
#Region '.\Private\Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType.ps1' 0
function Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType {
    param (
    switch ($DeviceType) {
        "ipPhone" { return "Phone" }
        "lowCostPhone" { return "Phone" }
        "teamsRoom" { return "MTR Windows" }
        "collaborationBar" { return "MTR Android" }
        "surfaceHub" { return "Surface Hub" }
        "teamsDisplay" { return "Display" }
        "touchConsole" { return "Touch Console (MTRA)" }
        "teamsPanel" { return "Panel" }
        "sip" { return "SIP Phone" }
        Default { return $DeviceType}
#EndRegion '.\Private\Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType.ps1' 18
#Region '.\Private\Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch.ps1' 0
Function Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch {
        [ValidateSet("beta", "v1.0")]
    $GraphURI_BetaAPIBatch = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/`$batch"
    $GraphURI_ProdAPIBatch = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/`$batch"
    $outBatchResponses = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $tmpGraphRequests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    if ($MgProfile.Equals("beta")) {
        $GraphURI_Batch = $GraphURI_BetaAPIBatch
    else {
        $GraphURI_Batch = $GraphURI_ProdAPIBatch

    #If activity is null then we can use this to get the function that call this function.
    if (!($Activity)) {
        $Activity = (c)[1].FunctionName

    $g = 1
    $batchCount = [int][Math]::Ceiling(($Requests.count / 20))
    foreach ($GraphRequest in $Requests) {
        Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Running batch $g of $batchCount"
        if ($tmpGraphRequests.Count -ge 20) {
            $grapRequestBody = ' { "requests": ' + ($tmpGraphRequests  | ConvertTo-Json) + ' }' 
            $GraphResponses += (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Post -Uri $GraphURI_Batch -Body $grapRequestBody).responses
            $tmpGraphRequests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

    if ($tmpGraphRequests.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Running batch $g of $batchCount"
        #TO DO: Look for alternatives instead of doing this.
        if ($tmpGraphRequests.Count -gt 1) {
            $grapRequestBody = ' { "requests": ' + ($tmpGraphRequests | ConvertTo-Json) + ' }' 
        else {
            $grapRequestBody = ' { "requests": [' + ($tmpGraphRequests | ConvertTo-Json) + '] }' 
        $GraphResponses += (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Post -Uri $GraphURI_Batch -Body $grapRequestBody).responses
    for ($j = 0; $j -lt $GraphResponses.length; $j++) {
        #In some cases we will need the complete graph response, in that case the calling function will have to process pending pages.
            $outBatchResponses += $GraphResponses[$j]
        } else {
            $outBatchResponses += $GraphResponses[$j].body
             #Checking if there are more pages available
            $GraphURI_NextPage = $GraphResponses[$j].body.'@odata.nextLink'
            while (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GraphURI_NextPage)) {
                $graphNextPageResponse = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Get -Uri $GraphURI_NextPage
                $outBatchResponses += $graphNextPageResponse
                $GraphURI_NextPage = $graphNextPageResponse.'@odata.nextLink'
    return $outBatchResponses
#EndRegion '.\Private\Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Private\Test-UcIPAddressInSubnet.ps1' 0
function ConvertTo-IPv4MaskString {
    Converts a number of bits (0-32) to an IPv4 network mask string (e.g., "").
    Converts a number of bits (0-32) to an IPv4 network mask string (e.g., "").
    .PARAMETER MaskBits
    Specifies the number of bits in the mask.
    Credits to: Bill Stewart - https://www.itprotoday.com/powershell/working-ipv4-addresses-powershell

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateRange(0, 32)]
        [Int] $MaskBits
    $mask = ([Math]::Pow(2, $MaskBits) - 1) * [Math]::Pow(2, (32 - $MaskBits))
    $bytes = [BitConverter]::GetBytes([UInt32] $mask)
    (($bytes.Count - 1)..0 | ForEach-Object { [String] $bytes[$_] }) -join "."

Function Test-UcIPaddressInSubnet {


    $regExIPAddressSubnet = "^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]))\/(3[0-2]|[1-2]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])$"

    try {
        $Subnet -match $regExIPAddressSubnet | Out-Null

        $IPSubnet = [ipaddress]$Matches[1]
        $tmpIPAddress = [ipaddress]$IPAddress
        $subnetMask = ConvertTo-IPv4MaskString $Matches[6]
        $tmpSubnet = [ipaddress] ($subnetMask)
        $netidSubnet = [ipaddress]($IPSubnet.address -band $tmpSubnet.address)
        $netidIPAddress = [ipaddress]($tmpIPAddress.address -band $tmpSubnet.address)
        return ($netidSubnet.ipaddresstostring -eq $netidIPAddress.ipaddresstostring)
    catch {
        return $false
#EndRegion '.\Private\Test-UcIPAddressInSubnet.ps1' 49
#Region '.\Private\Test-UcMgGraphConnection.ps1' 0
Test connection to Microsoft Graph
This function will validate if the current connection to Microsoft Graph has the required Scopes and will attempt to connect if we are missing one.
Contributors: Daniel Jelinek, David Paulino
Requirements: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module (Install-Module Microsoft.Graph)
When present it will get detailed information from Teams Devices
PS> Connect-UcMgGraph "TeamworkDevice.Read.All","Directory.Read.All"

function Test-UcMgGraphConnection {
    #Checking if Microsoft.Graph is installed
    if(!(Get-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -ListAvailable)){
        Write-Warning ("Missing Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module. Please install it with:" + [Environment]::NewLine + "Install-Module Microsoft.Graph") 
        return $false
    #Checking if we have the required scopes.
    $currentScopes = (Get-MgContext).Scopes
    $strScope =""
    $missingScope = $false
    foreach($scope in $Scopes){
        $strScope += "`"" + $scope + "`","
        if(($scope -notin $currentScopes) -and $currentScopes){
            $missingScope = $true
            Write-Warning -Message ("Missing Scope in Microsoft Graph: " + $scope) 

        Write-Warning  ("Not Connected to Microsoft Graph" + [Environment]::NewLine  + "Please connect to Microsoft Graph before running this cmdlet." + [Environment]::NewLine +"Commercial Tenant: Connect-MgGraph -Scopes " + $strScope.Substring(0,$strScope.Length -1) + [Environment]::NewLine  + "US Gov (GCC-H) Tenant: Connect-MgGraph -Scopes " + $strScope.Substring(0,$strScope.Length -1)  + " -Environment USGov")
        return $false

    #If scopes are missing we need to connect using the required scopes
        Write-Warning  ("Some scopes are missing please reconnect to Microsoft Graph before running this cmdlet." + [Environment]::NewLine +"Commercial Tenant: Connect-MgGraph -Scopes " + $strScope.Substring(0,$strScope.Length -1) + [Environment]::NewLine  + "US Gov (GCC-H) Tenant: Connect-MgGraph -Scopes " + $strScope.Substring(0,$strScope.Length -1)  + " -Environment USGov")
        return $false
    } else {
        return $true
#EndRegion '.\Private\Test-UcMgGraphConnection.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcArch.ps1' 0

Funcion to get the Architecture from .exe file
Based on PowerShell script Get-ExecutableType.ps1 by David Wyatt, please check the complete script in:
Identify 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit executables with PowerShell
Specifies the executable full file path.
PS> Get-UcArch -FilePath C:\temp\example.exe

Function Get-UcArch([string]$FilePath) {
    try {
        $stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream(
            [System.IO.FileShare]::Read )
        $exeType = 'Unknown'
        $bytes = New-Object byte[](4)
        if ($stream.Seek(0x3C, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) -eq 0x3C -and $stream.Read($bytes, 0, 4) -eq 4) {
            if (-not [System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) { [Array]::Reverse($bytes, 0, 4) }
            $peHeaderOffset = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, 0)

            if ($stream.Length -ge $peHeaderOffset + 6 -and
                $stream.Seek($peHeaderOffset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) -eq $peHeaderOffset -and
                $stream.Read($bytes, 0, 4) -eq 4 -and
                $bytes[0] -eq 0x50 -and $bytes[1] -eq 0x45 -and $bytes[2] -eq 0 -and $bytes[3] -eq 0) {
                $exeType = 'Unknown'
                if ($stream.Read($bytes, 0, 2) -eq 2) {
                    if (-not [System.BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) { [Array]::Reverse($bytes, 0, 2) }
                    $machineType = [System.BitConverter]::ToUInt16($bytes, 0)
                    switch ($machineType) {
                        0x014C { $exeType = 'x86' }
                        0x8664 { $exeType = 'x64' }
        return $exeType
    catch {
        return "Unknown"
    finally {
        if ($null -ne $stream) { $stream.Dispose() }
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcArch.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcM365Domains.ps1' 0
Get Microsoft 365 Domains from a Tenant
This function returns a list of domains that are associated with a Microsoft 365 Tenant.
Specifies a domain registered with Microsoft 365
PS> Get-UcM365Domains -Domain uclobby.com

Function Get-UcM365Domains {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $regex = "^(.*@)(.*[.].*)$"
    $outDomains = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    try {
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $AllowedAudiences = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("https://accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net/" + $Domain + "/metadata/json/1") | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty allowedAudiences
        foreach ($AllowedAudience in $AllowedAudiences) {
            $temp = [regex]::Match($AllowedAudience , $regex).captures.groups
            if ($temp.count -ge 2) {
                $tempObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    Name = $temp[2].value
                $outDomains.Add($tempObj) | Out-Null
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
        if ($PSItem.Exception.Message -eq "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.") {
            Write-Warning "The domain $Domain is not part of a Microsoft 365 Tenant."
        else {
            Write-Warning $PSItem.Exception.Message
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Unknown error while checking domain: $Domain"
    return $outDomains
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcM365Domains.ps1' 47
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcM365TenantId.ps1' 0
Get Microsoft 365 Tenant Id
This function returns the Tenant ID associated with a domain that is part of a Microsoft 365 Tenant.
Specifies a domain registered with Microsoft 365
PS> Get-UcM365TenantId -Domain uclobby.com

