function New-UDServiceTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a table that displays service status. .DESCRIPTION Creates a table that displays service status. Services can be started and stopped. .EXAMPLE New-UDServiceTable #> $Columns = @( New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Name' -Property 'Name' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Description' -Property 'Description' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Status' -Property 'Status' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Actions' -Property 'Actions' -Render { if ($EventData.Status -eq 'Running') { New-UDButton -Text "Stop" -OnClick { try { Stop-Service $EventData.Name -ErrorAction stop Show-UDToast -Message "Stopping service $($EventData.Name)" Sync-UDElement -Id 'serviceTable' } catch { Show-UDToast -Message "Failed to stop service. $_" -BackgroundColor 'red' -Duration 5000 -MessageColor 'white' } } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon stop) } else { New-UDButton -Text "Start" -OnClick { try { Start-Service $EventData.Name -ErrorAction stop Show-UDToast -Message "Starting service $($EventData.Name)" Sync-UDElement -Id 'serviceTable' } catch { Show-UDToast -Message "Failed to start service. $_" -BackgroundColor 'red' -Duration 5000 -MessageColor 'white' } } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon play) } } ) New-UDDynamic -Id 'serviceTable' -Content { $Services = Get-Service New-UDTable -Columns $Columns -Data $Services -Paging -Sort } -LoadingComponent { New-UDProgress -Circular } } function ConvertTo-ByteString { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $byteCount ) Process { $suf = @( "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB" ) if ($byteCount -eq 0) { return "0" + $suf[0]; } $bytes = [Math]::Abs($byteCount); $place = [Convert]::ToInt32([Math]::Floor([Math]::Log($bytes, 1024))) $num = [Math]::Round($bytes / [Math]::Pow(1024, $place), 1) return ([Math]::Sign($byteCount) * $num).ToString() + $suf[$place] } } function New-UDProcessTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a table that displays process information. .DESCRIPTION Creates a table that displays process information. The table is has pagination enabled and can be sorted and searched. .EXAMPLE New-UDProcessTable #> $Columns = @( New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Id' -Property 'ID' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'Name' -Property 'ProcessName' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'CPU' -Property 'CPU' New-UDTableColumn -Title 'WorkingSet' -Property 'WorkingSet' -Render { $EventData.WorkingSet | ConvertTo-ByteString } ) $Processes = Get-Process | Select-Object @("Id", "ProcessName", "CPU", "WorkingSet") New-UDTable -Columns $Columns -Data $Processes -Paging -Sort -Search } function New-UDEventLogTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Windows Event Log table. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Windows Event Log table. .EXAMPLE New-UDEventLogTable Creates a Windows Event Log table. #> $Columns = @( New-UDTableColumn -Property EntryType -Title "Level" -ShowFilter -FilterType select New-UDTableColumn -Property TimeWritten -Title "Date and Time" New-UDTableColumn -Property Source -Title "Source" -ShowFilter -FilterType select New-UDTableColumn -Property EventId -Title "EventId" -ShowFilter New-UDTableColumn -Property Category -Title "Category" New-UDTableColumn -Property Message -Title "Message" -Truncate -Width 400 -ShowFilter New-UDTableColumn -Property Action -Title "" -Render { New-UDButton -Text 'View Message' -OnClick { Show-UDModal -Content { $EventData.message } } } ) $Sources = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NTEventLOgFile | Select-Object FileName, Sources | ForEach-Object -Begin { $hash = @{} } -Process { $hash[$_.FileName] = $_.Sources } -end { $Hash } New-UDSelect -Option { $Sources.Keys | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { New-UDSelectOption -Name $_ -Value $_ } } -OnChange { $Session:LogName = $EventData Sync-UDElement -Id 'eventLogTable' } New-UDDynamic -Id 'eventLogTable' -Content { if ($null -eq $Session:LogName) { $Session:LogName = "Application" } $Data = Get-EventLog -Newest 100 -LogName $Session:LogName | Select-Object EntryType, TimeWritten, Source, EventId, Category, Message New-UDTable -Data $Data -Columns $Columns -ShowSort -ShowFilter } -LoadingComponent { New-UDProgress -Circular } } function New-UDWindowsSysInfoApp { New-UDDashboard -Title "Windows" -Pages @( New-UDPage -Name 'Dashboard' -Content { New-UDTypography -Variant h5 -Text $ENV:ComputerName $ComputerInfo = Get-ComputerInfo New-UDTypography -Variant h5 -Text "Operating System: $($ComputerInfo.WindowsProductName)" New-UDTypography -Variant h5 -Text "System Family: $($ComputerInfo.CsSystemFamily)" New-UDTypography -Variant h5 -Text "Uptime: $($ComputerInfo.OsUptime)" New-UDTypography -variant h3 -Text "Disks" New-UDRow -Columns { Get-Volume | ForEach-Object { New-UDColumn -Size 6 -LargeSize 6 -Content { New-UDCard -Title "$($_.FileSystemLabel) ($($_.DriveLetter))" -Content { $Data = @( @{ Label = "Free Space"; Value = $_.SizeRemaining } @{ Label = "Used Space"; Value = $_.Size - $_.SizeRemaining } ) New-UDChartJS -Type doughnut -Data $Data -LabelProperty 'Label' -DataProperty Value -BackgroundColor @("#0865dd", '#1f5ba8') } } } } New-UDTypography -variant h3 -Text "Network" New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -LargeSize 12 -Content { New-UDCard -Content { $ReceivedDataSet = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty ReceivedBytes -Label 'Received Bytes' -BackgroundColor '#1d2d8e' $SentDataset = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty SentBytes -Label 'Sent Bytes' -BackgroundColor '#6877d8' $Options = @{ Type = 'bar' Data = (Get-NetAdapterStatistics) Dataset = @($ReceivedDataSet, $SentDataset) LabelProperty = "Name" Options = @{ scales = @{ xAxes = @( @{ stacked = $true } ) yAxes = @( @{ stacked = $true } ) } } } New-UDChartJS @Options } } } New-UDTypography -Variant h3 -Text "Temperatures (F)" New-UDRow -Columns { New-UDColumn -LargeSize 12 -Content { $temps = Get-WMIObject MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature -Namespace "root/wmi" $temps = $temps | Select-Object -Property InstanceName, @{n = "Temp"; e = { (($_.currenttemperature / 10 - 273.15) * 1.8 + 32) } } New-UDChartJS -Type 'bar' -Data $temps -DataProperty Temp -LabelProperty InstanceName -BackgroundColor '#dd5308' } } } New-UDPage -Name 'Services' -Content { New-UDServiceTable } New-UDPage -Name 'Processes' -Content { New-UDProcessTable } New-UDPage -Name 'Event Log' -Content { New-UDEventLogTable } ) } |