
Deploys a SDN environment with minimal user input.
For more details see TurnKeySdn.md

$Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

function Show-TurnKeySdnConfig {
    Show the current deployment configuration.

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $configs = @()
    $configs += Get-DeploymentConfig
    $configs += Get-DefaultMacPoolConfig
    $configs += Get-MgmtNetworkConfig
    $configs += Get-HnvPaNetworkConfig
    return $configs

function Set-TurnKeySdnCredentials {
    Sets the credentials for the SDN deployment.
    The credential is used to connect to the Hyper-V hosts, domain join VMs and deploy the SDN environment.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credential to use for the deployment.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][pscredential] $credential

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $cred = @{}
    $cred["username"] = $credential.UserName
    $cred["password"] = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString
    Set-TurnKeySdnInternalConfig -configType credential -config $cred

function Set-TurnKeySdnCorpCredentials {
    Sets the credentials for accessing MSFT corp resources.
    The credential is used to access MSFT corp resources like the windows build share, private package share etc.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credential.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][pscredential] $Credential

    $Global:CorpCredential = $Credential

function Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadImage {
    Set the image to use for the workload VMs.
    This image is only used for deploying test workloads. The image is not used for deploying the SDN environment.
    See Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd for setting the image for the SDN environment.
    The OS type. Valid values are Linux, Windows.
    .PARAMETER osSku
    The OS SKU. Valid values are Mariner, WindowsLatest.
    .PARAMETER vhdPath
    The directory where the VHD/VHDx is located.
    .PARAMETER vhdFile
    The VHD/VHDx file name.

        [ValidateSet("Linux", "Windows")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $os,
        # WindowsLatest is to download the latest build (internal)
        # Default is to pick up the default VHD available (the one used for SF NC)
        [ValidateSet("Mariner", "WindowsLatest")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $osSku,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $vhdPath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $vhdFile

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $vhd = Join-Path $vhdPath $vhdFile
    Test-FileExist -path $vhd

    $workloadConfig = Get-TurnKeySdnWorkloadConfig
    $updated = $false
    $workloadConfig.imageconfigs | ForEach-Object {
        $imageConfig = $_
        if ($imageConfig.osType -eq $os -and $imageConfig.osSku -eq $osSku) {
            $imageConfig.vhdPath = $vhdPath
            $imageConfig.vhdFile = $vhdFile
            $updated = $true

    if (-not $updated) {
        $newImage = @{}
        $newImage["osType"] = $os
        $newImage["osSku"] = $osSku
        $newImage["vhdPath"] = $vhdPath
        $newImage["vhdFile"] = $vhdFile
        $workloadConfig.imageconfigs += $newImage

    Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadConfig -config $workloadConfig

function Set-TurnKeySdnRestName {
    Sets a custom REST endpoint name for the SDN deployment.
    If a custom REST endpoint name is not specified, a random name is generated.
    .PARAMETER RestName
    The custom REST endpoint name.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$restName

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig
    $sdnConfig.networkController.restName = $restName
    Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig

function Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd {
    Sets the VHD/VHDx to use for the SDN deployment.
    This VHD/VHDx is only used for deploying the SDN environment.
    See Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadImage for setting the image for the workload VMs.
    .PARAMETER vhdPath
    The directory where the VHD/VHDx is located.
    .PARAMETER vhdFile
    The VHD/VHDx file name.
    .PARAMETER setDefaultForWorkload
    Sets the VHD/VHDx as the default image for the workload VMs.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $vhdPath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $vhdFile,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$setDefaultForWorkload

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $vhdFile = $vhdFile.Split("\") | Select -Last 1
    $vhd = Join-Path $vhdPath $vhdFile
    Test-FileExist -path $vhd
    $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $infraconfig.vhdPath = $vhdPath
    $infraconfig.vhdFile = $vhdFile

    Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig

    if($setDefaultForWorkload -eq $true) {
        Write-TraceLog "Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentVhd: Setting default workload VHD to $vhdPath\$vhdFile"
        Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadImage -os Windows -osSku WindowsLatest -vhdPath $vhdPath -vhdFile $vhdFile

function Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentPath {
    Sets the deployment path for the SDN environment.
    The deployment path is the directory where the various VMs are deployed.
    If a path is not provided, a default path is used.
    .PARAMETER DeploymentPath
    The deployment path.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$DeploymentPath