Function Get-UcM365TenantId {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $regexTenantID = "^(.*@)(\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12})$"
    $regexOnMicrosoftDomain = "^(.*@)(?!.*mail)(.*.onmicrosoft.com)$"

    try {
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $AllowedAudiences = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("https://accounts.accesscontrol.windows.net/" + $Domain + "/metadata/json/1") | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty allowedAudiences
    catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]{
        if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "BadRequest"){
            Write-Error "The domain $Domain is not part of a Microsoft 365 Tenant."
        else {
            Write-Error $PSItem.Exception.Message
    catch {
        Write-Error "Unknown error while checking domain: $Domain"
    $output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $OnMicrosoftDomains = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $TenantID = ""
    foreach ($AllowedAudience in $AllowedAudiences) {
        $tempTID = [regex]::Match($AllowedAudience , $regexTenantID).captures.groups
        $tempID = [regex]::Match($AllowedAudience , $regexOnMicrosoftDomain).captures.groups
        if ($tempTID.count -ge 2) {
            $TenantID = $tempTID[2].value 
        if ($tempID.count -ge 2) {
    #Multi Geo will have multiple OnMicrosoft Domains
    foreach($OnMicrosoftDomain in $OnMicrosoftDomains){
        if($TenantID -and $OnMicrosoftDomain){
            $M365TidPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ TenantID = $TenantID
                OnMicrosoftDomain = $OnMicrosoftDomain}
            $M365TidPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'M365TenantId')
    return $output 
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcM365TenantId.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsDevice.ps1' 0
Get Microsoft Teams Devices information
This function fetch Teams Devices provisioned in a M365 Tenant using MS Graph.
Contributors: David Paulino, Silvio Schanz, Gonçalo Sepulveda, Bryan Kendrick and Daniel Jelinek
Requirements: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module (Install-Module Microsoft.Graph)
                Microsoft Graph Scopes:
Specifies a filter, valid options:
    Phone - Teams Native Phones
    MTR - Microsoft Teams Rooms running Windows or Android
    MTRW - Microsoft Teams Room Running Windows
    MTRA - Microsoft Teams Room Running Android
    SurfaceHub - Surface Hub
    Display - Microsoft Teams Displays
    Panel - Microsoft Teams Panels
When present it will get detailed information from Teams Devices
When present will export the detailed results to a CSV file. By defautl will save the file under the current user downloads, unless we specify the OutputPath.
Allows to specify the path where we want to save the results.
PS> Get-UcTeamsDevice
PS> Get-UcTeamsDevice -Filter MTR
PS> Get-UcTeamsDevice -Detailed

Function Get-UcTeamsDevice {
    $outTeamsDevices = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

        $Detailed = $true

    #Verify if the Output Path exists
        if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath -PathType Container)){
            Write-Host ("Error: Invalid folder " + $OutputPath) -ForegroundColor Red
    } else {                
        $OutputPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE,"Downloads")

    if(Test-UcMgGraphConnection -Scopes "TeamworkDevice.Read.All", "User.Read.All"){
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $graphRequests =  [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $tmpFileName = "MSTeamsDevices_" + $Filter + "_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
        switch ($filter) {
            "Phone" { 
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "ipPhone"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'ipPhone'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "lowCostPhone"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'lowCostPhone'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
            "MTR" {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "teamsRoom"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsRoom'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "collaborationBar"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'collaborationBar'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "touchConsole"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'touchConsole'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "teamsRoom"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsRoom'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "collaborationBar"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'collaborationBar'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "touchConsole"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'touchConsole'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
            "SurfaceHub" {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "surfaceHub"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'surfaceHub'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "teamsDisplay"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsDisplay'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
            "Panel" {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "teamsPanel"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsPanel'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
            "SIPPhone" {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = "sip"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'sip'"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
            Default {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = 1
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $tmpFileName = "MSTeamsDevices_All_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
        $TeamsDeviceList = (Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Get-UcTeamsDevice, getting Teams device info").value

        #To improve performance we will use batch requests
        $graphRequests =  [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        foreach($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceList){
            if(($graphRequests.id -notcontains $TeamsDevice.currentuser.id) -and !([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TeamsDevice.currentuser.id))) {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id =  $TeamsDevice.currentuser.id
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/users/"+ $TeamsDevice.currentuser.id
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = $TeamsDevice.id+"-activity"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/"+$TeamsDevice.id+"/activity"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = $TeamsDevice.id+"-configuration"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/"+$TeamsDevice.id+"/configuration"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id =$TeamsDevice.id+"-health"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/"+$TeamsDevice.id+"/health"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id = $TeamsDevice.id+"-operations"
                    method = "GET"
                    url = "/teamwork/devices/"+$TeamsDevice.id+"/operations"
                $graphRequests.Add($gRequestTmp) | Out-Null
        if ($graphRequests.Count -gt 0){
                $ActivityInfo = "Get-UcTeamsDevice, getting Teams device addtional information (User UPN/Health/Operations/Configurarion)."
            } else {
                $ActivityInfo = "Get-UcTeamsDevice, getting Teams device user information."
            $graphResponseExtra = (Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity $ActivityInfo -IncludeBody)
        foreach($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceList){
            $userUPN = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object{$_.id -eq $TeamsDevice.currentuser.id}).body.userPrincipalName

                $TeamsDeviceActivity = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object{$_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id+"-activity")}).body
                $TeamsDeviceConfiguration = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object{$_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id+"-configuration")}).body
                $TeamsDeviceHealth = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object{$_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id+"-health")}).body
                $TeamsDeviceOperations = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object{$_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id+"-operations")}).body.value

                if($TeamsDeviceOperations.count -gt 0){
                    $LastHistoryAction = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].operationType
                    $LastHistoryStatus = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].status
                    $LastHistoryInitiatedBy = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].createdBy.user.displayName
                    $LastHistoryModifiedDate = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].lastActionDateTime
                    $LastHistoryErrorCode = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].error.code
                    $LastHistoryErrorMessage = $TeamsDeviceOperations[0].error.message
                } else {
                    $LastHistoryAction = ""
                    $LastHistoryStatus = ""
                    $LastHistoryInitiatedBy = ""
                    $LastHistoryModifiedDate = ""
                    $LastHistoryErrorCode = ""
                    $LastHistoryErrorMessage = ""

                $outMacAddress = ""
                foreach ($macAddress in $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.macAddresses){
                    $outMacAddress += $macAddress + ";"
                $TDObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    UserDisplayName = $TeamsDevice.currentuser.displayName
                    UserUPN         = $userUPN 
                    TACDeviceID     = $TeamsDevice.id
                    DeviceType      = Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType $TeamsDevice.deviceType
                    Notes           = $TeamsDevice.notes
                    CompanyAssetTag = $TeamsDevice.companyAssetTag
                    Manufacturer    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.manufacturer
                    Model           = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.model
                    SerialNumber    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.serialNumber 
                    MacAddresses    = $outMacAddress.subString(0,$outMacAddress.length-1)
                    DeviceHealth    = $TeamsDevice.healthStatus
                    WhenCreated = $TeamsDevice.createdDateTime
                    WhenChanged = $TeamsDevice.lastModifiedDateTime
                    ChangedByUser = $TeamsDevice.lastModifiedBy.user.displayName
                    ActivePeripherals = $TeamsDeviceActivity.activePeripherals
                    LastUpdate = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.createdDateTime
                    DisplayConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.displayConfiguration
                    CameraConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.cameraConfiguration.contentCameraConfiguration
                    SpeakerConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.speakerConfiguration
                    MicrophoneConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.microphoneConfiguration
                    TeamsClientConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.teamsClientConfiguration
                    SupportedMeetingMode = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.teamsClientConfiguration.accountConfiguration.supportedClient
                    HardwareProcessor = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.hardwareConfiguration.processorModel
                    SystemConfiguration = $TeamsDeviceConfiguration.systemConfiguration
                    ComputeStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.hardwareHealth.computeHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    HdmiIngestStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.hardwareHealth.hdmiIngestHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    RoomCameraStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.roomCameraHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    ContentCameraStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.contentCameraHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    SpeakerStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.speakerHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    CommunicationSpeakerStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.communicationSpeakerHealth.connection.connectionStatus
                    #DisplayCollection = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.displayHealthCollection.connectionStatus
                    MicrophoneStatus = $TeamsDeviceHealth.peripheralsHealth.microphoneHealth.connection.connectionStatus

                    TeamsAdminAgentVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.adminAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    FirmwareVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    CompanyPortalVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.companyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    OEMAgentAppVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.partnerAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    TeamsAppVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    LastHistoryAction = $LastHistoryAction
                    LastHistoryStatus = $LastHistoryStatus
                    LastHistoryInitiatedBy = $LastHistoryInitiatedBy
                    LastHistoryModifiedDate = $LastHistoryModifiedDate
                    LastHistoryErrorCode = $LastHistoryErrorCode
                    LastHistoryErrorMessage = $LastHistoryErrorMessage 
                $TDObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDevice')
            } else {
                $TDObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    UserDisplayName = $TeamsDevice.currentuser.displayName
                    UserUPN         = $userUPN 
                    TACDeviceID     = $TeamsDevice.id
                    DeviceType      = Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType $TeamsDevice.deviceType
                    Manufacturer    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.manufacturer
                    Model           = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.model
                    SerialNumber    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.serialNumber 
                    MacAddresses    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.macAddresses
                    DeviceHealth    = $TeamsDevice.healthStatus
                $TDObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceList')
            $outTeamsDevices.Add($TDObj) | Out-Null
        #region: Modified by Daniel Jelinek
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($OutputPath, $tmpFileName)
            $outTeamsDevices | Sort-Object DeviceType,Manufacturer,Model| Select-Object TACDeviceID, DeviceType, Manufacturer, Model, UserDisplayName, UserUPN, Notes, CompanyAssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddresses, WhenCreated, WhenChanged, ChangedByUser, HdmiIngestStatus, ComputeStatus, RoomCameraStatus, SpeakerStatus, CommunicationSpeakerStatus, MicrophoneStatus, SupportedMeetingMode, HardwareProcessor, SystemConfiguratio, TeamsAdminAgentVersion, FirmwareVersion, CompanyPortalVersion, OEMAgentAppVersion, TeamsAppVersion, LastUpdate, LastHistoryAction, LastHistoryStatus, LastHistoryInitiatedBy, LastHistoryModifiedDate, LastHistoryErrorCode, LastHistoryErrorMessage| Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
        } else {
            $outTeamsDevices | Sort-Object DeviceType,Manufacturer,Model
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsDevice.ps1' 342
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsForest.ps1' 0
Get Teams Forest
This function returns the forest for a SIP enabled domain.
Specifies a domain registered with Microsoft 365
PS> Get-UcTeamsForest -Domain uclobby.com

Function Get-UcTeamsForest {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $regex = "^.*[redirect].*(webdir)(\w*)(.online.lync.com).*$"
    try {
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $WebRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("https://webdir.online.lync.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscoverservice.svc/root?originalDomain=" + $Domain)
        $temp = [regex]::Match($WebRequest, $regex).captures.groups
        $result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
            Domain       = $Domain
            Forest       = $temp[2].Value
            MigrationURL = "https://admin" + $temp[2].Value + ".online.lync.com/HostedMigration/hostedmigrationService.svc"
        return $result
    catch {
        if ($Error[0].Exception.Message -like "*404*") {
            Write-Warning ($Domain + " is not enabled for SIP." )
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsForest.ps1' 39
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsVersion.ps1' 0

Get Microsoft Teams Desktop Version
This function returns the installed Microsoft Teams desktop version for each user profile.
Specify the path with Teams Log Files
Specify the remote computer
.PARAMETER Credential
Specify the credential to be used to connect to the remote computer
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersion
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersion -Path C:\Temp\
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersion -Computer workstation124
PS> $cred = Get-Credential
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersion -Computer workstation124 -Credential $cred

