using namespace System using namespace System.Collections using namespace System.IO using namespace System.Management.Automation using namespace System.Text using namespace System.Xml enum RdpSecurityLayer { RDP = 0 Negotiate = 1 TLS = 2 } enum TpmClearBehavior { Never = 0 WhenOwner = 1 Always = 2 } class UnattendBuilder { #region Properties hidden [xml] $UnattendXml hidden [XmlNamespaceManager] $NamespaceManager hidden [XmlElement[]] $Passes = [XmlElement[]]::new(7) hidden [string] $Namespace = 'builder' #endregion #region Constructors UnattendBuilder() { $Xml = [xml]::new() $null = $Xml.AppendChild($Xml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", 'utf-8', $null)) $null = $Xml.AppendChild($Xml.CreateElement('unattend', "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend")) $null = $Xml.ChildNodes[1].SetAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend') $this.UnattendXml = $Xml $this.SetNamespaceManager() } UnattendBuilder([xml] $LoadedXml) { $this.UnattendXml = $LoadedXml $this.SetNamespaceManager() $this.UpdatePasses() } UnattendBuilder([string] $XmlFilePath) { $Xml = [xml]::new() $Xml.Load($XmlFilePath) $this.UnattendXml = $Xml $this.SetNamespaceManager() $this.UpdatePasses() } #endregion #region Internal methods hidden [XmlElement] AddPass([UnattendPass] $Pass) { $NewPass = $this.UnattendXml.CreateElement("settings", 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend') $NewPass.SetAttribute("pass", $Pass) $this.Passes[$Pass.value__] = $NewPass return $NewPass } hidden [void] SetNamespaceManager() { $Manager = [XmlNamespaceManager]::new($this.UnattendXml.NameTable) $Manager.AddNamespace($this.Namespace, 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend') $this.NamespaceManager = $Manager } hidden [void] UpdatePasses() { foreach ($Pass in [Enum]::GetValues([UnattendPass])) { $FoundItem = $this.UnattendXml.SelectSingleNode("./$($this.Namespace):unattend/$($this.Namespace):settings[@pass = '$Pass']", $this.NamespaceManager) if ($null -ne $FoundItem) { $this.Passes[$Pass.value__] = $FoundItem } } } hidden [XmlElement] CreateComponent([string] $ComponentName) { return $this.CreateElement( "component", [ordered]@{ name = $ComponentName processorArchitecture = 'amd64' publicKeyToken = '31bf3856ad364e35' language = 'neutral' versionScope = 'nonSxS' 'xmlns:wcm' = 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State' 'xmlns:xsi' = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' }, $true ) } #endregion #region Public methods [void] AddSimpleListToElement([string[]] $List, [string] $ItemName, [XmlElement] $Element) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $List.Count; $i++) { $this.CreateAndAppendElement( $ItemName, $List[$i], [ordered]@{ action = 'add' keyValue = "$i" }, $Element ) } } [void] AddHashtableValuesToElement([hashtable] $Table, [XmlElement] $Element) { foreach ($Key in $Table.Keys) { $Value = $Table[$Key] if ($Value -is [bool]) { $null = $Element.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Key, $Value)) } else { $null = $Element.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Key, $Value)) } } } [void] AddCredentialToElement([pscredential] $Credential, [XmlElement] $Element) { $CredentialsElement = $Element.AppendChild($this.CreateElement('Credentials')) $NetCreds = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetCreds.Domain)) { $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Domain', $NetCreds.Domain, $CredentialsElement) } $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Username', $NetCreds.UserName, $CredentialsElement) $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Password', $NetCreds.Password, $CredentialsElement) } [void] SetCredentialOnElement([pscredential] $Credential, [XmlElement] $Element) { $CredentialsElement = $Element.SelectSingleNode("./$($this.Namespace):Credentials", $this.NamespaceManager) if ($null -eq $CredentialsElement) { $CredentialsElement = $Element.AppendChild($this.CreateElement('Credentials')) } else { $CredentialsElement = $Element.ReplaceChild($this.CreateElement('Credentials'), $CredentialsElement) } $NetCreds = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($NetCreds.Domain)) { $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Domain', $NetCreds.Domain, $CredentialsElement) } $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Username', $NetCreds.UserName, $CredentialsElement) $this.CreateAndAppendElement('Password', $NetCreds.Password, $CredentialsElement) } [XmlElement] GetOrCreatePass([UnattendPass] $Pass) { $ReturnPass = $this.Passes[$Pass.value__] if ($null -eq $ReturnPass) { $ReturnPass = $this.AddPass($Pass) } return $ReturnPass } [XmlElement] GetOrCreateComponent([string] $ComponentName, [UnattendPass] $Pass) { $PassElement = $this.GetOrCreatePass($Pass) $ComponentElement = $PassElement.SelectSingleNode("./$($this.Namespace):component[@name='$ComponentName']", $this.NamespaceManager) if ($null -eq $ComponentElement) { $ComponentElement = $PassElement.AppendChild($this.CreateComponent($ComponentName)) } return $ComponentElement } [XmlElement] GetOrCreateChildElement([string] $ElementName, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $ChildElement = $Parent.SelectSingleNode("./$($this.Namespace):$ElementName", $this.NamespaceManager) if ($null -eq $ChildElement) { $ChildElement = $Parent.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($ElementName)) } return $ChildElement } [XmlElement] GetChildElementFromXpath ([string]$Path, [XmlElement] $Parent) { # The regex adds the proper namespace to each path segment that needs one. # Relative path segments, and special xpath function calls don't get it. $RealPath = $Path -replace '\/(?=\w+(?:\/|$))', "/$($this.Namespace):" return $Parent.SelectSingleNode($RealPath, $this.NamespaceManager) } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name) { return $this.UnattendXml.CreateElement($Name, 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend') } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name, [IDictionary] $AttributesToAdd) { return $this.CreateElement($Name, $AttributesToAdd, $false) } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name, [IDictionary] $AttributesToAdd, [bool] $NoNamespaceUri) { $Element = $this.CreateElement($Name) foreach ($Key in $AttributesToAdd.Keys) { if ($NoNamespaceUri) { $null = $Element.SetAttribute($Key, $AttributesToAdd[$Key]) } else { $null = $Element.SetAttribute($Key, 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State', $AttributesToAdd[$Key]) } } return $Element } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name, [string] $Value) { $Element = $this.CreateElement($Name) $ElementValue = $this.UnattendXml.CreateTextNode($Value) $null = $Element.AppendChild($ElementValue) return $Element } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name, [string] $Value, [IDictionary] $AttributesToAdd) { $Element = $this.CreateElement($Name, $AttributesToAdd) $ElementValue = $this.UnattendXml.CreateTextNode($Value) $null = $Element.AppendChild($ElementValue) return $Element } [XmlElement] CreateElement([string] $Name, [bool] $Value) { return $this.CreateElement($Name, $Value.ToString().ToLower()) } [void] CreateAndAppendElement([string] $Name, [IDictionary] $AttributesToAdd, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $null = $Parent.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Name, $AttributesToAdd)) } [void] CreateAndAppendElement([string] $Name, [string] $Value, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $null = $Parent.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Name, $Value)) } [void] CreateAndAppendElement([string] $Name, [string] $Value, [IDictionary] $AttributesToAdd, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $null = $Parent.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Name, $Value, $AttributesToAdd)) } [void] CreateAndAppendElement([string] $Name, [bool] $Value, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $null = $Parent.AppendChild($this.CreateElement($Name, $Value)) } [void] SetElementValue([string] $Name, [string] $Value, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $Element = $this.GetOrCreateChildElement($Name, $Parent) if ($Element.HasChildNodes) { $null = $Element.ReplaceChild($this.UnattendXml.CreateTextNode($Value), $Element.FirstChild) } else { $null = $Element.AppendChild($this.UnattendXml.CreateTextNode($Value)) } } [void] SetElementValue([string] $Name, [bool] $Value, [XmlElement] $Parent) { $this.SetElementValue($Name, $Value.ToString().ToLower(), $Parent) } [xml] ToXml() { foreach ($Pass in $this.Passes) { if ($null -ne $Pass) { $ExistingNode = $this.UnattendXml.SelectSingleNode("/$($this.Namespace):unattend/$($this.Namespace):settings[@pass=$($Pass.pass)]", $this.NamespaceManager) if ($null -eq $ExistingNode) { $null = $this.UnattendXml.ChildNodes[1].AppendChild($Pass) } } } return $this.UnattendXml } [string] ToString() { $Xml = $this.ToXml() $Writer = [StringWriter]::new() $Xml.Save($Writer) $Text = $Writer.ToString() $Writer.Dispose() return $Text } #endregion } enum UnattendPass { windowsPE = 0 offlineServicing = 1 generalize = 2 specialize = 3 auditSystem = 4 auditUser = 5 oobeSystem = 6 } function AddFirewallGroupsToElement { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [XmlElement] $Parent, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $GroupNames, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FirewallProfile, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [bool] $Active ) process { foreach ($GroupName in $GroupNames) { $Attributes = [ordered]@{ action = 'add' keyValue = (New-Guid).Guid } $FwGroupElement = $Parent.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("FirewallGroup", $Attributes)) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Group", $GroupName, $FwGroupElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Active", $Active, $FwGroupElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Profile", $FirewallProfile, $FwGroupElement) } } } function EncodeUnattendPassword { [OutputType([String])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Password, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('OfflineLocalAdmin', 'LocalAdmin', 'UserAccount')] [string] $Kind ) End { $MagicString = switch ($Kind) { 'OfflineLocalAdmin' {'OfflineAdministratorPassword';break} 'LocalAdmin' {'AdministratorPassword';break} 'UserAccount' {'Password';break} Default{''} } [Convert]::ToBase64String([Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Password + $MagicString)) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds commands that are run automatically at logon, or during the installation. .DESCRIPTION Adds commands that are run automatically at logon, or during the installation. Commands can be set to run at first login, or on every login. Multiple commands can be specified at once, but if more specific settings need to be specified (different descriptions) then you can run this command multiple times to add each command. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass where the commands should run. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (default) auditUser .PARAMETER FirstLogonCommand Specifies that the command should only run the first time a user logs in. .PARAMETER LogonCommand Specifies that the command is persistent, and should run every time a user logs in. .PARAMETER Async Specifies that the command is run asynchronously so the logon process can finish quicker. .PARAMETER RequiresUserInput Specifies that the command requires user input. .PARAMETER RebootBehavior Controls how rebooting should be handled. Valid values are: Never - Never reboot the system. Always - Always reboot the system after this command. OnRequest - Reboot if the command returns with specific exit codes (1, 2) .PARAMETER Command Specifies the command line to run. .PARAMETER Description Specifies a description for the command. .PARAMETER RunAsCredential Specifies alternative credentials that the command should run as. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendCommand { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default', PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize', 'auditUser')] [string] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'FirstLogon')] [switch] $FirstLogonCommand, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'LogonPersistent')] [switch] $LogonCommand, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [switch] $Async, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'FirstLogon')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LogonPersistent')] [switch] $RequiresUserInput, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [ValidateSet('Never', 'Always', 'OnRequest')] [string] $RebootBehavior, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string[]] $Command, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default")] [pscredential] $RunAsCredential ) process { if ($FirstLogonCommand) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', 'oobeSystem') $ParentElementName = 'FirstLogonCommands' $ElementName = 'SynchronousCommand' $CmdElementName = 'CommandLine' } elseif ($LogonCommand) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', 'oobeSystem') $ParentElementName = 'LogonCommands' $ElementName = 'AsynchronousCommand' $CmdElementName = 'CommandLine' } else { $CmdElementName = 'Path' if ($Pass -eq "windowsPE") { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', 'WindowsPE') } else { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Deployment', $Pass) } if ($Async) { $ParentElementName = 'RunAsynchronous' $ElementName = 'RunAsynchronousCommand' } else { $ParentElementName = 'RunSynchronous' $ElementName = 'RunSynchronousCommand' } } $ParentElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement($ParentElementName, $Component) $CommandCounter = $ParentElement.ChildNodes.Count + 1 foreach ($Cmd in $Command) { $CommandElement = $ParentElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement($ElementName, @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement($CmdElementName, $Cmd, $CommandElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Order', ($CommandCounter++), $CommandElement) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'RequiresUserInput' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('RequiresUserInput', $RequiresUserInput, $CommandElement) continue } 'RebootBehavior' { if ($Async) { Write-Warning "$_ cannot be set for async commands. Skipping this property." } elseif ($Pass -eq "windowsPE") { Write-Warning "$_ cannot be set for WinPE commands. Skipping this property." } else { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('WillReboot', $RebootBehavior, $CommandElement) } continue } 'Description' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Description', $Description, $CommandElement) continue } 'RunAsCredential' { $UnattendBuilder.AddCredentialToElement($RunAsCredential, $CommandElement) continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds disk partitioning related settings to the unattend file. .DESCRIPTION Adds disk partitioning related settings to the unattend file. You can either use one of the predefined templates that handle all the partitioning, or run this command multiple times to add all the custom partitions you need. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Template Specifies the template to use. BIOS will create 3 partitions (System (100MB), Recovery (620MB), Windows (Rest of disk)) UEFI will create 4 partitions (System (100MB), MSR (16MB), Recovery (620MB), Windows (Rest of disk)) .PARAMETER DontWipeDisk Specifies that the disk should not be wiped. .PARAMETER DiskNumber Specifies which disk to target. .PARAMETER SizeMB Specifies how big the partition should be. .PARAMETER UseRemainingSpace Specifies that it should use the remaining space on the disk for this partition. .PARAMETER PartitionType Specifies what kind of partition should be created. .PARAMETER Active Specifies that the partition should be marked "Active" (this is needed for the System partition on BIOS layouts) .PARAMETER Filesystem Specifies the filesystem for this partition. .PARAMETER VolumeLabel Specifies a custom label for this partition. .PARAMETER DriveLetter Assigns a driveletter to this partition. .PARAMETER PartitionTypeID Specifies a custom partition ID to be set. This is rarely needed. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendDiskPartition { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Predefined")] [ValidateSet("BIOS", "UEFI")] [string] $Template, [Parameter()] [switch] $DontWipeDisk, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [uint32] $DiskNumber, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [uint32] $SizeMB, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [switch] $UseRemainingSpace, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [ValidateSet('Primary', 'EFI', 'MSR', 'Recovery')] [string] $PartitionType = 'Primary', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [switch] $Active, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [ValidateSet('FAT32', 'NTFS')] [string] $Filesystem, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [string] $VolumeLabel, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [char] $DriveLetter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomSize")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "CustomExtend")] [string] $PartitionTypeID ) process { if ($Template) { $Disk = @{DiskNumber = $DiskNumber} $SystemCommonParams = @{ DontWipeDisk = $DontWipeDisk SizeMB = 100 VolumeLabel = "System" } $RecoveryParams = @{ SizeMB = 620 PartitionType = "Recovery" Filesystem = "NTFS" VolumeLabel = "Recovery" } $WindowsParams = @{ UseRemainingSpace = $true FileSystem = "NTFS" PartitionType = "Primary" VolumeLabel = "Windows" DriveLetter = "C" } if ($Template -eq 'BIOS') { $UnattendBuilder | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @SystemCommonParams -PartitionType Primary -Active -Filesystem NTFS | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @RecoveryParams | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @WindowsParams } else { $UnattendBuilder | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @SystemCommonParams -PartitionType EFI -Filesystem FAT32 | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk -SizeMB 16 -PartitionType MSR | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @RecoveryParams | Add-UnattendDiskPartition @Disk @WindowsParams } } else { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', 'windowsPE') $DiskConfig = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('DiskConfiguration', $Component) $DiskElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetChildElementFromXpath("./Disk/DiskID/text()[. = '$DiskNumber']/../..", $DiskConfig) $AddAction = @{action = 'add'} if ($null -eq $DiskElement) { $DiskElement = $DiskConfig.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("Disk", $AddAction)) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("DiskID", $DiskNumber, $DiskElement) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DontWipeDisk')) { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('WillWipeDisk', !$DontWipeDisk, $DiskElement) } $CreatePartitionsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('CreatePartitions', $DiskElement) $ModifyPartitionsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('ModifyPartitions', $DiskElement) $Order = $CreatePartitionsElement.ChildNodes.Count + 1 $Partition = $CreatePartitionsElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("CreatePartition", $AddAction)) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Order", $Order, $Partition) if ($SizeMB) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Size", $SizeMB, $Partition) } else { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Extend', $UseRemainingSpace, $Partition) } if ($PartitionType -eq "Recovery") { $RealPartitionType = "Primary" $RealCustomPartitionID = 'DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC' } else { $RealPartitionType = $PartitionType $RealCustomPartitionID = $PartitionTypeID } $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Type', $RealPartitionType, $Partition) $ModifyPartition = $ModifyPartitionsElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("ModifyPartition", $AddAction)) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Order", $Order, $ModifyPartition) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("PartitionID", $Order, $ModifyPartition) if ($VolumeLabel) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Label", $VolumeLabel, $ModifyPartition) } if ($Filesystem) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Format", $Filesystem, $ModifyPartition) } if ($RealCustomPartitionID) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("TypeID", $RealCustomPartitionID, $ModifyPartition) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Active')) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Active", $Active, $ModifyPartition) } $UnattendBuilder } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the paths Windows should use to look for drivers to install during setup. .DESCRIPTION Configures the paths Windows should use to look for drivers to install during setup. Any driver files found will be added to the driverstore. You can run this command multiple times if you need to specify multiple UNC paths with different credentials. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass The pass that this command should apply to. Supported values: windowsPE offlineServicing (default) auditSystem .PARAMETER Path The folder that contains the drivers to install. This folder will be checked recursively for drivers that can be installed. It can either be local, or a UNC path. .PARAMETER Credential The credential used to access the specified folder, useful if the specified folder is a UNC path. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendDriverPath { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'offlineServicing', 'auditSystem')] [string[]] $Pass = 'offlineServicing', [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string[]] $Path, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $Credential ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = if ($PassName -eq 'windowsPE') { $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE', $PassName) } else { $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE', $PassName) } $DriverPaths = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("DriverPaths", $Component) $Counter = $DriverPaths.ChildNodes.Count + 1 foreach ($Item in $Path) { $PathElement = $DriverPaths.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("PathAndCredentials", @{action = "add";keyValue = ($Counter++)})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Path", $Item, $PathElement) if ($Credential) { $UnattendBuilder.AddCredentialToElement($Credential, $PathElement) } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds domain accounts to one or more groups. .DESCRIPTION Adds domain accounts to one or more groups. Local accounts can be added to groups while creating them with "Add-UnattendAccount". .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass where the account should be added. Valid values are: offlineServicing auditSystem oobeSystem (default) .PARAMETER DomainName Specifies the name of the domain where the domain account is located. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the domain user or group name to add to a group. .PARAMETER SID Specifies the SID of the domain user or group to add to a group. .PARAMETER Group Specifies the groups the domain account should be added to. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendGroupMember { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainAccount')] [ValidateSet('auditSystem', 'oobeSystem')] [string] $Pass = 'oobeSystem', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainAccount')] [string] $DomainName, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainAccount')] [string[]] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'OfflineDomainAccount')] [string[]] $SID, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $Group ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OfflineDomainAccount') { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', 'offlineServicing') $UserAccountsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OfflineUserAccounts', $Component) $DomainAccountsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OfflineDomainAccounts', $UserAccountsElement) foreach ($User in $SID) { $NewAccount = $DomainAccountsElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('OfflineDomainAccount', @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('SID', $User, $NewAccount) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Group', $Group -join ';', $NewAccount) } } else { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $Pass) $UserAccountsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('UserAccounts', $Component) $DomainAccountsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('DomainAccounts', $UserAccountsElement) $DomainElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetChildElementFromXpath("./DomainAccountList/Domain/text()[. = '$DomainName']/../..", $DomainAccountsElement) if ($null -eq $DomainElement) { $DomainElement = $DomainAccountsElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("DomainAccountList", @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Domain", $DomainName, $DomainElement) } $NewAccount = $DomainElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('DomainAccount', @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Name', $Name, $NewAccount) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Group', $Group -join ';', $NewAccount) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds image source/destination details to the unattend file. .DESCRIPTION This command adds image source and destination details to the unattend file. This can be used to automate the selection of an OS installation image, as well as one or more data images. When selecting a source image, you can use the image index, name or description. If you specify multiple sources, the XML file will be invalid. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER SourceImagePath The path to the the install/data image file, including the extension (.Wim or .Esd) .PARAMETER SourceImageIndex The index of the image to be applied, indexes start at 1. This should not be used together with "SourceImageName" nor "SourceImageDescription". The index for a particular image. Can be viewed with the command: Get-WindowsImage .PARAMETER SourceImageName The name of the image to be applied. This should not be used together with "SourceImageIndex" nor "SourceImageDescription". The name for a particular image. .PARAMETER SourceImageDescription The description of the image to be applied. This should not be used together with "SourceImageIndex" nor "SourceImageName". The description for a particular image can be viewed with the command: Get-WindowsImage .PARAMETER SourceImageGroup The image group on the WDS server that contains the image to be installed. .PARAMETER DestinationDiskID The disk number where the image should be applied, typically 0. .PARAMETER DestinationPartitionID The ID of the partition where the image should be applied. .PARAMETER Credential The credential used to access the image source location (if on a fileshare) or the credential used to log on to the WDS server. .PARAMETER WDS Specifies that the image source is WDS (Windows Deployment Services). .PARAMETER DataImage Specifies that the image source is a data image. Multiple data images can be applied on top of the OS install image to add additional files. To apply multiple data images, run this command multiple times. .PARAMETER Compact Specifies that the OS image should be compacted when installed to the disk. Compacting the OS will make it take up less space, but performance can be slightly decreased. .PARAMETER InstallToAvailablePartition When set, the installer will find the first available partition with enough space for the OS, and install it there. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendImage { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Standard", PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [string] $SourceImagePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Standard")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DataImage")] [uint32] $SourceImageIndex, [Parameter()] [string] $SourceImageName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Standard")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DataImage")] [string] $SourceImageDescription, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "WDS")] [string] $SourceImageGroup, [Parameter()] [uint32] $DestinationDiskID, [Parameter()] [uint32] $DestinationPartitionID, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "WDS")] [switch] $WDS, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "DataImage")] [switch] $DataImage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Standard")] [switch] $Compact, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Standard")] [switch] $InstallToAvailablePartition ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', 'windowsPE') if ($WDS) { $SubComponent = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('WindowsDeploymentServices', $Component) if ($SourceImagePath -or $SourceImageGroup -or $SourceImageName -or $DestinationDiskID -or $DestinationPartitionID) { $ImageSelection = $SubComponent.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('ImageSelection')) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'SourceImagePath' { $InstallImage = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallImage', $ImageSelection) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Filename', $SourceImagePath, $InstallImage) continue } 'SourceImageGroup' { $InstallImage = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallImage', $ImageSelection) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('ImageGroup', $SourceImageGroup, $InstallImage) continue } 'SourceImageName' { $InstallImage = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallImage', $ImageSelection) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('ImageName', $SourceImageName, $InstallImage) continue } 'DestinationDiskID' { $InstallTo = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallTo', $ImageSelection) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('DiskID', $DestinationDiskID, $InstallImage) continue } 'DestinationPartitionID' { $InstallTo = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallTo', $ImageSelection) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('PartitionID', $DestinationPartitionID, $InstallImage) continue } } } if ($Credential) { $Login = $SubComponent.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Login')) $UnattendBuilder.AddCredentialToElement($Credential, $Login) } } else { $SubComponent = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('ImageInstall', $Component) if ($DataImage) { $ImageElement = $SubComponent.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("DataImage", @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement("Order", $SubComponent.ChildNodes.Count, $ImageElement) } else { $ImageElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OSImage', $SubComponent) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Compact')) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Compact', $Compact, $ImageElement) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InstallToAvailablePartition')) { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('InstallToAvailablePartition', $InstallToAvailablePartition, $ImageElement) } } if ($SourceImagePath -or $SourceImageIndex -or $SourceImageName -or $SourceImageDescription -or $Credential) { $InstallFrom = $ImageElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('InstallFrom')) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'SourceImagePath' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Path', $SourceImagePath, $InstallFrom) continue } 'SourceImageIndex' { $MetaData = $InstallFrom.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('MetaData', @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Key', '/IMAGE/INDEX', $MetaData) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Value', $SourceImageIndex, $MetaData) continue } 'SourceImageName' { $MetaData = $InstallFrom.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('MetaData', @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Key', '/IMAGE/NAME', $MetaData) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Value', $SourceImageName, $MetaData) continue } 'SourceImageDescription' { $MetaData = $InstallFrom.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('MetaData', @{action = 'add'})) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Key', '/IMAGE/DESCRIPTION', $MetaData) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Value', $SourceImageDescription, $MetaData) continue } 'Credential' { $UnattendBuilder.AddCredentialToElement($Credential, $InstallFrom) } } } if ($DestinationDiskID) { $InstallTo = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallTo', $ImageElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('DiskID', $DestinationDiskID, $InstallTo) } if ($DestinationPartitionID) { $InstallTo = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('InstallTo', $ImageElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('PartitionID', $DestinationPartitionID, $InstallTo) } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures DNS settings that are interface specific. .DESCRIPTION Configures DNS settings that are interface specific. Run this command multiple times with different interface identifiers to add settings for multiple interfaces. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (Default) .PARAMETER InterfaceIdentifier Specifies the interface that these settings should apply to. Can either be the friendly name like: "Ethernet" or the Mac address, like: "AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA" .PARAMETER InterfaceDomain Specifies the DNS domain that should be used for connections out from the specified interface. If a global DNS domain has been set then that takes priority, and if nothing is found then the interface domain is used. .PARAMETER EnableDynamicUpdate Specifies that A and PTR resource records are registered dynamically. .PARAMETER DisableAdapterDomainRegistration Specifies that A and PTR resource records are not registered for this adapter. .PARAMETER DnsServer Specifies a list of IP addresses to use when searching for the DNS server on the network. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendInterfaceDnsConfig { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $InterfaceIdentifier, [Parameter()] [string] $InterfaceDomain, [Parameter()] [switch] $EnableDynamicUpdate, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableAdapterDomainRegistration, [Parameter()] [ipaddress[]] $DnsServer ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client', $PassName) $InterfacesElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("Interfaces", $Component) $Interface = $InterfacesElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Interface', @{action = 'add'})) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'EnableDynamicUpdate' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('DisableDynamicUpdate', !$EnableDynamicUpdate, $Interface) continue } 'InterfaceDomain' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('DNSDomain', $InterfaceDomain, $Interface) continue } 'DisableAdapterDomainRegistration' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration', !$DisableAdapterDomainRegistration, $Interface) continue } 'DnsServer' { $DnsElement = $Interface.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('DNSServerSearchOrder')) $UnattendBuilder.AddSimpleListToElement($DnsServer, "IpAddress", $DnsElement) } } $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Identifier', $InterfaceIdentifier, $Interface) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures interface specific settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures interface specific settings. Run this command multiple times with different interface identifiers to configure multiple interfaces. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass to use. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (default) .PARAMETER InterfaceIdentifier Specifies the interface that settings should apply to. Can either be the friendly name like: "Ethernet" or the Mac address, like: "AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA" .PARAMETER IpAddress The ip address to assign to the interface. Can be specified with or without the cidr notation. If the cidr notation is left out, Windows will use the class based system to guess the right subnet mask. .PARAMETER DefaultGateway Specifies the default gateway the interface should use. .PARAMETER Routes Specifies the custom routes to add to the interface. Use a hashtable with the following keys: Metric - a number that sets the priority for the route, the lower the number, the higher the priority. NextHopAddress - What the route should point to. Prefix - Specifies which destination IP addresses this route should apply to. For more information, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-tcpip-interfaces-interface-routes-route .PARAMETER Ipv4InterfaceSettings Specifies ipv4 settings for the interface. Use a hashtable with the following keys: DhcpEnabled - a bool that controls whether or not DHCP is enabled on this interface. Metric - a number that sets the priority for the interface, the lower the number, the higher the priority. RouterDiscoveryEnabled - Specifies whether the router discovery protocol, which informs hosts of the existence of routers, is enabled. For more information, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-tcpip-interfaces-interface-ipv4settings .PARAMETER Ipv6InterfaceSettings Specifies ipv6 settings for the interface. Use a hashtable with the following keys: DhcpEnabled - a bool that controls whether or not DHCP is enabled on this interface. Metric - a number that sets the priority for the interface, the lower the number, the higher the priority. RouterDiscoveryEnabled - Specifies whether the router discovery protocol, which informs hosts of the existence of routers, is enabled. For more information, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/desktop/unattend/microsoft-windows-tcpip-interfaces-interface-ipv6settings .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendInterfaceIpConfig { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $InterfaceIdentifier, [Parameter()] [string[]] $IpAddress, [Parameter()] [ipaddress] $DefaultGateway, [Parameter()] [hashtable[]] $Routes, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Ipv4InterfaceSettings, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Ipv6InterfaceSettings ) begin { if ($DefaultGateway) { $Routes += @{ NextHopAddress = $DefaultGateway.ToString() Metric = 0 Prefix = "" } } } process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP', $PassName) $InterfacesElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("Interfaces", $Component) $Interface = $InterfacesElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement("Interface", @{action = 'add'})) if ($Ipv4InterfaceSettings) { $SettingsElement = $Interface.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Ipv4Settings')) $UnattendBuilder.AddHashtableValuesToElement($Ipv4InterfaceSettings, $SettingsElement) } if ($Ipv6InterfaceSettings) { $SettingsElement = $Interface.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Ipv6Settings')) $UnattendBuilder.AddHashtableValuesToElement($Ipv6InterfaceSettings, $SettingsElement) } $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Identifier', $InterfaceIdentifier, $Interface) if ($IpAddress) { $IpElement = $Interface.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('UnicastIpAddresses')) $UnattendBuilder.AddSimpleListToElement($IpAddress, 'IpAddress', $IpElement) } if ($Routes) { $RoutesElement = $Interface.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Routes')) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Routes.Count; $i++) { $RouteItem = $RoutesElement.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Route', @{action = 'add'})) $Table = $Routes[$i].Clone() $Table.Add('Identifier', $i) $UnattendBuilder.AddHashtableValuesToElement($Table, $RouteItem) } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds local accounts to the machine and optionally adds them to groups. .DESCRIPTION Adds local accounts to the machine and optionally adds them to groups. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass where the account should be added. Valid values are: offlineServicing auditSystem oobeSystem (default) .PARAMETER LocalAdmin Specifies that you are setting the local admin password. .PARAMETER Name Specifies the name of the user to create. .PARAMETER Password Specifies the password to set for the local account. If a name is not specified then this will set the local admin password. .PARAMETER DisplayName Specifies a displayname for the new local account. .PARAMETER Group Specifies the groups local account should be added to. .PARAMETER Description Specifies a description for the new local account. .PARAMETER PasswordAsPlainText Specifies that the PW should be stored as plaintext in the unattend file. .PARAMETER SkipPasswordEncoding Skips encoding the PW for the unattend file. Useful if you want to add a PW that has already been encoded. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Add-UnattendUser { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('offlineServicing', 'auditSystem', 'oobeSystem')] [string] $Pass = 'oobeSystem', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'LocalAdmin')] [switch] $LocalAdmin, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'LocalUser')] [string[]] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LocalUser')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'LocalAdmin')] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $Password, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LocalUser')] [string] $DisplayName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LocalUser')] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LocalUser')] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [switch] $PasswordAsPlainText, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipPasswordEncoding ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $Pass) if ($LocalAdmin) { if ($Pass -eq 'offlineServicing') { $UserAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OfflineUserAccounts', $Component) $AdminElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OfflineAdministratorPassword', $UserAccounts) } else { $UserAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('UserAccounts', $Component) $AdminElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('AdministratorPassword', $UserAccounts) } $PW = if ($PasswordAsPlainText -or $SkipPasswordEncoding -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Password)) { $Password } else { if ($Pass -eq 'offlineServicing') { EncodeUnattendPassword -Password $Password -Kind OfflineLocalAdmin } else { EncodeUnattendPassword -Password $Password -Kind LocalAdmin } } $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Value', $PW, $AdminElement) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('PlainText', $PasswordAsPlainText, $AdminElement) } else { if ($Pass -eq 'offlineServicing') { $UserAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OfflineUserAccounts', $Component) $LocalAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("OfflineLocalAccounts", $UserAccounts) } else { $UserAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('UserAccounts', $Component) $LocalAccounts = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("LocalAccounts", $UserAccounts) } foreach ($UserName in $Name) { $NewAccount = $LocalAccounts.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('LocalAccount', @{action = 'add'})) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Description' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Description', $Description, $NewAccount) continue } 'DisplayName' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('DisplayName', $DisplayName, $NewAccount) continue } 'Group' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Group', $Group -join ';', $NewAccount) continue } 'Name' { $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Name', $UserName, $NewAccount) continue } 'Password' { $PasswordElement = $NewAccount.AppendChild($UnattendBuilder.CreateElement('Password')) $PW = if ($PasswordAsPlainText -or $SkipPasswordEncoding -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Password)) { $Password } else { EncodeUnattendPassword -Password $Password -Kind UserAccount } $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('Value', $PW, $PasswordElement) $UnattendBuilder.CreateAndAppendElement('PlainText', $PasswordAsPlainText, $PasswordElement) continue } } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates an unattend file from the provided UnattendBuilder object. .DESCRIPTION Creates an unattend file from the provided UnattendBuilder object. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that contains all the file contents. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER FilePath The full path to the file that should be created. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder #> function Export-UnattendFile { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FilePath ) process { $ParentPath = Split-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $ParentPath -ErrorAction Stop if ($ResolvedPath.Provider.Name -ne 'FileSystem') { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError( [ErrorRecord]::new( [ArgumentException]::new("The provided path is invalid. Please provide a filesystem path.", "FilePath"), "NotAFilesystemPath", [ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument, $FilePath ) ) } $FileName = Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Leaf -ErrorAction Stop $OutputPath = Join-Path -Path $ResolvedPath.ProviderPath -ChildPath $FileName $UnattendBuilder.ToXml().Save($OutputPath) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new unattendbuilder object that can be used to build an unattend file. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new unattendbuilder object that can be used to build an unattend file. This command includes convenience parameters that allow you to get started with a new unattend file that includes the basics but you can also start from a clean slate. Another option is to import an existing file/XML document as a baseline, and add additional settings to it. .PARAMETER SourceFile Specifies the path to an XML file that contains an existing unattend file to import. .PARAMETER SourceDocument Specifies the XmlDocument object that contains an existing unattend file that should be modified. .PARAMETER UiLanguage Specifies the display language to set in WinPE and Windows. .PARAMETER SystemLocale Specifies the system locale to set in WinPE and Windows. .PARAMETER InputLocale Specifies the keyboard layout to set in WinPE and Windows. .PARAMETER ProductKey Specifies the product key to add the unattend file. .PARAMETER DiskTemplate Specifies the predefined disk template to use during the installation .PARAMETER SkipOOBE Skips all the OOBE windows. .PARAMETER LocalAdminPassword Sets the local admin password. .PARAMETER LocalUserToAdd Adds a local user as admin. .PARAMETER LocalUserPassword Sets a password for the specified user. .