
Function Get-UnityIpInterface {

      Information about network interfaces in the storage system.
      Information about network interfaces in the storage system.
      Network interfaces enable and control access between the system, network, and configured hosts.
      You need to have an active session with the array.
      Written by Erwan Quelin under MIT licence -
      .PARAMETER Session
      Specifies an UnitySession Object.
      Specifies the object ID.
      Retrieve informations about all the management interface.

  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'EMC Unity Session')]
    $session = ($global:DefaultUnitySession | where-object {$_.IsConnected -eq $true}),
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName="ByID",ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True,HelpMessage = 'IP Interface ID')]

  Begin {
    Write-Verbose "Executing function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    #Initialazing variables
    $ResultCollection = @()
    $URI = '/api/types/ipInterface/instances' #URI for the ressource (example: /api/types/lun/instances)
    $TypeName = 'UnityIpInterface'

  Process {
    Foreach ($sess in $session) {

      Write-Verbose "Processing Session: $($sess.Server) with SessionId: $($sess.SessionId)"

      If ($Sess.TestConnection()) {

        #Building the URL from Object Type.
        $URL = Get-URLFromObjectType -Server $sess.Server -URI $URI -TypeName $TypeName -Compact

        Write-Verbose "URL: $URL"

        #Sending the request
        $request = Send-UnityRequest -uri $URL -Session $Sess -Method 'GET'

        #Formating the result. Converting it from JSON to a Powershell object
        $Results = ($request.content | ConvertFrom-Json).entries.content

        #Building the result collection (Add ressource type)
        If ($Results) {

          $ResultsFiltered = @()
          # Results filtering
          Switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'ByID' {
              $ResultsFiltered += Find-FromFilter -Parameter 'ID' -Filter $ID -Data $Results

          If ($ResultsFiltered) {
            $ResultCollection = ConvertTo-Hashtable -Data $ResultsFiltered

            Foreach ($Result in $ResultCollection) {

              # Instantiate object
              $Object = New-Object -TypeName $TypeName -Property $Result

              # Output results
      } else {
        Write-Information -MessageData "You are no longer connected to EMC Unity array: $($Sess.Server)"