Function Get-UcTeamsVersion {
    $regexVersion = '("version":")([0-9.]*)'
    $regexRing = '("ring":")(\w*)'
    $regexEnv = '("environment":")(\w*)'
    $regexCloudEnv = '("cloudEnvironment":")(\w*)'
    $regexRegion = '("region":")([a-zA-Z0-9._-]*)'

    $regexWindowsUser = '("upnWindowUserUpn":")([a-zA-Z0-9@._-]*)'
    $regexTeamsUserName = '("userName":")([a-zA-Z0-9@._-]*)'

    $outTeamsVersion = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams

    if ($Path) {
        if (Test-Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            $TeamsSettingsFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include "settings.json" -Recurse
            foreach ($TeamsSettingsFile in $TeamsSettingsFiles) {
                $TeamsSettings = Get-Content -Path $TeamsSettingsFile.FullName
                $Version = ""
                $Ring = ""
                $Env = ""
                $CloudEnv = ""
                $Region = ""
                try {
                    $VersionTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexVersion).captures.groups
                    if ($VersionTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Version = $VersionTemp[2].value
                    $RingTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexRing).captures.groups
                    if ($RingTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Ring = $RingTemp[2].value
                    $EnvTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexEnv).captures.groups
                    if ($EnvTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Env = $EnvTemp[2].value
                    $CloudEnvTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexCloudEnv).captures.groups
                    if ($CloudEnvTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $CloudEnv = $CloudEnvTemp[2].value
                    $RegionTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexRegion).captures.groups
                    if ($RegionTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Region = $RegionTemp[2].value
                catch { }
                $TeamsDesktopSettingsFile = $TeamsSettingsFile.Directory.FullName + "\desktop-config.json"
                if (Test-Path $TeamsDesktopSettingsFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    $TeamsDesktopSettings = Get-Content -Path $TeamsDesktopSettingsFile
                    $WindowsUser = ""
                    $TeamsUserName = ""
                    $RegexTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsDesktopSettings, $regexWindowsUser).captures.groups
                    if ($RegexTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $WindowsUser = $RegexTemp[2].value
                    $RegexTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsDesktopSettings, $regexTeamsUserName).captures.groups
                    if ($RegexTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $TeamsUserName = $RegexTemp[2].value
                $TeamsVersion = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    WindowsUser      = $WindowsUser
                    TeamsUser        = $TeamsUserName
                    Version          = $Version
                    Ring             = $Ring
                    Environment      = $Env
                    CloudEnvironment = $CloudEnv
                    Region           = $Region
                    Path             = $TeamsSettingsFile.Directory.FullName
                $TeamsVersion.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsVersionFromPath')
                $outTeamsVersion.Add($TeamsVersion) | Out-Null
        else {
            Write-Error -Message ("Invalid Path, please check if path: " + $path + " is correct and exists.")
    else {
        $currentDateFormat = [cultureinfo]::CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern
        if ($Computer) {
            $RemotePath = "\\" + $Computer + "\C$\Users"
            $ComputerName = $Computer
            if ($Credential) {
                if ($Computer.IndexOf('.') -gt 0){
                    $PSDriveName = $Computer.Substring(0,$Computer.IndexOf('.')) + "_TmpTeamsVersion"
                } else {
                    $PSDriveName = $Computer + "_TmpTeamsVersion"
                New-PSDrive -Root $RemotePath -Name $PSDriveName -PSProvider FileSystem -Credential $Credential | Out-Null

            if (Test-Path -Path $RemotePath) {
                $Profiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $RemotePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            else {
                Write-Error -Message ("Error: Cannot get users on " + $computer + ", please check if name is correct and if the current user has permissions.")
        else {
            $ComputerName = $Env:COMPUTERNAME
            $Profiles = Get-childItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList' | ForEach-Object { Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath } | Where-Object { $_.fullprofile -eq 1 }
        foreach ($UserProfile in $Profiles) {
            if ($Computer) {
                $ProfilePath = $UserProfile.FullName
                $ProfileName = $UserProfile.Name
            else {
                $ProfilePath = $UserProfile.ProfileImagePath
                $ProfileName = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($UserProfile.PSChildName)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
            $TeamsSettingPath = $ProfilePath + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\settings.json"
            if (Test-Path $TeamsSettingPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                $TeamsSettings = Get-Content -Path $TeamsSettingPath
                $Version = ""
                $Ring = ""
                $Env = ""
                $CloudEnv = ""
                $Region = ""
                try {
                    $VersionTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexVersion).captures.groups
                    if ($VersionTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Version = $VersionTemp[2].value
                    $RingTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexRing).captures.groups
                    if ($RingTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Ring = $RingTemp[2].value
                    $EnvTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexEnv).captures.groups
                    if ($EnvTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Env = $EnvTemp[2].value
                    $CloudEnvTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexCloudEnv).captures.groups
                    if ($CloudEnvTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $CloudEnv = $CloudEnvTemp[2].value
                    $RegionTemp = [regex]::Match($TeamsSettings, $regexRegion).captures.groups
                    if ($RegionTemp.Count -ge 2) {
                        $Region = $RegionTemp[2].value
                catch { }
                $TeamsApp = $ProfilePath + "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe"
                $InstallDateStr = Get-Content ($ProfilePath + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\installTime.txt")
                $TeamsVersion = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    Computer         = $ComputerName
                    Profile          = $ProfileName
                    ProfilePath      = $ProfilePath
                    Version          = $Version
                    Ring             = $Ring
                    Environment      = $Env
                    CloudEnvironment = $CloudEnv
                    Region           = $Region
                    Arch             = Get-UcArch $TeamsApp
                    InstallDate      = [Datetime]::ParseExact($InstallDateStr, 'M/d/yyyy', $null) | Get-Date -Format $currentDateFormat
                $TeamsVersion.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsVersion')
                $outTeamsVersion.Add($TeamsVersion) | Out-Null
        if ($Credential -and $PSDriveName) {
            try {
                Remove-PSDrive -Name $PSDriveName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            catch {}
    return $outTeamsVersion
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsVersion.ps1' 212
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch.ps1' 0
Get Microsoft Teams Desktop Version from all computers in a csv file.
This function returns the installed Microsoft Teams desktop version for each user profile.
CSV with the list of computers that we want to get the Teams Version
Specify the output path
Export the output to a CSV file
.PARAMETER Credential
Specify the credential to be used to connect to the remote computers
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch -InputCSV C:\Temp\ComputerList.csv -Credential $cred
PS> Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch -InputCSV C:\Temp\ComputerList.csv -Credential $cred -ExportCSV

Function Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
    if (Test-Path $InputCSV) {
            $Computers = Import-Csv -Path $InputCSV
        } catch {
            Write-Host ("Invalid CSV input file: " + $InputCSV) -ForegroundColor Red
        $outTeamsVersion = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        #Verify if the Output Path exists
        if ($OutputPath) {
            if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host ("Error: Invalid folder: " + $OutputPath) -ForegroundColor Red
        else {                
            $OutputPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Downloads")

        $c = 0
        $compCount = $Computers.count
        foreach ($computer in $Computers) {
            Write-Progress -Activity ("Getting Teams Version from: " + $computer.Computer)  -Status "Computer $c of $compCount "
            $tmpTV = Get-UcTeamsVersion -Computer $computer.Computer -Credential $cred -SkipModuleCheck
            $outTeamsVersion.Add($tmpTV) | Out-Null
        if ($ExportCSV) {
            $tmpFileName = "MSTeamsVersion_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($OutputPath, $tmpFileName)
            $outTeamsVersion | Sort-Object Computer, Profile | Select-Object Computer, Profile, ProfilePath, Arch, Version, Environment, Ring, InstallDate | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
        else {
            return $outTeamsVersion 
    } else {
        Write-Host ("Error: File not found " + $InputCSV) -ForegroundColor Red
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsVersionBatch.ps1' 80
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsWithSingleOwner.ps1' 0
Get Teams that have a single owner
This function returns a list of Teams that only have a single owner.
PS> Get-UcTeamsWithSingleOwner

Function Get-UcTeamsWithSingleOwner {
    Get-UcTeamUsersEmail -Role Owner -Confirm:$false | Group-Object -Property TeamDisplayName | Where-Object { $_.Count -lt 2 } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamsWithSingleOwner.ps1' 14
#Region '.\Public\Get-UcTeamUsersEmail.ps1' 0

Get Users Email Address that are in a Team
This function returns a list of users email address that are part of a Team.
Specifies Team Name
Specifies which roles to filter (Owner, User, Guest)
PS> Get-UcTeamUsersEmail
PS> Get-UcTeamUsersEmail -TeamName "Marketing"
PS> Get-UcTeamUsersEmail -Role "Guest"
PS> Get-UcTeamUsersEmail -TeamName "Marketing" -Role "Guest"

Function Get-UcTeamUsersEmail {
        [ValidateSet("Owner", "User", "Guest")] 
    $output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
    if ($TeamName) {
        $Teams = Get-Team -DisplayName $TeamName
    else {
        if ($ConfirmPreference) {
            $title = 'Confirm'
            $question = 'Are you sure that you want to list all Teams?'
            $choices = '&Yes', '&No'
            $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
        else {
            $decision = 0
        if ($decision -eq 0) {
            $Teams = Get-Team
        else {
    foreach ($Team in $Teams) { 
        if ($Role) {
            $TeamMembers = Get-TeamUser -GroupId $Team.GroupID -Role $Role
        else {
            $TeamMembers = Get-TeamUser -GroupId $Team.GroupID 
        foreach ($TeamMember in $TeamMembers) {
            $Email = ( Get-csOnlineUser $TeamMember.User | Select-Object @{Name = 'PrimarySMTPAddress'; Expression = { $_.ProxyAddresses -cmatch '^SMTP:' -creplace 'SMTP:' } }).PrimarySMTPAddress
            $Member = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                TeamGroupID     = $Team.GroupID
                TeamDisplayName = $Team.DisplayName
                TeamVisibility  = $Team.Visibility
                UPN             = $TeamMember.User
                Role            = $TeamMember.Role
                Email           = $Email
            $Member.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamUsersEmail')
            $output.Add($Member) | Out-Null
    return $output
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-UcTeamUsersEmail.ps1' 79
#Region '.\Public\Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable.ps1' 0
Function Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]    
    try { 
        #Get the current loaded version
        $tmpCurrentVersion = (get-module $ModuleName | Sort-Object Version -Descending)
        if ($tmpCurrentVersion){
            $currentVersion = $tmpCurrentVersion[0].Version.ToString()
        #Get the lastest version available
        $availableVersion = (Find-Module -Name $ModuleName -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Version
        #Get all installed versions
        $installedVersions = (get-module $ModuleName -ListAvailable).Version

        if ($currentVersion -ne $availableVersion ) {
            if ($availableVersion -in $installedVersions) {
                Write-Warning ("The lastest available version of $ModuleName module is installed, however version $currentVersion is imported." + [Environment]::NewLine + "Please make sure you import it with: Import-Module $ModuleName -RequiredVersion $availableVersion")
            else {
                Write-Warning ("There is a new version available ($availableVersion), please update the module with: Update-Module $ModuleName")
    catch {
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable.ps1' 30
#Region '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy.ps1' 0
Validate which Intune Compliance policies are supported by Microsoft Teams Android Devices
This function will validate each setting in the Intune Compliance Policy to make sure they are in line with the supported settings:
Contributors: Traci Herr, David Paulino
Requirements: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module (Install-Module Microsoft.Graph)
Displays test results for unsupported settings in each Intune Compliance Policy
Will check all Intune Compliance policies independently if they are assigned to a Group(s)
.PARAMETER IncludeSupported
Displays results for all settings in each Intune Compliance Policy
Specifies a Policy ID that will be checked if is supported by Microsoft Teams Android Devices
Specifies a Policy Name that will be checked if is supported by Microsoft Teams Android Devices
Specifies a UserUPN that we want to check for applied compliance policies
Specifies DeviceID that we want to check for applied compliance policies
When present will export the detailed results to a CSV file. By defautl will save the file under the current user downloads, unless we specify the OutputPath.
Allows to specify the path where we want to save the results.
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy -Detailed