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $infraconfig.vmLocation = $DeploymentPath

    Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig

function Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentWinBuild {

    Sets a windows build or branch to use for sdn deployment.
    If a windows build or branch is not specified, the latest build from the windows build share
    corresponding to the physical host build is used.
    .PARAMETER WindowsBuild
    The specific windows build to use for sdn VM deployment.
    .PARAMETER WindowsBuildBranch
    The windows branch to use for sdn VM deployment. The latest avaialble build from the branch is used.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Build")][string]$WindowsBuild,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Branch")][string]$WindowsBuildBranch

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $infraconfig.windowsBuild = $windowsBuild
    $infraconfig.windowsBuildBranch = $WindowsBuildBranch
    Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $infraconfig

function Set-TurnKeySdnGatewayConfig {
    Sets the SDN gateway configuration.
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Enables or disables the SDN gateway.
    .PARAMETER NodeCount
    The number of SDN gateway nodes to deploy.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$Enabled,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int]$NodeCount

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enabled")) {
        $sdnConfig.gateway.enabled = [string]$Enabled

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NodeCount")) {
        $sdnConfig.gateway.nodeCount = [string]$NodeCount

    Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig


function Set-TurnKeySdnMuxConfig {
    Sets the SDN mux configuration.
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Enables or disables the SDN mux.
    .PARAMETER NodeCount
    The number of SDN mux nodes to deploy.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool]$Enabled,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int]$NodeCount

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enabled")) {
        $sdnConfig.mux.enabled = [string]$Enabled

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("NodeCount")) {
        $sdnConfig.mux.nodeCount = [string]$NodeCount

    Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig

function Set-TurnKeySdnNCConfig {
    Sets the SDN network controller configuration.
    .PARAMETER restName
    The REST endpoint name.
    .PARAMETER restIpAddress
    The REST endpoint IP address.
    .PARAMETER clusterAuthentication
    The cluster authentication mode. Valid values are Kerberos, Certificate.
    .PARAMETER clientAuthenticaion
    The client authentication mode. Valid values are Kerberos, Certificate.
    Use Service Fabric as the runtime for the SDN network controller.
    Use Failover Cluster as the runtime for the SDN network controller.
    .PARAMETER nodecount
    The number of SDN network controller nodes to deploy.
    .PARAMETER PackageLocation
    The location of the SDN network controller package.
    .PARAMETER PowershellModuleRootPath
    The location of the SDN network controller powershell module.
    .PARAMETER DatabaseLocation
    The location to store FC NC database.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$restName,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$restIpAddress,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$clusterAuthentication,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$clientAuthenticaion,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "SF")][switch]$UseSF,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "FC")][switch]$UseFC,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "SF")][string]$nodecount,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "FC")][string]$PackageLocation,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "FC")][string]$PowershellModuleRootPath,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "FC")][string]$DatabaseLocation

    Initialize-StorePath | Out-Null

    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("restName")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.restName = $restName

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("restIpAddress")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.restIpAddress = $restIpAddress

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("clusterAuthentication")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.clusterAuthentication = $clusterAuthentication

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("clientAuthenticaion")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.clientAuthenticaion = $clientAuthenticaion

    if ($UseSF.IsPresent) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.runtime = "SF"
    elseif ($UseFC.IsPresent) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.runtime = "FC"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("nodecount")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.SF.nodecount = $nodecount

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PackageLocation") -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageLocation))) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PackageLocation = $PackageLocation

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PowershellModuleRootPath") -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PowershellModuleRootPath))) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.PowershellModuleRootPath = $PowershellModuleRootPath

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DatabaseLocation")) {
        $sdnConfig.networkController.FC.DatabaseLocation = $DatabaseLocation

    Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig

function Get-TurnKeySdnNCConfig {
    Gets the SDN network controller configuration.

