.VERSION 1.1 .GUID fa3f8397-9d89-4f06-985c-2dfffcfd5520 .AUTHOR Stas Kuvshinov, Swapnil Jain .COMPANYNAME Microsoft Corporation .COPYRIGHT © 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. .TAGS Automation UpdateManagement HybridRunbookWorker Troubleshoot .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES 1.1 Added rules: AlwaysAutoRebootCheck, WSUSServerConfigured, AutomaticUpdateCheck 1.0 Original set of troubleshooting checks for Update Management Agent (Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker) on Windows machines .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Troubleshooting utility for Update Management Agent (Automation Hybrid Runbook Worker) on Windows machines #> param( [string]$automationAccountLocation, [switch]$returnCompactFormat, [switch]$returnAsJson ) $validationResults = @() [string]$CurrentResult = "" [string]$CurrentDetails = "" function New-RuleCheckResult { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$ruleId, [string]$ruleName, [string]$ruleDescription, [string][ValidateSet("Passed","PassedWithWarning", "Failed", "Information")]$result, [string]$resultMessage, [string]$ruleGroupId = $ruleId, [string]$ruleGroupName, [string]$resultMessageId = $ruleId, [array]$resultMessageArguments = @() ) if ($returnCompactFormat.IsPresent) { $compactResult = [pscustomobject] [ordered] @{ 'RuleId'= $ruleId 'RuleGroupId'= $ruleGroupId 'CheckResult'= $result 'CheckResultMessageId'= $resultMessageId 'CheckResultMessageArguments'= $resultMessageArguments } return $compactResult } $fullResult = [pscustomobject] [ordered] @{ 'RuleId'= $ruleId 'RuleGroupId'= $ruleGroupId 'RuleName'= $ruleName 'RuleGroupName' = $ruleGroupName 'RuleDescription'= $ruleDescription 'CheckResult'= $result 'CheckResultMessage'= $resultMessage 'CheckResultMessageId'= $resultMessageId 'CheckResultMessageArguments'= $resultMessageArguments } return $fullResult } function checkRegValue { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$path, [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$name, [int][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$valueToCheck ) $val = Get-ItemProperty -path $path -name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($val.$name -eq $null) { return $null } if($val.$name -eq $valueToCheck) { return $true } else { return $false } } function getRegValue { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$path, [string][Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$name ) $val = Get-ItemProperty -path $path -name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($val.$name -eq $null) { return $null } return $val.$name } function Validate-OperatingSystem { $osRequirementsLink = "" $ruleId = "OperatingSystemCheck" $ruleName = "Operating System" $ruleDescription = "The Windows Operating system must be version 6.1.7601 (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) or higher" $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites" $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks" $resultMessageArguments = @() if([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.1.7601") { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Operating System version is supported" } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = "Operating System version is not supported. Supported versions listed here: $osRequirementsLink" $resultMessageArguments += $osRequirementsLink } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-NetFrameworkInstalled { $netFrameworkDownloadLink = "" $ruleId = "DotNetFrameworkInstalledCheck" $ruleName = ".Net Framework 4.5+" $ruleDescription = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required" $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites" $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks" $resultMessageArguments = @() # $dotNetFullRegistryPath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full" if((Get-ChildItem $dotNetFullRegistryPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null) { $versionCheck = (Get-ChildItem $dotNetFullRegistryPath) | Get-ItemPropertyValue -Name Release | ForEach-Object { $_ -ge 378389 } if($versionCheck -eq $true) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5+ is found" } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required: $netFrameworkDownloadLink" $resultMessageArguments += $netFrameworkDownloadLink } } else{ $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = ".NET Framework version 4.5 or higher is required: $netFrameworkDownloadLink" $resultMessageArguments += $netFrameworkDownloadLink } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-WmfInstalled { $wmfDownloadLink = "" $ruleId = "WindowsManagementFrameworkInstalledCheck" $ruleName = "WMF 5.1" $ruleDescription = "Windows Management Framework version 4.0 or higher is required (version 5.1 or higher is preferable)" $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites" $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks" $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $resultMessageArguments = @() + $psVersion if($psVersion -ge 5.1) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion" } elseif($psVersion.Major -ge 4) { $result = "PassedWithWarning" $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion. Consider upgrading to version 5.1 or higher for increased reliability: $wmfDownloadLink" $resultMessageArguments += $wmfDownloadLink } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = "Detected Windows Management Framework version: $psVersion. Version 4.0 or higher is required (version 5.1 or higher is preferable): $wmfDownloadLink" $resultMessageArguments += $wmfDownloadLink } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-TlsEnabled { $ruleId = "TlsVersionCheck" $ruleName = "TLS 1.2" $ruleDescription = "Client and Server connections must support TLS 1.2" $result = $null $reason = "" $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "prerequisites" $ruleGroupName = "Prerequisite Checks" $tls12RegistryPath = "HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\SecurityProviders\\SCHANNEL\\Protocols\\TLS 1.2\\" $serverEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "Enabled" 1 $ServerNotDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "DisabledByDefault" 0 $clientEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "Enabled" 1 $ClientNotDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "DisabledByDefault" 0 $ServerNotEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "Enabled" 0 $ServerDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Server")) "DisabledByDefault" 1 $ClientNotEnabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "Enabled" 0 $ClientDisabled = checkRegValue ([System.String]::Concat($tls12RegistryPath, "Client")) "DisabledByDefault" 1 if ($validationResults[0].CheckResult -ne "Passed" -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.0.6001") { $result = "Failed" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is not enabled by default on the Operating System. Follow the instructions to enable it:" } elseif([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.1.7601" -and [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -le [System.Version]"6.1.8400") { if($ClientNotDisabled -and $ServerNotDisabled -and !($ServerNotEnabled -and $ClientNotEnabled)) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is enabled on the Operating System." $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" } else { $result = "Failed" $reason = "NotExplicitlyEnabled" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is not enabled by default on the Operating System. Follow the instructions to enable it:" } } elseif([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge [System.Version]"6.2.9200") { if($ClientDisabled -or $ServerDisabled -or $ServerNotEnabled -or $ClientNotEnabled) { $result = "Failed" $reason = "ExplicitlyDisabled" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is supported by the Operating System, but currently disabled. Follow the instructions to re-enable:" } else { $result = "Passed" $reason = "EnabledByDefault" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "TLS 1.2 is enabled by default on the Operating System." } } else { $result = "Failed" $reason = "NoDefaultSupport" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "Your OS does not support TLS 1.2 by default." } return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId } function Validate-EndpointConnectivity { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$endpoint, [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$ruleId, [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$ruleName, [string]$ruleDescription = "Proxy and firewall configuration must allow Automation Hybrid Worker agent to communicate with $endpoint" ) $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "connectivity" $ruleGroupName = "connectivity" $resultMessageArguments = @() + $endpoint if((Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $endpoint -Port 443 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).TcpTestSucceeded) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "TCP Test for $endpoint (port 443) succeeded" } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = "TCP Test for $endpoint (port 443) failed" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-RegistrationEndpointsConnectivity { $validationResults = @() $managementGroupRegistrations = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\HealthService\\Parameters\\Management Groups' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty PSChildName $managementGroupRegistrations | foreach {$i=1} { $prefix = "AOI-" if ($_ -match "$prefix*") { $workspaceId = $_.Substring($prefix.Length) if($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovvirginia" -or $automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovarizona"){ $endpoint = "$" } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "chinaeast2") { $endpoint = "$" } else { $endpoint = "$" } $ruleId = "AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck$i" $ruleName = "Registration endpoint" $validationResults += Validate-EndpointConnectivity $endpoint $ruleId $ruleName $i++ } } if($validationResults.Count -eq 0) { $ruleId = "AutomationAgentServiceConnectivityCheck1" $ruleName = "Registration endpoint" $result = "Failed" $reason = "NoRegistrationFound" $resultMessage = "Unable to find Workspace registration information in registry" $ruleGroupId = "connectivity" $ruleGroupName = "connectivity" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $validationResults += New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId } return $validationResults } function Validate-OperationsEndpointConnectivity { # if($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovvirginia"){ $endpoint = "" } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "usgovarizona") { $endpoint = "" } elseif($automationAccountLocation -eq "chinaeast2") { $endpoint = "" } else { $jrdsEndpointLocationMoniker = switch ( $automationAccountLocation ) { "australiasoutheast"{ "ase" } "canadacentral" { "cc" } "centralindia" { "cid" } "eastus2" { "eus2" } "japaneast" { "jpe" } "northeurope" { "ne" } "southcentralus" { "scus" } "southeastasia" { "sea" } "uksouth" { "uks" } "westcentralus" { "wcus" } "westeurope" { "we" } "westus2" { "wus2" } default { "eus2" } } $endpoint = "$" } $ruleId = "AutomationJobRuntimeDataServiceConnectivityCheck" $ruleName = "Operations endpoint" return Validate-EndpointConnectivity $endpoint $ruleId $ruleName } function Validate-MmaIsRunning { $mmaServiceName = "HealthService" $mmaServiceDisplayName = "Microsoft Monitoring Agent" $ruleId = "MonitoringAgentServiceRunningCheck" $ruleName = "Monitoring Agent service status" $ruleDescription = "$mmaServiceName must be running on the machine" $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "servicehealth" $ruleGroupName = "VM Service Health Checks" $resultMessageArguments = @() + $mmaServiceDisplayName + $mmaServiceName if(Get-Service -Name $mmaServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceDisplayName service ($mmaServiceName) is running" } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceDisplayName service ($mmaServiceName) is not running" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-MmaEventLogHasNoErrors { $mmaServiceName = "Microsoft Monitoring Agent" $logName = "Operations Manager" $eventId = 4502 $ruleId = "MonitoringAgentServiceEventsCheck" $ruleName = "Monitoring Agent service events" $ruleDescription = "Event Log must not have event 4502 logged in the past 24 hours" $result = $null $reason = "" $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "servicehealth" $ruleGroupName = "VM Service Health Checks" $resultMessageArguments = @() + $mmaServiceName + $logName + $eventId $OpsMgrLogExists = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::Exists($logName); if($OpsMgrLogExists) { $event = Get-EventLog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "Health Service Modules" -After (Get-Date).AddHours(-24) | where {$_.eventID -eq $eventId} if($event -eq $null) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) does not have event $eventId logged in the last 24 hours." } else { $result = "Failed" $reason = "EventFound" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) has event $eventId logged in the last 24 hours. Look at the results of other checks to troubleshoot the reasons." } } else { $result = "Failed" $reason = "NoLog" $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result.$reason" $resultMessage = "$mmaServiceName service Event Log ($logName) does not exist on the machine" } return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-MachineKeysFolderAccess { $folder = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Crypto\\RSA\\MachineKeys" $ruleId = "CryptoRsaMachineKeysFolderAccessCheck" $ruleName = "Crypto RSA MachineKeys Folder Access" $ruleDescription = "SYSTEM account must have WRITE and MODIFY access to '$folder'" $result = $null $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "permissions" $ruleGroupName = "Access Permission Checks" $resultMessageArguments = @() + $folder $User = $env:UserName $permission = (Get-Acl $folder).Access | ? {($_.IdentityReference -match $User) -or ($_.IdentityReference -match "Everyone")} | Select IdentityReference, FileSystemRights if ($permission) { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Have permissions to access $folder" } else { $result = "Failed" $resultMessage = "Missing permissions to access $folder" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-AlwaysAutoRebootEnabled { $ruleId = "AlwaysAutoRebootCheck" $ruleName = "AutoReboot" $ruleDescription = "Automatic reboot should not be enable as it forces a reboot irrespective of update configuration" $result = $null $reason = "" $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings" $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks" $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate\\AU" $rebootEnabledBySchedule = checkRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTime" 1 $rebootEnabledByDuration = getRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTimeMinutes" if ( $rebootEnabledBySchedule -or $rebootEnabledByDuration ) { $result = "PassedWithWarning" $reason = "Auto Reboot is enabled on the system and will interfere with Update Management Configuration passed during runs" $resultMessage = "Windows Update reboot registry keys are set. This can cause unexpected reboots when installing updates" } else { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Windows Update reboot registry keys are not set to automatically reboot" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-AutomaticUpdateEnabled { $ruleId = "AutomaticUpdateCheck" $ruleName = "AutoUpdate" $ruleDescription = "AutoUpdate should not be enabled on the machine" $result = $null $reason = "" $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings" $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks" $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate\\AU" $autoUpdateEnabled = checkRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "AUOptions" 4 if ( $autoUpdateEnabled ) { $result = "PassedWithWarning" $reason = "Auto Update is enabled on the machine and will interfere with Update management Solution" $resultMessage = "Windows Update will automatically download and install new updates as they become available" } else { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Windows Update is not set to automatically install updates as they become available" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } function Validate-WSUSServerConfigured { $ruleId = "WSUSServerConfigured" $ruleName = "isWSUSServerConfigured" $ruleDescription = "Increase awareness on WSUS configured on the server" $result = $null $reason = "" $resultMessage = $null $ruleGroupId = "machineSettings" $ruleGroupName = "Machine Override Checks" $automaticUpdatePath = "HKLM:\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate" $wsusServerConfigured = getRegValue ($automaticUpdatePath) "WUServer" if ( $null -ne $wsusServerConfigured ) { $result = "PassedWithWarning" $reason = "WSUS Server is configured on the server" $resultMessage = "Windows Updates are downloading from a configured WSUS Server $wsusServerConfigured. Ensure the WSUS server is accessible and updates are being approved for installation" $resultMessageArguments = @() + $wsusServerConfigured } else { $result = "Passed" $resultMessage = "Windows Updates are downloading from the default Windows Update location. Ensure the server has access to the Windows Update service" } $resultMessageId = "$ruleId.$result" return New-RuleCheckResult $ruleId $ruleName $ruleDescription $result $resultMessage $ruleGroupId $ruleGroupName $resultMessageId $resultMessageArguments } $validationResults += Validate-OperatingSystem $validationResults += Validate-NetFrameworkInstalled $validationResults += Validate-WmfInstalled Validate-RegistrationEndpointsConnectivity | % { $validationResults += $_ } $validationResults += Validate-OperationsEndpointConnectivity $validationResults += Validate-MmaIsRunning $validationResults += Validate-MmaEventLogHasNoErrors $validationResults += Validate-MachineKeysFolderAccess $validationResults += Validate-TlsEnabled $validationResults += Validate-AlwaysAutoRebootEnabled $validationResults += Validate-WSUSServerConfigured $validationResults += Validate-AutomaticUpdateEnabled if($returnAsJson.IsPresent) { return ConvertTo-Json $validationResults -Compress } else { return $validationResults } |