# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Import-Module powershell-yaml -Force -ErrorAction Stop [Flags()] enum UnitySetupComponentType { Setup = (1 -shl 0) Documentation = (1 -shl 1) StandardAssets = (1 -shl 2) ExampleProject = (1 -shl 3) Metro = (1 -shl 4) UWP_IL2CPP = (1 -shl 5) Android = (1 -shl 6) iOS = (1 -shl 7) AppleTV = (1 -shl 8) Facebook = (1 -shl 9) Linux = (1 -shl 10) Mac = (1 -shl 11) Vuforia = (1 -shl 12) WebGL = (1 -shl 13) Windows_IL2CPP = (1 -shl 14) All = (-1) } class UnitySetupInstaller { [UnitySetupComponentType] $ComponentType [UnityVersion] $Version [int64]$Length [DateTime]$LastModified [string]$DownloadUrl } class UnitySetupInstance { [UnityVersion]$Version [string]$Path UnitySetupInstance([string]$path) { $ivyPath = [io.path]::Combine("$path", 'Data\UnityExtensions\Unity\Networking\ivy.xml'); if(!(Test-Path $ivyPath)) { throw "Path is not a Unity setup: $path"} [xml]$xmlDoc = Get-Content $ivyPath if( !($xmlDoc.'ivy-module'.info.unityVersion)) { throw "Unity setup ivy is missing version: $ivyPath" } $this.Path = $path $this.Version = $xmlDoc.'ivy-module'.info.unityVersion } } class UnityProjectInstance { [UnityVersion]$Version [string]$Path UnityProjectInstance([string]$path) { $versionFile = [io.path]::Combine($path, "ProjectSettings\ProjectVersion.txt") if(!(Test-Path $versionFile)) { throw "Path is not a Unity project: $path"} $fileVersion = (Get-Content $versionFile -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml)['m_EditorVersion']; if(!$fileVersion) { throw "Project is missing a version in: $versionFile"} $this.Path = $path $this.Version = $fileVersion } } class UnityVersion : System.IComparable { [int] $Major; [int] $Minor; [int] $Revision; [char] $Release; [int] $Build; [string] $Suffix; [string] ToString() { $result = "$($this.Major).$($this.Minor).$($this.Revision)$($this.Release)$($this.Build)" if( $this.Suffix ) { $result += "-$($this.Suffix)"} return $result } UnityVersion([string] $version){ $parts = $version.Split('-') $parts[0] -match "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)([fpb])(\d+)" | Out-Null if( $Matches.Count -ne 6 ){ throw "Invalid unity version: $version" } $this.Major = [int]($Matches[1]); $this.Minor = [int]($Matches[2]); $this.Revision = [int]($Matches[3]); $this.Release = [char]($Matches[4]); $this.Build = [int]($Matches[5]); if($parts.Length -gt 1) { $this.Suffix = $parts[1]; } } [int] CompareTo([object]$obj) { if($null -eq $obj) { return 1 } if($obj -isnot [UnityVersion]) { throw "Object is not a UnityVersion"} return [UnityVersion]::Compare($this, $obj) } static [int] Compare([UnityVersion]$a, [UnityVersion]$b) { if($a.Major -lt $b.Major) { return -1 } if($a.Major -gt $b.Major) { return 1 } if($a.Minor -lt $b.Minor) { return -1 } if($a.Minor -gt $b.Minor) { return 1 } if($a.Revision -lt $b.Revision) { return -1 } if($a.Revision -gt $b.Revision) { return 1 } if($a.Release -lt $b.Release) { return -1 } if($a.Release -gt $b.Release) { return 1 } if($a.Build -lt $b.Build) { return -1 } if($a.Build -gt $b.Build) { return 1 } if($a.Suffix -lt $b.Suffix) { return -1 } if($a.Suffix -gt $b.Suffix) { return 1 } return 0 } } <# .Synopsis Finds UnitySetup installers for a specified version. .DESCRIPTION Finds UnitySetup component installers for a specified version by querying Unity's website. .PARAMETER Version What version of Unity are you looking for? .PARAMETER Components What components would you like to search for? Defaults to [UnitySetupComponentType]::All .EXAMPLE Find-UnitySetupInstaller -Version 2017.3.0f3 .EXAMPLE Find-UnitySetupInstaller -Version 2017.3.0f3 -Components ([UnitySetupComponentType]::Setup, [UnitySetupComponentType]::Documentation) #> function Find-UnitySetupInstaller { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [UnityVersion] $Version, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [UnitySetupComponentType] $Components = [UnitySetupComponentType]::All ) $installerTemplates = @{ [UnitySetupComponentType]::Setup = "Windows64EditorInstaller/UnitySetup64-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Documentation = "WindowsDocumentationInstaller/UnityDocumentationSetup-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::StandardAssets = "WindowsStandardAssetsInstaller/UnityStandardAssetsSetup-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::ExampleProject = "WindowsExampleProjectInstaller/UnityExampleProjectSetup-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Metro = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Metro-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::UWP_IL2CPP = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-UWP-IL2CPP-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Android = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Android-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::iOS = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-iOS-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::AppleTV = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-AppleTV-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Facebook = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Facebook-Games-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Linux = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Linux-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Mac = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Mac-Mono-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Vuforia = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Vuforia-AR-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::WebGL = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-WebGL-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; [UnitySetupComponentType]::Windows_IL2CPP = "TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Windows-IL2CPP-Support-for-Editor-$Version.exe"; } # By default Tls12 protocol is not enabled, but is what backs Unity's website, so enable it $secProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol if( ($secProtocol -band [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12) -eq 0 ) { $secProtocol += [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $secProtocol } # Every release type has a different pattern for finding installers $searchPages = @() switch($Version.Release) { 'f' { $searchPages += "https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive" } 'b' { $searchPages += "https://unity3d.com/unity/beta/unity$Version" } 'p' { $patchPage = "https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases?version=$($Version.Major).$($Version.Minor)" $searchPages += $patchPage $webResult = Invoke-WebRequest $patchPage $searchPages += $webResult.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -match "\/unity\/qa\/patch-releases\?version=$($Version.Major)\.$($Version.Minor)&page=(\d+)" -and $Matches[1] -gt 1 } | ForEach-Object { "https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/patch-releases?version=$($Version.Major).$($Version.Minor)&page=$($Matches[1])" } } } foreach($page in $searchPages) { $webResult = Invoke-WebRequest $page $prototypeLink = $webResult.Links | Select-Object -ExpandProperty href | Where-Object { $_ -match "$($installerTemplates[[UnitySetupComponentType]::Setup])$" } if($null -ne $prototypeLink) { break } } if($null -eq $prototypeLink) { throw "Could not find archives for Unity version $Version" } $prototypeLink = $prototypeLink.Replace("$($installerTemplates[[UnitySetupComponentType]::Setup])", '') $installerTemplates.Keys | Where-Object { $Components -band $_ } | ForEach-Object { $template = $installerTemplates.Item($_); $endpoint = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($prototypeLink, $template); try { $testResult = Invoke-WebRequest $endpoint -Method HEAD New-Object UnitySetupInstaller -Property @{ 'ComponentType' = $_; 'Version' = $Version; 'DownloadUrl' = $endpoint; 'Length' = [int64]$testResult.Headers['Content-Length']; 'LastModified' = ([System.DateTime]$testResult.Headers['Last-Modified']); } } catch { Write-Verbose "$endpoint failed: $_" } } | Sort-Object -Property ComponentType } <# .Synopsis Installs a UnitySetup instance. .DESCRIPTION Downloads and installs UnitySetup installers found via Find-UnitySetupInstaller. .PARAMETER Installers What installers would you like to download and execute? .PARAMETER Destination Where would you like the UnitySetup instance installed? .PARAMETER Cache Where should the installers be cached. This defaults to $env:USERPROFILE\.unitysetup. .EXAMPLE Find-UnitySetupInstaller -Version 2017.3.0f3 | Install-UnitySetupInstance .EXAMPLE Find-UnitySetupInstaller -Version 2017.3.0f3 | Install-UnitySetupInstance -Destination D:\Unity-2017.3.0f3 #> function Install-UnitySetupInstance { [CmdletBinding()] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Scope='Function')] param( [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [UnitySetupInstaller[]] $Installers, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Destination, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Cache = [io.