    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig
    return $sdnConfig.networkController

function Initialize-TurnKeySdnDeployment {
    Initializes the environeent for SDN deployment.


function Install-TurnKeySdn {
    Installs the SDN environment.
    See TurnKeySdn.md for details about customizing the deployment.


    if (-not (Test-IsInitialized)) {


    $sdnExpressModule = Get-SdnExpressModule
    Import-Module $sdnExpressModule -Scope Global

    $depId = Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentId

    # Fix up the sdnexpress config
    $sdnExpConfig = LoadSdnExpressConfig
    $sdnExpConfig = Initialize-SdnExpressConfig -sdnExpConfig $sdnExpConfig

    $SwitchName = $sdnExpConfig.SwitchName

    $mgmtNetConfig = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig
    $hosts = $sdnExpConfig['HyperVHosts'] 
    $ManagementVLANID = $sdnExpConfig.ManagementVLANID
    $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred

    $hostNameIPMap = Enable-Hosts -Hosts $hosts -Credential $cred -switchName $SwitchName -MgmtHostNicName $(Get-MgmtNicName) `
        -ManagementVLANID $ManagementVLANID -ManagementSubnet $sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet `
        -ManagementGateway $sdnExpConfig.ManagementGateway -ManagementDNS  $sdnExpConfig.ManagementDNS `
        -IsFcNc  $sdnExpConfig.UseFCNC

    $natIP = $sdnExpConfig.ManagementGateway
    $mgmtNicMac = $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart = Get-NextMacAddress -MacAddress $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    $corpNicMac = $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    $curMacPoolStart = $corpNicMac
    $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart = Get-NextMacAddress -MacAddress $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    $infraconfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $CorpSwitchName = $infraconfig.internetSwitchName
    $routerVMName = Get-RouterVMName
    $paNicMac = $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart = Get-NextMacAddress -MacAddress $sdnExpConfig.SDNMacPoolStart
    New-RouterVM -vmName $routerVMName `
        -MgMtIP "$natIP/$($sdnExpConfig.ManagementSubnet.Split("/")[1])" `
        -MgmtNicMac $mgmtNicMac `
        -CorpNicMac $corpNicMac `
        -PANicMac $paNicMac `
        -PAIP "$($sdnExpConfig.PAGateway)/$($sdnExpConfig.PASubnet.Split("/")[1])"

    Enable-NatOnRouter -vmName $routerVMName -MgmtNicMac $mgmtNicMac -CorpNicMac $corpNicMac -PANicMac $paNicMac

    # Configure a route on the host vnic to send VIP traffic to the router VM

    # Configure BGP peering on router VM
    Enable-BgpOnRouter -vmName $routerVMName `
        -bgpLocalIP $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterIPAddress `
        -LocalASN $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterASN

    $muxes = $sdnExpConfig['Muxes']

    foreach ($mux in $muxes) {
        Add-MuxPeerToBgp -vmName $routerVMName `
            -bgpPeerName $mux.ComputerName `
            -bgpLocalIP $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterIPAddress `
            -LocalASN $sdnExpConfig.Routers[0].RouterASN -PeerASN $sdnExpConfig.SDNASN `
            -bgpPeerIP $mux.PAIPAddress

    # Deploy SDN
    try {
        Invoke-SDNExpress -sdnExpConfig $sdnExpConfig
    finally {

    Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster -Tag "Client=TurnKeySDN"
    Set-PostInstallConfig -sdnExpConfig $sdnExpConfig -hostNameIPMap $hostNameIPMap

    Set-InstallState -state "Installed"


function Start-SdnHlkTrafficTests {

        [string] $WorkloadType

    if (-not $(Test-IsInstalled)) {
        Write-TraceLog "Install-TurnKeySdnWorkload: SDN is not installed" -Warning

    $workloadConfig = "C:\ClusterStorage\SdnSpace\TurnKeySdn\WorkloadConfig\hlk"
    $vhdFile = Get-DeploymentConfig | Select -ExpandProperty vhdFile
    $vhdPath = Get-DeploymentConfig | Select -ExpandProperty vhdPath

    $restName = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint
    $uri = "https://$restName"

    # must import sdnexpress before starting
    $sdnExpressModule = Get-SdnExpressModule
    Import-Module $sdnExpressModule -Scope Global