Function Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy {

    $connectedMSGraph = $false
    $CompliancePolicies = $null
    $totalCompliancePolicies = 0
    $skippedCompliancePolicies = 0

    $GraphURI_CompliancePolicies = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies/"
    $GraphURI_Users = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users"
    $GraphURI_Groups = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups"
    $GraphURI_Devices = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/devices"

    $SupportedAndroidCompliancePolicies = "#microsoft.graph.androidCompliancePolicy", "#microsoft.graph.androidDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy", "#microsoft.graph.aospDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy"
    $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies = "#microsoft.graph.windows10CompliancePolicy"

    $URLSupportedCompliancePoliciesAndroid = "https://aka.ms/TeamsDevicePolicies?tabs=phones#supported-device-compliance-policies"
    $URLSupportedCompliancePoliciesWindows = "https://aka.ms/TeamsDevicePolicies?tabs=mtr-w#supported-device-compliance-policies"

    if (Test-UcMgGraphConnection -Scopes "DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All") {
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $outFileName = "TeamsDevices_CompliancePolicy_Report_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
        if ($OutputPath) {
            if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host ("Error: Invalid folder " + $OutputPath) -ForegroundColor Red
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($OutputPath, $outFileName)
        else {                
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Downloads", $outFileName)

        try {
            Write-Progress -Activity "Test-UcTeamsDeviceCompliancePolicy" -Status "Getting Compliance Policies"
            $CompliancePolicies = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $GraphURI_CompliancePolicies -Method GET).value
            $connectedMSGraph = $true
        catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
            if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") {
                Write-Error "Access Denied, please make sure the user connecing to MS Graph is part of one of the following Global Reader/Intune Service Administrator/Global Administrator roles"
            else {
                Write-Error $PSItem.Exception.Message
        catch {
            Write-Error 'Please connect to MS Graph with Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All","Directory.Read.All" before running this script'

        if ($connectedMSGraph) {
            $output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            $outputSum = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            if ($UserUPN) {
                try {
                    $UserGroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Users + "/" + $userUPN + "/transitiveMemberOf?`$select=id") -Method GET).value.id
                catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
                    if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "NotFound") {
                        Write-warning -Message ("User Not Found: " + $UserUPN)
                #We also need to take in consideration devices that are registered to this user
                $DeviceGroups = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                $userDevices = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Users + "/" + $userUPN + "/registeredDevices?`$select=deviceId,displayName") -Method GET).value
                foreach ($userDevice in $userDevices) {
                    $tmpGroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Devices + "(deviceId='{" + $userDevice.deviceID + "}')/transitiveMemberOf?`$select=id") -Method GET).value.id
                    foreach ($tmpGroup in $tmpGroups) {
                        $tmpDG = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                            GroupId           = $tmpGroup
                            DeviceId          = $userDevice.deviceID
                            DeviceDisplayName = $userDevice.displayName
                        $DeviceGroups.Add($tmpDG) | Out-Null
            if ($DeviceID) {
                try {
                    $DeviceGroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Devices + "(deviceId='{" + $DeviceID + "}')/transitiveMemberOf?`$select=id") -Method GET).value.id
                catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
                    if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "BadRequest") {
                        Write-warning -Message ("Device ID Not Found: " + $DeviceID)

            $Groups = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
            $policyCount = $CompliancePolicies.Count
            foreach ($CompliancePolicy in $CompliancePolicies) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Test-UcTeamsDeviceCompliancePolicy" -Status ("Checking policy " + $CompliancePolicy.displayName + " - $p of $policyCount")
                if ((($PolicyID -eq $CompliancePolicy.id) -or ($PolicyName -eq $CompliancePolicy.displayName) -or (!$PolicyID -and !$PolicyName)) -and (($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedAndroidCompliancePolicies) -or ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies))) {
                    #We need to check if the policy has assignments (Groups/All Users/All Devices)
                    $CompliancePolicyAssignments = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_CompliancePolicies + $CompliancePolicy.id + "/assignments" ) -Method GET).value
                    $AssignedToGroup = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                    $ExcludedFromGroup = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                    $outAssignedToGroup = ""
                    $outExcludedFromGroup = ""
                    #We wont need to check the settings if the policy is not assigned to a user
                    if ($UserUPN -or $DeviceID) {
                        $userOrDeviceIncluded = $false
                    else {
                        $userOrDeviceIncluded = $true

                    #Define the Compliance Policy type
                    switch ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type") {
                        "#microsoft.graph.androidCompliancePolicy" { $CPType = "Android Device" }
                        "#microsoft.graph.androidDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy" { $CPType = "Android Enterprise" }
                        "#microsoft.graph.aospDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy" { $CPType = "Android (AOSP)" }
                        "#microsoft.graph.windows10CompliancePolicy" { $CPType = "Windows 10 or later" }
                        Default { $CPType = $CompliancePolicy."@odata.type".split('.')[2] }

                    #Checking Compliance Policy assigments since we can skip non assigned policies.
                    foreach ($CompliancePolicyAssignment in $CompliancePolicyAssignments) {
                        $GroupDisplayName = $CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid
                        if ($Groups.ContainsKey($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid)) {
                            $GroupDisplayName = $Groups.Item($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid)
                        else {
                            try {
                                $GroupInfo = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Groups + "/" + $CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid + "/?`$select=id,displayname") -Method GET
                                $Groups.Add($GroupInfo.id, $GroupInfo.displayname)
                                $GroupDisplayName = $GroupInfo.displayname
                            catch {
                        $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                            GroupID          = $CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid
                            GroupDisplayName = $GroupDisplayName
                        switch ($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target."@odata.type") {
                            #Policy assigned to all users
                            "#microsoft.graph.allLicensedUsersAssignmentTarget" {
                                $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                                    GroupID          = "allLicensedUsersAssignment"
                                    GroupDisplayName = "All Users"
                                $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                                $userOrDeviceIncluded = $true
                            #Policy assigned to all devices
                            "#microsoft.graph.allDevicesAssignmentTarget" {
                                $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                                    GroupID          = "allDevicesAssignmentTarget"
                                    GroupDisplayName = "All Devices"
                                $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                                $userOrDeviceIncluded = $true
                            #Group that this policy is assigned
                            "#microsoft.graph.groupAssignmentTarget" {
                                $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                                if (($UserUPN -or $DeviceID) -and (($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid -in $UserGroups) -or ($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid -in $DeviceGroups))) {
                                    $userOrDeviceIncluded = $true
                            #Group that this policy is excluded
                            "#microsoft.graph.exclusionGroupAssignmentTarget" {
                                $ExcludedFromGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                                #If user is excluded then we dont need to check the policy
                                if ($UserUPN -and ($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid -in $UserGroups)) {
                                    Write-Warning ("Skiping compliance policy " + $CompliancePolicy.displayName + ", since user " + $UserUPN + " is part of an Excluded Group: " + $GroupEntry.GroupDisplayName)
                                    $userOrDeviceExcluded = $true
                                elseif ($DeviceID -and ($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid -in $DeviceGroups)) {
                                    Write-Warning ("Skiping compliance policy " + $CompliancePolicy.displayName + ", since device " + $DeviceID + " is part of an Excluded Group: " + $GroupEntry.GroupDisplayName)
                                    $userOrDeviceExcluded = $true
                                elseif ($UserUPN -and (($CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid -in $DeviceGroups.GroupId))) {
                                    #In case a device is excluded we will check the policy but output a message
                                    $tmpDev = ($DeviceGroups | Where-Object -Property GroupId -eq -Value $CompliancePolicyAssignment.target.Groupid)
                                    Write-Warning ("Compliance policy " + $CompliancePolicy.displayName + " will not be applied to device " + $tmpDev.DeviceDisplayName + " (" + $tmpDev.DeviceID + "), since this device is part of an Excluded Group: " + $GroupEntry.GroupDisplayName)
                    if ((($AssignedToGroup.count -gt 0) -and !$userOrDeviceExcluded -and $userOrDeviceIncluded) -or $all) {
                        $PolicyErrors = 0
                        $PolicyWarnings = 0

                        #If only assigned/excluded from a group we will show the group display name, otherwise the number of groups assigned/excluded.
                        if ($AssignedToGroup.count -eq 1) {
                            $outAssignedToGroup = $AssignedToGroup.GroupDisplayName
                        elseif ($AssignedToGroup.count -eq 0) {
                            $outAssignedToGroup = "None"
                        else {
                            $outAssignedToGroup = "" + $AssignedToGroup.count + " groups"

                        if ($ExcludedFromGroup.count -eq 1) {
                            $outExcludedFromGroup = $ExcludedFromGroup.GroupDisplayName
                        elseif ($ExcludedFromGroup.count -eq 0) {
                            $outExcludedFromGroup = "None"
                        else {
                            $outExcludedFromGroup = "" + $ExcludedFromGroup.count + " groups"

                        if ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedAndroidCompliancePolicies) {
                            $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies = $URLSupportedCompliancePoliciesAndroid
                        elseif ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies) {
                            $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies = $URLSupportedCompliancePoliciesWindows