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, ".unitysetup"), [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Open','RunAs')] [string]$Verb ) process { if(!(Test-Path $Cache -PathType Container)) { New-Item $Cache -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } $localInstallers = @() $localDestinations = @() $downloadSource = @() $downloadDest = @() foreach( $i in $Installers) { $fileName = [io.Path]::GetFileName($i.DownloadUrl) $destPath = [io.Path]::Combine($Cache, "Installers\Unity-$($i.Version)\$fileName") $localInstallers += ,$destPath if($Destination) { $localDestinations += ,$Destination } else { $localDestinations += ,"C:\Program Files\Unity-$($i.Version)" } if( Test-Path $destPath ) { $destItem = Get-Item $destPath if( ($destItem.Length -eq $i.Length ) -and ($destItem.LastWriteTime -eq $i.LastModified) ) { Write-Verbose "Skipping download because it's already in the cache: $($i.DownloadUrl)" continue } } $downloadSource += $i.DownloadUrl $downloadDest += $destPath } if( $downloadSource.Length -gt 0 ) { for($i=0; $i -lt $downloadSource.Length; $i++) { Write-Verbose "Downloading $($downloadSource[$i]) to $($downloadDest[$i])" $destDirectory = [io.path]::GetDirectoryName($downloadDest[$i]) if(!(Test-Path $destDirectory -PathType Container)) { New-Item "$destDirectory" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } } Start-BitsTransfer -Source $downloadSource -Destination $downloadDest } $spins = @('|', '/', '-', '\') for($i = 0; $i -lt $localInstallers.Length; $i++) { $installer = $localInstallers[$i] $destination = $localDestinations[$i] $startProcessArgs = @{ 'FilePath' = $installer; 'ArgumentList' = @("/S", "/D=$($localDestinations[$i])"); 'PassThru' = $true; } if($Verb) { $startProcessArgs['Verb'] = $Verb } $spinnerIndex = 0 $process = Start-Process @startProcessArgs while(!$process.HasExited) { Write-Host "`rInstalling $installer to $destination - $($spins[$spinnerIndex++ % $spins.Length])" -NoNewline Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } if( $process.ExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "`bFailed." Write-Error "Installing $installer failed with exit code: $($process.ExitCode)" } else { Write-Host "`bSucceeded." } } } } <# .Synopsis Uninstall Unity Setup Instances .DESCRIPTION Uninstall the specified Unity Setup Instances .PARAMETER Instance What instances of UnitySetup should be uninstalled .EXAMPLE Get-UnitySetupInstance | Uninstall-UnitySetupInstance #> function Uninstall-UnitySetupInstance { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [UnitySetupInstance[]] $Instances ) process { foreach ( $setupInstance in $Instances ) { $uninstaller = Get-ChildItem "$($setupInstance.Path)" -Filter 'Uninstall.exe' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName if($null -eq $uninstaller) { Write-Error "Could not find Uninstaller.exe under $($setupInstance.Path)" continue } $startProcessArgs = @{ 'FilePath' = $uninstaller; 'PassThru' = $true; 'Wait' = $true; 'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'; 'ArgumentList' = @("/S"); } if( -not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$uninstaller", "Start-Process")) { continue } $process = Start-Process @startProcessArgs if ( $process.ExitCode -ne 0 ) { Write-Error "Uninstaller quit with non-zero exit code" } } } } <# .Synopsis Get the Unity versions installed .DESCRIPTION Get the Unity versions installed and their locations .PARAMETER BasePath Under what base pattern should we look for Unity installs? Defaults to 'C:\Program Files*\Unity*'. .EXAMPLE Get-UnitySetupInstance #> function Get-UnitySetupInstance { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $BasePath = 'C:\Program Files*\Unity*' ) $Path = [io.path]::Combine("$BasePath", 'Editor\Data\UnityExtensions\Unity\Networking\ivy.xml'); Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object { [UnitySetupInstance]::new((Join-Path $_.Directory "..\..\..\..