#Region '.\Public\Disable-Chromebook.ps1' 0 function Disable-Chromebook{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$deviceID ) # Ensure that they have a access token if(-not $global:googleAccessToken){ throw "Please ensure that you have called Get-GoogleAccessToken cmdlet" } # Confirm we have a valid access token if(-not $(Test-GoogleAccessToken)){ Get-GoogleAccessToken -json $global:googleJSON -customerId $global:googleCustomerId } # Generate the final API endppoint URI $endpoint = "admin/directory/v1/customer/$($global:googleCustomerId)/devices/chromeos/$($deviceID)/action" $body = @{ "action" = "disable" } try{ $result = Get-GoogleAPI -Method "POST" -endpoint $endpoint -Body $body if($null -ne ($result.tostring() | COnvertFrom-JSON).error){ throw ($result.tostring() | COnvertFrom-JSON).error.message } Write-Verbose "Status Result: $($result.StatusCode)" } catch{ throw $_ } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Disable-Chromebook.ps1' 30 #Region '.\Public\Enable-Chromebook.ps1' 0 function Enable-Chromebook{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$deviceID ) # Ensure that they have a access token if(-not $global:googleAccessToken){ throw "Please ensure that you have called Get-GoogleAccessToken cmdlet" } # Confirm we have a valid access token if(-not $(Test-GoogleAccessToken)){ Get-GoogleAccessToken -json $global:googleJSON -customerId $global:googleCustomerId } # Generate the final API endppoint URI $endpoint = "admin/directory/v1/customer/$($global:googleCustomerId)/devices/chromeos/$($deviceID)/action" $body = @{ "action" = "reenable" } try{ $result = Get-GoogleAPI -Method "POST" -endpoint $endpoint -Body $body if($null -ne ($result.tostring() | COnvertFrom-JSON).error){ throw ($result.tostring() | COnvertFrom-JSON).error.message } Write-Verbose "Status Result: $($result.StatusCode)" } catch{ throw $_ } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Enable-Chromebook.ps1' 30 #Region '.\Public\Get-ChromeDevices.ps1' 0 <# .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet will retrive chrome OS devices .PARAMETER maxResults How many results to return per page, maximum per page is 300 .PARAMETER orderBy How the results should be sorted .PARAMETER orgUnitPath Restrict to a specific organization unit .PARAMETER projection If we want basic or full data. Default is full. .PARAMETER query The query to use against the data .PARAMETER sortOrder Ascending or Descending sort order .PARAMETER includeChildOrgunits If we should include child organization in use with orgUnitPath .PARAMETER all If we should return all results and not just a single page #> function Get-ChromeDevices{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]])] param( [Parameter()][ValidateRange(1, 300)][int]$maxResults = 100, [Parameter()][ValidateSet('ANNOTATED_LOCATION','ANNOTATED_USER','LAST_SYNC','NOTES','SERIAL_NUMBER','STATUS')][string]$orderBy, [Parameter()][string]$orgUnitPath, [Parameter()][ValidateSet('BASIC','FULL')][string]$projection, [Parameter()][string]$query, [Parameter()][ValidateSet('ASCENDING','DESCENDING')][string]$sortOrder, [Parameter()][switch]$includeChildOrgunits, [Parameter()][switch]$all ) # Ensure that they have a access token if(-not $global:googleAccessToken){ throw "Please ensure that you have called Get-GoogleAccessToken cmdlet" } # Confirm we have a valid access token if(-not $(Test-GoogleAccessToken)){ Get-GoogleAccessToken -json $global:googleJSON -customerId $global:googleCustomerId } $endpoint = "admin/directory/v1/customer/$($global:googleCustomerId)/devices/chromeos" $uriparts = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@() if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("maxResults")) { $uriparts.add("maxResults=$($maxResults)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("orderBy")) { $uriparts.add("orderBy=$($orderBy)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("orgUnitPath")) { $uriparts.add("orgUnitPath=$($orgUnitPath)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("projection")) { $uriparts.add("projection=$($projection)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("sortOrder")) { $uriparts.add("sortOrder=$($sortOrder)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("includeChildOrgunits")) { $uriparts.add("includeChildOrgunits=$($includeChildOrgunits)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("query")) { $uriparts.add("query=$($query)") } # Generate the final API endppoint URI $endpoint = "$($endpoint)?$($uriparts -join "&")" $data = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@() $uri = $endpoint do{ $result = Get-GoogleAPI -endpoint $uri -Verbose:$VerbosePreference foreach($item in $result.results.chromeosdevices){ $data.add($item) | Out-Null } Write-Verbose "Returned $($result.Results.chromeosdevices.Count) results. Current result set is $($data.Count) items." if($uriparts.count -eq 0){$uri = "$($endpoint)?"