    # replay the NCJSON Files
    $restoreReplayScript = Get-RestoreReplayScript
    #$internalWkPath = Join-Path -Path $workloadConfig -ChildPath "jsons"
    & $restoreReplayScript -OperationType Put -BackupDirectoryOrZipFile $workloadConfig `
        -BackupType Manual `
        -Verbose -NCRestEndPoint $restName `
        -Force -Confirm:$false

    $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts
    $totalHosts = $hyperVHosts.Count
    $curHost = 0

    $nics = Get-SdnWorkloadNetworkInterfaces -WorkloadConfigPath $workloadConfig
    $slbs = Get-SdnWorkloadLoadBalancers -WorkloadConfigPath $workloadConfig

    # $deploymentPath = Get-SdnWorkloadDeploymentPath
    # $sdnSwitchName = Get-SdnSwitchName
    # $vmPath = Join-Path $deploymentPath $vmName

    $vmWorkloadCredentials = Get-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVmCred
    $hostCredentials = Get-TurnKeySdnCred

    $loadbalancerEndpoints = @()
    foreach($slb in $slbs) {
        $lb = get-content $slb.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
        $loadbalancerEndpoints = Get-EndpointsFromLoadBalancer -lb $lb.ResourceId -uri $uri

    Write-TraceLog "Install-HlkWorkload: Completed parsing loadbalancer endpoints. "
    $loadbalancerEndpoints | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Write-Host

    [TrafficEndpoint[]] $trafficEndpoints = @()
    $nics | ForEach-Object {
        $nic = $_
        $nicJson = get-content $nic.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
        $resourceId = $nicJson.resourceId
        $server = $hyperVHosts[$($curHost%$totalHosts)]

        $trafficEndpoint = New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVMUsingSdnExpress -os "Windows" `
            -osSku "WindowsLatest" `
            -ncNicResourceId $resourceId `
            -ncRestEndpoint $restName `
            -hypervHost $server `
            -useDefaultWindows $true `
            -memoryInGB 4 `
            -coreCount 4 `
            -enableSecureBoot $false `
            -hypervHostCred $hostCredentials `
            -vmCreds $vmWorkloadCredentials

        Unblock-AllPortsOnVm -nicResourceId $resourceId -restName $restName
        $trafficEndpoints += $trafficEndpoint

    # initialze VMs to prepare for traffic
    Init-VmForCtstraffic -trafficEndpoints $trafficEndpoints  -vmCred $vmWorkloadCredentials -hostCred $hostCredentials

    # initialize different traffic patterns
    $trafficPatterns =  Get-TrafficPattens

    if($workloadType -eq "LB-LBRULE" -or $workloadType -eq "ALL") {

            Start-SLBTraffic -TargetType LoadbalancerRules `
                -vips $loadbalancerEndpoints `
                -trafficPatterns  $trafficPatterns  `
                -vmCred $vmWorkloadCredentials `
                -hostCred $hostCredentials `
                -uri $uri
    if($workloadType -eq "LB-OUTBOUND" -or $workloadType -eq "ALL") {

        Start-SLBTraffic -TargetType Outbound `
            -vips $loadbalancerEndpoints `
            -trafficPatterns  $trafficPatterns  `
            -vmCred $vmWorkloadCredentials `
            -hostCred $hostCredentials `
            -uri $uri
    if($workloadType -eq "ILB" ) {

        throw "NotImplemented"
    if($workloadType -eq "VNET" -or $workloadType -eq "ALL") {

        Start-IntraVmTraffic -trafficEndpoints $trafficEndpoints `
            -trafficPattern $trafficPatterns `
            -vmCred $vmWorkloadCredentials `
            -hostCred $hostCredentials
    if($workloadType -eq "LB-INBOUND" -or $workloadType -eq "ALL") {

        Start-SLBTraffic -TargetType Inbound `
            -vips $loadbalancerEndpoints `
            -trafficPatterns  $trafficPatterns  `
            -vmCred $vmWorkloadCredentials `
            -hostCred $hostCredentials `
            -uri $uri
    if($workloadType -eq "LIVEMIGRATION" -or $workloadType -eq "ALL") {

        Start-SDNVmMigrationValidation -trafficEndpoints $trafficEndpoints -percentageOfVmsToMove 50