\" | Convert-Path)) } } <# .Synopsis Selects a unity setup instance .DESCRIPTION Given a set of unity setup instances, this will select the best one matching your requirements .PARAMETER Latest Select the latest version available. .PARAMETER Version Select only instances matching Version. .PARAMETER Project Select only instances matching the version of the project at Project. .PARAMETER instances The list of instances to Select from. .EXAMPLE Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Latest .EXAMPLE Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Version 2017.1.0f3 #> function Select-UnitySetupInstance { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Latest, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [UnityVersion] $Version, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [UnitySetupInstance[]] $Instances ) process { if( $Version ) { $Instances = $Instances | Where-Object { [UnityVersion]::Compare($_.Version, $Version) -eq 0 } } if( $Latest ) { foreach( $i in $Instances ) { if( $null -eq $latestInstance -or [UnityVersion]::Compare($i.Version, $latestInstance.Version) -gt 0) { $latestInstance = $i } } } elseif( $Instances.Count -gt 0 ) { $Instances } } end { if($latestInstance) { $latestInstance } } } <# .Synopsis Get the Unity Projects under a specfied folder .DESCRIPTION Recursively discovers Unity projects and their Unity version .PARAMETER BasePath Under what base pattern should we look for Unity projects? Defaults to '$PWD'. .EXAMPLE Get-UnityProjectInstance .EXAMPLE Get-UnityProjectInstance -BasePath .\MyUnityProjects -Recurse #> function Get-UnityProjectInstance { [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $BasePath = $PWD, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Recurse ) $args = @{ 'Path' = $BasePath; 'Filter' = 'ProjectSettings'; 'ErrorAction' = 'Ignore'; 'Directory' = $true; } if( $Recurse ) { $args['Recurse'] = $true; } Get-ChildItem @args | ForEach-Object { $path = [io.path]::Combine($_.FullName, "ProjectVersion.txt") if( Test-Path $path ) { [UnityProjectInstance]::new((Join-Path $_.FullName "..\" | Convert-Path)) } } } <# .Synopsis Starts the Unity Editor .DESCRIPTION If Project, Instance, and Latest are unspecified, tests if the current folder is a UnityProjectInstance, and if so, selects it as Project. Otherwise the latest UnitySetupInstance is selected as Instance. .PARAMETER Project The project instance to open the Unity Editor for. .PARAMETER Setup The setup instances to launch. If unspecified, the version at Project is selected. .PARAMETER Latest Launch the latest version installed. .PARAMETER Version Launch the specified version. .PARAMETER IgnoreProjectContext Force operation as though $PWD is not a unity project. .PARAMETER ExecuteMethod The script method for the Unity Editor to execute. .PARAMETER OutputPath The output path that the Unity Editor should use. .PARAMETER LogFile The log file for the Unity Editor to write to. .PARAMETER BuildTarget The platform build target for the Unity Editor to start in. .PARAMETER BatchMode Should the Unity Editor start in batch mode? .PARAMETER Quit Should the Unity Editor quit after it's done? .PARAMETER Wait Should the command wait for the Unity Editor to exit? .EXAMPLE Start-UnityEditor .EXAMPLE Start-UnityEditor -Latest .EXAMPLE Start-UnityEditor -Version 2017.3.0f3 .EXAMPLE Start-UnityEditor -ExecuteMethod Build.Invoke -BatchMode -Quit -LogFile .\build.log -Wait .EXAMPLE Get-UnityProjectInstance -Recurse | Start-UnityEditor -BatchMode -Quit .EXAMPLE Get-UnitySetupInstance | Start-UnityEditor #> function Start-UnityEditor { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName="Context")] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName='Projects')] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName='ProjectsLatest')] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName='ProjectsVersion')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [UnityProjectInstance[]] $Project, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName='Setups')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [UnitySetupInstance[]]$Setup, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Latest')] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='ProjectsLatest')] [switch]$Latest, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Version')] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='ProjectsVersion')] [UnityVersion]$Version, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Latest')] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Version')] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='Context')] [switch]$IgnoreProjectContext, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ExecuteMethod, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$ExportPackage, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CreateProject, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$OutputPath, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$LogFile, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BuildTarget, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$BatchMode, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Quit, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Wait, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$PassThru ) process { switch -wildcard ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { 'Context' { $projectInstances = [UnityProjectInstance[]]@() $setupInstances = [UnitySetupInstance[]]@() $currentFolderProject = if( !$IgnoreProjectContext ) { Get-UnityProjectInstance $PWD.Path } if($null -ne $currentFolderProject) { $projectInstances += ,$currentFolderProject } else { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Latest if($setupInstance.Count -gt 0) { $setupInstances += ,$setupInstance } } } 'Projects*' { $projectInstances = $Project $setupInstances = [UnitySetupInstance[]]@() } 'Setups' { $projectInstances = [UnityProjectInstance[]]@() $setupInstances = $Setup } 'Latest' { $projectInstances = [UnityProjectInstance[]]@() $currentFolderProject = if(!$IgnoreProjectContext) { Get-UnityProjectInstance $PWD.Path } if($null -ne $currentFolderProject) { $projectInstances += ,$currentFolderProject } elseif( $Latest ) { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Latest if($setupInstance.Count -gt 0) { $setupInstances = ,$setupInstance } } } 'Version' { $projectInstances = [UnityProjectInstance[]]@() $currentFolderProject = if(!$IgnoreProjectContext) { Get-UnityProjectInstance $PWD.Path } if($null -ne $currentFolderProject) { $projectInstances += ,$currentFolderProject } elseif($null -ne $Version) { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Version $Version if($setupInstance.Count -gt 0) { $setupInstances = ,$setupInstance } } } } $sharedArgs = @() if( $CreateProject ) { $sharedArgs += "-createProject", $CreateProject } if( $ExecuteMethod ) { $sharedArgs += "-executeMethod", $ExecuteMethod } if( $OutputPath ) { $sharedArgs += "-buildOutput", $OutputPath } if( $LogFile ) { $sharedArgs += "-logFile", $LogFile } if( $BuildTarget ) { $sharedArgs += "-buildTarget", $BuildTarget } if( $BatchMode ) { $sharedArgs += "-batchmode" } if( $Quit ) { $sharedArgs += "-quit" } if( $ExportPackage ) { $sharedArgs += "-exportPackage","$ExportPackage" } $instanceArgs = @() foreach( $p in $projectInstances ) { if( $Latest ) { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Latest if($setupInstance.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error "Could not find any Unity Editor installed" continue } } elseif($null -ne $Version) { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Version $Version if ($setupInstance.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error "Could not find Unity Editor for version $Version" continue } } else { $setupInstance = Get-UnitySetupInstance | Select-UnitySetupInstance -Version $p.Version if($setupInstance.Count -eq 0) { Write-Error "Could not find Unity Editor for version $($p.Version)" continue } } $projectPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($($p.Path)) $instanceArgs += ,("-projectPath", $projectPath) $setupInstances += ,$setupInstance } for($i=0; $i -lt $setupInstances.Length; $i++) { $setupInstance = $setupInstances[$i] $editor = Get-ChildItem "$($setupInstance.Path)" -Filter 'Unity.exe' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($editor)) { Write-Error "Could not find Unity.exe under setup instance path: $($setupInstance.Path)" continue } # clone the shared args list $unityArgs = $sharedArgs | ForEach-Object { $_ } if( $instanceArgs[$i] ) { $unityArgs += $instanceArgs[$i] } $setProcessArgs = @{ 'FilePath' = $editor; 'PassThru' = $true; 'ErrorAction' = 'Stop'; } if($unityArgs -and $unityArgs.Length -gt 0) { $setProcessArgs['ArgumentList'] = $unityArgs } if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$editor $unityArgs", "Start-Process")) { continue } $process = Start-Process @setProcessArgs if( $Wait ) { $process.WaitForExit(); if( $process.ExitCode -ne 0 ) { if( $LogFile -and (Test-Path $LogFile -Type Leaf) ) { Get-Content $LogFile | ForEach-Object { Write-Information -MessageData $_ -Tags 'Logs' } } Write-Error "Unity quit with non-zero exit code" } } if($PassThru) { $process } } } } |