function New-URLScan { <# .SYNOPSIS This function enables you to submit a new scan to .DESCRIPTION This function enables you to submit a new scan to .PARAMETER URL The URL to submit to for scanning .PARAMETER Visibility The visibility to use when submitting a new scan request (public/unlisted/private). Default is 'public'. .PARAMETER SourceCountry The source country to use when submitting a new scan request. .PARAMETER Referer The HTTP Referer to use when submitting a new scan request. .PARAMETER CustomAgent The HTTP User-Agent to use when submitting a new scan request. .PARAMETER Tags A list of tags to use when submitting a new scan request. .PARAMETER OverrideSafety If the -OverrideSafety parameter is used, this will disable reclassification of URLs with potential PII in them. Use with care! .PARAMETER WaitForScan The -WaitForScan parameter will wait for the scan to complete, then return the results. .PARAMETER APIKey The -APIKey parameter enables you to specify an API Key if you have an account with This will enable higher query limits and larger page sizes. This is only necessary if your API Key has not been saved using Set-URLScanConfiguration .EXAMPLE PS> New-URLScan -URL '' ` -Visibility public ` -SourceCountry gb ` -Referer '' ` -CustomAgent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36' ` -Tags @('test','test2') message : Submission successful uuid : 4f916fa4-10d9-495c-851d-c8496c7ef534 result : api : visibility : public options : @{useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36; headers=} url : country : gb .EXAMPLE PS> New-URLScan -URL '' -Visibility private -WaitForScan Waiting for scan results.. Waiting for scan results.. Waiting for scan results.. data : @{requests=System.Object[]; cookies=System.Object[]; console=System.Object[]; links=System.Object[]; timing=; globals=System.Object[]} lists : @{ips=System.Object[]; countries=System.Object[]; asns=System.Object[]; domains=System.Object[]; servers=System.Object[]; urls=System.Object[]; linkDomains=System.Object[]; certificates=System.Object[]; hashes=System.Object[]} meta : @{processors=} page : @{asn=AS54113; asnname=FASTLY, US; city=Frankfurt am Main; country=DE;; ip=; server=nginx; url=;; umbrellaRank=897192; tlsIssuer=R3; tlsValidFrom=5/9/2024 3:27:21 AM; tlsValidDays=89; tlsAgeDays=36; redirected=sub-domain; status=200; mimeType=text/html; title=Infoblox Threat Intel - Threat Intelligence for DNS} scanner : @{country=gb} stats : @{IPv6Percentage=0; adBlocked=0; domainStats=System.Object[]; ipStats=System.Object[]; malicious=0; protocolStats=System.Object[]; regDomainStats=System.Object[]; resourceStats=System.Object[]; securePercentage=97; secureRequests=142; serverStats=System.Object[]; tlsStats=System.Object[]; totalLinks=32; uniqCountries=5} submitter : @{country=GB} task : @{;; method=api; source=4e882e8b; tags=System.Object[]; time=6/14/2024 2:28:58 PM; url=; uuid=16e64fe3-684e-4a35-8d3b-dc2880b6e04b; visibility=private; reportURL=; screenshotURL=; domURL=} verdicts : @{overall=; urlscan=; engines=; community=} .FUNCTIONALITY #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$URL, [ValidateSet('public','private','unlisted')] [String]$Visibility = 'public', [String]$SourceCountry, [String]$Referer, [String]$CustomAgent, [Object[]]$Tags, [Switch]$OverrideSafety, [Switch]$WaitForScan, [String]$APIKey ) $Headers = Get-URLScanHeaders -APIKey $($APIKey) $Splat = @{ 'url' = $URL 'visibility' = $Visibility } if ($SourceCountry) { $Splat.'country' = $SourceCountry } if ($Referer) { $Splat.'referer' = $Referer } if ($CustomAgent) { $Splat.'customagent' = $CustomAgent } if ($Tags) { $Splat.'tags' = $($Tags) } if ($OverrideSafety) { $Splat.'overrideSafety' = $true } $JSONPayload = $Splat | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2 -Compress try { $ScanSubmission = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "" -Headers $Headers -Body $JSONPayload } catch { Write-Error $_ break } if ($WaitForScan) { $StartTime = Get-Date while (!($Results)) { $Diff = $(Get-Date)-$StartTime Write-Host -NoNewLine "`rWaiting for scan results.. ($($Diff.Seconds)s)" try { $Results = $ScanSubmission | Get-URLScan } catch { Wait-Event -Timeout 2 } } Write-Host -NoNewLine "`r " } else { $Results = $ScanSubmission } return $Results } |