function Get-TrelloVoteCount { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays tallied votes for one Trello board in either a GridView or DataTable. .DESCRIPTION Displays tallied votes for one Trello board in either a GridView or DataTable, ordered by number of votes desc. Columns listed are list, card, and votes. .PARAMETER Uri The Trello board URL. Use Uri or Id. Example: .PARAMETER Id The Trello board ID. This can be found in the URL of the board after /b. Example: NEerYXUU .PARAMETER List Auto-populated parameter filled with list names from the speified board. Multiple lists are allowed. .PARAMETER ExcludeList Auto-populated parameter filled with list names from the speified board. Multiple excluded lists are allowed. .PARAMETER OutDataTable Return a datatable instead of output and Out-GridView. This is useful if you want to combine the results of multiple boards. .EXAMPLE Get-TrelloVoteCount -Uri This shows the vote count for the public board at the URL listed above in a GridView, ordered by the number of votes per card. .EXAMPLE Get-TrelloVoteCount -Id NEerYXUU -ExcludeList Info This shows the vote count for the public board with the specified ID, but does not display the votes for list named "Info". Output is a GridView, ordered by the number of votes per card. .EXAMPLE Get-TrelloVoteCount -Id NEerYXUU -List Databases, 'Availability Groups' -OutDataTable This shows the vote count for the public board with the specified ID, and only displays the votes for the "Database" and "Availability Groups" lists. Output is a dadtatable, ordered by the number of votes per card. .OUTPUTS GridView or DataTable .NOTES Author: Chrissy LeMaire (@cl), Info: This module was made to help with our own Trello boards and Connect Items, so there's slight hidden customization that you'll see in the code. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'uri', Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Uri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id', Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Id, [switch]$OutDataTable, [Parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$ListLabels ) DynamicParam { if ($id.length -gt 0 -or $uri.length -gt 0) { if ($Uri.length -gt 0) { $Id = $uri.Split("/")[4] } try { $lists = Invoke-RestMethod "$id/lists" -TimeoutSec 2 } catch { $newparams = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $list = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("List", [String[]],$null) $newparams.Add("List", $list) return $newparams } # Reusable parameter setup $newparams = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $attributes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attributes.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets" $attributes.Mandatory = $false $attributes.Position = 2 $attributeCollection = New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attributeCollection.Add($attributes) if ($lists) { $validationset = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute -ArgumentList $ $attributeCollection.Add($validationset) } $List = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("List", [String[]], $attributeCollection) $ExcludeList = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("ExcludeList", [String[]], $attributeCollection) $newparams.Add("List", $List) $newparams.Add("ExcludeList", $ExcludeList) return $newparams } } process { if ($Uri.length -gt 0) { $Id = $uri.Split("/")[4] } if ($OutDataTable -eq $false) { Write-Output "Getting lists" } try { $lists = Invoke-RestMethod "$id/lists" } catch { throw "Board does not exist or you do not have permission to access it. Currently, only public boards are supported." } if ($OutDataTable -eq $false) { Write-Output "Filtering lists" } $list = $PSBoundParameters.List $exclude = $PSBoundParameters.ExcludeList if ($list.count -eq 0) { $lists = $lists.Where{ $_.closed -eq $false -and $ -notin $exclude } } else { $lists = $lists.Where{ $ -in $list } } if ($OutDataTable -eq $false) { Write-Output "Getting cards. This may take a couple seconds." } $cards = Invoke-RestMethod "$id/cards" $cards = $cards.Where{ $_.closed -eq $false -and $ -notin $exclude } $listcount = $lists.count $cardcount = $cards.count $board = Invoke-RestMethod "$id" $boardname = $ $datatable = New-Object System.Data.Datatable $datatable.TableName = "Vote Tally for $boardname" [void]$datatable.Columns.Add("List") [void]$datatable.Columns.Add("Card") [void]$datatable.Columns.Add("Votes", [int]) if ($ListLabels) { [void]$datatable.Columns.Add("Connect") } foreach ($list in $lists) { $listcards = $cards.Where{ $_.idList -eq $ } foreach ($card in $listcards) { if ($card.badges.votes -gt 0) { $row = $, $, $card.badges.votes if ($ListLabels) { $filed = $null if ($card.Labels.color -eq "blue") { $filed = "Filed" } $row += $filed } [void]$datatable.Rows.Add($row) } } } if ($datatable.Rows.Count -gt 0) { $datatable.DefaultView.Sort = "votes DESC" $datatable = $datatable.DefaultView.ToTable() if ($OutDataTable -eq $false) { $datatable | Out-GridView -Title "Vote Tally: $boardname" } else { return $datatable } } else { Write-Output "No votes to display :(" } } } function Get-SsmsVote { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays GridView of votes for the SSMS board at If you use SQL Server Management Studio, come vote! Microsoft is listening. #> Get-TrelloVoteCount -Id 'M9NmFPfv' -ExcludeList 'Info' -ListLabels } function Get-SqlPsVote { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays GridView of votes for the SQLPS board at If you use SQLPS, come vote! Microsoft is listening. #> Get-TrelloVoteCount -Id 'NEerYXUU' -ExcludeList 'Info' -ListLabels } Export-ModuleMember Get-TrelloVoteCount Export-ModuleMember Get-SsmsVote Export-ModuleMember Get-SqlPsVote |