                        #region Common settings between Android and Windows
                        #region 9: Device Properties > Operation System Version
                        $ID = 9.1
                        $Setting = "osMinimumVersion"
                        $SettingDescription = "Device Properties > Operation System Version > Minimum OS version"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                        $Comment = ""
                        if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.osMinimumVersion))) {
                            if ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $Comment = "Teams Rooms automatically updates to newer versions of Windows and setting values here could prevent successful sign-in after an OS update."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $Comment = "This setting can cause sign in issues."
                            $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.osMinimumVersion
                        else {
                            $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                            PolicyType            = $CPType
                            Setting               = $Setting
                            Value                 = $SettingValue
                            TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                            Comment               = $Comment
                            SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                            AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                            AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                            PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                            ID                    = $ID
                        $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')
                        $ID = 9.2
                        $Setting = "osMaximumVersion"
                        $SettingDescription = "Device Properties > Operation System Version > Maximum OS version"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                        $Comment = ""
                        if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.osMaximumVersion))) {
                            if ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $Comment = "Teams Rooms automatically updates to newer versions of Windows and setting values here could prevent successful sign-in after an OS update."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $Comment = "This setting can cause sign in issues."
                            $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.osMaximumVersion
                        else {
                            $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                            PolicyType            = $CPType
                            Setting               = $Setting
                            Value                 = $SettingValue
                            TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                            Comment               = $Comment
                            SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                            AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                            AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                            PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                            ID                    = $ID
                        $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                        #region 17: System Security > All Android devices > Require a password to unlock mobile devices
                        $ID = 17
                        $Setting = "passwordRequired"
                        $SettingDescription = "System Security > All Android devices > Require a password to unlock mobile devices"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                        $Comment = ""
                        if ($CompliancePolicy.passwordRequired) {
                            $Status = "Unsupported"
                            $SettingValue = "Require"
                            $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                        else {
                            $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                            PolicyType            = $CPType
                            Setting               = $Setting
                            Value                 = $SettingValue
                            TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                            Comment               = $Comment
                            SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                            AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                            AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                            PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                            ID                    = $ID
                        $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                        if ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedAndroidCompliancePolicies) {

                            #region 1: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint > Require the device to be at or under the machine risk score
                            $ID = 1
                            $Setting = "deviceThreatProtectionEnabled"
                            $SettingDescription = "Microsoft Defender for Endpoint > Require the device to be at or under the machine risk score"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.deviceThreatProtectionEnabled) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.advancedThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 2: Device Health > Device managed with device administrator
                            $ID = 2
                            $Setting = "securityBlockDeviceAdministratorManagedDevices"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Device managed with device administrator"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityBlockDeviceAdministratorManagedDevices) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Block"
                                $Comment = "Teams Android devices management requires device administrator to be enabled."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 3: Device Health > Rooted devices
                            $ID = 3
                            $Setting = "securityBlockJailbrokenDevices"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Rooted devices"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityBlockJailbrokenDevices) {
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $SettingValue = "Block"
                                $Comment = "This setting can cause sign in issues."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 4: Device Health > Require the device to be at or under the Device Threat Level
                            $ID = 4
                            $Setting = "deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Require the device to be at or under the Device Threat Level"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel -ne "unavailable") {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 5: Device Health > Google Protect > Google Play Services is Configured
                            $ID = 5
                            $Setting = "securityRequireGooglePlayServices"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Google Protect > Google Play Services is Configured"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireGooglePlayServices) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Require"
                                $Comment = "Google play isn't installed on Teams Android devices."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 6: Device Health > Google Protect > Up-to-date security provider
                            $ID = 6
                            $Setting = "securityRequireUpToDateSecurityProviders"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Google Protect > Up-to-date security provider"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireUpToDateSecurityProviders) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Require"
                                $Comment = "Google play isn't installed on Teams Android devices."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')
                            #region 7: Device Health > Google Protect > Threat scan on apps
                            $ID = 7
                            $Setting = "securityRequireVerifyApps"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Google Protect > Threat scan on apps"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireVerifyApps) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Require"
                                $Comment = "Google play isn't installed on Teams Android devices."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 8: Device Health > Google Protect > SafetyNet device attestation
                            $ID = 8
                            $Setting = "securityRequireSafetyNetAttestation"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Health > Google Protect > SafetyNet device attestation"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity) -or ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice)) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $Comment = "Google play isn't installed on Teams Android devices."
                                if ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice) {
                                    $SettingValue = "Check basic integrity and certified devices"
                                elseif ($CompliancePolicy.securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity) {
                                    $SettingValue = "Check basic integrity"
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')


                            #region 10: System Security > Encryption > Require encryption of data storage on device.
                            $ID = 10
                            $Setting = "storageRequireEncryption"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > Encryption > Require encryption of data storage on device"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.storageRequireEncryption) {
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $SettingValue = "Require"
                                $Comment = "Manufacturers might configure encryption attributes on their devices in a way that Intune doesn't recognize. If this happens, Intune marks the device as noncompliant."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 11: System Security > Device Security > Block apps from unknown sources
                            $ID = 11
                            $Setting = "securityPreventInstallAppsFromUnknownSources"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > Device Security > Block apps from unknown sources"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if ($CompliancePolicy.securityPreventInstallAppsFromUnknownSources) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Block"
                                $Comment = "Only Teams admins install apps or OEM tools"
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 14: System Security > Device Security > Minimum security patch level
                            $ID = 14
                            $Setting = "minAndroidSecurityPatchLevel"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > Device Security > Minimum security patch level"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.minAndroidSecurityPatchLevel))) {
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.minAndroidSecurityPatchLevel
                                $Comment = "This setting can cause sign in issues."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 15: System Security > Device Security > Restricted apps
                            $ID = 15
                            $Setting = "securityPreventInstallAppsFromUnknownSources"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > Device Security > Restricted apps"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (($CompliancePolicy.restrictedApps).count -gt 0 ) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Found " + ($CompliancePolicy.restrictedApps).count + " restricted app(s)"
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 16: System Security > All Android devices > Maximum minutes of inactivity before password is required
                            $ID = 16
                            $Setting = "passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > All Android devices > Maximum minutes of inactivity before password is required"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock))) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "" + $CompliancePolicy.passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock + " minutes"
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')
                        elseif ($CompliancePolicy."@odata.type" -in $SupportedWindowsCompliancePolicies) {

                            #region 18: Device Properties > Operation System Version
                            $ID = 18.1
                            $Setting = "mobileOsMinimumVersion"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Properties > Operation System Version > Minimum OS version for mobile devices"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.mobileOsMinimumVersion))) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.mobileOsMinimumVersion
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')
                            $ID = 18.2
                            $Setting = "mobileOsMaximumVersion"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Properties > Operation System Version > Maximum OS version for mobile devices"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.mobileOsMaximumVersion))) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.mobileOsMaximumVersion
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 19: Device Properties > Operation System Version > Valid operating system builds
                            $ID = 19
                            $Setting = "validOperatingSystemBuildRanges"
                            $SettingDescription = "Device Properties > Operation System Version > Valid operating system builds"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.validOperatingSystemBuildRanges))) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = "Found " + ($CompliancePolicy.validOperatingSystemBuildRanges).count + " valid OS configured build(s)"
                                $Comment = $URLSupportedCompliancePolicies
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                            #region 20: System Security > Defender > Microsoft Defender Antimalware minimum version
                            $ID = 20
                            $Setting = "defenderVersion"
                            $SettingDescription = "System Security > Defender > Microsoft Defender Antimalware minimum version"
                            $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                            $Comment = ""
                            if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CompliancePolicy.defenderVersion))) {
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingValue = $CompliancePolicy.defenderVersion
                                $Comment = "Teams Rooms automatically updates this component so there's no need to set compliance policies."
                            else {
                                $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                                PolicyType            = $CPType
                                Setting               = $Setting
                                Value                 = $SettingValue
                                TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                                Comment               = $Comment
                                SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription
                                AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                                AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                                ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                                PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                                ID                    = $ID
                            $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicyDetailed')

                        if ($PolicyErrors -gt 0) {
                            $StatusSum = "Found " + $PolicyErrors + " unsupported settings."
                            $displayWarning = $true
                        elseif ($PolicyWarnings -gt 0) {
                            $StatusSum = "Found " + $PolicyWarnings + " settings that may impact users."
                            $displayWarning = $true
                        else {
                            $StatusSum = "No issues found."
                        $PolicySum = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            PolicyID              = $CompliancePolicy.id
                            PolicyName            = $CompliancePolicy.displayName
                            PolicyType            = $CPType
                            AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                            AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                            ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                            TeamsDevicesStatus    = $StatusSum
                        $PolicySum.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceCompliancePolicy')
                        $outputSum.Add($PolicySum) | Out-Null
                    elseif (($AssignedToGroup.count -eq 0) -and !($UserUPN -or $DeviceID -or $Detailed)) {
            if ($totalCompliancePolicies -eq 0) {
                if ($UserUPN) {
                    Write-Warning ("The user " + $UserUPN + " doesn't have any Compliance Policies assigned.")
                else {
                    Write-Warning "No Compliance Policies assigned to All Users, All Devices or group found. Please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy -All to check all policies."
            if ($IncludeSupported -and $Detailed) {
                if ($ExportCSV) {
                    $output | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID | Select-Object PolicyName, PolicyID, PolicyType, AssignedToGroup, ExcludedFromGroup, TeamsDevicesStatus, Setting, SettingDescription, Value, Comment | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
                    Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
                else {
                    $output | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID
            elseif ($Detailed) {
                if ((( $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported").count -eq 0) -and !$IncludeSupported) {
                    Write-Warning "No unsupported settings found, please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy -IncludeSupported to output all settings."
                else {
                    if ($ExportCSV) {
                        $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported" | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID | Select-Object PolicyName, PolicyID, PolicyType, AssignedToGroup, ExcludedFromGroup, TeamsDevicesStatus, Setting, SettingDescription, Value, Comment | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
                        Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    else {
                        $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported" | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID
            else {
                if (($skippedCompliancePolicies -gt 0) -and !$All) {
                    Write-Warning ("Skipping $skippedCompliancePolicies compliance policies since will not be applied to Teams Devices.")
                    Write-Warning ("Please use the All switch to check all policies: Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy -All")
                if ($displayWarning) {
                    Write-Warning "One or more policies contain unsupported settings, please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy -Detailed to identify the unsupported settings."
                $outputSum | Sort-Object PolicyName
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsDevicesCompliancePolicy.ps1' 1058
#Region '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy.ps1' 0
Validate which Conditional Access policies are supported by Microsoft Teams Android Devices
This function will validate each setting in a Conditional Access Policy to make sure they are in line with the supported settings:
Contributors: Traci Herr, David Paulino
Requirements: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module (Install-Module Microsoft.Graph)
Displays test results for all settings in each Conditional Access Policy
Will check all Conditional Access policies independently if they are assigned to a Group(s) or to Teams
.PARAMETER IncludeSupported
Displays results for all settings in each Conditional Access Policy
Specifies a UserUPN that we want to check for applied Conditional Access policies
When present will export the detailed results to a CSV file. By defautl will save the file under the current user downloads, unless we specify the OutputPath.
Allows to specify the path where we want to save the results.
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -All
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -Detailed
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -Detailed -IncludedSupported
PS> Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -UserUPN

Function Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy {

    $GraphURI_Users = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users"
    $GraphURI_Groups = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups"
    $GraphURI_ConditionalAccess = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/identity/conditionalAccess/policies"

    $connectedMSGraph = $false
    $ConditionalAccessPolicies = $null
    $totalCAPolicies = 0
    $skippedCAPolicies = 0