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function New-UnattendBuilder { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('FullName')] [string] $SourceFile, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [xml] $SourceDocument, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $UiLanguage, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $SystemLocale, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo[]] $InputLocale, [Parameter()] [string] $ProductKey, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('BIOS', 'UEFI')] [string] $DiskTemplate, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipOOBE, [Parameter()] [string] $LocalAdminPassword, [Parameter()] [string] $LocalUserToAdd, [Parameter()] [string] $LocalUserPassword ) process { $Builder = try { if ($SourceFile) { $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $SourceFile -ErrorAction Stop [UnattendBuilder]::new($ResolvedPath.ProviderPath) } elseif ($SourceDocument) { [UnattendBuilder]::new($SourceDocument) } else { [UnattendBuilder]::new() } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } $LanguageParams = @{} switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'UiLanguage' { $LanguageParams.Add('UiLanguage', $UiLanguage) continue } 'SystemLocale' { $LanguageParams.Add('SystemLocale', $SystemLocale) continue } 'InputLocale' { $LanguageParams.Add('InputLocale', $InputLocale) continue } 'ProductKey' { $null = $Builder | Set-UnattendProductKey -ProductKey $ProductKey continue } 'DiskTemplate' { $null = $Builder | Add-UnattendDiskPartition -Template $DiskTemplate -DiskNumber 0 | Add-UnattendImage -InstallToAvailablePartition continue } 'SkipOOBE' { $null = $Builder | Set-UnattendWindowsSetupSetting -AcceptEula | Set-UnattendOobeSetting -HideEula -HideLocalAccount -HideOem -HideOnlineAccount -HideNetworkSetup -UseExpressSettings:$false continue } 'LocalAdminPassword' { $null = $Builder | Add-UnattendUser -LocalAdmin -Password $LocalAdminPassword continue } 'LocalUserToAdd' { $UserParams = @{Name = $LocalUserToAdd} if ($LocalUserPassword) { $UserParams.Add("Password", $LocalUserPassword) } $null = $Builder | Add-UnattendUser @UserParams -Group Administrators continue } } if ($LanguageParams.Count -gt 0) { $null = $Builder | Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -Pass windowsPE,specialize,oobeSystem @LanguageParams } $Builder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures audio settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures audio settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER DisableSpatialOnComboEndpoints Not documented. .PARAMETER DisableCaptureMonitor Prevents users from playing audio by connecting devices (music players) to the "Audio in" port. .PARAMETER DisableVolumeControlOnLockscreen Disables volume adjustment from the lock screen. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendAudioSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableSpatialOnComboEndpoints, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableCaptureMonitor, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableVolumeControlOnLockscreen ) process { $Pass = 'specialize' switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'DisableSpatialOnComboEndpoints' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Audio-AudioCore', $Pass) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DisableSpatialOnComboEndpoints', $DisableSpatialOnComboEndpoints, $Component) continue } 'DisableCaptureMonitor' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Audio-AudioCore', $Pass) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('EnableCaptureMonitor', !$DisableCaptureMonitor, $Component) continue } 'DisableVolumeControlOnLockscreen' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Audio-VolumeControl', $Pass) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('EnableVolumeControlWhileLocked', !$DisableVolumeControlOnLockscreen, $Component) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures the autologon user details, and whether or not autologon is enabled. .DESCRIPTION Configures the autologon user details, and whether or not autologon is enabled. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Valid values are: specialize auditSystem oobeSystem (default) .PARAMETER UserDomain Specifies the domain that the autologon user is a member of. .PARAMETER UserName Specifies the username of the autologon user. .PARAMETER Password Specifies the password of the autologon user. .PARAMETER PasswordAsPlainText Specifies that the password should be stored as plaintext in the unattend file. .PARAMETER SkipPasswordEncoding Specifies that this command should not encode the password, useful if you want to add a password that has already been encoded. .PARAMETER DisableAutoLogon Disables autologon. .PARAMETER LogonCount Specifies how many times the user should log in automatically. This is useful when running multiple setup scripts that require reboots. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendAutoLogon { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("specialize", 'auditSystem', 'oobeSystem')] [string[]] $Pass = "oobeSystem", [Parameter()] [string] $UserDomain, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $UserName, [Parameter()] [string] $Password, [Parameter()] [switch] $PasswordAsPlainText, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipPasswordEncoding, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableAutoLogon, [Parameter()] [uint32] $LogonCount ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $PassName) $AutoLogon = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('AutoLogon', $Component) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'UserDomain' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("Domain", $UserDomain, $AutoLogon) continue } 'UserName' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("Username", $UserName, $AutoLogon) continue } 'Password' { $PasswordElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('Password', $AutoLogon) $PW = if ($PasswordAsPlainText -or $SkipPasswordEncoding) { $Password } else { EncodeUnattendPassword -Password $Password -Kind UserAccount } $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Value', $PW, $PasswordElement) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('PlainText', $PasswordAsPlainText, $PasswordElement) } 'LogonCount' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("LogonCount", $LogonCount, $AutoLogon) continue } } $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("Enabled", !$DisableAutoLogon, $AutoLogon) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the computer computer name to be set during installation. .DESCRIPTION Sets the computer computer name to be set during installation. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass The pass that this command should apply to. Supported values are: offlineServicing specialize (default) .PARAMETER ComputerName The computer name to set during installation. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendComputerName { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("offlineServicing", "specialize")] [string[]] $Pass = "specialize", [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $ComputerName ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('ComputerName', $ComputerName, $Component) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures global DNS settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures global DNS settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (Default) .PARAMETER DnsDomain Specifies the primary DNS domain to be used for name resolution. This will be used for DNS client registrations and DNS client resolution if no suffixes have been configured. .PARAMETER DisableDomainNameDevolution Specifies that the name resolver does not use domain-name devolution. .PARAMETER DnsSuffixSearchOrder Specifies the DNS suffixes to use when attempting to resolve hostnames without a domain. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendDnsSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter()] [string] $DnsDomain, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableDomainNameDevolution, [Parameter()] [string[]] $DnsSuffixSearchOrder ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client', $PassName) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'DnsDomain' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DNSDomain', $DnsDomain, $Component) continue } 'DisableDomainNameDevolution' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UseDomainNameDevolution', !$DisableDomainNameDevolution, $Component) continue } 'DnsSuffixSearchOrder' { $SuffixElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('DNSSuffixSearchOrder', $Component) if ($SuffixElement.HasChildNodes) { $SuffixElement.RemoveAll() } $UnattendBuilder.AddSimpleListToElement($DnsSuffixSearchOrder, 'DomainName', $SuffixElement) continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures settings related to joining a domain or workgroup. .DESCRIPTION Configures settings related to joining a domain or workgroup. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER OfflinePass Specifies that this should happen during the offline pass, otherwise it will happen during the specialization phase. .PARAMETER UnsecureJoin Specifies whether to add the computer to the domain without requiring a unique password. UnsecureJoin is performed, by using a null session with a pre-existing account. This means there is no authentication to the domain controller when configuring the machine account; it is done anonymously. The account must have a well-known password or a specified value for MachinePassword. The well-known password is the first 14 characters of the computer name in lower case. .PARAMETER AccountData Specifies the base64 string containing join details that has been generated by djoin.exe .PARAMETER JoinCredential Specifies the credentials to use to join the domain. .PARAMETER DomainName Specifies the name of the domain to join. .PARAMETER WorkgroupName Specifies the workgroup name of the workgroup to join. .PARAMETER DebugJoin Specifies a trigger to run the debugging routine if setup encounters an error code. This setting enables you to debug Windows Setup failures. .PARAMETER DebugJoinError Specifies a particular error code that causes DebugJoin to trigger if encountered during Windows Setup. .PARAMETER TargetOU Specifies the target OU to place the computer object in after the domain join. .PARAMETER MachinePassword MachinePassword is used with UnsecureJoin, which is performed by using a null session with a pre-existing account. This means there is no authentication to the domain controller when configuring the computer account. It is done anonymously. The account must have a well-known password or a specified MachinePassword. The well-known password is the first 14 characters of the computer name in lowercase. .PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes Specifies how long Windows will wait until it gives up joining the domain. Valid values are between 5 and 60 minutes. Default is 15 minutes. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendDomainJoinInfo { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Workgroup', PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinOfflinePass')] [switch] $OfflinePass, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [switch] $UnsecureJoin, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinOfflinePass')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [string] $AccountData, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [pscredential] $JoinCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [string] $DomainName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Workgroup')] [string] $WorkgroupName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [switch] $DebugJoin, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [string] $DebugJoinError, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [string] $TargetOU, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [string] $MachinePassword, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoinPreprovisioned')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DomainJoin')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UnsecureDomainJoin')] [ValidateRange(5, 60)] [int] $TimeoutInMinutes ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'DomainJoinOfflinePass') { $PassName = 'offlineServicing' $ChildElementName = 'OfflineIdentification' } else { $PassName = 'specialize' $ChildElementName = 'Identification' } $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin', $PassName) $IdentificationElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement($ChildElementName, $Component) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'UnsecureJoin' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UnsecureJoin', $UnsecureJoin, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'AccountData' { $ProvisioningElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('Provisioning', $IdentificationElement) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('AccountData', $AccountData, $ProvisioningElement) continue } 'JoinCredential' { $UnattendBuilder.SetCredentialOnElement($JoinCredential, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'DomainName' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('JoinDomain', $DomainName, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'WorkgroupName' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('JoinWorkgroup', $WorkgroupName, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'DebugJoin' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DebugJoin', $DebugJoin, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'DebugJoinError' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError', $DebugJoinError, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'TargetOU' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('MachineObjectOU', $TargetOU, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'MachinePassword' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('MachinePassword', $MachinePassword, $IdentificationElement) continue } 'TimeoutInMinutes' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('TimeoutPeriodInMinutes', $TimeoutInMinutes, $IdentificationElement) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures firewall settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures firewall settings, these firewall settings apply to the installed OS, not WinPE. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER DisableStatefulFTP Disables the FTP inspection engine. On server editions this is turned on by default, and setting this switch will disable it. On client editions this is turned off by default, but can be enabled by setting this switch to false: -DisableStatefulFTP:$false .PARAMETER DisableStatefulPPTP Disables the point to point tunneling inspection. On server editions this is turned on by default, and setting this switch will disable it. On client editions this is turned off by default, but can be enabled by setting this switch to false: -DisableStatefulPPTP:$false .PARAMETER FirewallProfile Specifies the firewall profile the profile specific settings should apply to. .PARAMETER DisableFirewall Disables the specified firewall profile. .PARAMETER DisableNotifications Disables notifications about programs being blocked. .PARAMETER LogDroppedPackets Enables logging of dropped packets. .PARAMETER LogSuccessfulConnections Enables logging of allowed connections, by default only dropped connections are logged. .PARAMETER LogFilePath Specifies the filepath of the logfile for this profile. .PARAMETER LogFileSizeKB Specifies how big the logfile can be. .PARAMETER EnabledFirewallGroups Specifies the firewall groups to enable. Firewall group names can be found with this command: Get-NetFirewallRule | select Name,DisplayName,Group .PARAMETER DisabledFirewallGroups Specifies the firewall groups to disable. Firewall group names can be found with this command: Get-NetFirewallRule | select Name,DisplayName,Group .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendFirewallSetting { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'GlobalSettings', PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "GlobalSettings")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $DisableStatefulFTP, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "GlobalSettings")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $DisableStatefulPPTP, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [ValidateSet("Domain", 'Private', 'Public', 'All')] [string] $FirewallProfile, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $DisableFirewall, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $DisableNotifications, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $LogDroppedPackets, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [switch] $LogSuccessfulConnections, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [string] $LogFilePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [int] $LogFileSizeKB, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [string[]] $EnabledFirewallGroups, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ProfileSpecific")] [string[]] $DisabledFirewallGroups ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Networking-MPSSVC-Svc', 'specialize') if ($EnabledFirewallGroups -or $DisabledFirewallGroups) { $GroupsElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('FirewallGroups', $Component) $FwCommonParams = @{ UnattendBuilder = $UnattendBuilder Parent = $GroupsElement FirewallProfile = $FirewallProfile.ToLower() } if ($EnabledFirewallGroups) { AddFirewallGroupsToElement @FwCommonParams -GroupNames $EnabledFirewallGroups -Active $true } if ($DisabledFirewallGroups) { AddFirewallGroupsToElement @FwCommonParams -GroupNames $DisabledFirewallGroups -Active $false } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisableStatefulFTP')) { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DisableStatefulFTP', $DisableStatefulFTP, $Component) } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisableStatefulPPTP')) { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DisableStatefulPPTP', $DisableStatefulPPTP, $Component) } $FwProfiles = if ($FirewallProfile -eq "All") { "Domain", 'Private', 'Public' } else { $FirewallProfile } foreach ($Item in $FwProfiles) { switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'DisableFirewall' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_EnableFirewall", !$DisableFirewall, $Component) continue } 'DisableNotifications' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_DisableNotifications", $DisableNotifications, $Component) continue } 'LogDroppedPackets' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_LogDroppedPackets", $LogDroppedPackets, $Component) continue } 'LogSuccessfulConnections' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_LogSuccessfulConnections", $LogSuccessfulConnections, $Component) continue } 'LogFilePath' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_LogFile", $LogFilePath, $Component) continue } 'LogFileSizeKB' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue("${Item}Profile_LogFileSize", $LogFileSizeKB, $Component) continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures global IP settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures global IP settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass to use. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (default) .PARAMETER DisableIcmpRedirects Specifies that the IPv4 and IPv6 path caches are not updated in response to ICMP redirect messages. This is a global setting that applies to all interfaces. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendIpSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableIcmpRedirects ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP', $PassName) if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisableIcmpRedirects')) { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('IcmpRedirectsEnabled', !$DisableIcmpRedirects, $Component) } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures language and localization settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures language and localization settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Valid values are: windowsPE specialize (Default) oobeSystem .PARAMETER InputLocale Specifies the keyboard layout that should be used, for example: da-DK .PARAMETER SystemLocale Specifies the language to use for non-unicode programs. Can be specified like this: da-DK .PARAMETER UiLanguage Specifies the language of the shell. Can be specified like this: da-DK .PARAMETER SetupUiLanguage Specifies the language to use in the WinPE setup UI. .PARAMETER UiLanguageFallback The fallback language of the shell, for components that have not been localized in the primary language. Can be specified like this: en-US .PARAMETER UserLocale Specifies the format used for dates, currency and other localized content. Can be specified like this: da-DK .PARAMETER LayeredDriver The keyboard driver used in WinPE for asian languages. Valid values are 1-6. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendLanguageSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('windowsPE', 'specialize', 'oobeSystem')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter()] [cultureinfo[]] $InputLocale, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $SystemLocale, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $UiLanguage, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $SetupUiLanguage, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $UiLanguageFallback, [Parameter()] [cultureinfo] $UserLocale, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 6)] [int] $LayeredDriver ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $ComponentName = if ($PassName -eq "windowsPE") { 'Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE' } else { 'Microsoft-Windows-International-Core' } $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent($ComponentName, $PassName) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'InputLocale' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('InputLocale', $InputLocale.Name -join ';', $Component) continue } 'SystemLocale' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SystemLocale', $SystemLocale.Name, $Component) continue } 'UiLanguage' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UILanguage', $UiLanguage.Name, $Component) continue } 'UiLanguageFallback' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UILanguageFallback', $UiLanguageFallback.Name, $Component) continue } 'UserLocale' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UserLocale', $UserLocale.Name, $Component) continue } 'SetupUiLanguage' { if ($PassName -eq "windowsPE") { $SetupUIElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('SetupUILanguage', $Component) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UILanguage', $SetupUiLanguage, $SetupUIElement) } else { Write-Warning -Message "$_ can only be set on windowsPE pass. Ignoring it for pass: $PassName" } continue } 'LayeredDriver' { if ($PassName -eq "windowsPE") { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('LayeredDriver', $LayeredDriver, $ComponentName) } else { Write-Warning -Message "$_ can only be set on windowsPE pass. Ignoring it for pass: $PassName" } continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures settings related to the OOBE. .DESCRIPTION Configures settings related to the Out Of Box Experience. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER HideEula Skips the EULA page (With the implication that you accept the EULA) .PARAMETER HideLocalAccount Skips the page to set the password for the Administrator account on server editions. .PARAMETER HideOem Skips any OEM specific page. .PARAMETER HideOnlineAccount Skips the online account sign in/creation screen. .PARAMETER HideNetworkSetup Skips the network setup page. .PARAMETER UseExpressSettings Skips the pages related to express settings. When this switch is set, express settings will be turned on, and the page will be skipped. When this switch is explicitly turned off (by specifying the parameter like this: -UseExpressSettings:$false) Express settings will be turned off, and the page will be skipped. If this is not set then the page will be shown during OOBE. .PARAMETER SkipMachineOOBE Is supposedly deprecated but skips the OOBE. .PARAMETER SkipUserOOBE Is supposedly deprecated but skips the OOBE. .PARAMETER NetworkLocation Sets the network location. Valid values are: Home Work Other .PARAMETER SkipAdminProfileRemoval Skip removing the default administrator account profile. .PARAMETER SkipLanguageChange Skips notifying windows about language changes during the OOBE. .PARAMETER SkipWinReInitialization Skips setting up Win RE during the OOBE. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendOobeSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideEula, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideLocalAccount, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideOem, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideOnlineAccount, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideNetworkSetup, [Parameter()] [switch] $UseExpressSettings, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipMachineOOBE, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipUserOOBE, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Home', 'Work', 'Other')] [string] $NetworkLocation, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipAdminProfileRemoval, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipLanguageChange, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipWinReInitialization ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', 'oobeSystem') $OOBE = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('OOBE', $Component) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'HideEula' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('HideEULAPage', $HideEula, $OOBE) continue } 'HideLocalAccount' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('HideLocalAccountScreen', $HideLocalAccount, $OOBE) continue } 'HideOem' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('HideOEMRegistrationScreen', $HideOem, $OOBE) continue } 'HideOnlineAccount' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('HideOnlineAccountScreens', $HideOnlineAccount, $OOBE) continue } 'HideNetworkSetup' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('HideWirelessSetupInOOBE', $HideNetworkSetup, $OOBE) continue } 'UseExpressSettings' { $Value = if ($UseExpressSettings) { 1 } else { 3 } $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('ProtectYourPC', $Value, $OOBE) continue } 'SkipMachineOOBE' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SkipMachineOOBE', $SkipMachineOOBE, $OOBE) continue } 'SkipUserOOBE' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SkipUserOOBE', $SkipUserOOBE, $OOBE) continue } 'NetworkLocation' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('NetworkLocation', $NetworkLocation, $OOBE) continue } 'SkipAdminProfileRemoval' { $VmOptimizations = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('VMModeOptimizations', $OOBE) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SkipAdministratorProfileRemoval', $SkipAdminProfileRemoval, $VmOptimizations) continue } 'SkipLanguageChange' { $VmOptimizations = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('VMModeOptimizations', $OOBE) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SkipNotifyUILanguageChange', $SkipLanguageChange, $VmOptimizations) continue } 'SkipWinReInitialization' { $VmOptimizations = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('VMModeOptimizations', $OOBE) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SkipWinREInitialization', $SkipWinReInitialization, $VmOptimizations) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds information about the user and organization for Windows to the unattend file. .DESCRIPTION Adds information about the user and organization for Windows to the unattend file. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command applies to. By default, this is applied to the windowsPE and specialize phases. Valid values are: windowsPE offlineServicing generalize specialize auditUser oobeSystem .PARAMETER Owner Sets the name of the end user of the computer. .PARAMETER Organization Sets the organization that the computer belongs to. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendOwnerInfo { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("windowsPE", "offlineServicing", "generalize", "specialize", "auditUser", "oobeSystem")] [string[]] $Pass = ("windowsPE", "specialize"), [Parameter()] [string] $Owner, [Parameter()] [string] $Organization ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { if ($PassName -eq "windowsPE") { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', $PassName) $UserData = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('UserData', $Component) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Owner' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('FullName', $Owner, $UserData) continue } 'Organization' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Organization', $Organization, $UserData) continue } } } else { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $PassName) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Owner' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('RegisteredOwner', $Owner, $Component) continue } 'Organization' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('RegisteredOrganization', $Organization, $Component) continue } } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures power settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures power settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass the command should apply to. Supported values are: generalize specialize (default) .PARAMETER PowerPlan The GUID of the powerplan that should be set .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendPowerSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('generalize', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $TrimmedWord = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'",'"')) $PowerplanTable = @{ PowerSaver = 'a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a' Balanced = '381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e' HighPerformance = '8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c' UltimatePerformance = 'e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61' } foreach ($Key in $PowerplanTable.Keys) { if ($Key -like "$TrimmedWord*") { $CompletionText = $PowerplanTable[$Key] $ListItemText = $Key $ResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue $ToolTip = $Key [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip) } } })] [guid] $PowerPlan ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-powercpl', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('PreferredPlan', $PowerPlan.Guid, $Component) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the product key to use during installation. .DESCRIPTION Sets the product key to use during installation. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass The pass this command should apply to. By default, this command will add the key to all supported install phases. Supported values: windowsPE specialize .PARAMETER ProductKey The product key to install. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendProductKey { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("windowsPE", "specialize")] [string[]] $Pass = ("windowsPE", "specialize"), [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [string] $ProductKey ) process { switch ($Pass) { 'windowsPE' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', $_) $UserData = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement("UserData", $Component) $KeyElement = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('ProductKey', $UserData) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Key', $ProductKey, $KeyElement) continue } 'specialize' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $_) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('ProductKey', $ProductKey, $Component) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures RDP settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures RDP settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this should apply to. Valid values are: offlineServicing generalize specialize (default) .PARAMETER EnableRDP Enables RDP connections to this computer. .PARAMETER AllowArbitraryRemoteApps Allows remote users to launch remote apps that haven't been explicitly whitelisted on this computer. .PARAMETER DisableNLA Disables Network Level Authentication when connecting to this computer. .PARAMETER SecurityLayer Sets the security layer used when connecting to this computer. Valid values are: RDP - The RDP protocol is used. Negotiate - Client and server negotiates the most secure protocol supported by both. TLS - Forces the protocol to use TLS. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendRdpSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('offlineServicing', 'generalize', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter()] [switch] $EnableRDP, [Parameter()] [switch] $AllowArbitraryRemoteApps, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableNLA, [Parameter()] [RdpSecurityLayer] $SecurityLayer ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'EnableRDP' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('fDenyTSConnections', !$EnableRDP, $Component) continue } 'AllowArbitraryRemoteApps' { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Publishing-WMIProvider', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('fDisabledAllowList', $AllowArbitraryRemoteApps, $Component) continue } 'DisableNLA' { if ($PassName -ne "offlineServicing") { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RDP-WinStationExtensions', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UserAuthentication', (!$DisableNLA).ToInt32($null), $Component) } else { Write-Warning -Message "$_ cannot be set in offlineServicing pass. Ignoring it for this pass." } continue } 'SecurityLayer' { if ($PassName -ne "offlineServicing") { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RDP-WinStationExtensions', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('SecurityLayer', $SecurityLayer.value__, $Component) } else { Write-Warning -Message "$_ cannot be set in offlineServicing pass. Ignoring it for this pass." } continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures server manager settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures server manager settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Supported values: generalize specialize (default) .PARAMETER DontOpenServerManagerAtLogon Stops server manager from opening by default when a user logs on. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendServerManagerSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('generalize', 'specialize')] [string[]] $Pass = 'specialize', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [switch] $DontOpenServerManagerAtLogon ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-SvrMgrNc', $PassName) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon', $DontOpenServerManagerAtLogon, $Component) } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures sysprep behavior for devices and device drivers. .DESCRIPTION Configures sysprep behavior for devices and device drivers. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER DontCleanNonPresentDevices Specifies whether Plug and Play information persists on the destination computer during the following specialize configuration pass. .PARAMETER PersistAllDeviceInstalls Specifies whether all Plug and Play information persists on the destination computer during the generalize configuration pass. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendSysPrepSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [switch] $DontCleanNonPresentDevices, [Parameter()] [switch] $PersistAllDeviceInstalls ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep', 'generalize') switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'DontCleanNonPresentDevices' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices', $DontCleanNonPresentDevices, $Component) continue } 'PersistAllDeviceInstalls' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('PersistAllDeviceInstalls', $PersistAllDeviceInstalls, $Component) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures time settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures time settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER Pass Specifies the pass this command should apply to. Supported values: specialize (default) auditSystem oobeSystem .PARAMETER TimeZone The ID of the timezone to set during installation. The available timzones can be listed with the following PS command: [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() .PARAMETER DisableAutoDaylight Specifies that daylight savings should not be applied automatically by Windows. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendTimeSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("specialize", "auditSystem", "oobeSystem")] [string[]] $Pass = "specialize", [Parameter()] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $TrimmedWord = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'",'"')) foreach ($Timezone in [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones()) { if ($Timezone.Id -like "$TrimmedWord*") { $CompletionText = "'$($Timezone.Id)'" $ListItemText = $Timezone.Id $ResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue $ToolTip = $Timezone.DisplayName [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip) } } })] [string] $TimeZone, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableAutoDaylight ) process { foreach ($PassName in $Pass) { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup', $PassName) switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'TimeZone' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('TimeZone', $TimeZone, $Component) continue } 'DisableAutoDaylight' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet', $DisableAutoDaylight, $Component) continue } } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures TPM settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures Trusted Platform Module settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER ClearBehavior Controls under which circumstances the TPM should be cleared. Clearing the TPM will delete all the keys stored on the TPM, such as bitlocker keys or Windows Hello PINs. Valid values: Never - Does not clear the TPM (Default behavior). WhenOwner - Clears the TPM if Windows has taken ownership of the TPM. Always - Always clears the TPM. