function New-Token { <# .Synopsis Logs into Trello and returns a token that may be used to make calls. .Description Logs into Trello and returns a token that may be used to make calls. Use with other commands to work with private boards .Parameter BoardId The id of the board .Example # Get all cards on a private board $auth = New-TrelloToken -Key abc -AppName "My App" Get-TrelloCardsInBoard -BoardId fDsPBXFt -Token $auth #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )] $Key, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )] $AppName, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, Position=2 )] $Expiration="30days", [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, Position=3 )] [ValidateSet("read","read,write")] $Scope="read" ) begin { function Get-oAuth2AccessToken { <# .Synopsis Retrieves an oAuth 2.0 access token from the specified base authorization URL, client application ID, and callback URL. .Parameter AuthUrl The base authorization URL defined by the service provider. .Parameter ClientId The client ID (aka. app ID, consumer ID, etc.). .Parameter RedirectUri The callback URL configured on your application's registration with the service provider. .Parameter SleepInterval The number of seconds to sleep while waiting for the user to authorize the application. .Parameter Scope A string array of "scopes" (permissions) that your application will be requesting from the user's account. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )] [string]$AuthUrl, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, Position=1 )] [int]$SleepInterval = 2 ) begin { try { # Create the Internet Explorer object $IE = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application $IE.Visible = $true } catch { Write-Error $_ } } process { try { # Navigate to the constructed authorization URL $IE.Navigate($AuthUrl) # Sleep the script for $X seconds until callback URL has been reached # NOTE: If user cancels authorization, this condition will not be satisifed while ($IE.LocationUrl -notmatch ‘token=’) { Write-Debug -Message (‘Sleeping {0} seconds for access URL’ -f $SleepInterval) Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepInterval } # Parse the access token from the callback URL and exit Internet Explorer Write-Debug -Message (‘Callback URL is: {0}’ -f $IE.LocationUrl) [Void]($IE.LocationUrl -match ‘=([\w\.]+)’) $AccessToken = $Matches[1] # Write the access token to the pipeline inside of a HashTable (in case we want to return other properties later) Write-Debug -Message (‘Access token is: {0}’ -f $AccessToken) } catch { Write-Error $_ } Write-Output $AccessToken } end { try { $IE.Quit() } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } } process { $Output = @{} try { [string]$token = Get-oAuth2AccessToken -AuthUrl "$Key&name=$AppName&expiration=$Expiration&scope=$Scope&response_type=token&callback_method=fragment&return_url=" $Output.Add("Token",$token.Replace(' ','')) $Output.Add("AccessKey",$Key) } catch { Write-Error $_ } Write-Output $Output } end { } } Export-ModuleMember New-Token |