    # List to do:
    # 0 . Add support Intra / Inter vnet traffic
    # 1. Add support for ILB (PENDING)
    # 2. Add support for UDP (DONE)
    # 3. Add support for multiple traffic patterns (DONE)
    # 4. Add support Live migration (DONE)
    # 5. Figure out the layout for network prefixes based on a base prefix (DONE)
    # 6. Sticch things together into HLk
    # 7. Log collection of NC , HA and (if possible for VFP)
    # fix up in HLKjob: before kicking off the tests $Env:TURNKEY_WORKLOAD_PASSWORD
    # 8. Fix CSV issue of not deleting old csv logs
    # 9. Add dynamically download of the scripts
    # 10. download ctstraffic from github (DONE)
    # 11. merge with nithins changes (DONE)
    # 12. push to ps gallery
    # 13. raise a PR and complete the work
    # 14. Delete everything and start from scratch
    # 15. get someone else to try it out (buddy testing) maybe from IVan
    # 16. Remove PCS stuff
    # 17. Chill!

    # as of now if there is a failure, the exception will be thrown and the script will exit
    Write-SdnExpressLog "$WorkloadType passed!"

function Install-TurnKeySdnWorkload {
    Installs the SDN workloads.
    Workloads are deployed based on the json configuration files in the workload directory corresponding to the workload type.
    All loadbalancers configured will have connectivity from the physical host to the workload VMs.
    VMs will have connectivity to the internet if outbound NAT is enabled.
    If the workload type is Gateway, a datacenter gateway VM will configured for the gateway connection.
    VM private IP addresses will be reachable over the gateway connection from the physical host.
    .PARAMETER WorkloadType
    Workload type to install. Valid values are LoadBalancer, VNET, LogicalNetwork, Gateway, None.
    .PARAMETER WorkloadCustomPath
    A custom path with jsons to deploy the workload. If not specified, the default path for the workload type is used.
        [ValidateSet("LoadBalancer", "VNET", "LogicalNetwork", "Gateway", "None")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Inbuilt")] $WorkloadType,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "Inbuilt")] $WorkloadCustomPath

    if (-not $(Test-IsInstalled)) {
        Write-TraceLog "Install-TurnKeySdnWorkload: SDN is not installed" -Warning

    $vhd = Get-DefaultWorkloadMarinerVhd

    if ($vhd -ne $null) {
        Set-TurnKeySdnWorkloadImage -vhdPath $vhd[0] -vhdFile $vhd[1] -os Linux -osSku Mariner

    Test-WorkloadConfig -workLoadConfig $WorkloadCustomPath

    $restoreReplayScript = Get-RestoreReplayScript

    if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($WorkloadCustomPath)) {
        $internalWkPath = Get-WorkloadConfigPath -WorkloadType $WorkloadType
    else {
        $internalWkPath = $WorkloadCustomPath

    $restName = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint

    $sdnExpressModule = Get-SdnExpressModule
    Import-Module $sdnExpressModule -Scope Global
    Update-WorkloadIPAddresses -WorkloadConfigPath $internalWkPath

    Update-WorkloadSecrets -WorkloadConfigPath $internalWkPath

    & $restoreReplayScript -OperationType Put -BackupDirectoryOrZipFile $internalWkPath -BackupType Manual -Verbose -NCRestEndPoint $restName -Force -Confirm:$false

    $logicalNetworks = Get-SdnWorkloadLogicalNetworks -WorkloadConfigPath $internalWkPath
    foreach ($lnet in $logicalNetworks) {
        $lnetJson = get-content $lnet.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
        $resourceId = $lnetJson.resourceId
        Enable-LogicalNetworkDefaultGateway -LogicalNetworkResourceId $resourceId

    $nics = Get-SdnWorkloadNetworkInterfaces -WorkloadConfigPath $internalWkPath

    if ($nics -eq $null ) {
        Write-SdnExpressLog "No network interfaces found. Nothing to deploy."