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendTpmSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [TpmClearBehavior] $ClearBehavior ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-TPM-Tasks', 'specialize') $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('ClearTpm', $ClearBehavior.value__, $Component) $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures UAC settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures User Account Control settings (previously known as Limited User Account). .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER DisableUAC Disables UAC. Disabling UAC means that any program run by privileged accounts will run elevated without any prompt, even if "Run As Administrator" is not chosen by the user. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendUacSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [switch] $DisableUAC ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-LUA-Settings', "offlineServicing") $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('EnableLUA', !$DisableUAC, $Component) $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures various settings used during Windows setup in WinPE. .DESCRIPTION Configures various settings used during Windows setup in WinPE. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER DisableFirewall Specifies whether Windows Firewall is enabled for Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). This setting does not apply to the Windows Firewall settings of the Windows installation. .PARAMETER EnableNetwork Specifies whether network connection is enabled. This setting applies only to Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). In the standard Windows setup WinPE image, networking is disabled by default. For custom WinPE images, networking is enabled by default. .PARAMETER LogDirectory Specifies where log files for WinPE will be saved. .PARAMETER ShutdownAfterWinPE Specifies that WinPE should shutdown rather than reboot after finishing. .PARAMETER UseConfigurationSet Specifies whether to use a configuration set for Windows Setup. A configuration set is a folder that contains additional device drivers, applications, or other binaries that you want to add to Windows during installation. You can create a configuration set in Windows System Image Manager. .PARAMETER DisableDiskEncryptionProvisioning Specifies whether Windows activates encryption on blank drives that are capable of hardware-based encryption during installation. .PARAMETER PagefilePath Specifies the path to use for the page file used in WinPE. .PARAMETER PagefileSizeMB Specifies the max size of the page file used in WinPE. .PARAMETER AcceptEula Specifies that you accept the Windows EULA of the image you are installing. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendWindowsSetupSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableFirewall, [Parameter()] [switch] $EnableNetwork, [Parameter()] [string] $LogDirectory, [Parameter()] [switch] $ShutdownAfterWinPE, [Parameter()] [switch] $UseConfigurationSet, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableDiskEncryptionProvisioning, [Parameter()] [string] $PagefilePath, [Parameter()] [string] $PagefileSizeMB, [Parameter()] [switch] $AcceptEula ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-Setup', 'windowsPE') switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'DisableFirewall' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('EnableFirewall', !$DisableFirewall, $Component) continue } 'EnableNetwork' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('EnableNetwork', $EnableNetwork, $Component) continue } 'LogDirectory' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('LogPath', $LogDirectory, $Component) continue } 'ShutdownAfterWinPE' { $Text = if ($ShutdownAfterWinPE) { "Shutdown" } else { "Restart" } $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Restart', $Text, $Component) continue } 'UseConfigurationSet' { $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UseConfigurationSet', $UseConfigurationSet, $Component) continue } 'DisableDiskEncryptionProvisioning' { $DiskConfig = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('DiskConfiguration', $Component) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('DisableEncryptedDiskProvisioning', $DisableDiskEncryptionProvisioning, $DiskConfig) continue } 'PagefilePath' { $PageFile = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('PageFile', $Component) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Path', $PagefilePath, $PageFile) continue } 'PagefileSizeMB' { $PageFile = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('PageFile', $Component) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('Size', $PagefileSizeMB, $PageFile) continue } 'AcceptEula' { $UserData = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateChildElement('UserData', $Component) $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('AcceptEula', $AcceptEula, $UserData) continue } } $UnattendBuilder } } <# .SYNOPSIS Configures Windows RE settings. .DESCRIPTION Configures Windows Recovery Environment settings. .PARAMETER UnattendBuilder The UnattendBuilder object that this should be added to. Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .PARAMETER UninstallWindowsRE Uninstalls the recovery environment during OOBE. This can be used to save disk space (Typically, about 500MB) on systems where recovery options aren't needed. .INPUTS [UnattendBuilder] Create one with the command: New-UnattendBuilder .OUTPUTS [UnattendBuilder] #> function Set-UnattendWinReSetting { [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)] [OutputType([UnattendBuilder])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [UnattendBuilder] $UnattendBuilder, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [switch] $UninstallWindowsRE ) process { $Component = $UnattendBuilder.GetOrCreateComponent('Microsoft-Windows-WinRE-RecoveryAgent', 'oobeSystem') $UnattendBuilder.SetElementValue('UninstallWindowsRE', $UninstallWindowsRE, $Component) $UnattendBuilder } } $CultureCompleter = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $TrimmedWord = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'",'"')) foreach ($Culture in [cultureinfo]::GetCultures([System.Globalization.CultureTypes]::AllCultures)) { if ($Culture.Name -ne "" -and $Culture.Name -like "$TrimmedWord*") { $CompletionText = $Culture.Name $ListItemText = $Culture.Name $ResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue $ToolTip = $Culture.DisplayName [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip) } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-UnattendBuilder,Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName UiLanguage -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-UnattendBuilder,Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName SystemLocale -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-UnattendBuilder,Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName InputLocale -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName SetupUiLanguage -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName UserLocale -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-UnattendLanguageSetting -ParameterName UiLanguageFallback -ScriptBlock $CultureCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-UnattendBuilder,Set-UnattendProductKey -ParameterName ProductKey -ScriptBlock { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $TrimmedWord = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'",'"')) $WindowsKeyTable = [ordered]@{ Win10Home = 'YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7' Win10Pro = 'VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T' Win10Edu = 'YNMGQ-8RYV3-4PGQ3-C8XTP-7CFBY' Win10Enterprise = 'XGVPP-NMH47-7TTHJ-W3FW7-8HV2C' Server2016Standard = 'WC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY' Server2016Datacenter = 'CB7KF-BWN84-R7R2Y-793K2-8XDDG' Server2019Standard = 'N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C' Server2019Datacenter = 'WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG' Server2022Standard = 'VDYBN-27WPP-V4HQT-9VMD4-VMK7H' Server2022Datacenter = 'WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33' } foreach ($Key in $WindowsKeyTable.Keys) { if ($Key -like "$TrimmedWord*") { $CompletionText = $WindowsKeyTable[$Key] $ListItemText = $Key $ResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue $ToolTip = $Key [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip) } } } $FwGroupCompleter = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) $TrimmedWord = $wordToComplete.Trim(("'",'"')) $AllGroups = @' DisplayGroup;Group COM+ Network Access;@%systemroot%\system32\firewallapi.dll,-3400 COM+ Remote Administration;@%systemroot%\system32\firewallapi.dll,-3405 Core Networking;@FirewallAPI.dll,-25000 Core Networking Diagnostics;@FirewallAPI.dll,-27000 DHCP Server;@FirewallAPI.dll,-50209 DHCP Server Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-50213 DIAL protocol server;@FirewallAPI.dll,-37101 Distributed Transaction Coordinator;@FirewallAPI.dll,-33502 DNS Service;@firewallapi.dll,-53012 File and Printer Sharing;@FirewallAPI.dll,-28502 File and Printer Sharing over QUIC;@FirewallAPI.dll,-28652 File and Printer Sharing over SMBDirect;@FirewallAPI.dll,-28602 File Server Remote Management;@fssmres.dll,-100 Hyper-V;@%systemroot%\system32\vmms.exe,-210 Hyper-V Management Clients;@FirewallAPI.dll,-60201 Hyper-V Replica HTTP;@%systemroot%\system32\vmms.exe,-251 Hyper-V Replica HTTPS;@%systemroot%\system32\vmms.exe,-253 iSCSI Service;@FirewallAPI.dll,-29002 Key Management Service;@FirewallAPI.dll,-28002 mDNS;@%SystemRoot%\system32\firewallapi.dll,-37302 Microsoft Media Foundation Network Source;@FirewallAPI.dll,-54001 Netlogon Service;@firewallapi.dll,-37681 Network Discovery;@FirewallAPI.dll,-32752 Performance Logs and Alerts;@FirewallAPI.dll,-34752 Remote Desktop;@FirewallAPI.dll,-28752 Remote Desktop (WebSocket);@FirewallAPI.dll,-28782 Remote Event Log Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-29252 Remote Event Monitor;@FirewallAPI.dll,-36801 Remote Scheduled Tasks Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-33252 Remote Service Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-29502 Remote Shutdown;@firewallapi.dll,-36751 Remote Volume Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-34501 Routing and Remote Access;@FirewallAPI.dll,-33752 Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol;@sstpsvc.dll,-35001 SNMP Trap;@firewallapi.dll,-50323 Windows Defender Firewall Remote Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-30002 Windows Deployment Services;@firewallapi.dll,-38201 Windows Device Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-37502 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI);@FirewallAPI.dll,-34251 Windows Remote Management;@FirewallAPI.dll,-30267 Windows Remote Management (Compatibility);@FirewallAPI.dll,-30252 '@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' foreach ($Group in $AllGroups) { if ($Group.DisplayGroup -like "$TrimmedWord*") { $CompletionText = "'$($Group.Group)'" $ListItemText = $Group.DisplayGroup $ResultType = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue $ToolTip = $Group.DisplayGroup [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($CompletionText, $ListItemText, $ResultType, $ToolTip) } } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-UnattendFirewallSetting -ParameterName EnabledFirewallGroups -ScriptBlock $FwGroupCompleter Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Set-UnattendFirewallSetting -ParameterName DisabledFirewallGroups -ScriptBlock $FwGroupCompleter |