    $URLTeamsDevicesCA = "https://aka.ms/TeamsDevicePolicies#supported-conditional-access-policies"
    $URLTeamsDevicesKnownIssues = "https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/troubleshoot/teams-rooms-and-devices/rooms-known-issues#teams-phone-devices"

    if (Test-UcMgGraphConnection -Scopes "Policy.Read.All", "Directory.Read.All") {
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        $outFileName = "TeamsDevices_ConditionalAccessPolicy_Report_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"

        if ($OutputPath) {
            if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host ("Error: Invalid folder " + $OutputPath) -ForegroundColor Red
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($OutputPath, $outFileName)
        else {                
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Downloads", $outFileName)
        try {
            Write-Progress -Activity "Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy" -Status "Getting Conditional Access Policies"
            $ConditionalAccessPolicies = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_ConditionalAccess + $GraphFilter) -Method GET).Value
            $connectedMSGraph = $true
        catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
            if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Forbidden") {
                Write-Host "Access Denied, please make sure the user connecing to MS Graph is part of one of the following Global Reader/Conditional Access Administrator/Global Administrator roles"
            else {
                Write-Error $PSItem.Exception.Message
        catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem.Exception.Message

        if ($connectedMSGraph) {
            $output = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            $outputSum = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            if ($UserUPN) {
                try {
                    $UserID = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Users + "/" + $userUPN + "?`$select=id") -Method GET).id
                    $UserGroups = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Users + "/" + $userUPN + "/transitiveMemberOf?`$select=id") -Method GET).value.id
                catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] {
                    if ($PSItem.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "NotFound") {
                        Write-warning -Message ("User Not Found: " + $UserUPN)

            $Groups = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
            Write-Progress -Activity "Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy" -Status "Fetching Service Principals details."
            $ServicePrincipals = Get-MgServicePrincipal -Select AppId, DisplayName -All
            } catch {}

            $policyCount = $ConditionalAccessPolicies.Count
            foreach ($ConditionalAccessPolicy in $ConditionalAccessPolicies) {
                Write-Progress -Activity "Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy" -Status ("Checking policy " +  $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName + " - $p of $policyCount")
                $AssignedToGroup = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                $ExcludedFromGroup = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                $AssignedToUserCount = 0
                $ExcludedFromUserCount = 0
                $outAssignedToGroup = ""
                $outExcludedFromGroup = ""
                $userExcluded = $false
                $StatusSum = ""
                $PolicyErrors = 0
                $PolicyWarnings = 0

                if ($UserUPN) {
                    if ($UserID -in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeUsers) {
                        $userExcluded = $true
                        Write-Warning ("Skiping conditional access policy " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName + ", since user " + $UserUPN + " is part of Excluded Users")
                    elseif ($UserID -in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers) {
                        $userIncluded = $true
                    else {
                        $userIncluded = $false

                #All Users in Conditional Access Policy will show as a 'All' in the includeUsers.
                if ("All" -in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers) {
                    $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        GroupID          = "All"
                        GroupDisplayName = "All Users"
                    $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                    $userIncluded = $true
                elseif ((($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers).count -gt 0) -and "None" -notin $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers) {
                    $AssignedToUserCount = ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeUsers).count
                    if (!$UserUPN) {
                        $userIncluded = $true
                foreach ($includedGroup in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.includeGroups) {
                    $GroupDisplayName = $includedGroup
                    if ($Groups.ContainsKey($includedGroup)) {
                        $GroupDisplayName = $Groups.Item($includedGroup)
                    else {
                        try {
                            $GroupInfo = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Groups + "/" + $includedGroup + "/?`$select=id,displayname") -Method GET
                            $Groups.Add($GroupInfo.id, $GroupInfo.displayname)
                            $GroupDisplayName = $GroupInfo.displayname
                        catch {
                    $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        GroupID          = $includedGroup
                        GroupDisplayName = $GroupDisplayName
                    #We only need to add if we didn't specify a UPN or if the user is part of the group that has the CA assigned.
                    if (!$UserUPN) {
                        $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null
                    if ($includedGroup -in $UserGroups) {
                        $userIncluded = $true
                        $AssignedToGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null

                foreach ($excludedGroup in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeGroups) {
                    $GroupDisplayName = $excludedGroup
                    if ($Groups.ContainsKey($excludedGroup)) {
                        $GroupDisplayName = $Groups.Item($excludedGroup)
                    else {
                        try {
                            $GroupInfo = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri ($GraphURI_Groups + "/" + $excludedGroup + "/?`$select=id,displayname") -Method GET
                            $Groups.Add($GroupInfo.id, $GroupInfo.displayname)
                            $GroupDisplayName = $GroupInfo.displayname
                        catch { }
                    $GroupEntry = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        GroupID          = $excludedGroup
                        GroupDisplayName = $GroupDisplayName
                    $ExcludedFromGroup.Add($GroupEntry) | Out-Null                
                    if ($excludedGroup -in $UserGroups) {
                        $userExcluded = $true
                        Write-Warning ("Skiping conditional access policy " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName + ", since user " + $UserUPN + " is part of an Excluded Group: " + $GroupEntry.GroupDisplayName)
                $ExcludedFromUserCount = ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeUsers).count

                if ("GuestsOrExternalUsers" -in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.users.excludeUsers) {

                #If only assigned/excluded from a group we will show the group display name, otherwise the number of groups assigned/excluded.
                if (($AssignedToGroup.count -gt 0) -and ($AssignedToUserCount -gt 0)) {
                    $outAssignedToGroup = "$AssignedToUserCount user(s)," + $AssignedToGroup.count + " group(s)"
                elseif (($AssignedToGroup.count -eq 0) -and ($AssignedToUserCount -gt 0)) {
                    $outAssignedToGroup = "$AssignedToUserCount user(s)"
                elseif (($AssignedToGroup.count -gt 0) -and ($AssignedToUserCount -eq 0)) {
                    if ($AssignedToGroup.count -eq 1) {
                        $outAssignedToGroup = $AssignedToGroup[0].GroupDisplayName
                    else {
                        $outAssignedToGroup = "" + $AssignedToGroup.count + " group(s)"
                else {
                    $outAssignedToGroup = "None"

                if (($ExcludedFromGroup.count -gt 0) -and ($ExcludedFromUserCount -gt 0)) {
                    $outExcludedFromGroup = "$ExcludedFromUserCount user(s), " + $ExcludedFromGroup.count + " group(s)"
                elseif (($ExcludedFromGroup.count -eq 0) -and ($ExcludedFromUserCount -gt 0)) {
                    $outExcludedFromGroup = "$ExcludedFromUserCount user(s)"
                elseif (($ExcludedFromGroup.count -gt 0) -and ($ExcludedFromUserCount -eq 0)) {
                    if ($ExcludedFromGroup.count -eq 1) {
                        $outExcludedFromGroup = $ExcludedFromGroup[0].GroupDisplayName
                    else {
                        $outExcludedFromGroup = "" + $ExcludedFromGroup.count + " group(s)"
                else {
                    $outExcludedFromGroup = "None"

                $PolicyState = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.State
                if ($PolicyState -eq "enabledForReportingButNotEnforced") {
                    $PolicyState = "ReportOnly"
                #region 2: Assignment > Cloud apps or actions > Cloud Apps
                #Exchange 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000
                #SharePoint 00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000
                #Teams cc15fd57-2c6c-4117-a88c-83b1d56b4bbe
                $ID = 2
                $Setting = "CloudApps"
                $SettingDescription = "Assignment > Cloud apps or actions > Cloud Apps"
                $Comment = ""
                $hasExchange = $false
                $hasSharePoint = $false
                $hasTeams = $false
                $hasOffice365 = $false
                $SettingValue = ""
                foreach ($Application in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.Conditions.Applications.IncludeApplications) {
                    $appDisplayName = ($ServicePrincipals |  Where-Object -Property AppId -eq -Value $Application).DisplayName
                    switch ($Application) {
                        "All" { $hasOffice365 = $true; $SettingValue = "All" }
                        "Office365" { $hasOffice365 = $true; $SettingValue = "Office 365" }
                        "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000" { $hasExchange = $true; $SettingValue += $appDisplayName + "; " }
                        "00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000" { $hasSharePoint = $true; $SettingValue += $appDisplayName + "; " }
                        "cc15fd57-2c6c-4117-a88c-83b1d56b4bbe" { $hasTeams = $true; $SettingValue += $appDisplayName + "; " }
                        default { $SettingValue += $appDisplayName + "; " }
                if ($SettingValue.EndsWith("; ")) {
                    $SettingValue = $SettingValue.Substring(0, $SettingValue.Length - 2)

                if (((($AssignedToGroup.count -gt 0) -and ($hasOffice365 -or $hasTeams) -and ($PolicyState -NE "disabled")) -and (!$userExcluded) -and $userIncluded) -or $all) {

                    if (($hasExchange -and $hasSharePoint -and $hasTeams) -or ($hasOffice365)) {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                    else {
                        $Status = "Unsupported"
                        $Comment = "Teams Devices needs to access: Office 365 or Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams"