    $depConfig = Get-DeploymentConfig
    $hyperVHosts = $depConfig.hyperVHosts
    $totalHosts = $hyperVHosts.Count
    $curHost = 0
    $nics | ForEach-Object {
        $nic = $_
        $nicJson = get-content $nic.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
        $resourceId = $nicJson.resourceId
        $server = $hyperVHosts[$($curHost % $totalHosts)]
        New-TurnKeySdnWorkloadVM -os Linux -osSku Mariner -ncNicResourceId $resourceId -ncRestEndpoint $restName -hypervHost $server -AllComputers $hyperVHosts

    if ($WorkloadType -eq "Gateway") {
        Enable-GatewayWorkload -WorkloadConfigPath $internalWkPath

    Add-TurneKeyVMToCluster -Tag "Role=Workload"

    Write-TraceLog "Workload deployment completed successfully for $WorkloadType"

function Uninstall-TurnKeySdn {
    Uninstalls the SDN environment.
    PARAMETER DeploymentId
    Optional the deployment id to uninstall. If not specified, the current deployment is uninstalled.
    PARAMETER KeepInfraVMs
    Optional. If specified, the BGP and NAT VMs are not deleted. This can be used to speed up the next deployment.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $DeploymentId,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $KeepInfraVMs,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $Force


    if (-not $Force.IsPresent) {
        Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdn: Uninstalling deployment. All configurations and VMs will be deleted." -Warning

        if (-not $KeepInfraVMs.IsPresent) {
            Write-TraceLog "If you plan to reinstall SDN, use -KeepInfraVMs to keep the Router VM to speed up the next deployment."

        $confirm = Read-Host "Uninstall-TurnKeySdn: Are you sure you want to proceed:(y/N)"
        if ($confirm -ne 'y') {

    try {
        Import-Module -name NetworkControllerFc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $module = Get-Module -name NetworkControllerFc

        if ($module) {
        } else {
            Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdn: NetworkControllerFc Module not found, skipping uninstall"
    } catch {
        Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdn: Error ($_)"



    if ($KeepInfraVMs) {
    else {



function Uninstall-TurnKeySdnWorkload {
    Uninstalls the SDN workload.

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch] $Force
    if (-not $Force.IsPresent) {
        Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdnWorkload: Uninstalling workloads. All workload VMs and NC resources will be deleted." -Warning
        $confirm = Read-Host "Uninstall-TurnKeySdnWorkload: Are you sure you want to proceed:(y/N)"
        if ($confirm -ne 'y') {

    if (-not (Test-IsInstalled)) {
        Write-TraceLog "Uninstall-TurnKeySdnWorkload: SDN is not installed"

    $restEndpoint = Get-TurnKeySdnRestEndpoint
    $restUrl = "https://$restEndpoint"
    $cred = Get-TurnKeySdnCred
    Remove-NCResources -NCUri $restUrl -Credential $cred

function Get-TurnKeySdnHNVPANetwork {
    Gets the HNV PA network configuration.

    $hnvpaNetworkFile = Get-HnvPaNetworkConfig -RandomizeAddress $false
    return $hnvpaNetworkFile

function Get-TurnKeySdnManagementNetwork {
    Gets the management network configuration.

    $mgmtNetwork = Get-MgmtNetworkConfig -RandomizeAddress $false
    return $mgmtNetwork

function Set-TurnKeySdnHNVPANetwork {
    Sets the HNV PA network configuration.
    . PARAMETER Network
    The HNV PA network configuration to set.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][PSCustomObject]$Network
    Test-DeploymentLogicalNetworkConfig -Network $Network
    Set-HnvPaNetworkConfig -Network $Network

function Set-TurnKeySdnManagementNetwork {
    Sets the management network configuration.
    . PARAMETER Network
    The management network configuration to set.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][PSCustomObject]$Network
    Test-DeploymentLogicalNetworkConfig -Network $Network
    Set-MgmtNetworkConfig -Network $Network

function Get-TurnKeySdnDeploymentConfig {
    Gets the deployment configuration from deployment.json

    return (Get-DeploymentConfig)

function Set-TurnKeySdnDeploymentConfig {
    Sets the deployment configuration.
    . PARAMETER Config
    The deployment configuration to set.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][PSCustomObject]$Config

    Set-DeploymentConfig -deploymentConfig $Config
function Set-TurnKeySdnSwitchName {
    $sdnConfig = Get-SdnConfig
    $sdnConfig.networkController.switchName = $SwitchName
    Set-TurnKeySdnConfig -sdnConfig $sdnConfig