} else{$uri = "$($endpoint)&"} $uri = "$($uri)pageToken=$($result.Results.nextPageToken)" }while($null -ne $result.results.nextPageToken -and $all) return $data } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-ChromeDevices.ps1' 70 #Region '.\Public\Get-GoogleAccessToken.ps1' 0 function Get-GoogleAccessToken{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][SecureString]$private_key, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$client_email, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$customerId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$scopes ) if($Global:googleAccessToken){ if(Test-GoogleAccessToken){return} } # COvert Private Key to Byte Stream $rsaPrivateKey = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($(ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $private_key -AsPlainText)) # Get Current Time $now = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() # Expiry Time $expiry = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours(1) # Convert to Format for JWT $createDate = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date($now) -UFormat "%s")) $expiryDate = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date($expiry) -UFormat "%s")) # Create JWT Payload $jwtPayload = @{ sub = $client_email scope = $($scopes -join " ") aud = "" iat = $createDate } # Get JWT Payload $jwt = New-JWT -Algorithm 'RS256' -Issuer $client_email -SecretKey $rsaPrivateKey -ExpiryTimestamp $expiryDate -PayloadClaims $jwtPayload # Request Google API Token $tokenVars = @{ Method = "POST" Uri = "" ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Body = "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer&assertion=$jwt" } $token = Invoke-WebRequest @tokenVars $global:googleAccessToken = ($token.content | ConvertFrom-JSON).access_token $global:googleCustomerId = $customerId } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-GoogleAccessToken.ps1' 41 #Region '.\Public\Get-GoogleAPI.ps1' 0 function Get-GoogleAPI{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$endpoint, [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Get", "Post", "Patch", "Delete", "Put")][string]$Method = "Get", [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$body ) $uri = "$($endpoint)" try { $Vars = @{ Method = $Method Uri = $uri StatusCodeVariable = 'statusCode' } $headers = @{ authorization = "Bearer $($Global:googleAccessToken)" "content-type" = "application/json" } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("body")) { $vars.add("body",($body | ConvertTo-JSON)) } Write-Verbose "Calling API endpoint: $($uri)" $results = Invoke-RestMethod @Vars -Headers $headers } catch { $ErrorMsg = $global:Error[0] return $ErrorMsg } return [PSCustomObject]@{ StatusCode = $statusCode Results = $results } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-GoogleAPI.ps1' 35 #Region '.\Public\Get-GoogleOU.ps1' 0 function Get-GoogleOU{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]])] param( [Parameter()][ValidateSet('All','Children','All_Including_Parent')][string]$Type, [Parameter()][string]$orgUnitPath ) # Ensure that they have a access token if(-not $global:googleAccessToken){ throw "Please ensure that you have called Get-GoogleAccessToken cmdlet" } # Confirm we have a valid access token if(-not $(Test-GoogleAccessToken)){ Get-GoogleAccessToken -json $global:googleJSON -customerId $global:googleCustomerId } $endpoint = "admin/directory/v1/customer/$($global:googleCustomerId)/orgunits" $uriparts = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@() if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("type")) { $uriparts.add("type=$($type)") } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("orgUnitPath")) { $uriparts.add("orgUnitPath=$($orgUnitPath)") } # Generate the final API endppoint URI $endpoint = "$($endpoint)?$($uriparts -join "&")" $OrgList = Get-GoogleAPI -endpoint $endpoint -Verbose:$VerbosePreference return $orglist.results.organizationUnits } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-GoogleOU.ps1' 25 #Region '.\Public\Test-GoogleAccessToken.ps1' 0 function Test-GoogleAccessToken{ [CmdletBinding()] param() if(-not $global:googleAccessToken){ throw "Please ensure that you have called Get-GoogleAccessToken cmdlet" } try{ $endpoint = "$($Global:googleAccessToken)" $tokenDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "GET" -URI $endpoint -StatusCodeVariable statusCode if([int]$tokenDetails.expires_in -gt 900){ Write-Verbose "Token is valid for more than 15 minutes, not getting new token." return $true } else{ Write-Verbose "Token is valid for less than 15 minutes, getting new token." return $false } } catch{ Write-Verbose "Unable to check token. Marking as needing refresh." return $false } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Test-GoogleAccessToken.ps1' 24 |