, [Parameter()] [string]$Value, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('text', 'password', 'email', 'number', 'time', 'datetime-local', 'date', 'color', 'month', 'week')] [String]$Type = 'text', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Autofocus, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Multiline, [Parameter()] [int]$Rows = -1, [Parameter()] [int]$RowsMax = 9999, [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [string]$Mask, [Parameter()] [switch]$Unmask, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("filled", "outlined", "standard")] [string]$Variant = "standard", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnEnter, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnBlur, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Shrink, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnValidate, [Parameter()] [string]$HelperText, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [int]$Minimum, [Parameter()] [int]$Maximum ) if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($OnValidate) { $OnValidate.Register($Id + "onBlur", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnEnter) { $OnEnter.Register($Id + "onEnter", $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnBlur) { $OnBlur.Register($Id + 'onBlur', $PSCmdlet) } if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id + 'onChange', $PSCmdlet) } @{ id = $id assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true type = "mu-textbox" label = $Label placeholder = $placeholder value = $value textType = $type.ToLower() disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent autoFocus = $AutoFocus.IsPresent icon = $icon multiline = $Multiline.IsPresent rows = if ($Rows -eq -1) { $null } else { $Rows } maxRows = $RowsMax fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent mask = $Mask unmask = $Unmask.IsPresent variant = $Variant.ToLower() className = $ClassName onEnter = $OnEnter onBlur = $OnBlur shrink = $Shrink.IsPresent onValidate = $OnValidate valid = $true helperText = $HelperText onChange = $OnChange minimum = if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Minimum")) { $Minimum } else { $null } maximum = if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Maximum")) { $Maximum } else { $null } } } $AntDesign = @{ light = @{ palette = @{ text = @{ disabled = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)" } primary = @{ light = '#69696a' main = '#1890ff' dark = '#1e1e1f' } secondary = @{ light = '#1890ff' main = '#1890ff' dark = '#e62958' } warning = @{ main = '#ffc071' dark = '#ffb25e' } error = @{ xLight = '#ffebee' main = '#f44336' dark = '#d32f2f' } success = @{ xLight = '#e8f5e9' main = '#4caf50' dark = '#388e3c' } background = @{ default = "#f0f2f5" } } typography = @{ fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans',sans-serif,'Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Noto Color Emoji'" body1 = @{ fontSize = 14 } h6 = @{ fontSize = 14 fontWeight = 400 } } globalStyle = " ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #f1f1f1; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #cccccc; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #888; } " overrides = @{ MuiAlert = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = '2px' padding = '8px 15px' marginBottom = '16px' } standardError = @{ border = '1px #ffccc7 solid' } standardInfo = @{ border = '1px #91d5ff solid' } standardSuccess = @{ border = '1px #b7eb8f solid' } standardWarning = @{ border = '1px #ffe58f solid' } } MuiAppBar = @{ root = @{ boxShadow = 'none' } colorPrimary = @{ color = '#000' backgroundColor = '#fff' } } MuiAutocomplete = @{ inputRoot = @{ padding = '4px' } } MuiButton = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = 0 boxShadow = 'none' textTransform = 'none' '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = '#40a9ff' borderColor = '#40a9ff' color = '#fff' boxShadow = 'none' } } contained = @{ color = "#fff" lineHeight = 1.5715 fontWeight = 400 backgroundColor = "#1890ff" borderColor = "#1890ff" transition = "all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1)" } } MuiCheckbox = @{ root = @{ color = 'rgb(24, 144, 255)' fontWeight = 100 fontSize = '1.1rem' } } MuiCollapse = @{ wrapperInner = @{ backgroundColor = "rgb(250, 250, 250)" } } MuiDataGrid = @{ cell = @{ borderBottom = '1px solid rgb(250, 250, 250)' } columnHeaders = @{ backgroundColor = 'rgb(250, 250, 250)' } root = @{ border = '0px' borderRadius = '0' } } MuiDrawer = @{ paper = @{ border = 'none' } paperAnchorDockedLeft = @{ borderRight = $null } } MuiFormControl = @{ root = @{ marginTop = '10px' } } MuiExpansionPanel = @{ rounded = @{ "&:first-child" = @{ borderTopLeftRadius = 0 borderTopRightRadius = 0 } "&:last-child" = @{ borderBottomLeftRadius = 0 borderBottomRightRadius = 0 } } } MuiIconButton = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = 0 fontSize = 14 padding = "4px 12px" } } MuiInput = @{ root = @{ lineHeight = 1.5715 "&::before" = @{ border = '0px !important' } "&::after" = @{ border = '0px !important' } } } MuiInputBase = @{ input = @{ border = '1px solid #d9d9d9' borderRadius = '2px' padding = '4px 11px' color = "rgba(0,0,0,.85)" lineHeight = 1.5715 fontSize = 14 "&:hover" = @{ borderColor = "#40a9ff" } "&:focus" = @{ borderColor = '#40a9ff' boxShadow = "0 0 0 2px rgb(24 144 255 / 20%)" } } } MuiInputLabel = @{ root = @{ paddingLeft = '14px' } shrink = @{ transform = 'translate(-10px, -1.5px) scale(0.75)' } outlined = @{ paddingLeft = '0px' transform = 'translate(0, -20px) scale(0.75)' } } MuiListItem = @{ root = @{ transition = "opacity .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1),width .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1),color .3s" cursor = 'pointer' "&:hover" = @{ color = '#1890ff !important' } "&.Mui-selected" = @{ backgroundColor = '#e6f7ff' color = '#1890ff' borderRight = '2px solid #1890ff' } } button = @{ "&:hover" = @{ color = '#1890ff' backgroundColor = "#fff" } } } MuiListItemIcon = @{ root = @{ minWidth = '25px' "&:hover" = @{ color = '#1890ff' } } } MuiListItemText = @{ multiline = @{ marginTop = 0 marginBottom = 0 } } MuiOutlinedInput = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = 0 } input = @{ paddingTop = '4px' paddingBottom = '4px' border = '0px' } "&:focus" = @{ border = '0px' } } MuiPaper = @{ root = @{ boxShadow = 'none' } rounded = @{ borderRadius = 0 } elevation1 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation2 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation3 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation4 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation5 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } } MuiSvgIcon = @{ colorPrimary = @{ color = "#000" } } MuiSwitch = @{ root = @{ height = "40px !important" } thumb = @{ marginTop = '5px !important' marginLeft = '5px !important' width = "12px !important" height = "12px !important" } track = @{ height = '16px' borderRadius = "9px !important" } sizeSmall = @{ paddingTop = '12px' } switchBase = @{ padding = '9px !important' '&.Mui-checked' = @{ transform = 'translateX(50%) !important' } '&.Mui-checked+.MuiSwitch-track' = @{ backgroundColor = '#177ddc' opacity = '1' } '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = 'transparent' } } } MuiTab = @{ root = @{ minHeight = 0 textTransform = 'none' } labelIcon = @{ minHeight = 0 } } } } dark = @{ palette = @{ text = @{ primary = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)' disabled = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)" secondary = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.38)" } primary = @{ main = 'rgb(31, 31, 31)' } warning = @{ main = '#ffc071' dark = '#ffb25e' } error = @{ xLight = '#ffebee' main = '#f44336' dark = '#d32f2f' } success = @{ xLight = '#e8f5e9' main = '#4caf50' dark = '#388e3c' } background = @{ default = "#000" } } typography = @{ fontFamily = "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,'Helvetica Neue',Arial,'Noto Sans',sans-serif,'Apple Color Emoji','Segoe UI Emoji','Segoe UI Symbol','Noto Color Emoji'" body1 = @{ fontSize = 14 } h6 = @{ fontSize = 14 fontWeight = 400 } } globalStyle = " ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: rgb(31, 31, 31); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #c4c4c4; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #888; } option { background: rgb(31, 31, 31) !important; } " overrides = @{ MuiAccordionSummary = @{ expandIconWrapper = @{ color = "#fff" } } MuiAlert = @{ root = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)' borderRadius = '2px' padding = '8px 15px' marginBottom = '16px' } standardError = @{ border = '1px solid #58181c' backgroundColor = '#2a1215' } standardInfo = @{ border = '1px solid #153450' backgroundColor = '#111b26' } standardSuccess = @{ border = '1px solid #274916' backgroundColor = '#162312' } standardWarning = @{ border = '1px #594214 solid' backgroundColor = '#2b2111' } } MuiAppBar = @{ root = @{ boxShadow = 'none' } } MuiButton = @{ root = @{ color = "#fff" textTransform = 'none' '&.Mui-disabled' = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.50);' } } contained = @{ color = "#fff" lineHeight = 1.5715 fontWeight = 400 backgroundColor = "#1890ff" borderColor = "#1890ff" borderRadius = 0 boxShadow = $null transition = "all .3s cubic-bezier(.645,.045,.355,1)" '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = '#40a9ff' borderColor = '#40a9ff' color = '#fff' boxShadow = $null } } outlined = @{ borderRadius = 0 border = '1px solid #434343' '&:hover' = @{ borderColor = '#165996' color = '#165996' } } } MuiCheckbox = @{ root = @{ color = 'rgb(24, 144, 255)' fontWeight = 100 '&.Mui-checked' = @{ color = 'rgb(24, 144, 255)' } } svg = @{ fontSize = '1.1rem !important' } } MuiChip = @{ root = @{ color = '#3c9ae8' borderColor = '#153956' background = '#111d2c' borderRadius = '2px' } } MuiCollapse = @{ wrapperInner = @{ backgroundColor = "rgb(20,20,20)" } } MuiDataGrid = @{ cell = @{ borderBottom = '1px solid #1d1d1d' } columnHeaders = @{ backgroundColor = '#1d1d1d' } root = @{ border = '0px' borderRadius = '0' backgroundColor = '#141414' } paper = @{ backgroundColor = "rgb(31, 31, 31)" } } MuiDrawer = @{ paper = @{ color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);" } paperAnchorDockedLeft = @{ borderRight = 'none' } } MuiExpansionPanel = @{ rounded = @{ "&:first-child" = @{ borderTopLeftRadius = 0 borderTopRightRadius = 0 } "&:last-child" = @{ borderBottomLeftRadius = 0 borderBottomRightRadius = 0 } } } MuiFormControl = @{ root = @{ marginTop = '10px' } } MuiLink = @{ root = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)' } } MuiIconButton = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = 0 fontSize = 14 padding = "4px 12px" color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85)' '&.Mui-disabled' = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)' } } } MuiInput = @{ root = @{ '&::before' = @{ borderBottom = '0px' } "&::after" = @{ border = '0px !important' } border = '1px solid #d9d9d9' lineHeight = 1.5715 } input = @{ border = '0px' } } MuiInputAdornment = @{ root = @{ marginLeft = '10px' color = '#d9d9d9' } } MuiInputBase = @{ input = @{ border = '1px solid #d9d9d9' borderRadius = '2px' padding = '4px 11px' color = "#fff" lineHeight = 1.5715 fontSize = 14 "&:hover" = @{ borderColor = "#40a9ff" } "&:focus" = @{ borderColor = '#40a9ff' boxShadow = "0 0 0 2px rgb(24 144 255 / 20%)" } } } MuiInputLabel = @{ root = @{ color = "#fff" paddingLeft = '14px' "&.Mui-focused" = @{ color = "#d9d9d9" } } shrink = @{ color = "#fff" transform = 'translate(-10px, -1.5px) scale(0.75)' } outlined = @{ paddingLeft = '0px' transform = 'translate(0, -20px) scale(0.75)' } } MuiListItem = @{ root = @{ cursor = 'pointer' "&.Mui-selected" = @{ backgroundColor = '#177ddc' color = '#fff' } } } MuiListItemIcon = @{ root = @{ minWidth = '25px' color = "#fff" "&:hover" = @{ color = '#fff' } } } MuiListItemText = @{ secondary = @{ #color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)" } multiline = @{ marginTop = 0 marginBottom = 0 } } MuiMenuItem = @{ root = @{ '&.Mui-selected' = @{ backgroundColor = '#1890ff !important' } } } MuiNativeSelect = @{ icon = @{ color = 'white' } } MuiOutlinedInput = @{ root = @{ borderRadius = 0 border = '1px solid #d9d9d9' } input = @{ paddingTop = '4px' paddingBottom = '4px' border = '0px' } "&:focus" = @{ border = '0px' } } MuiPaper = @{ root = @{ color = '#fff' backgroundColor = 'rgb(31, 31, 31)' boxShadow = 'none' } rounded = @{ borderRadius = 0 } elevation1 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation2 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation3 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation4 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } elevation5 = @{ boxShadow = '0px 3px 3px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 3px 4px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0px 1px 8px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%)' } } MuiPickersLayout = @{ root = @{ backgroundColor = 'transparent !important' } } MuiRadio = @{ root = @{ '&.Mui-checked' = @{ color = '#177ddc' } } } MuiPickersDay = @{ root = @{ '&.Mui-selected' = @{ backgroundColor = '#1890ff !important' } '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = '#1890ff' } } } MuiSelect = @{ root = @{ border = '1px solid #434343' borderRadius = '1px' } iconStandard = @{ color = "#fff" } } MuiSlider = @{ root = @{ color = "#40a9ff" } } MuiStepIcon = @{ root = @{ '&.Mui-active' = @{ color = "#1890ff" } } } MuiSwitch = @{ root = @{ height = "40px !important" } thumb = @{ marginTop = '5px !important' marginLeft = '5px !important' width = "12px !important" height = "12px !important" } track = @{ height = '16px' borderRadius = "9px !important" backgroundColor = '#177ddc !important' } sizeSmall = @{ paddingTop = '12px' } switchBase = @{ padding = '9px !important' '&.Mui-checked' = @{ transform = 'translateX(50%) !important' } '&.Mui-checked+.MuiSwitch-track' = @{ backgroundColor = '#177ddc' opacity = '1' } '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = 'transparent' } } } MuiRating = @{ icon = @{ color = "#faaf00" } } MuiSvgIcon = @{ colorPrimary = @{ color = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65)" } } MuiTab = @{ root = @{ minHeight = 0 textTransform = 'none' color = '#fff' '&.Mui-selected' = @{ "color " = "#177ddc" } } labelIcon = @{ minHeight = 0 } } MuiTreeItem = @{ content = @{ '&.Mui-selected' = @{ backgroundColor = "rgb(80,80,80) !important" } } } } } } $Paperbase = @{ palette = @{ primary = @{ light = '#63ccff' main = '#009be5' dark = '#006db3' } } typography = @{ h5 = @{ fontWeight = 500 fontSize = 26 letterSpacing = 0.5 } } shape = @{ borderRadius = 8 } mixins = @{ toolbar = @{ minHeight = 48 } } overrides = @{ MuiDrawer = @{ paper = @{ backgroundColor = '#081627' } } MuiButton = @{ label = @{ textTransform = 'none' } contained = @{ boxShadow = 'none' '&:active' = @{ boxShadow = 'none' } } } MuiTabs = @{ root = @{ marginLeft = 1 } indicator = @{ height = 3 borderTopLeftRadius = 3 borderTopRightRadius = 3 backgroundColor = '#000' } } MuiTab = @{ root = @{ textTransform = 'none' margin = '0 16px' minWidth = 0 padding = 0 } } MuiIconButton = @{ root = @{ padding = 1 } } MuiTooltip = @{ tooltip = @{ borderRadius = 4 } } MuiDivider = @{ root = @{ backgroundColor = 'rgb(255,255,255,0.15)' } } MuiListItemButton = @{ root = @{ '&.Mui-selected' = @{ color = '#4fc3f7' } } } MuiListItemText = @{ primary = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) ' fontSize = 14 fontWeight = 500 } } MuiListItemIcon = @{ root = @{ color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) ' minWidth = 'auto' marginRight = 2 '& svg' = @{ fontSize = 20 } } } MuiAvatar = @{ root = @{ width = 32 height = 32 } } } } $Sand = @{ palette = @{ primary = @{ light = '#ffe8d6' main = '#ddbea9' dark = '#cb997e' } secondary = @{ light = '#b7b7a4' main = '#a5a58d' dark = '#6b705c' } } } $Compliment = @{ palette = @{ primary = @{ light = '#e9c46a' main = '#2a9d8f' dark = '#264653' } secondary = @{ light = '#e9c46a' main = '#f4a261' dark = '#e76f51' } } } function ConvertTo-UDTheme { param($Name, $NavigationStyle) [string]$CSS = Get-ThemeCss $colors = Get-UDThemeColors -Theme $Name | Group-Object -Property "mode" | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1 } $common = $colors | Where-Object Mode -eq common $dark = $colors | Where-Object Mode -eq dark # add some defaults $light = $colors | Where-Object Mode -eq light if (-not $light) { $colors += [pscustomobject]@{ "Mode" = "light" "Enabled" = "true" "Main" = "#f6f8fa" "MainSecondary" = "#DEDEDE" "MainGamma" = "#B8B8C2" "MainDelta" = "#c6c8ca" "Opposite" = "#24292f" "OppositeSecondary" = "#57606a" "HighContrast" = "#000000" } } if (-not $dark) { $colors += [pscustomobject]@{ "Mode" = "dark" "Enabled" = "true" "Main" = "#0D0F31" "MainSecondary" = "#070825" "MainGamma" = "#454761" "MainDelta" = "#A2A2AA" "Opposite" = "#c9d1d9" "OppositeSecondary" = "#8b949e" "HighContrast" = "#ffffff" } $dark = $colors | Where-Object Mode -eq dark } $shadows = @() 1..25 | ForEach-Object { $shadows += "none" } $themes = @{} ForEach ($theme in $colors) { switch ($NavigationStyle) { "theme" { $Navigation = $theme } "dark" { $Navigation = $dark } "light" { $Navigation = $light } "opposite" { if ($theme.mode -eq 'dark') { $navigation = $Light } if ($theme.mode -eq 'light') { $navigation = $Dark } } } $themes += @{ $theme.Mode = @{ globalStyle = $CSS palette = @{ mode = $theme.Mode background = @{ default = $theme.Main } text = @{ primary = $theme.Opposite secondary = $theme.OppositeSecondary disabled = $theme.OppositeSecondary } primary = @{ main = $common.Blue dark = $theme.BlueRGBA15 light = $common.Blue contrastText = $common.Black } secondary = @{ main = $common.Cyan dark = $theme.CyanRGBA15 light = $common.CyanRGBA15 contrastText = $common.Black } warning = @{ main = $common.Yellow dark = $theme.YellowRGBA15 light = $common.Yellow contrastText = $common.Black } error = @{ main = $common.Red dark = $theme.RedRGBA15 light = $common.Red contrastText = $common.Black } success = @{ main = $common.Green dark = $theme.GreenRGBA15 light = $common.Green contrastText = $common.Black } info = @{ main = $common.Purple dark = $theme.PurpleRGBA15 light = $common.Purple contrastText = $common.Black } } shape = @{ borderRadius = $common.BorderRadius } shadows = $shadows typography = @{ fontFamily = $common.FontFamily # Additional styles for fonts can be found in theme.css } overrides = @{ MuiAppBar = @{ root = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainSecondary backgroundImage = 'none' borderBottom = '1px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma paddingRight = '18px' paddingLeft = '18px' } } MuiDrawer = @{ paper = @{ backgroundColor = $Navigation.MainSecondary color = $Navigation.Opposite #zIndex = 1202 # Comment out this line in order to show the default header with logo flex = '0 0 250px' maxWidth = '250px' minWidth = '250px' width = '250px !important' borderRight = '1px solid ' + $Navigation.MainGamma '.MuiList-subheader' = @{ paddingLeft = '.5rem' paddingRight = '.5rem' } '.MuiList-root' = @{ paddingTop = 0 } '.MuiListItem-root' = @{ paddingLeft = '18px !important' cursor = "pointer" '&:hover' = @{ background = $Navigation.MainGamma borderRadius = $common.BorderRadius } } '#drawerSettings + .MuiCollapse-root' = @{ paddingLeft = '18px' } '.MuiListItemIcon-root, .MuiSvgIcon-root' = @{ color = $Navigation.Opposite } '.MuiToolbar-root' = @{ #backgroundImage = 'url(/assets/logo.png)' backgroundSize = '80%' backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' marginLeft = '18px' marginTop = '1px' backgroundPosition = 'left center' } } } MuiPaper = @{ root = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainSecondary backgroundImage = 'none' } } MuiToolbar = @{ root = @{ paddingLeft = '0 !important' paddingRight = '0 !important' } } MuiListItem = @{ root = @{ paddingLeft = 0 } } MuiListItemIcon = @{ root = @{ color = $theme.Opposite minWidth = 'auto' marginRight = '1rem' } } MuiCard = @{ root = @{ border = '1px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma } } MuiCardHeader = @{ root = @{ paddingBottom = 0 } } MuiFormControl = @{ root = @{ #width = '100%' } } MuiInput = @{ root = @{ '&:before' = @{ borderBottom = '2px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma } } } MuiFormLabel = @{ root = @{ color = $theme.Opposite } } MuiSwitch = @{ switchBase = @{ color = $theme.MainGamma } } MuiGrid = @{ root = @{ '&.transfer-list' = @{ '.MuiPaper-root' = @{ border = '1px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma } 'button + button' = @{ marginLeft = '0 !important' } } } } MuiStepIcon = @{ text = @{ fill = $dark.Main } root = @{ color = $dark.Opposite } } MuiAlert = @{ icon = @{ opacity = 1 } standardWarning = @{ backgroundColor = $common.YellowRGBA15 borderColor = $common.Yellow color = $theme.HighContrast } standardError = @{ backgroundColor = $common.RedRGBA15 borderColor = $common.Red color = $theme.HighContrast } standardSuccess = @{ backgroundColor = $common.GreenRGBA15 borderColor = $common.Green color = $theme.HighContrast } standardInfo = @{ backgroundColor = $common.PurpleRGBA15 borderColor = $common.Purple color = $theme.HighContrast } # Additional styles for alerts can be found in theme.css } MuiTableContainer = @{ root = @{ backgroundColor = "unset" borderRadius = 0; backgroundImage = 'none' margin = '0 !important' 'div[class*="makeStyles-search-"]' = @{ background = $theme.MainGamma marginRight = 0 } 'h5, .MuiTypography-h5' = @{ marginBottom = '0 !important' } } } MuiTable = @{ root = @{ borderCollapse = 'separate' } } MuiTablePagination = @{ toolbar = @{ paddingLeft = '0 !important' paddingRight = '0 !important' } spacer = @{ display = 'none' } displayedRows = @{ marginRight = 'auto' } } MuiTableCell = @{ head = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainGamma } root = @{ borderBottom = '1px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma } footer = @{ borderTop = '1px solid ' + $theme.MainGamma } } MuiTableBody = @{ root = @{ 'tr:nth-child(even)' = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.Main } 'tr:nth-child(odd)' = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainSecondary } } } MuiTableRow = @{ root = @{ '&:last-child td' = @{ borderBottom = 0 } } } MuiButton = @{ root = @{ fontWeight = 600 margin = '0 0 .25rem !important' '+ .MuiButton-root' = @{ marginLeft = '0.5rem !important' } } contained = @{ color = $common.Black } outlined = @{ '&:hover' = @{ color = $common.Black } } containedInherit = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainGamma color = $theme.Opposite '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainDelta } } containedPrimary = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.BlueHover } } containedSecondary = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.CyanHover } } containedInfo = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.PurpleHover } } containedWarning = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.YellowHover } } containedError = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.RedHover } } containedSuccess = @{ '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.GreenHover } } outlinedInherit = @{ borderColor = $theme.MainGamma '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $theme.MainGamma color = $theme.Opposite } } outlinedPrimary = @{ borderColor = $common.Blue '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Blue } } outlinedSecondary = @{ borderColor = $common.Cyan '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Cyan } } outlinedInfo = @{ borderColor = $common.Purple '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Purple } } outlinedWarning = @{ borderColor = $common.Yellow '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Yellow } } outlinedError = @{ borderColor = $common.Red '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Red } } outlinedSuccess = @{ borderColor = $common.Green '&:hover' = @{ backgroundColor = $common.Green } } } } } } } $themes } function Get-UDThemeColors { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Theme ) Get-Content -Path (Join-Path -Path (Get-ThemeFolder) -ChildPath "$theme.json") | ConvertFrom-Json } function Get-ThemeFolder { Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath themes } function Get-ThemeCss { $ThemeFolder = Get-ThemeFolder $CssPath = Join-Path -Path $ThemeFolder -ChildPath theme.css Get-Content $CssPath -Raw } function Get-AllThemes { $ThemeFolder = Get-ThemeFolder (Get-ChildItem -Path $ThemeFolder -Filter *.json).BaseName } function Get-Rgb { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string[]]$Color ) # Clean up if ($first = $Color[1]) { $cleanedcolor = $Color -join "," if ($first -notmatch "rgb" -and $first -notmatch "\(") { $cleanedcolor = "rgb($cleanedcolor)" } } else { $cleanedcolor = "$Color" } $cleanedcolor = $cleanedcolor.Replace('#', '') $cleanedcolor = $cleanedcolor.Replace(' ', '') if ($cleanedcolor -match '^rgb') { try { # If RGB --> store the red, green, blue values in separate variables $rgb = $cleanedcolor -match '^rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\)$' if (-not $rgb) { $rgb = $cleanedcolor -match '^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' } $r = [convert]::ToInt32($matches[1]) $g = [convert]::ToInt32($matches[2]) $b = [convert]::ToInt32($matches[3]) } catch { Write-Warning "$cleanedcolor isnt a valid rgb color for the purposes of the script: $PSItem" return } } else { try { $null = [int]::Parse($cleanedcolor, [System.Globalization.NumberStyles]::HexNumber) if ($cleanedcolor.Length -eq 3) { # if someone passed in a shortcut html, expand it $cleanedcolor = $cleanedcolor[0] + $cleanedcolor[0] + $cleanedcolorex[1] + $cleanedcolor[1] + $cleanedcolor[2] + $cleanedcolor[2] } $r = $cleanedcolor.Remove(2, 4) $g = $cleanedcolor.Remove(4, 2) $g = $g.remove(0, 2) $b = $cleanedcolor.Remove(0, 4) $r = [convert]::ToInt32($r, 16) $g = [convert]::ToInt32($g, 16) $b = [convert]::ToInt32($b, 16) } catch { Write-Warning "$cleanedcolor is not a valid hex for the purposes of the script" return } } $r, $g, $b } function Get-Hsp { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Color ) $r, $g, $b = Get-Rgb $Color # HSP equation from http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html [math]::Sqrt( 0.299 * ($r * $r) + 0.587 * ($g * $g) + 0.114 * ($b * $b) ) } function Get-Contrast { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Color1, [string]$Color2 ) $one = Get-Hsp $Color1 $two = Get-Hsp $Color2 if ($one -ge $two) { $first = $one $second = $two } else { $first = $two $second = $one } $first - $second } function Test-Contrast { [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Color1, [string]$Color2 ) $diff = Get-Contrast $Color1 $Color2 if ($diff -gt 50) { $true } else { $false } } function Test-DarkColor { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests an rgb or hex value to see if it's considered light or dark .PARAMETER Color The color to test in Hex or RGB .NOTES Thanks to: https://github.com/EvotecIT/PSSharedGoods/blob/master/Public/Converts/Convert-Color.ps1 https://awik.io/determine-color-bright-dark-using-javascript/ .EXAMPLE Test-DarkColor ffffff False .EXAMPLE Test-DarkColor 000000 True .EXAMPLE Test-DarkColor "rgb(255,255,255)" False .EXAMPLE Test-DarkColor "rgb(255,255,255)" VERBOSE: 255 VERBOSE: 255 VERBOSE: 255 VERBOSE: 255 False #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string[]]$Color ) # Clean up if ($first = $Color[1]) { $cleanedcolor = $Color -join "," if ($first -notmatch "rgb" -and $first -notmatch "\(") { $cleanedcolor = "rgb($cleanedcolor)" } } else { $cleanedcolor = "$Color" } $cleanedcolor = $cleanedcolor.Replace('#', '') $cleanedcolor = $cleanedcolor.Replace(' ', '') $r, $g, $b = Get-Rgb $cleanedcolor $hsp = Get-Hsp $cleanedcolor # Using the HSP value, determine whether the color is light or dark if ($hsp -gt 127.5) { $hsp | Write-Verbose return $false } else { $hsp | Write-Verbose return $true } } function Get-InvertedColor { [cmdletbinding()] param( [Alias("Color")] $Hex ) $hex = $hex -replace "#" if ($hex.Length -eq 3) { # if someone passed in a shortcut html, expand it $hex = $hex[0] + $hex[0] + $hex[1] + $hex[1] + $hex[2] + $hex[2] } $rgb = "#" for ($i = 0; $i -lt 3; $i++) { $number = $i * 2 $what = $hex.substring($number, 2) $c = [convert]::ToInt32($what, 16) $opposite = (255 - $c) $c = '{0:X4}' -f $opposite $rgb += ("00" + $c).SubString($c.length) } -join $rgb } $Themes = @{ AntDesign = $AntDesign Paperbase = $Paperbase Sand = $Sand Compliment = $Compliment } function Get-UDTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns predefined themes. .DESCRIPTION Returns predefined themes. .PARAMETER Name The name of the theme. .PARAMETER NavigationStyle The style of the navigation. .EXAMPLE $Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'AntDesign' .NOTES General notes #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [ValidateSet("theme", "dark", "light", "opposite")] [string]$NavigationStyle = "theme", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Current')] [switch]$Current ) if ($Current) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessageWithResult($ConnectionId, "getTheme", $null) return } if ($Name -eq 'MaterialDesign') { return @{} } if ($Name) { if ($Themes.Keys -contains $Name) { return $Themes[$Name] } ConvertTo-UDTheme -Name $Name -NavigationStyle $NavigationStyle } else { Get-AllThemes } } function New-UDTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new theme. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new theme. .PARAMETER PrimaryColor The primary color for the light theme. .PARAMETER SecondaryColor The secondary color for the light theme. .PARAMETER WarningColor The warning color for the light theme. .PARAMETER ErrorColor The error color for the light theme. .PARAMETER SuccessColor The success color for the light theme. .PARAMETER Background The background color for the light theme. .PARAMETER DarkPrimaryColor The primary color for the dark theme. .PARAMETER DarkSecondaryColor The secondary color for the dark theme. .PARAMETER DarkWarningColor The warning color for the dark theme. .PARAMETER DarkErrorColor The error color for the dark theme. .PARAMETER DarkSuccessColor The success color for the dark theme. .PARAMETER DarkBackground The background color for the dark theme. #> param( [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$PrimaryColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$SecondaryColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$WarningColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$ErrorColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$SuccessColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$Background, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkPrimaryColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkSecondaryColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkWarningColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkErrorColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkSuccessColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$DarkBackground ) $Theme = @{ light = @{ palette = @{ } } dark = @{ palette = @{ } } } if ($PrimaryColor) { $Theme.light.palette.primary = @{} $Theme.light.palette.primary.light = $PrimaryColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.primary.main = $PrimaryColor.HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.primary.dark = $PrimaryColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($SecondaryColor) { $Theme.light.palette.secondary = @{} $Theme.light.palette.secondary.light = $SecondaryColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.secondary.main = $SecondaryColor.HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.secondary.dark = $SecondaryColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($DarkPrimaryColor) { $Theme.dark.palette.primary = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.primary.light = $DarkPrimaryColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.primary.main = $DarkPrimaryColor.HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.primary.dark = $DarkPrimaryColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($DarkSecondaryColor) { $Theme.dark.palette.secondary = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.secondary.light = $DarkSecondaryColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.secondary.main = $DarkSecondaryColor.HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.secondary.dark = $DarkSecondaryColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($WarningColor) { $Theme.light.palette.warning = @{} $Theme.light.palette.warning.light = $WarningColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.warning.main = $WarningColor.HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.warning.dark = $WarningColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($DarkWarningColor) { $Theme.dark.palette.warning = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.warning.light = $DarkWarningColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.warning.main = $DarkWarningColor.HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.warning.dark = $DarkWarningColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($ErrorColor) { $Theme.light.palette.error = @{} $Theme.light.palette.error.light = $ErrorColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.error.main = $ErrorColor.HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.error.dark = $ErrorColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($DarkErrorColor) { $Theme.dark.palette.error = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.error.light = $DarkErrorColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.error.main = $DarkErrorColor.HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.error.dark = $DarkErrorColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($SuccessColor) { $Theme.light.palette.success = @{} $Theme.light.palette.success.light = $SuccessColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.success.main = $SuccessColor.HtmlColor $Theme.light.palette.success.dark = $SuccessColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($DarkSuccessColor) { $Theme.dark.palette.success = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.success.light = $DarkSuccessColor.Lighten().HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.success.main = $DarkSuccessColor.HtmlColor $Theme.dark.palette.success.dark = $DarkSuccessColor.Darken().HtmlColor } if ($Background) { $Theme.light.palette.background = @{} $Theme.light.palette.background.default = $Background.HtmlColor } if ($DarkBackground) { $Theme.dark.palette.background = @{} $Theme.dark.palette.background.default = $DarkBackground.HtmlColor } $Theme } function New-UDTimeline { <# .SYNOPSIS The timeline displays a list of events in chronological order. .DESCRIPTION The timeline displays a list of events in chronological order. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. The default value is a random GUID. .PARAMETER Children The content of this timeline. .PARAMETER Position The position of the timeline. Valid values are right, left, and alternate. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimeline -Children { PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Breakfast' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '7:45 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Welcome Message' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:00 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'State of the Shell' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:30 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'General Session' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '11:00 AM' PS > } PS > } -Id 'timeline1' Basic Timeline|A basic timeline. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimeline -Children { PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Breakfast' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '7:45 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Welcome Message' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:00 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'State of the Shell' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:30 AM' PS > } PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'General Session' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '11:00 AM' PS > } PS > } -Position alternate -Id 'timeline2' Alternate Timeline|An alternating timeline. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimeline -Children { PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Breakfast' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '7:45 AM' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'CheckCircle' -Color 'success') PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'Welcome Message' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:00 AM' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'CheckCircle' -Color 'success') PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'State of the Shell' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '9:30 AM' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'CheckCircle' -Color 'success') PS > New-UDTimelineItem -Content { PS > 'General Session' PS > } -OppositeContent { PS > '11:00 AM' PS > } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'CheckCircle' -Color 'success') PS > } -Id 'timeline3' Timeline with Icons|A timeline with icons. #> # [Component("Timeline", "Timeline", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("right", 'left', 'alternate')] [string]$Position = "right" ) @{ isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId type = "mu-timeline" id = $id children = & $Children position = $Position.ToLower() } } function New-UDTimelineItem { <# .SYNOPSIS A timeline item. .DESCRIPTION A timeline item. .PARAMETER Content Content for this timeline item. .PARAMETER OppositeContent Opposite content for this timeline item. .PARAMETER Icon An icon for this timeline item. Use the New-UDIcon cmdlet to create an icon. .PARAMETER Color The color of this timeline item. Valid values are error, grey, info, inherit, primary, secondary, success, and warning. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of this timeline item. Valid values are filled and outlined. #> param( [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content = {}, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$OppositeContent = {}, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("error", 'grey', 'info', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'warning')] [string]$Color = 'grey', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('filled', 'outlined')] [string]$Variant = 'filled' ) @{ content = & $Content oppositeContent = & $OppositeContent icon = $icon color = $Color.ToLower() variant = $Variant.ToLower() } } <# New-UDTimeline -Children { New-UDTimelineItem -Content { 'Breakfast' } -OppositeContent { '7:45 AM' } New-UDTimelineItem -Content { 'Welcome Message' } -OppositeContent { '9:00 AM' } New-UDTimelineItem -Content { 'State of the Shell' } -OppositeContent { '9:30 AM' } New-UDTimelineItem -Content { 'General Session' } -OppositeContent { '11:00 AM' } } #> function New-UDTimePicker { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a time picker. .DESCRIPTION Creates a time picker. This component can be used stand alone or within New-UDForm. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Label The label to show with the time picker. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block to call when the time is changed. The $EventData variable contains the currently selected time. .PARAMETER Value The current value of the time picker. .PARAMETER Locale Change the language of the time picker. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the time picker. .PARAMETER DisableAmPm Use 24-hour time instead of them AM/PM ante meridiem. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker1' Basic Time Picker|Creates a basic time picker. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker2' -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Time changed to $($EventData)" PS > } OnChange|Creates a time picker with an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker3' -Value "12:00" Value|Creates a time picker with a value. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker4' -Locale "de" Locale|Creates a time picker with a German locale. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker5' -DisableAmPm DisableAmPm|Creates a time picker with 24-hour time. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTimePicker -Id 'timepicker6' -TimeZone (Get-TimeZone -Id "Central Standard Time") TimeZone|Creates a time picker with a specific time zone. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Creates a time picker. This component can be used stand alone or within New-UDForm.")] [DisplayName("Time Picker")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [string]$Label, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [DateTime]$Value = ([DateTime]::Now), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("en", "de", 'ru', 'fr', 'nl', 'it')] [string]$Locale = "en", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableAmPm, [Parameter()] [System.TimeZoneInfo]$TimeZone ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } $TZ = $null if ($TimeZone) { $TZ = $TimeZone.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).ToString() $TZ = $TZ.Substring(0, $TZ.Length - 3) if (-not $TZ.StartsWith("-")) { $TZ = "+" + $TZ } } @{ id = $Id type = 'mu-timepicker' asset = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true onChange = $OnChange value = $Value label = $Label locale = $Locale.ToLower() className = $ClassName ampm = -not ($DisableAmPm.IsPresent) timeZone = $TZ } } function New-UDToggleButtonGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS A Toggle Button can be used to group related options. .DESCRIPTION A Toggle Button can be used to group related options. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. If not specified, a random GUID will be assigned. .PARAMETER Color The color of the component. Valid values are 'standard', 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'info', 'success', 'warning'. .PARAMETER Disabled If specified, the component will be disabled. .PARAMETER Exclusive If specified, the component will only allow a single selection. .PARAMETER FullWidth If specified, the component will take up the full width of its container. .PARAMETER OnChange The endpoint to call when the value of the component changes. .PARAMETER Size The size of the component. Valid values are 'small', 'medium', 'large'. .PARAMETER Orientation The orientation of the component. Valid values are 'horizontal', 'vertical'. .PARAMETER Sx The style of the component. .PARAMETER Value The value of the component. .PARAMETER Children The content of the component. Use New-UDToggleButton to create toggle buttons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDToggleButtonGroup -Content { PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } -Id 'test' PS > } -Exclusive Exclusive selection|With exclusive selection, selecting one option deselects any other. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDToggleButtonGroup -Content { PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } -Id 'test' PS > } Multiple selection|With multiple selection, selecting one option does not deselect any other. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDToggleButtonGroup -Content { PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } -Id 'test' PS > } -Size 'small' Size|The small size is equivalent to the dense toggle button styling. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDToggleButtonGroup -Content { PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } -Id 'test' PS > } -Orientation 'vertical' Orientation|The vertical orientation can be used to display a column of toggle buttons. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDToggleButtonGroup -Content { PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } PS > New-UDToggleButton -Content { PS > New-UDIcon -Icon 'User' PS > } -Id 'test' PS > } -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "You selected $EventData" PS > } OnChange|The OnChange endpoint is called when the value of the component changes. The event data is the value of the component. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('standard', 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'info', 'success', 'warning')] [string]$Color = 'standard', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Exclusive, [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('small', 'medium', 'large')] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('horizontal', 'vertical')] [string]$Orientation = 'horizontal', [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx, [Parameter()] [string[]]$Value, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ id = $Id type = 'mui-toggle-button-group' color = $Color disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent exclusive = $Exclusive.IsPresent fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent onChange = $OnChange size = if ($Size) { $Size.ToLower() } else { $null } orientation = if ($Orientation) { $Orientation.ToLower() } else { $null } sx = $Sx value = $Value children = & $Children } } function New-UDToggleButton { <# .SYNOPSIS A Toggle Button can be used to group related options. .DESCRIPTION A Toggle Button can be used to group related options. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. If not specified, a random GUID will be assigned. .PARAMETER Color The color of the component. Valid values are 'standard', 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'info', 'success', 'warning'. .PARAMETER Disabled If specified, the component will be disabled. .PARAMETER FullWidth If specified, the component will take up the full width of its container. .PARAMETER DisableFocusRipple If specified, the component will not show a focus ripple. .PARAMETER DisableRipple If specified, the component will not show a ripple. .PARAMETER Size The size of the component. Valid values are 'small', 'medium', 'large'. .PARAMETER Sx The style of the component. .PARAMETER Children The content of the component. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('standard', 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'info', 'success', 'warning')] [string]$Color = 'standard', [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableFocusRipple, [Parameter()] [Switch]$DisableRipple, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('small', 'medium', 'large')] [string]$Size = 'medium', [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx, [Parameter()] [Alias("Content")] [ScriptBlock]$Children ) @{ id = $Id type = 'mui-toggle-button' color = $Color disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent disableFocusRipple = $DisableFocusRipple.IsPresent disableRipple = $DisableRipple.IsPresent size = if ($Size) { $Size.ToLower() } else { $null } sx = $Sx children = & $Children } } function New-UDTooltip { <# .SYNOPSIS A tooltip component. .DESCRIPTION A tooltip component. Tooltips can be placed over an other component to display a popup when the user hovers over the nested component. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Place Where to place the tooltip. .PARAMETER Type The type of tooltip. .PARAMETER Effect An effect to apply to the tooltip. .PARAMETER TooltipContent Content to display within the tooltip. .PARAMETER Content Content that activates the tooltip when hovered. .PARAMETER Sx Theme-based styling hashtable. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Variant "h1" } -Content { New-UDTypography -Text "Hover over me" -Variant "h1" } -Id "tooltip1" Basic Tooltip|A basic tooltip component that displays a header when hovered over. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTooltip -TooltipContent { New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Variant "h1" } -Content { New-UDTypography -Text "Hover over me" -Variant "h1" } -Id "tooltip3" -Place "right" Placement|A tooltip component that displays a header when hovered over with a right placement. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("top", "bottom", "left", "right")] [Alias("place")] [string]$Placement = "top", [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$TooltipContent, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Arrow, [Parameter()] [Switch]$FollowCursor, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("dark", "success", "warning", "error", "info", "light")] [string]$Type = "dark", [Parameter()] [int]$EnterDelay = 0, [Parameter()] [int]$LeaveDelay = 0 ) @{ type = "ud-tooltip" tooltipType = $Type placement = $Placement id = $Id tooltipContent = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $TooltipContent content = New-UDErrorBoundary -Content $Content sx = $Sx arrow = $Arrow.IsPresent followCursor = $FollowCursor.IsPresent enterDelay = $EnterDelay leaveDelay = $LeaveDelay } } function New-UDTransferList { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a transfer list component. .DESCRIPTION A transfer list (or "shuttle") enables the user to move one or more list items between lists. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Item A list of items that can be transferred between lists. Use New-UDTransferListItem to create an item. .PARAMETER SelectedItem A list of selected items. Use the value of item to transfer items between lists. .PARAMETER OnChange A script block that is executed when the user changes the selected items. .PARAMETER ShowSearch Shows search box for left hand items .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 PS > } -Id 'transferlist1' Basic Transfer List|Creates a basic transfer list. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 PS > } -OnChange { PS > Show-UDToast ($EventData | ConvertTo-Json) PS > } -Id 'transferlist2' OnChange|Creates a transfer list with an OnChange script block. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 PS > } -SelectedItem @('test1', 'test2') -Id 'transferlist3' Selected Items|Creates a transfer list with selected items. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 PS > } -Disabled -Id 'transferlist4' Disabled|Creates a disabled transfer list. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 -Disabled PS > } -Id 'transferlist5' Disabled Item|Creates a transfer list with a disabled item. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransferList -Item { PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test1' -Value 1 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test2' -Value 2 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test3' -Value 3 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test4' -Value 4 PS > New-UDTransferListItem -Name 'test5' -Value 5 PS > } -Id 'transferlist6' -Width "50%" -Height '200' Width and Height|Creates a transfer list with a width and height. #> # [Component("Transfer List", "ListCheck", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Item, [Parameter()] [string[]]$SelectedItem = @(), [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnChange, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled, [Parameter()] [string]$Height, [Parameter()] [string]$Width = "100%", [Parameter()] [Switch]$ShowSearch, [ValidateSet('left', 'right', 'center')] [string]$Alignment = 'center' ) if ($OnChange) { $OnChange.Register($Id + "onChange", $PSCmdlet) } @{ type = 'mu-transfer-list' assetId = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true id = $id item = $Item.Invoke() selectedItem = $SelectedItem onChange = $OnChange className = $ClassName disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent height = $Height width = $Width showSearch = $ShowSearch.IsPresent alignment = $Alignment } } function New-UDTransferListItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an item for use in a transfer list. .DESCRIPTION Creates an item for use in a transfer list. .PARAMETER Name The display name of the item. .PARAMETER Value The value of the item. .PARAMETER Disabled Disables the item. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Value, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Disabled ) @{ name = $Name value = $Value disabled = $Disabled.IsPresent } } function New-UDTransition { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a transition effect. .DESCRIPTION Creates a transition effect. .PARAMETER Id The ID of this component. .PARAMETER Collapse Creates a collapse transition. .PARAMETER CollapseHeight The height of the content when collapsed. .PARAMETER Fade Creates a fade transition. .PARAMETER Grow Creates a grow transition. .PARAMETER Slide Creates a slide transition. .PARAMETER SlideDirection The direction of the slide transition. .PARAMETER Zoom Creates a zoom transition. .PARAMETER Children The content or children to transition. .PARAMETER In Whether the content is transitioned in. You can use Set-UDElement to trigger a transition. .PARAMETER Timeout The number of milliseconds it takes to transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Fade -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button1' PS > } -Id 'transition1' -Timeout 1000 Fade|A fade transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Slide -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button2' PS > } -Id 'transition2' -Timeout 1000 Slide|A slide transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Zoom -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button3' PS > } -Id 'transition3' -Timeout 1000 Zoom|A zoom transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Grow -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button4' PS > } -Id 'transition4' -Timeout 1000 Grow|A grow transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Collapse -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button5' PS > } -Id 'transition5' -Timeout 1000 Collapse|A collapse transition. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Collapse -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button6' PS > } -Id 'transition6' -CollapseHeight 100 -Timeout 1000 Collapse Height|A collapse transition with 100 height. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Slide -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button7' PS > } -Id 'transition7' -SlideDirection 'Left' -Timeout 1000 Slide Direction|A slide transition with left direction. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Fade -In -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button8' PS > } -Id 'transition8' -Timeout 1000 Timeout|A fade transition with 1000 timeout. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTransition -Fade -Children { PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -Id 'button9' PS > } -Id 'transition9' -Timeout 1000 PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'transition9' -Properties @{ PS > In = $true PS > } PS > } Interaction|A button that causes the transition to happen. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Collapse")] [Switch]$Collapse, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Collapse")] [int]$CollapseHeight, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Fade")] [Switch]$Fade, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Grow")] [Switch]$Grow, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Slide")] [Switch]$Slide, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Slide")] [ValidateSet("Left", "Right", "Down", "Up")] [string]$SlideDirection = "Down", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Zoom")] [Switch]$Zoom, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Content")] [scriptblock]$Children, [Parameter()] [Switch]$In, [Parameter()] [int]$Timeout ) @{ type = "mu-transition" id = $Id asset = $MUAssetId isPlugin = $true transition = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLower() collapseHeight = $CollapseHeight slideDirection = $SlideDirection timeout = $Timeout in = $In.IsPresent children = & $Children } } function New-UDTreeView { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new tree view. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new tree view. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Node A collection of root nodes to show within the tree view. .PARAMETER OnNodeClicked A script block that is called when a node is clicked. $EventData will contain the node that was clicked. .PARAMETER Style A set of CSS styles to apply to the tree view. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS className to apply to the tree view. .PARAMETER Expanded Whether the tree view should be expanded by default. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTreeView -Node { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Root Node" -Id "root1" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node" -Id "child1" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node" -Id "grandchild1" -Leaf PS > } PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node 2" -Id "child2" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node 2" -Id "grandchild2" -Leaf PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id "treeview1" Tree View|A basic tree view component. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTreeView -Node { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Root Node" -Id "root2" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node" -Id "child3" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node" -Id "grandchild3" -Leaf PS > } PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node 2" -Id "child4" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node 2" -Id "grandchild4" PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id "treeview2" -OnNodeClicked { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "You clicked $($EventData.Id)" PS > } OnNodeClicked|A tree view with an OnNodeClicked script block that shows a toast when a node is clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTreeView -Node { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Root Node" -Id "root3" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node" -Id "child5" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node" -Id "grandchild5" -Leaf PS > } PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node 2" -Id "child6" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node 2" -Id "grandchild6" -Leaf PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id "treeview3" -Expanded Expanded|A tree view that is expanded by default. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTreeView -Node { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Root Node" -Id "root4" PS > } -Id "treeview4" -OnNodeClicked { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node" PS > } OnNodeClicked|A tree view with an OnNodeClicked script block that adds a child node when a node is clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTreeView -Node { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Root Node" -Id "root5" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node" -Id "child7" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node" -Id "grandchild7" -Leaf -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon "File") PS > } -Leaf -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon "Folder") -ExpandedIcon (New-UDIcon -Icon "FolderOpen") PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Child Node 2" -Id "child8" -Children { PS > New-UDTreeNode -Name "Grandchild Node 2" -Id "grandchild8" -Leaf -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon "File") PS > } -Leaf -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon "Folder") -ExpandedIcon (New-UDIcon -Icon "FolderOpen") PS > } PS > } -Id "treeview5" -Expanded Icons|A tree view with icons for nodes. #> # [Component("Tree View", "ListTree", "Creates a new card.")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Node, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnNodeClicked, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Expanded ) End { if ($OnNodeClicked) { $OnNodeClicked.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } @{ assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true id = $Id type = 'mu-treeview' node = & $Node onNodeClicked = $OnNodeClicked style = $Style className = $ClassName expanded = $Expanded.IsPresent } } } function New-UDTreeNode { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a tree node. .DESCRIPTION Creates a tree node. This cmdlet should be used with New-UDTreeView. .PARAMETER Name The name of the node. This is displayed within the UI. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the node. This is passed to the $EventData property when the OnNodeClicked script block is set. .PARAMETER Children The children of this node. This should be a collection of New-UDTreeNodes. .PARAMETER Leaf This is a leaf node and should not display children. Added in PSU 2.6. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to display for this node. Use New-UDIcon to create this icon. Added in PSU 2.6. .PARAMETER ExpandedIcon The icon to display for this node when it is expanded. Use New-UDIcon to create this icon. Added in PSU 2.6. .EXAMPLE See New-UDTreeView for examples. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)] [string]$Name, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Children, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Leaf, [Parameter()] [object]$Icon, [Parameter()] [object]$ExpandedIcon, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Expanded ) End { $ChildrenArray = $null if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Children")) { $ChildrenArray = & $Children } @{ name = $Name id = $Id children = $ChildrenArray icon = $Icon expandedIcon = $ExpandedIcon leaf = $Leaf.IsPresent expanded = $Expanded.IsPresent } } } function New-UDTypography { <# .SYNOPSIS Typography allows you to configure and display text. .DESCRIPTION Creates typography. Typography allows you to configure text within a dashboard. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Variant The type of text to display. .PARAMETER Text The text to format. .PARAMETER Content The content to format. .PARAMETER Style A set of CSS styles to apply to the typography. .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS className to apply to the typography. .PARAMETER Align How to align the typography. .PARAMETER GutterBottom The gutter bottom. .PARAMETER NoWrap Disables text wrapping. .PARAMETER Paragraph Whether this typography is a paragraph. .PARAMETER Sx Theme-based styling hashtable. .PARAMETER Truncate Disables text wrapping and adds ellipsis for overflow. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Variant "h1" -Id "typography1" Basic Typography|A basic typography component that displays a header. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Variant "h1" -Style @{color = "red"} -Id "typography2" Typography with Style|A typography component that displays a header with a red color. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Id "typography3" -Align "center" Alignment|A typography component that displays with a centered alignment. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Id "typography4" -GutterBottom Gutter Bottom|A typography component that displays with a space below the text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World! Hello World!" -Id "typography5" -NoWrap No Wrap|A typography component that displays with no wrapping. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Id "typography6" -FontWeight "bold" Font Weight|A typography component that displays with a bold font weight. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello World" -Id "typography11" -Sx @{color = "red"} Sx|A typography component that displays with a red color using the theme sx property. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTypography -Id "typography12" -Content { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Click Me" -Id "button1" PS > } Content|A typography component that displays with a button inside of it. .EXAMPLE PS > @("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "subtitle1", "subtitle2", "body1", "body2", "caption", "button", "overline", "srOnly", "inherit", "display4", "display3", "display2", "display1", "headline", "title", "subheading") | ForEach-Object { PS > New-UDTypography -Variant $_ -Text $_ -GutterBottom PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'p' -Content {} PS > } Variants|A typography component that displays all of the variants. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Typography allows you to configure and display text.")] [DisplayName("Typography")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "text")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()).ToString(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet ("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "subtitle1", "subtitle2", "body1", "body2", "caption", "button", "overline", "srOnly", "inherit", "display4", "display3", "display2", "display1", "headline", "title", "subheading")] [string]$Variant, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "text", Position = 0)] [string]$Text, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "content")] [scriptblock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet ("inherit", "left", "center", "right", "justify")] [string]$Align, [Parameter()] [Switch]$GutterBottom, [Parameter()] [Switch]$NoWrap, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Truncate, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('normal', 'bold', 'lighter', 'bolder', '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800', '900')] [string]$FontWeight, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Sx ) End { if ($FontWeight) { $Style["fontWeight"] = $FontWeight } if ($Truncate.IsPresent) { $Style["display"] = "inline-block" $Style["width"] = "100%" } $MUTypography = @{ type = "mu-typography" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $Id className = $ClassName variant = $Variant noWrap = $NoWrap.IsPresent -or $Truncate.IsPresent text = $Text style = $Style align = $Align content = if ($Content) { & $Content } else { $null } gutterBottom = $GutterBottom.IsPresent sx = $sx } $MUTypography.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, 'UniversalDashboard.MaterialUI.Typography') | Out-Null $MUTypography } } function New-UDUpload { <# .SYNOPSIS Upload files .DESCRIPTION Upload files. This component works with UDForm and UDStepper. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the uploader. .PARAMETER Accept The type of files to accept. By default, this component accepts all files. .PARAMETER OnUpload A script block to execute when a file is uploaded. This $body parameter will contain JSON in the following format: { data: 'base64 encoded string of file data', name: 'filename', type: 'type of file, if known' } $EventData will contain a class with the following properties: public string Name { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; } public string ContentType { get; set; } public string Type => ContentType; .PARAMETER Text The text to display on the upload button. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of button. Defaults to contained. Valid values: "text", "outlined", "contained" .PARAMETER Color The color of the button. Defaults to 'default'. Valid values: "default", "primary", "secondary", "inherit" .PARAMETER ClassName A CSS class to apply to the button. .PARAMETER HideUploadedFileName Hides the file name text that is shown after upload .PARAMETER Icon The icon to show instead of the default icon. Use New-UDIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER IconAlignment How to align the icon within the button. Valid values are: "left", "right" .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload1' Basic Upload|A basic upload component that shows a toast when a file is uploaded. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload2' -HideUploadedFileName Hide File Name|Hides the file name text that is shown after upload. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload3' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Upload') Icon|Upload component with an icon instead of the default icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload4' -IconAlignment 'right' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Upload') Icon Alignment|Upload component with an icon on the right side of the button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload5' -Variant 'text' Variant|Upload component with a text variant. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDUpload -Text "Upload" -OnUpload { PS > Show-UDToast $Body PS > } -Id 'upload6' -Accept ".jpg" Accept|Upload component that only accepts .jpg files. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("Upload files")] [DisplayName("Upload")] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [string]$Accept = "*", [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnUpload, [Parameter()] [string]$Text = "Upload", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("text", "outlined", "contained")] [string]$Variant = "contained", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('default', 'inherit', 'primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'error', 'info', 'warning')] [string]$Color = "primary", [Parameter()] [string]$ClassName, [Parameter()] [Switch]$HideUploadedFileName, [Parameter()] $Icon, [Parameter ()] [ValidateSet("left", "right")] [string]$IconAlignment = "left" ) if ($Icon -is [string]) { $Icon = New-UDIcon -Icon $Icon } if ($OnUpload) { $OnUpload.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) } if ($Color -eq 'default') { $Color = 'inherit' } @{ type = "mu-upload" isPlugin = $true assetId = $MUAssetId id = $id accept = $Accept onUpload = $OnUpload text = $Text variant = $Variant.ToLower() color = $Color.ToLower() className = $ClassName hideUploadedFileName = $HideUploadedFileName.IsPresent icon = $Icon iconAlignment = $IconAlignment.ToLower() } } function New-UDChartJS { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new ChartJS chart. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new ChartJS chart. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER DatasetLabel The label for the dataset. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER Type The type of chart to create. Valid values are bar, line, area, doughnut, radar, pie, and bubble. .PARAMETER Options A hashtable of options to pass to the chart. .PARAMETER OnClick A script block to execute when the chart is clicked. $EventData will include the element that was clicked. .PARAMETER Data The data to use for the chart. This is an array of objects or hashtables. .PARAMETER Dataset Used when defining multiple datasets. This is an array of hashtables. Use the New-UDChartJSDataset cmdlet to create the dataset. .PARAMETER DataProperty The property to use for the data. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER LabelProperty The property to use for the label. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER BackgroundColor The background color of the chart. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER BorderColor The border color of the chart. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER HoverBackgroundColor The hover background color of the chart. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER HoverBorderColor The hover border color of the chart. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .PARAMETER BorderWidth The border width of the chart. This is only used when the chart has a single dataset. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'bar' -Id 'chart1' PS > } Bar Chart|A bar chart with a data and label property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ x = 1; y = 10; r = 15 } PS > @{ x = 12; y = 25; r = 35 } PS > @{ x = 8; y = 10; r = 95 } PS > @{ x = 6; y = 95; r = 25 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Type 'bubble' -Data $Data -Id 'chart2' PS > } Bubble Chart|A bubble chart with a data property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'line' -BorderWidth 1 -Id 'chart3' PS > } Line Chart|A line chart with a data and label property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "10vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'doughnut' -Id 'chart4' PS > } Doughnut Chart|A doughnut chart with a data and label property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "10vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'pie' -Id 'chart5' PS > } Pie Chart|A pie chart with a data and label property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "10vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'radar' -Id 'chart6' PS > } Radar Chart|A radar chart with a data and label property. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '10vh'; width = "10vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'bar' -BackgroundColor '#808978FF' -HoverBackgroundColor '#808978FF' -HoverBorderColor '#808978FF' -BorderColor '#808978FF' -Id 'chart7' PS > } Color|A bar chart with a data and label property and some configured colors. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'bar' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Clicked: $Body" PS > } -Id 'chart8' PS > } Click|A bar chart with a data and label property and a click event. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > $Dataset1 = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty AvailableRam -Label 'Available RAM' -BackgroundColor '#126f8c' -BorderWidth 1 PS > $Dataset2 = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty UsedRAM -Label 'Used RAM' -BackgroundColor '#8da322' -BorderWidth 1 PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '10vh'; width = "10vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -Dataset @($Dataset1, $Dataset2) -LabelProperty Server -Type 'line' -Id 'chart9' PS > } Multiple Data Sets|A line chart with multiple data sets. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDDynamic -Content { PS > $Data = 1..10 | % { PS > [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_; value = get-random } PS > } PS > New-UDChartJS -Type 'bar' -Data $Data -DataProperty Value -Id 'chart10' -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor Blue PS > } -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 1 PS > } Auto Refresh|A bar chart that auto refreshes every second. .EXAMPLE PS > $Data = @( PS > @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } PS > @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } PS > @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } PS > @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64;; UsedRAM = 26 } PS > @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } PS > ) PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Attributes @{ style = @{ height = '20vh'; width = "20vw"; } } -Content { PS > New-UDChartJS -Data $Data -DataProperty UsedRAM -LabelProperty Server -Type 'bar' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message "Clicked: $Body" PS > } -Options @{ PS > plugins = @{ PS > legend = @{ PS > title = @{ PS > display = $true PS > text = 'Bar Chart' PS > } PS > } PS > } PS > } -Id 'chart11' PS > } Options|You can use ChartJS options defined as a hashtable to further configure the chart. For more information, see https://www.chartjs.org/docs/3.9.1/. #> [Category("app/component")] [Description("A ChartJS component for PowerShell Universal apps.")] [DisplayName("ChartJS")] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'loaddata')] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Simple')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [string]$DatasetLabel, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('bar', 'line', 'area', 'doughnut', 'radar', 'pie', 'bubble')] [string]$Type = "bar", [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Options, [Parameter()] [Endpoint]$OnClick, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Simple')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Datasets')] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] $Data, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'loaddata')] [Endpoint]$LoadData = { $Data = @( @{ Server = "Server1"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 10 } @{ Server = "Server2"; AvailableRam = 64; UsedRAM = 63 } @{ Server = "Server3"; AvailableRam = 48; UsedRAM = 40 } @{ Server = "Server4"; AvailableRam = 64; ; UsedRAM = 26 } @{ Server = "Server5"; AvailableRam = 128; UsedRAM = 120 } ) New-UDChartJSDataset -Data ($Data | Select-Object -Expand AvailableRam) -DataProperty AvailableRam -Label 'Available RAM' -BackgroundColor '#126f8c' -BorderWidth 1 }, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Datasets', Mandatory)] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [Hashtable[]]$Dataset, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [string]$DataProperty = '', [Parameter()] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [string]$LabelProperty = '', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$BackgroundColor = @("#808978FF"), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$BorderColor = @("#FF8978FF"), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$HoverBackgroundColor = @("#807B210C"), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$HoverBorderColor = @("#FF7B210C"), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Simple")] [System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(0)] [int]$BorderWidth = 1 ) if ($OnClick) { $OnClick.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) | Out-Null } if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('LoadData')) { $LoadData.Register($Id + "loaddata", $PSCmdlet) | Out-Null } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Simple') { if (-not $DatasetLabel) { $DatasetLabel = $DataProperty } if (-not $Options -and $Type -eq 'Line') { $Options = @{ fill = $true tension = 0.4 } } $Dataset += New-UDChartJSDataset -Data $Data -DataProperty $DataProperty -Label $DatasetLabel -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -BorderColor $BorderColor -HoverBackgroundColor $HoverBackgroundColor -HoverBorderColor $HoverBorderColor -BorderWidth $BorderWidth -AdditionalOptions $Options } if (-not ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('LoadData'))) { Foreach ($datasetDef in $Dataset) { if ($Type -eq 'Line' -and $datasetDef.Options -eq $null) { $Options = @{ fill = $true tension = 0.4 } } if ($datasetDef.DataProperty) { $datasetDef.data = @($Data | ForEach-Object { $_.($datasetDef.DataProperty) }) } } } $Props = @{ type = 'ud-chartjs' id = $id isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId chartType = $Type.ToLower() options = $Options onClick = $OnClick loadData = if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('LoadData')) { $LoadData } else { $null } } if (-not ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('LoadData'))) { $Props.data = @{ labels = @($Data | ForEach-Object { $_.($LabelProperty) }) datasets = $dataset } } $Props } function New-UDChartJSDataset { [CmdletBinding()] param( [object]$Data = @(), [string]$DataProperty, [string]$Label, [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$BackgroundColor = @("#807B210C"), [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$BorderColor = @("#FF7B210C"), [int]$BorderWidth, [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$HoverBackgroundColor = @("#807B210C"), [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor[]]$HoverBorderColor = @("#FF7B210C"), [int]$HoverBorderWidth, [string]$XAxisId, [string]$YAxisId, [Hashtable]$AdditionalOptions ) Begin { $datasetOptions = @{ data = $Data DataProperty = $DataProperty label = $Label backgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.HtmlColor borderColor = $BorderColor.HtmlColor borderWidth = $BorderWidth hoverBackgroundColor = $HoverBackgroundColor.HtmlColor hoverBorderColor = $HoverBorderColor.HtmlColor hoverBorderWidth = $HoverBorderWidth xAxisId = $XAxisId yAxisId = $YAxisId } if ($AdditionalOptions) { $AdditionalOptions.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $datasetOptions.($_.Key) = $_.Value } } $datasetOptions } } function New-UDChartJSMonitor { param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('bar', 'line', 'area', 'doughnut', 'radar', 'pie', 'horizontalBar')] [string]$Type = 'line', [Parameter()] [int]$DataPointHistory = 10, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Options, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor[]]$ChartBackgroundColor, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor[]]$ChartBorderColor, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]]$Labels = @(), [Parameter()] [Switch]$AutoRefresh, [Parameter()] [int]$RefreshInterval = 5, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Endpoint]$LoadData ) $LoadData.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) | Out-Null @{ type = 'chartjs-monitor' id = $id assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true loadData = $LoadData labels = $Labels dataPointHistory = $DataPointHistory chartType = $Type.ToLower() options = $Options autoRefresh = $AutoRefresh refreshInterval = $RefreshInterval chartBackgroundColor = if ($chartBackgroundColor) { $chartBackgroundColor.HtmlColor } else { @() } chartBorderColor = if ($ChartBorderColor) { $ChartBorderColor.HtmlColor } else { @() } } } function Out-UDChartJSMonitorData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Data ) Begin { New-Variable -Name Items -Value @() } Process { $Items += $Data } End { $Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow $dataSets = @() foreach ($item in $Items) { $dataSets += @{ x = $Timestamp y = $item } } $dataSets | ConvertTo-Json } } function Add-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds an element to a parent element. .DESCRIPTION Adds an element to a parent element. This cmdlet may behave differently depending on the type of parent element. .PARAMETER ParentId The parent element ID to add the item to. .PARAMETER Content The content to add to the parent element. .PARAMETER Broadcast Whether to update all connected dashboards (all users). .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'addElement1' -Content {} PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Add-UDElement -ParentId 'addElement1' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > } Add Element|Adds an element to a parent element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'addElement2' -Content {} PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Add-UDElement -ParentId 'addElement2' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } -Broadcast PS > } Broadcast|Adds an element to a parent element and broadcasts it to all connected dashboards. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$ParentId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast ) $NewContent = & $Content $Data = @{ componentId = $ParentId elements = $NewContent } if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage("addElement", $Data) } else { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "addElement", $Data) } } function Clear-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all children from the specified element. .DESCRIPTION Removes all children from the specified element. This cmdlet may behave differently depending on the type of parent element. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the element to clear. .PARAMETER Broadcast Whether to clear the element on all connected clients. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'clearElement1' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Clear-UDElement -Id 'clearElement1' PS > } Clear Element|Clears an element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'clearElement2' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Clear-UDElement -Id 'clearElement2' -Broadcast PS > } Broadcast|Clears an element and broadcasts it to all connected dashboards. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast ) if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage("clearElement", $Id) } else { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "clearElement", $Id) } } function Get-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the state of the specified element. .DESCRIPTION Get the state of the specified element. This cmdlet may behave differently depending on the type of parent element. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the element to retreive the state of. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'getElement1' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Get Value' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast (Get-UDElement -Id 'getElement1').Value PS > } Get Element|Gets the state of an element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'getElement2' -Placeholder 'Enter your name' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Get Value' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast (Get-UDElement -Id 'getElement2' -Property 'Value') PS > } Get Property|Gets a specific property of an element. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string]$Property ) $requestId = '' $requestId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $Data = @{ requestId = $requestId componentId = $Id } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "requestState", $Data) $Object = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject ($stateRequestService.Get($requestId)) if ($Property) { $Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Property -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } else { $Object } } function Hide-UDModal { <# .SYNOPSIS Hide a modal. .DESCRIPTION Hide a modal. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( ) $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "closeModal", $null) } function Hide-UDSnackbar { <# .SYNOPSIS Hides a snackbar. .DESCRIPTION Hides a snackbar. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the snackbar to hide. If not specified, all snackbars will be hidden. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id ) $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "hideSnackbar", $Id) } function Hide-UDToast { <# .SYNOPSIS Hides a toast message. .DESCRIPTION Hides a toast message. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the toast to hide. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$Id ) if ($id -notmatch '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$') { throw "Invalid ID. ID must be alphanumeric." } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "hideToast", "x" + $Id) } function Invoke-UDJavaScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes JavaScript within the browser. JavaScript is executed with eval() .DESCRIPTION Invokes JavaScript within the browser. JavaScript is executed with eval() .PARAMETER JavaScript The JavaScript to execute. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Invoke-UDJavaScript 'alert("Hello World!")' PS > } Invoke JavaScript|Invokes JavaScript within the browser. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$JavaScript ) $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "invokejavascript", $JavaScript) } function Invoke-UDRedirect { <# .SYNOPSIS Redirect the user to another page. .DESCRIPTION Redirect the user to another page. .PARAMETER Url The URL to redirect the user to. .PARAMETER OpenInNewWindow Whether to open the URL in a new window. .PARAMETER Native Performs a native redirect. This is useful when using relative paths that aren't part of the dashboard. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Invoke-UDRedirect 'https://www.google.com' PS > } Redirect|Redirects the user to another page. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Invoke-UDRedirect 'https://www.google.com' -OpenInNewWindow PS > } Redirect in New Window|Redirects the user to another page in a new window. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Invoke-UDRedirect '/relative/path' -Native PS > } Native Redirect|Performs a native redirect. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Url, [Parameter()] [Switch]$OpenInNewWindow, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Native ) $Data = @{ url = $Url openInNewWindow = $OpenInNewWindow.IsPresent native = $Native.IsPresent } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "redirect", $Data) } function Remove-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an element from the page. .DESCRIPTION Removes an element from the page. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the element to remove. .PARAMETER ParentId Not used .PARAMETER Broadcast Whether to remove this element from the page of all connected users. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Id 'removeElement1' -Tag 'div' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Remove-UDElement -Id 'removeElement1' PS > } Remove Element|Removes an element from the page. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Id 'removeElement2' -Tag 'div' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Remove-UDElement -Id 'removeElement2' -Broadcast PS > } Broadcast|Removes an element from the page and broadcasts it to all connected dashboards. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id, [Parameter()] [string]$ParentId, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast ) $Data = @{ componentId = $Id parentId = $ParentId } if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage("removeElement", $Data) } else { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "removeElement", $Data) } } function Select-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Selects the specified element. .DESCRIPTION Selects the specified element. This cmdlet is useful for selecting input fields. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the element to select. .PARAMETER ScrollToElement Whether to scroll to the element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDTextbox -Id 'selectElement1' -Label 'Name' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Select-UDElement -Id 'txtName' PS > } Select Element|Selects the specified element. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Normal")] [string]$Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Normal")] [Switch]$ScrollToElement ) $Data = @{ id = $Id scrollToElement = $ScrollToElement } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "select", $Data) } function Set-UDClipboard { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets string data into the clipboard. .DESCRIPTION Sets string data into the clipboard. .PARAMETER Data The data to set into the clipboard. .PARAMETER ToastOnSuccess Show a toast if the clipboard data was sent successfully. .PARAMETER ToastOnError Show a toast if the clipboard data was not sent successfully. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDClipboard -Data 'Hello World!' -ToastOnSuccess PS > } Set Clipboard|Sets string data into the clipboard. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Data, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ToastOnSuccess, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ToastOnError ) $cpData = @{ data = $Data toastOnSuccess = $ToastOnSuccess.IsPresent toastOnError = $ToastOnError.IsPresent } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "clipboard", $cpData) } function Set-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Set properties of an element. .DESCRIPTION Set the properties of an element. .PARAMETER Id The element to set properites on. .PARAMETER Properties The properties to set in the form of a hashtable. .PARAMETER Broadcast Whether to update this element on all connected clients. .PARAMETER Content Content to set within the element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Id 'setElement1' -Text 'Disable Me' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'setElement1' -Properties @{ PS > 'disabled' = $true PS > } PS > } Properties|Disables a button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Id 'setElement2' -Text 'Disable Me' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'setElement2' -Properties @{ PS > 'disabled' = $true PS > } -Broadcast PS > } Broadcast|Disables a button and broadcasts it to all connected dashboards. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDElement -Tag 'div' -Id 'setElement3' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Hello World' PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Set-UDElement -Id 'setElement3' -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text 'Goodbye World' PS > } PS > } Content|Sets the content of an element. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Id, [Alias("Attributes")] [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Properties, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) if ($Content -and -not $Properties) { $Properties = @{} } if ($Content) { $Properties['content'] = [Array](& $Content) } $Data = @{ componentId = $Id state = $Properties } if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage("setState", $data) } else { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "setState", $Data) } } function Set-UDTheme { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the current theme of the dashboard. .DESCRIPTION Sets the current theme of the dashboard. .PARAMETER Name A named theme to apply. .PARAMETER Theme A custom theme to apply. .PARAMETER Theme The light or dark variant of the theme. #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name")] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Theme")] [Hashtable]$Theme, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("light", "dark")] [string]$Variant = "light" ) $Data = @{ name = $Name variant = $Variant.ToLower() theme = $Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "setTheme", $Data) } function Show-UDModal { <# .SYNOPSIS The modal component provides a solid foundation for creating dialogs, popovers, lightboxes, or whatever else. .DESCRIPTION Show a modal. .PARAMETER FullScreen Create a full screen modal. .PARAMETER Footer The footer components for the modal. .PARAMETER Header The header components for the modal. .PARAMETER Content The content of the modal. .PARAMETER Persistent Whether the modal can be closed by clicking outside of it. .PARAMETER FullWidth Whether the modal is full width. .PARAMETER MaxWidth The max width of the modal. .PARAMETER HeaderStyle The CSS style for the header portion of the modal. .PARAMETER Dividers Places a divider between header and footer content .PARAMETER ContentStyle The CSS style for the content portion of the modal. .PARAMETER FooterStyle The CSS style for the footer portion of the modal. .PARAMETER Style The CSS style for the modal. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Basic' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDModal -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello" -Id 'typography1' PS > } PS > } -Id 'button1' Basic Modal|A basic modal. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Full Screen' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDModal -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello" PS > } -FullScreen -Footer { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Close" -OnClick { Hide-UDModal } PS > } PS > } -Id 'button2' Full Screen Modal|A full screen modal. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Full Width' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDModal -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello" PS > } -FullWidth -MaxWidth 'md' PS > } -Id 'button3' Full Width Modal|A full width modal. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Persistent' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDModal -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello" PS > } -Persistent -Footer { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Close" -OnClick { Hide-UDModal } -Id 'button5' PS > } PS > } -Id 'button4' Persistent Modal|A persistent modal. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Header And Footer' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDModal -Content { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Hello" PS > } -Header { PS > New-UDTypography -Text "Header" -Id 'header' PS > } -Footer { PS > New-UDButton -Text "Close" -OnClick { Hide-UDModal } -Id 'button6' PS > } -Dividers PS > } -Id 'button5' Header And Footer Modal|A modal with a header and footer. #> param( [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullScreen, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Footer = {}, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Header = {}, [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content = {}, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Persistent, [Parameter()] [Switch]$FullWidth, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl")] [string]$MaxWidth, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Style, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$HeaderStyle, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$ContentStyle, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$FooterStyle, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Dividers ) $Modal = @{ dismissible = -not $Persistent.IsPresent fullWidth = $FullWidth.IsPresent fullScreen = $FullScreen.IsPresent style = $Style headerStyle = $HeaderStyle contentStyle = $ContentStyle footerStyle = $FooterStyle dividers = $Dividers.IsPresent maxWidth = $MaxWidth } $Endpoint = [Endpoint]::new() $Endpoint.ScriptBlock = {} $Endpoint.Register('UDModal', $PSCmdlet) if ($null -ne $Footer) { $Modal['footer'] = & $Footer $Endpoint } if ($null -ne $Header) { $Modal['header'] = & $Header $Endpoint } if ($null -ne $Content) { $Modal['content'] = & $Content $Endpoint } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "showModal", $modal) } function Show-UDSnackbar { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows a snackbar popup. .DESCRIPTION Shows a snackbar popup. .PARAMETER Id The id of the snackbar. If not specified, a new guid will be generated. .PARAMETER Message The message to display. .PARAMETER AutoHideDuration The number of milliseconds to display the snackbar for. Defaults to 5000. .PARAMETER Persist Whether the snackbar is persistent. .PARAMETER Variant The variant of the snackbar. Can be default, error, success, warning or info. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [int]$AutoHideDuration = 5000, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Persist, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('default', 'error', 'success', 'warning', 'info')] [string]$Variant = 'default' ) $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "showSnackbar", @{ message = $message autoHideDuration = $AutoHideDuration persist = $Persist.IsPresent variant = $Variant.ToLower() key = $Id }) } function Show-UDToast { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a toast message to the user. .DESCRIPTION Displays a toast message to the user. .PARAMETER Message The message to display. .PARAMETER MessageColor The text color of the message. .PARAMETER MessageSize The size of the message. .PARAMETER Duration The duration in milleseconds before the message disappears. .PARAMETER Title The title to display. .PARAMETER TitleColor The text color of the title. .PARAMETER TitleSize The size of the title. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the toast. For use with Hide-UDToast. .PARAMETER BackgroundColor The background color of the toast. .PARAMETER Theme Light or dark theme. .PARAMETER Icon The icon to display in the toast. .PARAMETER IconColor The color of the icon. .PARAMETER Position Where to display the toast. .PARAMETER HideCloseButton Hides the close button. .PARAMETER CloseOnClick Closes the toast when clicked. .PARAMETER CloseOnEscape Closes the toast when esc is pressed. .PARAMETER ReplaceToast Replaces an existing toast if one is already showing. .PARAMETER RightToLeft Right to left text. .PARAMETER Balloon Creates a balloon toast. .PARAMETER Overlay Displays an overlay behind the toast. .PARAMETER OverlayClose Allow the user to close the overlay. .PARAMETER OverlayColor The color of the overlay. .PARAMETER TransitionIn The transition in effect. .PARAMETER TransitionOut The transition out effect. .PARAMETER Broadcast Broadcasts the toast to all connected users. .PARAMETER Persistent Prevents the toast from closing due to the duration. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' PS > } -Id 'toast1' Basic Toast Shows a toast message. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Duration 5000 PS > } -Id 'toast2' Duration|Shows a toast message with a longer duration. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Title 'Toast Title' PS > } -Id 'toast3' Title|Shows a toast message with a title. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Title 'Toast Title' -TitleColor 'red' PS > } -Id 'toast4' Title Color|Shows a toast message with a title and a red title color. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Title 'Toast Title' -TitleColor 'red' -TitleSize 'large' PS > } -Id 'toast5' Title Size|Shows a toast message with a title, a red title color, and a large title size. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -MessageColor 'blue' PS > } -Id 'toast6' Message Color|Shows a toast message with a blue message color. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -MessageSize 'large' PS > } -Id 'toast7' Message Size|Shows a toast message with a large message size. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Icon 'check' PS > } -Id 'toast8' Icon|Shows a toast message with a check icon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Persistent -Id 'MyToast' PS > } -Id 'toast9' PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Hide Toast' -OnClick { PS > Hide-UDToast -Id 'MyToast' PS > } -Id 'toast10' Persistent|Shows a toast message that will not close. The Hide-UDToast command can be used to close the toast. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Position 'bottomRight' PS > } -Id 'toast11' Position|Shows a toast message at the bottom right of the screen. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -HideCloseButton PS > } -Id 'toast12' Hide Close Button|Shows a toast message without a close button. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -CloseOnClick PS > } -Id 'toast13' Close On Click|Shows a toast message that will close when clicked. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -CloseOnEscape PS > } -Id 'toast14' Close On Escape|Shows a toast message that will close when the escape key is pressed. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -ReplaceToast PS > } -Id 'toast15' Replace Toast|Shows a toast message that will replace an existing toast. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -RightToLeft PS > } -Id 'toast16' Right To Left|Shows a toast message with right to left text. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Balloon PS > } -Id 'toast17' Balloon|Shows a toast message as a balloon. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Overlay PS > } -Id 'toast18' Overlay|Shows a toast message as an overlay. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -Theme 'dark' PS > } -Id 'toast19' Theme|Shows a toast message with a dark theme. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -BackgroundColor 'red' PS > } -Id 'toast20' Background Color|Shows a toast message with a red background color. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Show Toast' -OnClick { PS > Show-UDToast -Message 'Hello, World!' -TransitionIn 'bounceInLeft' -TransitionOut 'bounceInRight' PS > } -Id 'toast21' Transition|Shows a toast message with a bounce in left transition and a bounce out right transition. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string]$Message, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$MessageColor, [Parameter()] [string]$MessageSize, [Parameter()] [int]$Duration = 1000, [Parameter()] [string]$Title, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$TitleColor, [Parameter()] [string]$TitleSize, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = [Guid]::NewGuid(), [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$BackgroundColor, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("light", "dark")] [string]$Theme, [Parameter()] [object]$Icon, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$IconColor, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("bottomRight", "bottomLeft", "topRight", "topLeft", "topCenter", "bottomCenter", "center")] [string]$Position = "topRight", [Parameter()] [Switch]$HideCloseButton, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CloseOnClick, [Parameter()] [Switch]$CloseOnEscape, [Parameter()] [Switch]$ReplaceToast, [Parameter()] [Switch]$RightToLeft, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Balloon, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Overlay, [Parameter()] [Switch]$OverlayClose, [Parameter()] [DashboardColor]$OverlayColor, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("bounceInLeft", "bounceInRight", "bounceInUp", "bounceInDown", "fadeIn", "fadeInDown", "fadeInUp", "fadeInLeft", "fadeInRight", "flipInX")] [string]$TransitionIn = "fadeInUp", [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("bounceInLeft", "bounceInRight", "bounceInUp", "bounceInDown", "fadeIn", "fadeInDown", "fadeInUp", "fadeInLeft", "fadeInRight", "flipInX")] [string]$TransitionOut = "fadeOut", [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Persistent ) $faIcon = $null if ($Icon -is [Hashtable]) { $UDIcon = $Icon } else { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Icon') -and -not $Icon.StartsWith('fa')) { $faIcon = "fa fa-$($Icon.ToLower().Replace("_", "-"))" } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Icon')) { $faIcon = $Icon } } if ($Persistent) { $Duration = $false } # if ($id -notmatch '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$') { # throw "Invalid ID. ID must be alphanumeric." # } $options = @{ close = -not $HideCloseButton.IsPresent id = "x" + $Id message = $Message messageColor = $MessageColor.HtmlColor messageSize = $MessageSize title = $Title titleColor = $TitleColor.HtmlColor titleSize = $TitleSize timeout = $Duration position = $Position backgroundColor = $BackgroundColor.HtmlColor theme = $Theme icon = $faIcon iconColor = $IconColor.HtmlColor displayMode = if ($ReplaceToast.IsPresent) { 2 } else { 0 } rtl = $RightToLeft.IsPresent balloon = $Balloon.IsPresent overlay = $Overlay.IsPresent overlayClose = $OverlayClose.IsPresent overlayColor = $OverlayColor.HtmlColor closeOnClick = $CloseOnClick.IsPresent closeOnEscape = $CloseOnEscape.IsPresent transitionIn = $TransitionIn transitionOut = $TransitionOut udIcon = $UDIcon } if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage("showToast", $options) } else { $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "showToast", $options) } } function Start-UDDownload { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts the download of a file within the dashboard. .DESCRIPTION Starts the download of a file within the dashboard. Only text files are supported .PARAMETER FileName The name of the file. .PARAMETER StringData The data to be written to the file. .PARAMETER ContentType The content type of the file. .PARAMETER Url A URL to download as string data and send to the user. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Start-UDDownload -FileName 'myfile.txt' -StringData 'Hello World' -ContentType 'text/plain' PS > } Download File|Starts the download of a file within the dashboard. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$FileName = "text.txt", [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'String')] [string]$StringData, [Parameter()] [string]$ContentType = "text/plain", [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Url')] [string]$Url ) if ($Url) { $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url $StringData = $WebRequest.Content $ContentType = $WebRequest.Headers["Content-Type"] } $Data = @{ fileName = $FileName stringData = $StringData contentType = $ContentType } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "download", $data) } function Sync-UDElement { <# .SYNOPSIS Causes an element to update. .DESCRIPTION Causes an element to update. Not all elements can be updated. For elements that cannot be updated, wrap them in New-UDDynamic and update that. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the element to update. .PARAMETER ArgumentList The argument list to pass to the element. .PARAMETER Broadcast Whether to broadcast the update to all clients. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Id 'sync1' -Content { PS > Get-Date PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Refresh' -OnClick { PS > Sync-UDElement 'sync1' PS > } -Id 'syncButton1' Sync Element|Syncs an element. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDDynamic -Id 'sync2' -Content { PS > Get-Date PS > } PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Refresh' -OnClick { PS > Sync-UDElement 'sync2' -Broadcast PS > } -Id 'syncButton2' Broadcast|Syncs an element and broadcasts it to all connected dashboards. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$Id, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Broadcast, [Parameter()] [object[]]$ArgumentList ) Process { foreach ($i in $Id) { if ($Broadcast) { $DashboardHub.SyncElement($I, $ArgumentList) } else { $DashboardHub.SyncElement($I, $ArgumentList, $ConnectionId) } } } } function Test-UDConnected { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a user is connected to the dashboard. #> param() $Host.PrivateData.ConnectionManager.GetSessionId($ConnectionId) } function Wait-UDDebugger { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a debugging window for dashboards. .DESCRIPTION Displays a debugging window for dashboards. .PARAMETER Variable The variable to display in the debugger. Defaults to all variables. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDButton -Text 'Click Me' -OnClick { PS > Wait-UDDebugger PS > } -Id 'debugger1' Debugger|Displays a debugging window for dashboards. #> param( [Parameter()] $Variable = "*" ) $Variables = Get-Variable -Name $Variable -Scope 2 | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.Name } | ForEach-Object { ConvertTo-TreeData -Variable $_ -Prefix '$' } # | Group-Object -Property Name, Path | ForEach-Object { $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1 } $data = @{ Callstack = Get-PSCallStack | Out-String Id = [Guid]::NewGuid() RunspaceId = $Host.Runspace.Id ProcessId = $PID Variables = $Variables } $DashboardHub.SendWebSocketMessage($ConnectionId, "debugger", $data) $UDDebugger.Wait($data.Id) } function ConvertTo-TreeData { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string]$Path = '', [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $Variable, [Parameter()] $Depth = 3, [Parameter()] $Items, [Parameter()] $Prefix ) Process { $root = $null -eq $Items if ($Depth -eq 0) { return } if ($null -eq $Items) { $Items = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, object]]::new() } $ChildPath = $Path $ChildPath += $Prefix + $Variable.Name $Type = $null if ($null -ne $Variable.Value) { $Type = $Variable.Value.GetType().Name } $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Variable.Name DisplayValue = [string]$Variable.Value Type = $Type Path = $ChildPath Id = [Guid]::NewGuid() } if (-not $Items.ContainsKey($ChildPath)) { $Items.Add($ChildPath, $Object) } if ($Variable.Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] -or $Variable.Value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { $index = 0 $Variable.Value.Keys | ForEach-Object { $Type = $null if ($null -ne $Variable.Value[$_]) { $Var = @{ Name = $_ Value = $Variable.Value[$_] } ConvertTo-TreeData -Path $ChildPath -Variable $Var -Depth ($Depth - 1) -Items $Items -Prefix '/' $Type = $Variable.Value[$_].GetType().Name } $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "[$_]" DisplayValue = [string]$_ Type = $Type Path = $ChildPath + '/' + "[$_]" Id = [Guid]::NewGuid() } if (-not $Items.ContainsKey($ChildPath)) { $Items.Add($ChildPath, $Object) } $Index++ } } elseif (($Variable.Value -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]) -and $Variable.Value -isnot [string]) { $index = 0 $Variable.Value | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $_) { $Var = @{ Name = "[$index]" Value = $_ } ConvertTo-TreeData -Path $ChildPath -Variable $Var -Depth ($Depth - 1) -Items $Items -Prefix '/' } $Type = $null if ($null -ne $_) { $Type = $_.GetType().Name } $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = "[$index]" DisplayValue = [string]$_ Type = $Type Path = $ChildPath + '/' + "[$index]" Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()) } if (-not $Items.ContainsKey($ChildPath)) { $Items.Add($ChildPath, $Object) } $Index++ } } else { $Variable.Value.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($null -ne $_.Value -and $_.Value -isnot [string]) { ConvertTo-TreeData -Path $ChildPath -Variable $_ -Depth ($Depth - 1) -Items $Items -Prefix '/' } $Object = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_.Name DisplayValue = [string]$_.Value Type = $_.TypeNameOfValue Path = $ChildPath + '/' + $_.Name Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()) } if (-not $Items.ContainsKey($ChildPath)) { $Items.Add($ChildPath, $Object) } } } if ($root) { $Items.Values } } } function New-UDMapBaseLayer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map base layer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map base layer. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map base layer. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Name The name of the map base layer. .PARAMETER Content The content of the map base layer. This should be a script block that returns a raster tile layer. .PARAMETER Checked Whether or not the map base layer is checked. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Checked ) @{ type = "map-base-layer" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $Id name = $Name content = & $Content checked = $Checked.IsPresent } } function New-UDMapMarkerClusterLayer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map marker cluster layer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map marker cluster layer. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map marker cluster layer. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Markers The markers to cluster. .PARAMETER MinimumClusterSize The minimum number of markers to cluster. .PARAMETER GridSize The grid size. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Hashtable[]]$Markers, [Parameter()] [int]$MinimumClusterSize = 2, [Parameter()] [int]$GridSize = 60 ) @{ type = "map-cluster-layer" isPlugin = $true assetId = $assetId id = $id markers = $Markers minClusterSize = $MinimumClusterSize gridSize = $GridSize } } function New-UDMapFeatureGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map feature group. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map feature group. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map feature group. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Popup The popup for the map feature group. .PARAMETER Content The content of the map feature group. This should be a script block that returns a map feature. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Popup, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) End { @{ type = 'map-feature-group' id = $id isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId content = & $Content popup = $Popup } } } function ConvertFrom-GeoJson { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts GeoJSON to a map feature. .DESCRIPTION Converts GeoJSON to a map feature. .PARAMETER GeoJson The GeoJSON to convert. .PARAMETER Icons The icons to use for the map markers. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [PSCustomObject[]]$GeoJson, [Parameter()] [PSCustomObject[]]$Icons ) Process { $Json = $GeoJson $Json | ForEach-Object { if ($_.type -eq 'FeatureCollection') { $features = foreach ($Feature in $_.features) { $Feature | ConvertFrom-GeoJson -Icons $Icons } New-UDMapOverlay -Name $_.properties.name -Content { New-UDMapFeatureGroup -Content { $features } } -Checked } if ($_.type -eq 'feature') { $Geometry = $_.geometry | ConvertFrom-GeoJson -Icons $Icons if ($_.properties.DisplayText) { $Geometry.Popup = New-UDMapPopup -Content { New-UDHtml $_.properties.DisplayText } } if ($_.style.color -and $Geometry.type -ne "map-marker") { $Geometry.FillColor = $_.style.color $Geometry.Color = $_.style.color if ($_.style.weight) { $Geometry.Weight = $_.style.weight } } if ($_.style.color -and $Geometry.type -eq "map-marker") { $iconName = $_.style.color $Icon = $Icons | Where-Object { $_.IconName -eq $iconName } if ($null -ne $Icon) { $Geometry.Icon = New-UDMapIcon -Url "http://emaps.papertransport.com/e_img/$($Icon.IconFileName)" -Width $Icon.IconWidth -Height $Icon.IconHeight -AnchorX $Icon.IconAnchorX -AnchorY $Icon.IconHeight -PopupAnchorX $Icon.IconPopupX -PopupAnchorY $Icon.IconPopupY } } $Geometry } if ($_.type -eq 'polygon') { $Coordinates = @() $_.coordinates[0] | ForEach-Object { $temp = $_[0] $_[0] = $_[1] $_[1] = $temp $Coordinates += , $_ } New-UDMapVectorLayer -Polygon -Positions $Coordinates -FillOpacity .5 } if ($_.type -eq 'point') { $Coordinates = $_.coordinates New-UDMapMarker -Latitude $coordinates[1] -Longitude $coordinates[0] -Zindex $_.style.zIndexOffset } if ($_.type -eq 'linestring') { $Coordinates = $_.coordinates New-UDMapMarker -Latitude $coordinates[1] -Longitude $coordinates[0] -Zindex $_.style.zIndexOffset } if ($_.type -eq 'MultiLineString') { $Coordinates = @() foreach ($array in $_.coordinates) { foreach ($arrayInArray in $array) { $temp = $arrayInArray[0] $arrayInArray[0] = $arrayInArray[1] $arrayInArray[1] = $temp $Coordinates += , $arrayInArray } } New-UDMapVectorLayer -Polyline -Positions $Coordinates } } } } function New-UDMapHeatmapLayer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map heatmap layer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map heatmap layer. .PARAMETER Points The points to use for the heatmap. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map heatmap layer. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER MaxIntensity The maximum intensity of the heatmap. .PARAMETER Radius The radius of the heatmap. .PARAMETER MaxZoom The maximum zoom of the heatmap. .PARAMETER MinOpacity The minimum opacity of the heatmap. .PARAMETER Blur The blur of the heatmap. .PARAMETER Gradient The gradient of the heatmap. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Points, [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [double]$MaxIntensity, [Parameter()] [double]$Radius, [Parameter()] [int]$MaxZoom, [Parameter()] [double]$MinOpacity, [Parameter()] [int]$Blur, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Gradient ) $Options = @{ type = 'map-heatmap-layer' isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId } foreach ($boundParameter in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $Options[[char]::ToLowerInvariant($boundParameter.Key[0]) + $boundParameter.Key.Substring(1)] = $boundParameter.Value } $Options } function New-UDMapIcon { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map icon. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map icon. .PARAMETER Url The URL of the icon. .PARAMETER Height The height of the icon. .PARAMETER Width The width of the icon. .PARAMETER AnchorX The anchor X of the icon. .PARAMETER AnchorY The anchor Y of the icon. .PARAMETER PopupAnchorX The popup anchor X of the icon. .PARAMETER PopupAnchorY The popup anchor Y of the icon. #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Url, [Parameter()] [int]$Height, [Parameter()] [int]$Width, [Parameter()] [int]$AnchorX, [Parameter()] [int]$AnchorY, [Parameter()] [int]$PopupAnchorX, [Parameter()] [int]$PopupAnchorY ) $Options = @{ } foreach ($boundParameter in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $Options[[char]::ToLowerInvariant($boundParameter.Key[0]) + $boundParameter.Key.Substring(1)] = $boundParameter.Value } $Options } function New-UDMapLayerControl { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map layer control. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map layer control. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map layer control. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Position The position of the map layer control. This defaults to topright. Valid values are topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft. .PARAMETER Content The content of the map layer control. This should be a script block that returns a map layer control. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("topright", "topleft", "bottomright", "bottomleft")] [string]$Position = "topright", [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content ) @{ type = 'map-layer-control' isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $Id content = & $Content position = $Position } } function New-UDMap { <# .SYNOPSIS Interactive maps for displaying markers, lines, and polygons. .DESCRIPTION Interactive maps for displaying markers, lines, and polygons. .PARAMETER Id The ID of the component. It defaults to a random GUID. .PARAMETER Longitude The default longitude of the map. .PARAMETER Latitude The default latitude of the map. .PARAMETER Zoom The default zoom level of the map. .PARAMETER Height The height of the map. .PARAMETER Width The width of the map. .PARAMETER Content The script block to call to get the map data. .PARAMETER ZoomControlPosition The zoom control position. Valid values are topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft. .PARAMETER ScaleControlPosition The scale control position. Valid values are topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft, hide. .PARAMETER Animate Animate the map when it is loaded. .PARAMETER MaxZoom The maximum zoom level of the map. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMap -Content { PS > New-UDMapRasterLayer -TileServer 'https://tiles.wmflabs.org/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' PS > } -Latitude 43.52107 -Longitude -114.31644 -Zoom 13 -Height '100vh' -Id 'map1' Basic map|This basic map defines a simple base layer using the wmflabs.org tile server. You can use your own custom tile server by specifying a URL. The map is position over Hailey, Idaho. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMap -Content { PS > New-UDMapLayerControl -Content { PS > New-UDMapBaseLayer -Name 'Black and White' -Content { PS > New-UDMapRasterLayer -TileServer 'https://tiles.wmflabs.org/bw-mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' PS > } -Checked PS > New-UDMapBaseLayer -Name 'Color' -Content { PS > New-UDMapRasterLayer -TileServer 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' PS > } PS > New-UDMapOverlay -Name 'Marker' -Content { PS > New-UDMapMarker -Latitude 51.505 -Longitude -0.09 PS > } -Checked PS > New-UDMapOverlay -Name 'Marker 2' -Content { PS > New-UDMapMarker -Latitude 51.555 -Longitude -0.00 PS > } -Checked PS > } PS > } -Latitude 51.505 -Longitude -0.09 -Zoom 13 -Height '100vh' Lay Control|You can enable the layer control by using the New-UDMapLayerControl cmdlet. This map defines several layers with components that you can toggle on and off. You can only have one base layer selected as a time. Map overlay layers can toggle on and off. .EXAMPLE PS > New-UDMap -Content { PS > New-UDMapRasterLayer -TileServer 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' PS > New-UDMapMarker -Latitude "51.100" -Longitude "-0.5" -Popup ( PS > New-UDMapPopup -Content { PS > New-UDAlert -Text "Hello" PS > } -MinWidth 200 PS > ) PS > } -Latitude 51.505 -Longitude -0.09 -Zoom 13 -Height '100vh' Markers|You can add markers to the map by using the New-UDMapMarker cmdlet. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [float]$Longitude, [Parameter()] [float]$Latitude, [Parameter()] [int]$Zoom, [Parameter()] [string]$Height = '500px', [Parameter()] [string]$Width = '100%', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias("Endpoint")] [Endpoint]$Content, [ValidateSet("topright", "topleft", "bottomright", "bottomleft")] [string]$ZoomControlPosition = "topright", [ValidateSet("topright", "topleft", "bottomright", "bottomleft", "hide")] [string]$ScaleControlPosition = "bottomleft", [Parameter()] [Switch]$Animate, [Parameter()] [int]$MaxZoom = 18 ) End { $Content.Register($Id, $PSCmdlet) @{ assetId = $AssetId isPlugin = $true type = "ud-map" id = $Id longitude = $Longitude latitude = $Latitude zoom = $Zoom height = $Height width = $Width zoomControlPosition = $ZoomControlPosition animate = $Animate.IsPresent scaleControlPosition = $ScaleControlPosition maxZoom = $MaxZoom } } } function New-UDMapMarker { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map marker. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map marker. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map marker. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Longitude The longitude of the map marker. .PARAMETER Latitude The latitude of the map marker. .PARAMETER Attribution The attribution of the map marker. .PARAMETER Opacity The opacity of the map marker. .PARAMETER ZIndex The z-index of the map marker. .PARAMETER Popup The popup of the map marker. Use New-UDMapPopup to create a popup. .PARAMETER Icon The icon of the map marker. Use New-UDMapIcon to create an icon. .PARAMETER GeoJSON The GeoJSON of the map marker. This is an alternative to specifying the longitude and latitude. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "LatLng", Mandatory)] [float]$Longitude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "LatLng", Mandatory)] [float]$Latitude, [Parameter()] [string]$Attribution, [Parameter()] [int]$Opacity, [Parameter()] [int]$ZIndex, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Popup, [Parameter()] [Hashtable]$Icon, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "GeoJSON", Mandatory)] [string]$GeoJSON ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GeoJSON') { $Json = $GeoJSON | ConvertFrom-Json $Coordinates = $Json.Geometry.Coordinates $Latitude = $Coordinates[1] $Longitude = $Coordinates[0] } @{ type = "map-marker" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $id longitude = $Longitude latitude = $Latitude attribution = $Attribution opacity = $Opacity zIndex = $ZIndex popup = $Popup icon = $Icon } } function New-UDMapOverlay { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map overlay. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map overlay. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map overlay. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Name The name of the map overlay. .PARAMETER Content The content of the map overlay. This should be a script block that returns a raster tile layer. .PARAMETER Checked Whether or not the map overlay is checked. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [Switch]$Checked ) @{ type = 'map-overlay' isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $id name = $Name content = & $Content checked = $Checked.IsPresent } } function New-UDMapPopup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map popup. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map popup. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map popup. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Content The content of the map popup. .PARAMETER Longitude The longitude of the map popup. .PARAMETER Latitude The latitude of the map popup. .PARAMETER MaxWidth The max width of the map popup. .PARAMETER MinWidth The min width of the map popup. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [ScriptBlock]$Content, [Parameter()] [float]$Longitude, [Parameter()] [float]$Latitude, [Parameter()] [int]$MaxWidth, [Parameter()] [int]$MinWidth ) $Options = @{ type = "map-popup" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $id content = & $Content maxWidth = $MaxWidth minWidth = $MinWidth } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Longitude")) { $Options["longitude"] = $Longitude } if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("Latitude")) { $Options["latitude"] = $Latitude } $Options } function New-UDMapRasterLayer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map raster layer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map raster layer. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map raster layer. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER TileServer The tile server to use. This defaults to OpenStreetMap. .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key to use for the tile server. .PARAMETER Type The type of Bing map to use. This defaults to Aerial. .PARAMETER Bing Whether or not to use Bing maps. .PARAMETER Attribution Attribution text to display on the map. .PARAMETER Opacity The opacity of the map. .PARAMETER ZIndex The z-index of the map. .PARAMETER Name The name of the raster layer. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Generic")] [string]$TileServer = 'https://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Bing", Mandatory)] [string]$ApiKey, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Bing")] [ValidateSet("Aerial", "AerialWithLabels", "AerialWithLabelsOnDemand", "CanvasDark", "CanvasLight", "CanvasGray", "Road")] [string]$Type = "Aerial", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Bing", Mandatory)] [Switch]$Bing, [Parameter()] [string]$Attribution, [Parameter()] [int]$Opacity, [Parameter()] [int]$ZIndex, [Parameter()] [string]$Name ) @{ type = "map-raster-layer" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $id tileServer = $TileServer apiKey = $ApiKey attribution = $Attribution opacity = $Opactiy zIndex = $ZIndex name = $Name bing = $Bing.IsPresent mapType = $Type } } function New-UDMapVectorLayer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a map vector layer. .DESCRIPTION Creates a map vector layer. .PARAMETER Id The id of the map vector layer. This defaults to a new GUID. .PARAMETER Color The color of the vector layer. .PARAMETER FillColor The fill color of the vector layer. .PARAMETER FillOpacity The fill opacity of the vector layer. .PARAMETER Weight The weight of the vector layer. .PARAMETER Opacity The opacity of the vector layer. .PARAMETER Circle Creates a circle. .PARAMETER Latitude The latitude of the circle. .PARAMETER Longitude The longitude of the circle. .PARAMETER Radius The radius of the circle. .PARAMETER Polyline Creates a polyline. .PARAMETER Polygon Creates a polygon. .PARAMETER Positions The positions of the polyline or polygon. .PARAMETER Rectangle Creates a rectangle. .PARAMETER LatitudeTopLeft The latitude of the top left corner of the rectangle. .PARAMETER LongitudeTopLeft The longitude of the top left corner of the rectangle. .PARAMETER LatitudeBottomRight The latitude of the bottom right corner of the rectangle. .PARAMETER LongitudeBottomRight The longitude of the bottom right corner of the rectangle. .PARAMETER Popup The popup of the vector layer. Use New-UDMapPopup to create a popup. .PARAMETER GeoJSON The GeoJSON of the vector layer. This is an alternative to specifying the longitude and latitude. #> param( [Parameter()] [string]$Id = ([Guid]::NewGuid()), [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$Color = 'black', [Parameter()] [UniversalDashboard.Models.DashboardColor]$FillColor = 'black', [Parameter()] [double]$FillOpacity = 0.5, [Parameter()] [int]$Weight = 3, [Parameter()] [double]$Opacity = 1.0, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Circle', Mandatory)] [Switch]$Circle, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Circle', Mandatory)] [double]$Latitude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Circle', Mandatory)] [double]$Longitude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Circle', Mandatory)] [int]$Radius, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Polyline', Mandatory)] [Switch]$Polyline, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Polygon', Mandatory)] [Switch]$Polygon, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Polyline', Mandatory)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Polygon', Mandatory)] [object]$Positions, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Rectangle', Mandatory)] [Switch]$Rectangle, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Rectangle', Mandatory)] [double]$LatitudeTopLeft, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Rectangle', Mandatory)] [double]$LongitudeTopLeft, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Rectangle', Mandatory)] [double]$LatitudeBottomRight, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Rectangle', Mandatory)] [double]$LongitudeBottomRight, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Circle')] [object]$Popup, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'GeoJSON', Mandatory)] [string]$GeoJSON ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GeoJSON') { $Json = $GeoJSON | ConvertFrom-Json if ($Json.Geometry.Type -eq 'multilinestring') { $Coordinates = @() foreach ($array in $json.geometry.coordinates) { foreach ($arrayInArray in $array) { $temp = $arrayInArray[0] $arrayInArray[0] = $arrayInArray[1] $arrayInArray[1] = $temp } $Coordinates += , $array } $Positions = $Coordinates $Polyline = [Switch]::Present } if ($Json.Geometry.Type -eq 'linestring') { $Coordinates = @() $json.geometry.coordinates | ForEach-Object { $temp = $_[0] $_[0] = $_[1] $_[1] = $temp $Coordinates += , $_ } $Positions = $Coordinates $Polyline = [Switch]::Present } if ($Json.Geometry.Type -eq 'polygon') { $Coordinates = @() $json.geometry.coordinates[0] | ForEach-Object { $temp = $_[0] $_[0] = $_[1] $_[1] = $temp $Coordinates += , $_ } $Positions = $Coordinates $Polygon = [Switch]::Present } } @{ type = "map-vector-layer" isPlugin = $true assetId = $AssetId id = $Id color = $Color.HtmlColor fillColor = $FillColor.HtmlColor fillOpacity = $FillOpacity weight = $Weight opacity = $Opacity circle = $Circle.IsPresent latitude = $Latitude longitude = $Longitude radius = $Radius polyline = $Polyline.IsPresent polygon = $Polygon.IsPresent positions = $Positions rectangle = $Rectangle.IsPresent latitudeTopLeft = $LatitudeTopLeft longitudeTopLeft = $LongitudeTopLeft latitudeBottomRight = $LatitudeBottomRight longitudeBottomRight = $LongitudeBottomRight popup = $Popup } } |