<# .Description
Set PowerShell title bar to reflect currently connected Unity servers' names #> function Update-TitleBarForUnityConnection { $strOrigWindowTitle = $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle ## the window titlebar text without the "connected to.." Unity info $strWinTitleWithoutOldUnityConnInfo = $strOrigWindowTitle -replace "(; )?Connected to( \d+)? Unity.+", "" ## the number of Unity servers to which still connected $intNumConnectedUnityServers = ($Global:DefaultUnitySession | Measure-Object).Count $strNewWindowTitle = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $strWinTitleWithoutOldUnityConnInfo, $(if ((-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($strWinTitleWithoutOldUnityConnInfo)) -and ($intNumConnectedUnityServers -gt 0)) {"; "}), $( if ($intNumConnectedUnityServers -gt 0) { if ($intNumConnectedUnityServers -eq 1) {"Connected to Unity {0} as {1}" -f $Global:DefaultUnitySession[0].Server, $Global:DefaultUnitySession[0].User} else {"Connected to {0} Unity servers: {1}." -f $intNumConnectedUnityServers, (($Global:DefaultUnitySession | Foreach-Object {$_.Server}) -Join ", ")} } ## end if #else {"Not Connected to Unity"} ) ## end -f call $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = $strNewWindowTitle } ## end fn |