                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 6: Assignment > Conditions > Locations
                    $ID = 6.1
                    $Setting = "includeLocations"
                    $SettingDescription = "Assignment > Conditions > Locations"
                    $Comment = ""
                    $Status = "Supported"
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.locations.includeLocations) {
                        $SettingValue = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.locations.includeLocations
                    else {
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    $ID = 6.2
                    $Setting = "excludeLocations"
                    $SettingDescription = "Assignment > Conditions > Locations"
                    $Comment = ""
                    $Status = "Supported"
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.locations.excludeLocations) {
                        $SettingValue = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.locations.excludeLocations
                    else {
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 7: Assignment > Conditions > Client apps
                    $ID = 7
                    $Setting = "ClientAppTypes"
                    $SettingDescription = "Assignment > Conditions > Client apps"
                    $SettingValue = ""
                    $Comment = ""
                    foreach ($ClientAppType in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.Conditions.ClientAppTypes) {
                        if ($ClientAppType -eq "All") {
                            $Status = "Supported"
                            $SettingValue = $ClientAppType
                            $Comment = ""
                        else {
                            $Status = "Unsupported"
                            $SettingValue += $ClientAppType + ";"
                            $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesCA
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region Assignment > Conditions > Filter for devices
                    $ID = 8
                    $Setting = "deviceFilter"
                    $SettingDescription = "Assignment > Conditions > Filter for devices"
                    $Comment = ""
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.devices.deviceFilter.mode -eq "exclude") {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.devices.deviceFilter.mode + ": " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.conditions.devices.deviceFilter.rule
                    else {
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                        $Status = "Warning"
                        $Comment = "https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/troubleshoot/teams-rooms-and-devices/teams-android-devices-conditional-access-issues"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 10: Access controls > Grant
                    foreach ($BuiltInControl in $ConditionalAccessPolicy.GrantControls.BuiltInControls) {
                        $Comment = "" 
                        $SettingValue = "Enabled"
                        switch ($BuiltInControl) {
                            "mfa" { 
                                $ID = 11
                                $Status = "Warning"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require multi-factor authentication"
                                $Comment = "Require multi-factor authentication only supported for Teams Phones and Displays." 
                            "compliantDevice" {
                                $ID = 12
                                $Status = "Supported"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require device to be marked as compliant"
                            "DomainJoinedDevice" { 
                                $ID = 13
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require Hybrid Azure AD joined device"
                            "ApprovedApplication" { 
                                $ID = 14
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require approved client app"
                                $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesCA
                            "CompliantApplication" { 
                                $ID = 15
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require app protection policy"
                                $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesCA
                            "PasswordChange" { 
                                $ID = 16
                                $Status = "Unsupported"
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Require password change"
                                $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesCA 
                            default { 
                                $ID = 10
                                $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > " + $BuiltInControl
                                $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                            PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                            Setting               = $Setting 
                            Value                 = $SettingValue
                            TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                            Comment               = $Comment
                            SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                            AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                            AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                            ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                            PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                            ID                    = $ID
                        $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')
                    #region 17: Access controls > Grant > Custom Authentication Factors
                    $ID = 17
                    $Setting = "CustomAuthenticationFactors"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Custom Authentication Factors"
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.GrantControls.CustomAuthenticationFactors) {
                        $Status = "Unsupported"
                        $SettingValue = "Enabled"
                        $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesCA
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Disabled"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 18: Access controls > Grant > Terms of Use
                    $ID = 18
                    $Setting = "TermsOfUse"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Grant > Terms of Use"
                    $Comment = "" 
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.GrantControls.TermsOfUse) {
                        $Status = "Warning"
                        $SettingValue = "Enabled"
                        $Comment = $URLTeamsDevicesKnownIssues
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Disabled"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 19: Access controls > Session > Use app enforced restrictions
                    $ID = 19
                    $Setting = "ApplicationEnforcedRestrictions"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Session > Use app enforced restrictions"
                    $Comment = "" 
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.ApplicationEnforcedRestrictions) {
                        $Status = "Unsupported"
                        $SettingValue = "Enabled"
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Disabled"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')
                    #region 19: Access controls > Session > Use Conditional Access App Control
                    $ID = 19
                    $Setting = "CloudAppSecurity"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Session > Use Conditional Access App Control"
                    $Comment = "" 
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.CloudAppSecurity) {
                        $Status = "Unsupported"
                        $SettingValue = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.CloudAppSecurity.cloudAppSecurityType
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 20: Access controls > Session > Sign-in frequency
                    $ID = 20
                    $Setting = "SignInFrequency"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Session > Sign-in frequency"
                    $Comment = "" 
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.SignInFrequency.isEnabled -eq "true") {
                        $Status = "Warning"
                        $SettingValue = "" + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.SignInFrequency.Value + " " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.SignInFrequency.Type
                        $Comment = "Users will be signout from Teams Device every " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.SignInFrequency.Value + " " + $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.SignInFrequency.Type
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    #region 21: Access controls > Session > Persistent browser session
                    $ID = 21
                    $Setting = "PersistentBrowser"
                    $SettingDescription = "Access controls > Session > Persistent browser session"
                    $Comment = "" 
                    if ($ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.PersistentBrowser.isEnabled -eq "true") {
                        $Status = "Unsupported"
                        $SettingValue = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.SessionControls.persistentBrowser.mode
                    else {
                        $Status = "Supported"
                        $SettingValue = "Not Configured"
                    $SettingPSObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.displayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        Setting               = $Setting 
                        Value                 = $SettingValue
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $Status 
                        Comment               = $Comment
                        SettingDescription    = $SettingDescription 
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        ID                    = $ID
                    $SettingPSObj.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicyDetailed')

                    if ($PolicyErrors -gt 0) {
                        $StatusSum = "Has " + $PolicyErrors + " unsupported settings."
                        $displayWarning = $true
                    elseif ($PolicyWarnings -gt 0) {
                        $StatusSum = "Has " + $PolicyWarnings + " settings that may impact users."
                        $displayWarning = $true
                    else {
                        $StatusSum = "All settings supported."
                    $PolicySum = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        PolicyID              = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.id
                        PolicyName            = $ConditionalAccessPolicy.DisplayName
                        PolicyState           = $PolicyState
                        AssignedToGroup       = $outAssignedToGroup
                        AssignedToGroupList   = $AssignedToGroup
                        ExcludedFromGroup     = $outExcludedFromGroup 
                        ExcludedFromGroupList = $ExcludedFromGroup
                        TeamsDevicesStatus    = $StatusSum
                    $PolicySum.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsDeviceConditionalAccessPolicy')
                else {
            if ($totalCAPolicies -eq 0) {
                if ($UserUPN) {
                    Write-Warning ("The user " + $UserUPN + " doesn't have any Compliance Policies assigned.")
                else {
                    Write-Warning "No Conditional Access Policies assigned to All Users, All Devices or group found. Please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -IgnoreAssigment to check all policies."
            if ($IncludeSupported -and $Detailed) {
                if ($ExportCSV) {
                    $output | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID | Select-Object PolicyName, PolicyID, PolicyState, AssignedToGroup, ExcludedFromGroup, TeamsDevicesStatus, Setting, SettingDescription, Value, Comment | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
                    Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
                else {
                    $output | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID
            elseif ($Detailed) {
                if ((( $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported").count -eq 0) -and !$IncludeSupported) {
                    Write-Warning "No unsupported settings found, please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -IncludeSupported, to output all settings."
                else {
                    if ($ExportCSV) {
                        $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported" | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID | Select-Object PolicyName, PolicyID, PolicyState, AssignedToGroup, ExcludedFromGroup, TeamsDevicesStatus, Setting, SettingDescription, Value, Comment | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
                        Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    else {    
                        $output | Where-Object -Property TeamsDevicesStatus -NE -Value "Supported" | Sort-Object PolicyName, ID
            else {
                if (($skippedCAPolicies -gt 0) -and !$All) {
                    Write-Warning ("Skipping $skippedCAPolicies conditional access policies since they will not be applied to Teams Devices")
                    Write-Warning ("Please use the All switch to check all policies: Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -All")
                if ($displayWarning) {
                    Write-Warning "One or more policies contain unsupported settings, please use Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy -Detailed to identify the unsupported settings."
                $outputSum | Sort-Object PolicyName
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsDevicesConditionalAccessPolicy.ps1' 806
#Region '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsOnlyModeReadiness.ps1' 0
Check if a Tenant can be changed to TeamsOnly
This function will check if there is a lyncdiscover DNS Record that prevents a tenant to be switched to TeamsOnly.
Specifies a domain registered with Microsoft 365
PS> Test-UcTeamsOnlyModeReadiness
PS> Test-UcTeamsOnlyModeReadiness -Domain uclobby.com

Function Test-UcTeamsOnlyModeReadiness {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $outTeamsOnly = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $connectedMSTeams = $false
    if ($Domain) {
        $365Domains = Get-UcM365Domains -Domain $Domain
    else {
        try {
            Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
            $365Domains = Get-CsOnlineSipDomain
            $connectedMSTeams = $true
        catch {
            Write-Host "Error: Please Connect to before running this cmdlet with Connect-MicrosoftTeams" -ForegroundColor Red
    $DomainCount = ($365Domains.Count)
    $i = 1
    foreach ($365Domain in $365Domains) {
        $tmpDomain = $365Domain.Name
        Write-Progress -Activity "Teams Only Mode Readiness" -Status "Checking: $tmpDomain - $i of $DomainCount"  -PercentComplete (($i / $DomainCount) * 100)
        $status = "Not Ready"
        $DNSRecord = ""
        $hasARecord = $false
        $enabledSIP = $false
        # 20220522 - Skipping if the domain is not SIP Enabled.
        if (!($connectedMSTeams)) {
            try {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("https://webdir.online.lync.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscoverservice.svc/root?originalDomain=" + $tmpDomain) | Out-Null
                $enabledSIP = $true
            catch {
                if ($Error[0].Exception.Message -like "*404*") {
                    $enabledSIP = $false
        else {
            if ($365Domain.Status -eq "Enabled") {
                $enabledSIP = $true
        if ($enabledSIP) {
            $DiscoverFQDN = "lyncdiscover." + $365Domain.Name
            $FederationFQDN = "_sipfederationtls._tcp." + $365Domain.Name
            $DNSResultA = (Resolve-DnsName $DiscoverFQDN -ErrorAction Ignore -Type A)
            $DNSResultSRV = (Resolve-DnsName $FederationFQDN -ErrorAction Ignore -Type SRV).NameTarget
            foreach ($tmpRecord in $DNSResultA) {
                if (($tmpRecord.NameHost -eq "webdir.online.lync.com") -and ($DNSResultSRV -eq "sipfed.online.lync.com")) {
                if ($tmpRecord.Type -eq "A") {
                    $hasARecord = $true
                    $DNSRecord = $tmpRecord.IPAddress
            if (!($hasARecord)) {
                $DNSResultCNAME = (Resolve-DnsName $DiscoverFQDN -ErrorAction Ignore -Type CNAME)
                if ($DNSResultCNAME.count -eq 0) {
                    $status = "Ready"
                if (($DNSResultCNAME.NameHost -eq "webdir.online.lync.com") -and ($DNSResultSRV -eq "sipfed.online.lync.com")) {
                    $status = "Ready"
                    $DNSRecord = $DNSResultCNAME.NameHost
                else {
                    $DNSRecord = $DNSResultCNAME.NameHost
                if ($DNSResultCNAME.Type -eq "SOA") {
                    $status = "Ready"
            $Validation = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                DiscoverRecord   = $DNSRecord
                FederationRecord = $DNSResultSRV
                Status           = $status
                Domain           = $365Domain.Name

        else {
            $Validation = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                DiscoverRecord   = ""
                FederationRecord = ""
                Status           = "Not SIP Enabled"
                Domain           = $365Domain.Name
        $Validation.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'TeamsOnlyModeReadiness')
        $outTeamsOnly.Add($Validation) | Out-Null
    return $outTeamsOnly
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-UcTeamsOnlyModeReadiness.ps1' 119
#Region '.\Public\Update-UcTeamsDevice.ps1' 0
Update Microsoft Teams Devices
This function will send update commands to Teams Android Devices using MS Graph.
Contributors: Eileen Beato, David Paulino and Bryan Kendrick
Requirements: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module (Install-Module Microsoft.Graph)
                Microsoft Graph Scopes:
Specify the Teams Admin Center Device ID that we want to update.
Specifies a filter, valid options:
    Phone - Teams Native Phones
    MTRA - Microsoft Teams Room Running Android
    Display - Microsoft Teams Displays
    Panel - Microsoft Teams Panels
Allow to specify which time of update we want to do:
When present will use this file as Input, we only need a column with Device Id. It supports files exported from Teams Admin Center (TAC).
Only available when using InputCSV and requires a “IP Address” column, it allows to only send updates to Teams Android devices within a subnet.
Format examples:
Allows to specify the path where we want to save the results. By default will save on current user Download.
Will read Teams Device Android versions info and generate a report
PS> Update-UcTeamsDevice
PS> Update-UcTeamsDevice -ReportOnly
PS> Update-UcTeamsDevice -InputCSV C:\Temp\DevicesList_2023-04-20_15-19-00-UTC.csv

