
function Get-TwilioNumber
        Gets Twilio phone numbers
        Gets numbers assoicated with a Twilio account, or finds a new number


     # A setting storing the credential
    $Setting = @("TwilioAccountKey", "TwilioAccountSecret"),
    # If provided, will find an available phone number
    # If provided, will look for numbers near this phone number
    # Changes the radius of distance to look for a nearby number
    #|Default 25
    # If set, will only find numbers near a latitude
    # If set, will only find numbers near a longitude
    # If set, will only find numbers in a specific rate center
    # If set, will only find numbers in a specific LATA

    # If provided, will find numbers only in a specific area code

    # If provided, will find numbers in an region (US and Canada only)

    # If set, will only find toll free numbers.

    # If provided, will find numbers in a postal code (US and Canada only)
    # If set, will only find numbers containing a digit
    # If set, will get confirmed outgoing numbers attached to an account
    [Alias('ConfirmedNumber', 'OutboundNumber')]



    process {
        if (-not $Credential -and $Setting) {
            if ($setting.Count -eq 1) {

                $userName = Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting "${Setting}_UserName"
                $password = Get-WebConfigurationSetting -Setting "${Setting}_Password"
            } elseif ($setting.Count -eq 2)  {
                $userName = Get-secureSetting -Name $Setting[0] -ValueOnly
                $password= Get-secureSetting -Name $Setting[1] -ValueOnly

            if ($userName -and $password) {                
                $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $password
                $credential  = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $password 
            } elseif ((Get-SecureSetting -Name "$Setting" -ValueOnly | Select-Object -First 1)) {
                $credential = (Get-SecureSetting -Name "$Setting" -ValueOnly | Select-Object -First 1)

        if (-not $Credential) {
            Write-Error "No Credential Provided"


        if (-not $Credential) {
            Write-Error "No Twilio Credential provided. Use -Credential or Set-TwilioCredential first"               
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OwnedNumbers') {
            $getWebParams = @{
                AsXml =$true            
                UseWebRequest = $true

            if ($FriendlyName) {
                $GetWebParams.Url += "?FriendlyName=$FriendlyName"
            if ($PhoneNumber) {
                $GetWebParams.Url += "?PhoneNumber=$PhoneNumber"
            Get-Web @getwebParams |            
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty TwilioResponse | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty IncomingPhoneNumbers | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty IncomingPhoneNumber |
                ForEach-Object {

        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AvailableNumbers') {
            $getWebParams = @{
                AsXml =$true            
                UseWebRequest = $true
            if (-not $TollFree) {
                $getWebParams.Url="$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username.Trim())/AvailablePhoneNumbers/$(((Get-Culture).ToString() -split "-")[-1])/Local?"           
            } else {
                $getWebParams.Url="$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Username.Trim())/AvailablePhoneNumbers/$(((Get-Culture).ToString() -split "-")[-1])/TollFree?"           
            if ($inLata) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&InLata=$InLata"                        

            if ($AreaCode) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&AreaCode=$AreaCode"                        

            if ($InRegion) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&InRegion=$InRegion"                        

            if ($InPostalCode) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&InPostalCode=$InPostalCode"                        
            if ($inRateCenter) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&InRateCenter=$InRateCenter"                        
            if ($NearNumber) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&NearNumber=$NearNumber"                        
            if ($Distance)  {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&Distance=$Distance"                        
            if ($ContainDigit) {
                $getWebParams.Url += "&Contains=$ContainDigit"                        
            $webResponse= Get-Web @getwebParams |            
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty TwilioResponse
            if ($webResponse.AvailablePhoneNumbers) { 
                $webResponse | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty AvailablePhoneNumbers |
                    Where-Object {
                    } | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty AvailablePhoneNumber |
                    ForEach-Object {
                        if ($_) { 
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OutgoingNumbers') {
            $getWebParams = @{
                AsXml =$true            
                UseWebRequest = $true
            if ($FriendlyName) {
                $GetWebParams.Url += "?FriendlyName=$FriendlyName"
            if ($PhoneNumber) {
                $GetWebParams.Url += "?PhoneNumber=$PhoneNumber"
            Get-Web @getwebParams |            
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty TwilioResponse | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty OutgoingCallerIDs | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty OutgoingCallerID |
                ForEach-Object {
