
function Set-URLScanConfiguration {
        Used to set specific configuration

        This function is used to set specific configuration, such as the BloxOne CSP API Key, Region/URL and enabling/disabling development or debug mode

        Use this parameter to save the API Key for If an API Key is not saved, you will be bound by the rate limits of a free user.

    .PARAMETER DefaultPageLimit
        Optionally set the default page size to be returned when performing queries to This is set to 100 by default, which aligns with the Free Tier. If you have an account or subscription with, you can specify this value in line with your account limits.

    .PARAMETER Persist
        Setting the -Persist parameter will save the configuration permanently for your user on this device. Without using this switch, the settings will only be saved for the duration of the PowerShell session.

        PS> Set-URLScanConfiguration -APIKey '<APIKey>' -Persist
                                                                                                                  key has been stored permanently for user on MAC-DSD984HG

        PS> Set-ibPSConfiguration -DefaultPageLimit 1000

  param (

  if ($APIKey) {
    $URLScanAPIKey = $APIKey | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString
    $Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($URLScanAPIKey)
    $Base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Bytes)
    if ($Persist) {
      $Platform = Detect-OS
      if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
        $ENV:URLScanAPIKey = $Base64
        Write-Host " API key has been stored permanently for $env:USERNAME on $env:COMPUTERNAME." -ForegroundColor Green
      } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
        $ENV:URLScanAPIKey = $Base64
        if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
          touch ~/.zshenv
        sed -i '' -e '/URLScanAPIKey/d' ~/.zshenv
        echo "export URLScanAPIKey=$Base64" >> ~/.zshenv
        Write-Host " API key has been stored permanently for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        $ENV:URLScanAPIKey = $Base64
        Write-Host " API key has been stored for this session." -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "You can make the API key persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray

  if ($DefaultPageLimit) {
    if ($Persist) {
      $Platform = Detect-OS
      if ($Platform -eq "Windows") {
        $ENV:URLScanPageLimit = $DefaultPageLimit
        Write-Host " default page limit has been set to: $($DefaultPageLimit) permanently for $($env:USERNAME) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)." -ForegroundColor Green
      } elseif ($Platform -eq "Mac" -or $Platform -eq "Unix") {
        $ENV:URLScanPageLimit = $DefaultPageLimit
        if (!(Test-Path ~/.zshenv)) {
          touch ~/.zshenv
        sed -i '' -e '/URLScanPageLimit/d' ~/.zshenv
        echo "export URLScanPageLimit=$DefaultPageLimit" >> ~/.zshenv
        Write-Host " default page limit has been set to: $($DefaultPageLimit) permanently for $env:USER on $(scutil --get LocalHostName)." -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        $ENV:URLScanPageLimit = $DefaultPageLimit
        Write-Host " default page limit has been set to: $($DefaultPageLimit) for this session." -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "You can make the change persistent for this user on this machine by using the -persist parameter." -ForegroundColor Gray