Function Update-UcTeamsDevice {
        [ValidateSet("Firmware", "TeamsApp", "All")]
        [string]$UpdateType = "All",
        [ValidateSet("Phone", "MTRA", "Display", "Panel")]
    $regExIPAddressSubnet = "^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9]))\/(3[0-2]|[1-2]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])$"

    if (Test-UcMgGraphConnection -Scopes "TeamworkDevice.ReadWrite.All") {
        $outTeamsDevices = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        Test-UcModuleUpdateAvailable -ModuleName UcLobbyTeams
        #Checking if the Subnet is valid
            if(!($Subnet -match $regExIPAddressSubnet)){
                Write-Host ("Error: Subnet " + $Subnet + " is invalid, please make sure the subnet is valid and in this format,") -ForegroundColor Red

        if ($ReportOnly) {
            $outFileName = "UpdateTeamsDevices_ReportOnly_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
            $StatusType = "offline", "critical", "nonUrgent", "healthy"
        else {
            $outFileName = "UpdateTeamsDevices_" + ( get-date ).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmss') + ".csv"
            $StatusType = "critical", "nonUrgent"
        #Verify if the Output Path exists
        if ($OutputPath) {
            if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath -PathType Container)) {
                Write-Host ("Error: Invalid folder " + $OutputPath) -ForegroundColor Red
            else {
                $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($OutputPath, $outFileName)
        else {                
            $OutputFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:USERPROFILE, "Downloads", $outFileName)

        $graphRequests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        if ($DeviceID) {
            $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                id     = $DeviceID
                method = "GET"
                url    = "/teamwork/devices/" + $DeviceID
            $GraphResponse = Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Update-UcTeamsDevices, getting device info" -IncludeBody
            if ($GraphResponse.status -eq 200) {
                $TeamsDeviceList = $GraphResponse.body
            elseif ($GraphResponse.status -eq 404) {
                Write-Host ("Error: Device ID $DeviceID not found.") -ForegroundColor Red
        elseif ($InputCSV) {
            if (Test-Path $InputCSV) {
                try {
                    $TeamsDeviceInput = Import-Csv -Path $InputCSV
                catch {
                    Write-Host ("Invalid CSV input file: " + $InputCSV) -ForegroundColor Red
                foreach ($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceInput) {
                    $includeDevice = $true
                    if ($Subnet) {
                        $includeDevice = Test-UcIPaddressInSubnet -IPAddress $TeamsDevice.'IP Address' -Subnet $Subnet

                    if ($includeDevice) {
                        $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                            id     = $TeamsDevice.'Device Id'
                            method = "GET"
                            url    = "/teamwork/devices/" + $TeamsDevice.'Device Id'
                if ($graphRequests.Count -gt 0) {
                    $TeamsDeviceList = (Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Update-UcTeamsDevices, getting device info" )
            else {
                Write-Host ("Error: File not found " + $InputCSV) -ForegroundColor Red
        else {
            #Currently only Android based Teams devices are supported.
            switch ($DeviceType) {
                "Phone" { 
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "ipPhone"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'ipPhone'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "lowCostPhone"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'lowCostPhone'"
                "MTRA" {            
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "collaborationBar"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'collaborationBar'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "touchConsole"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'touchConsole'"
                "Display" {
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "teamsDisplay"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsDisplay'"
                "Panel" {
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "teamsPanel"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsPanel'"
                Default {
                    #This is the only way to exclude MTRW and SurfaceHub by creating a request per device type.
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "ipPhone"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'ipPhone'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "lowCostPhone"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'lowCostPhone'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "collaborationBar"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'collaborationBar'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "touchConsole"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'touchConsole'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "teamsDisplay"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsDisplay'"
                    $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                        id     = "teamsPanel"
                        method = "GET"
                        url    = "/teamwork/devices/?`$filter=deviceType eq 'teamsPanel'"
            #Using new cmdlet to get a list of devices
            $TeamsDeviceList = (Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Update-UcTeamsDevices, getting device info").value

        $devicesWithUpdatePending = 0
        $graphRequests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        foreach ($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceList) {
            if ($TeamsDevice.healthStatus -in $StatusType) {
                $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    id     = $TeamsDevice.id + "-health"
                    method = "GET"
                    url    = "/teamwork/devices/" + $TeamsDevice.id + "/health"
        if ($graphRequests.Count -gt 0) {
            $graphResponseExtra = Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Update-UcTeamsDevices, getting device health info" -IncludeBody

        #In case we detect more than 5 devices with updates pending we will request confirmation that we can continue.
        if (($devicesWithUpdatePending -gt 5) -and !$ReportOnly) {
            if ($ConfirmPreference) {
                $title = 'Confirm'
                $question = "There are " + $devicesWithUpdatePending + " Teams Devices pending update. Are you sure that you want to continue?"
                $choices = '&Yes', '&No'
                $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
            else {
                $decision = 0
            if ($decision -ne 0) {
        $graphRequests = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        foreach ($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceList) {
            if ($TeamsDevice.healthStatus -in $StatusType) {
                $TeamsDeviceHealth = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object { $_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id + "-health") }).body
                #Valid types are: adminAgent, operatingSystem, teamsClient, firmware, partnerAgent, companyPortal.
                #Currently we only consider Firmware and TeamsApp(teamsClient)
                if ($TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.softwareFreshness.Equals("updateAvailable") -and ($UpdateType.Equals("All") -or $UpdateType.Equals("Firmware"))) {
                    if (!($ReportOnly)) {

                        $requestHeader = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
                        $requestHeader.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
                        $requestBody = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
                        $requestBody.Add("softwareType", "firmware")
                        $requestBody.Add("softwareVersion", $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion)

                        $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                            id      = $TeamsDevice.id + "-updateFirmware"
                            method  = "POST"
                            url     = "/teamwork/devices/" + $TeamsDevice.id + "/updateSoftware"
                            body    = $requestBody
                            headers = $requestHeader
                if ($TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.softwareFreshness.Equals("updateAvailable") -and ($UpdateType.Equals("All") -or $UpdateType.Equals("TeamsApp"))) {
                    if (!($ReportOnly)) {
                        $requestHeader = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
                        $requestHeader.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")

                        $requestBody = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, string]'
                        $requestBody.Add("softwareType", "teamsClient")
                        $requestBody.Add("softwareVersion", $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion)

                        $gRequestTmp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                            id      = $TeamsDevice.id + "-updateTeamsClient"
                            method  = "POST"
                            url     = "/teamwork/devices/" + $TeamsDevice.id + "/updateSoftware"
                            body    = $requestBody
                            headers = $requestHeader
        if ($graphRequests.Count -gt 0) {
            $updateGraphResponse = Invoke-UcMgGraphBatch -Requests $graphRequests -MgProfile beta -Activity "Update-UcTeamsDevices, sending update commands" -IncludeBody

        foreach ($TeamsDevice in $TeamsDeviceList) {
            if ($TeamsDevice.healthStatus -in $StatusType) {
                $TeamsDeviceHealth = ($graphResponseExtra | Where-Object { $_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id + "-health") }).body

                if ($ReportOnly) {

                    if ($TeamsDevice.healthStatus -notin ("critical", "nonUrgent") ) {
                        $UpdateStatus = "Report Only: No firmware or Teams App updates pending."
                    else {
                        $UpdateStatus = "Report Only:"

                        if ($TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.softwareFreshness.Equals("updateAvailable") -and ($UpdateType.Equals("All") -or $UpdateType.Equals("Firmware"))) {
                            $UpdateStatus += " Firmware Update Pending;"

                        if ($TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.softwareFreshness.Equals("updateAvailable") -and ($UpdateType.Equals("All") -or $UpdateType.Equals("TeamsApp"))) {
                            $UpdateStatus += " Teams App Update Pending;"
                else {
                    $tmpUpdateStatus = ($updateGraphResponse | Where-Object { $_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id + "-updateFirmware") })
                    if ($tmpUpdateStatus.status -eq 202) {
                        $UpdateStatus = "Firmware update Command was sent to the device"
                    elseif ($tmpUpdateStatus.status -eq 409) {
                        $UpdateStatus = "There is a firmware update pending, please check the update status."

                    $tmpUpdateStatus = ($updateGraphResponse | Where-Object { $_.id -eq ($TeamsDevice.id + "-updateTeamsClient") })
                    if ($tmpUpdateStatus.status -eq 202) {
                        $UpdateStatus = "Teams App update Command was sent to the device"
                    elseif ($tmpUpdateStatus.status -eq 409) {
                        $UpdateStatus = "There is a Teams App update pending, please check the update status."

                $TDObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    'Device Id'                     = $TeamsDevice.id
                    DeviceType                      = Convert-UcTeamsDeviceType $TeamsDevice.deviceType
                    Manufacturer                    = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.manufacturer
                    Model                           = $TeamsDevice.hardwaredetail.model
                    HealthStatus                    = $TeamsDevice.healthStatus
                    TeamsAdminAgentCurrentVersion   = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.adminAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    TeamsAdminAgentAvailableVersion = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.adminAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion
                    FirmwareCurrentVersion          = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    FirmwareAvailableVersion        = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.firmwareSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion
                    CompanyPortalCurrentVersion     = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.companyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    CompanyPortalAvailableVersion   = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.companyPortalSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion
                    OEMAgentAppCurrentVersion       = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.partnerAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    OEMAgentAppAvailableVersion     = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.partnerAgentSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion
                    TeamsAppCurrentVersion          = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.currentVersion
                    TeamsAppAvailableVersion        = $TeamsDeviceHealth.softwareUpdateHealth.teamsClientSoftwareUpdateStatus.availableVersion
                    UpdateStatus                    = $UpdateStatus

        if ( $outTeamsDevices.Count -gt 0) {
            $outTeamsDevices | Sort-Object DeviceType, Manufacturer, Model | Select-Object 'Device Id', DeviceType, Manufacturer, Model, HealthStatus, TeamsAdminAgentCurrentVersion, TeamsAdminAgentAvailableVersion, FirmwareCurrentVersion, FirmwareAvailableVersion, CompanyPortalCurrentVersion, CompanyPortalAvailableVersion, OEMAgentAppCurrentVersion, OEMAgentAppAvailableVersion, TeamsAppCurrentVersion, TeamsAppAvailableVersion, UpdateStatus  | Export-Csv -path $OutputFullPath -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host ("Results available in: " + $OutputFullPath) -ForegroundColor Cyan
        else {
            Write-Host ("No Teams Device(s) found that have pending update.") -ForegroundColor Cyan
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-UcTeamsDevice.ps1' 404