
    The Type Accelerators module is a command line interface for managing type accelerators in the PowerShell session.
    The PowerShell Type Accelerators Module contains four script Cmdlets: Get-TypeAccelerator, Add-TypeAccelerator, Remove-TypeAccelerator, and Rename-TypeAccelerator with the aliases gta, ata, rta, and rnta respectively. These allow you to control the type accelerators in your PowerShell session by adding or modifying them to suit your needs.
    The cmdlets output, with the exception of Remove-TypeAccelerator, objects of the type System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[String,Type], but have had the properties Name and ReferencedType added that alias the Key and Value properties respectively in order to clarify their relationship. Remove-TypeAccelerator and Rename-TypeAccelerator will also accept these same objects on the pipline.
    As a refresher, type accelerators are built-in shortened .NET type names, such as the common [switch] parameter declaration which is short for [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter], that are stored in a dictionary that is loaded at the start of the session.
    PS C:\> Add-TypeAccelerator -Name AList -Type ([System.Collections.ArrayList]) -PassThru
    Name ReferencedType
    ---- --------------
    AList System.Collections.ArrayList
    This adds an accelerator for ArrayList mapped to [AList] as an accelerator. The PassThru parameter causes it to output the object added to the dictionary. The parentheses are required to send the type to the Type parameter. Alternately you could just send the type as a string and it would be cast to the type as well:
    PS C:\> Add-TypeAccelerator -Name AList -Type System.Collections.ArrayList
    PS C:\> Get-TypeAccelerator AList
    Name ReferencedType
    ---- --------------
    AList System.Collections.ArrayList
    This command retrieves entries in the dictionary.
    PS C:\> Get-TypeAccelerator AList | Remove-TypeAccelerator
    This command retrieves the type accelerator entries and then sends them to the Remove-TypeAccelerator command.
    PS C:\> Rename-TypeAccelerator -Name AList -NewName List
    This command will rename your entry from [AList] to [List]
    PS C:\> Get-TypeAccelerator 'AList','BArray' | Rename-TypeAccelerator -NewName {$_.Name -replace '^','ps'} -PassThru
    Name ReferencedType
    ---- --------------
    psAList System.Collections.ArrayList
    psBArray System.Collections.BitArray
    This command retrieves two of the entries and then, using RegEx supplied to the NewName parameter, will add the string 'ps' to the beginning of each name.
    Type Accelerators
    Get-Help Add-TypeAccelerator
    Get-Help Get-TypeAccelerator
    Get-Help Remove-TypeAccelerator
    Get-Help Rename-TypeAccelerator